Week 6 - 7

This two week was dedicated to go-packaging and diving into debcrafter and gathering information about what the configuration packaging should contain, also how to utilize or not to utilize debmake. I finished my proposal and submitted it. I will be presenting it on week 8, as time didn't allow for everyone to do so.
I have asked for vm on aws which was setup to host the debian repository, currently only available in unstable version.

This week were also where I left the virtualbox and docker container for building packages and moved to digitalocean droplet as both virtualbox and docker were limited when it came to reproducible builds.

Notes on reprepro

Setting up nginx

apt-get update
apt-get install nginx
mv /etc/nginx/sites-available/default /etc/nginx/sites-available/default.bak
touch /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
server {
  listen 80;

  access_log /var/log/nginx/repo-error.log;
  error_log /var/log/nginx/repo-error.log;

  location / {
    root /srv/repos/apt/debian;
    autoindex on;

  location ~ /(.*)/conf {
    deny all;

  location ~ /(.*)/db {
    deny all;

Install reprepo

  1. Install reprepo
apt-get update
apt-get install reprepro
  1. Make a directory for reprepo
mkdir -p /srv/repos/apt/debian
mkdir -p /srv/repos/apt/debian/conf


Origin: Your project name
Label: Your project name
Codename: <osrelease>
Architectures: source i386 amd64
Components: main
Description: Apt repository for project x
SignWith: <key-id>       


basedir /srv/repos/apt/debian

Add/List/Remove a package with reprepo

  1. Create temporary directory
mkdir -p /tmp/debs
cd /tmp/debs
  1. Obtain source
wget https://github.com/Silvenga/examples/raw/master/example-helloworld_1.0.0.0_amd64.deb
wget https://github.com/Silvenga/examples/raw/master/example-helloworld_1.0.0.0_i386.deb
  1. Add packages to your repository
reprepro -b /srv/repos/apt/debian includedeb <distroname> example-helloworld_1.0.0.0_*
  1. List your package
reprepro -b /var/repositories/ list <distroname>
  1. Delete your package
reprepro -b /var/repositories/ remove <distroname> example-helloworld

reprepo test repository

mkdir -p /path/to/testing-repo
mkdir -p /path/to/main-repo/{dists,db,incoming}
mkdir -p /path/to/testing-repo/{dists,db,incoming}

add packages from incoming

  cp /path/to/package1.deb /path/to/main-repo/incoming/
  reprepro -Vb /path/to/main-repo includedeb stretch /path/to/main-repo/incoming/*.deb
  reprepro -Vb /path/to/main-repo update

reprepo package structure

The mkdir -p /path/to/repository/{dists,db,incoming} command creates the main directories for your repository, but you should also create
subdirectories based on the Debian components (such as "main", "contrib", "non-free") and distribution releases
(like "stretch", "buster", "bullseye"). Here's a more detailed explanation of the directory structure:
#+begin_src bash
mkdir -p /path/to/repository/{dists,db,incoming}
mkdir -p /path/to/repository/dists/stretch/main
mkdir -p /path/to/repository/dists/stretch/contrib
mkdir -p /path/to/repository/dists/stretch/non-free

mkdir -p /path/to/repository/dists/buster/main
mkdir -p /path/to/repository/dists/buster/contrib
mkdir -p /path/to/repository/dists/buster/non-free

# Repeat for other distribution releases

adding another way

  reprepro -b /srv/repos/apt/debian includedeb bookworm /home/admin/go-ipa_0.0\~git20230821.c39f2ad-1_amd64.deb
  reprepro export

adding reprepro host to another machine

  wget -O - | apt-key add -
  add-apt-repository "deb bookworm unstable"

Gpg setup for signing with repos (TODO)

Debcrafter questions - answers (TODO)

This is pushed to next week.

Debian reproducible builds

I was working on the Debian way of packaging go-ethereum, which would require all dependent go library to be packaged as a debian package.

Go-Ethereum would bring around 160+ as a dependency, so I don't think this approach will be followed.

Go packaging was added before go modules were present, and looks to be not the way to do the go binaries for the following reasons

  • Packaging more than 160+ per package just for one executable seems overkill
  • Each package has multiple versions
  • Debian packages are not pinning versions, for security reasons and circular dependency reasons we need version pinning
  • Sometimes packages are downloaded, even do they are indirect dependencies
Select a repo