Vprod 10-17-22

upcoming events review

  • 2 weeks left in oct
  • altered evil has some avatars that fits into his lore
  • jin has a ballroom he wants to do a side event in
    • walk in thru history of m3, 2020 exhibit
    • outside gallery needs to be cleaned up
  • tie makers district all together on the street
    • descriptions o each art piece is what goes on to metadata
    • alter to burn NFTs near effiagy
  • jin wants me to let him know what i want to go on thestreet
  • need a bunch of anata clips
    • meeting with team about doing VRM version of anatas
    • m3 grant for anatas to get M3 folks on some paid projects
  • showreel
    • clips being assembled

Makers District 2020

Update to The Street: https://github.com/m3-org/makersdistrict

Maybe have updated gallery outside the ballroom?

Need to work on Anata clips for DAO proposal

Ideas for $ROBOT

  • hold a buncha $ROBOT, entitled to monthly airdrops
    • Different tiers for $ROBOT

7OROY going to fix capsule portal hub home space, mint on m3rcury

Vinny is inheriter of soul estate, leader, caretaker of preserving ecosystem, recognizing undead ecosystem, natural ecosystem, right to exist, don't want them to get out / harm real world

undo evil, evil isnt born its made, can be unmade

background char actors, story logs, giant thorn tree, pricked by thorn -> zombified

action hero tropes want to come in and attack estate, vinnie put into defensive misunderstood position

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