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# Create Elegant C++ Spatial Processing Pipelines in WebAssembly
###### tags: `post`, `itk-wasm`, `webassembly`, `cli11`
###### By: Matt McCormick [![ORCID](https://i0.wp.com/info.orcid.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/orcid_16x16.gif?resize=16%2C16&ssl=1)](https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9475-3756), Mary Elise Dedicke [![ORCID](https://i0.wp.com/info.orcid.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/orcid_16x16.gif?resize=16%2C16&ssl=1)](https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8848-3235), Henry Schreiner [![ORCID](https://i0.wp.com/info.orcid.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/orcid_16x16.gif?resize=16%2C16&ssl=1)](https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7833-783X)
[WebAssembly](https://webassembly.org/)'s origins date back to [Alon Zakai](https://emscripten.org)'s incredible effort to build C++ to JavaScript. In 2015, we demonstrated the power of this technology to make scientific computational sustainable and accessible. [Try it](https://insightsoftwareconsortium.github.io/ITKAnisotropicDiffusionLBR/) -- reproducibility is still possible all these years later, with no installation (or maintenance!) required.
*An interactive, accessible and sustainable open science publication on anisotropic diffusion where C++ is built into JavaScript for browser execution.*
Since that time, Emscripten's capabilities have advanced and been standardized with WebAssembly (Wasm) in the [Web Platform](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_platform). Moreover, Wasm's scope has expanded dramatically with the advent of the [WebAssembly System Interface, WASI](https://github.com/WebAssembly/WASI), and [The Component Model](https://github.com/WebAssembly/component-model).
However, there was a **significant gap** in capabilites for research software developers who aimed to create **data and computationally intense scientific processing pipelines** for applications like spatial analysis and visualization. Namely,
- **An elegant, simple way to write processing pipelines in C++.**
- Handling of non-trivial spatial data structures (Wasm natively only supports integers and floats 😮).
- Easy-to-use, reproducible tools to build Wasm modules.
- Safe and efficient memory handling.
- Parallelism, whether multi-module, multi-threading, or SIMD.
- Provide bindings for the command line and functional interfaces for languages like JavaScript, Typescript, Python, Rust, C#, R, and Java.
- Debugging support.
In this post, adapted from [itk-wasm](https://wasm.itk.org)'s documentation, we provide a C++ Wasm processing pipeline tutorial that demonstrates how we can **write elegant processing pipelines in C++ via itk-wasm's [CLI11](https://github.com/CLIUtils/CLI11) command line parser, which provides a rich feature set with a simple and intuitive interface**. At the end of this tutorial, you will have built and executed C++ code to Wasm for standalone execution on the command line and in the browser.
[*itk-wasm*](https://wasm.itk.org) combines [the Insight Toolkit (ITK)](https://www.itk.org/) and WebAssembly to enable *high-performance spatial analysis* in a web browser, Node.js, and reproducible execution across programming languages and hardware architectures.
[CLI11](https://cliutils.github.io/CLI11/book/) provides all the features you expect in a powerful command line parser, with a beautiful, minimal syntax and no dependencies beyond C++11. itk-wasm enhances CLI11 with a `itk::wasm::Pipeline` wrapper to support efficient execution in multiple Wasm contexts, scientific data structures, and lovely colorized help output 🥰.
Let's get started! 🚀
## 0. Preliminaries
Before starting this tutorial, check out our [Hello Wasm World](https://www.kitware.com/hello-wasm-world/) tutorial.
## 1. Write the code
First, let's create a new directory to house our project.
mkdir hello-pipeline
cd hello-pipeline
Let's write some code! Populate *hello-pipeline.cxx* first with the headers we need:
#include "itkPipeline.h"
#include "itkInputImage.h"
#include "itkImage.h"
The *itkPipeline.h* and *itkInputImage.h* headers come from the itk-wasm *WebAssemblyInterface* [ITK module](https://www.kitware.com/advance-itk-with-modules/).
The *itkImage.h* header is [ITK](https://itk.org)'s standard n-dimensional image data structure.
Next, create a standard `main` C command line interface function and an `itk::wasm::Pipeline`:
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
// Create the pipeline for parsing arguments. Provide a description.
itk::wasm::Pipeline pipeline("hello-pipeline", "A hello world itk::wasm::Pipeline", argc, argv);
The `itk::wasm::Pipeline` extends the [CLI11 modern C++ command line parser](https://github.com/CLIUtils/CLI11). In addition to all of CLI11's functionality, `itk::wasm::Pipeline`'s adds:
- Support for execution in Wasm modules along with command line execution
- Support for spatial data structures such as `Image`, `Mesh`, `PolyData`, and `Transform`
- Support for multiple dimensions and pixel types
- Colored help output
Add a standard CLI11 flag to the pipeline:
itk::wasm::Pipeline pipeline("hello-pipeline", "A hello world itk::wasm::Pipeline", argc, argv);
bool quiet = false;
pipeline.add_flag("-q,--quiet", quiet, "Do not print image information");
Add an input image argument to the pipeline:
pipeline.add_flag("-q,--quiet", quiet, "Do not print image information");
constexpr unsigned int Dimension = 2;
using PixelType = unsigned char;
using ImageType = itk::Image<PixelType, Dimension>;
// Add a input image argument.
using InputImageType = itk::wasm::InputImage<ImageType>;
InputImageType inputImage;
pipeline.add_option("input-image", inputImage,
"The input image")->required()->type_name("INPUT_IMAGE");
The `inputImage` variable is populated from the filesystem if built as a native executable or a WASI binary run from the command line. When running in the browser or in a wrapped language, `inputImage` is read from WebAssembly memory without file IO.
Parse the command line arguments with the `ITK_WASM_PARSE` macro:
pipeline.add_option("InputImage", inputImage,
"The input image")->required()->type_name("INPUT_IMAGE");
If `-q` or `--quiet` is set, the `quiet` variable will be set to `true`. Missing or invalid arguments will print an error and exit. The `-h` and `--help` flags are automatically generated from pipeline arguments to print usage information.
Finally, run the pipeline:
std::cout << "Hello pipeline world!\n" << std::endl;
if (!quiet)
// Obtain the itk::Image * from the itk::wasm::InputImage with `.Get()`.
std::cout << "Input image: " << *inputImage.Get() << std::endl;
Next, provide a [CMake](https://cmake.org/) build configuration in *CMakeLists.txt*:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16)
# Use C++17 or newer with itk-wasm
# We always want to build against the WebAssemblyInterface module.
# WASI or native binaries
# WebAssemblyInterface supports the .iwi, .iwi.cbor itk-wasm format.
# We can list other ITK IO modules to build against to support other
# formats when building native executable or WASI WebAssembly.
# However, this will bloat the size of the WASI WebAssembly binary, so
# add them judiciously.
# ITKImageIO # Adds support for all available image IO modules
find_package(ITK REQUIRED
COMPONENTS ${itk_components}
add_executable(hello-pipeline hello-pipeline.cxx)
target_link_libraries(hello-pipeline PUBLIC ${ITK_LIBRARIES})
## 2. Create and Run WebAssembly binary
[Build the WASI binary](https://www.kitware.com/hello-wasm-world/):
npx itk-wasm@1.0.0-b.70 -i itkwasm/wasi build
And check the generated help output:
npx itk-wasm@1.0.0-b.70 run hello-pipeline.wasi.wasm -- -- --help
![Hello pipeline help](https://i.imgur.com/0MSHMgf.png)
The two `--`'s are to separate arguments for the Wasm module from arguments to the `itk-wasm` CLI and the WebAssembly interpreter.
Try running on an [example image](https://data.kitware.com/api/v1/file/63041ac8f64de9b9501e5a22/download).
> npx itk-wasm@1.0.0-b.65 run hello-pipeline.wasi.wasm -- -- cthead1.png
Hello pipeline world!
Input image: Image (0x2b910)
RTTI typeinfo: itk::Image<unsigned char, 2u>
Reference Count: 1
Modified Time: 54
Debug: Off
Object Name:
Source: (none)
Source output name: (none)
Release Data: Off
Data Released: False
Global Release Data: Off
PipelineMTime: 22
UpdateMTime: 53
RealTimeStamp: 0 seconds
Dimension: 2
Index: [0, 0]
Size: [256, 256]
Dimension: 2
Index: [0, 0]
Size: [256, 256]
Dimension: 2
Index: [0, 0]
Size: [256, 256]
Spacing: [1, 1]
Origin: [0, 0]
1 0
0 1
1 0
0 1
1 0
0 1
Inverse Direction:
1 0
0 1
ImportImageContainer (0x2ba60)
RTTI typeinfo: itk::ImportImageContainer<unsigned long, unsigned char>
Reference Count: 1
Modified Time: 50
Debug: Off
Object Name:
Pointer: 0x2c070
Container manages memory: true
Size: 65536
Capacity: 65536
And with the `--quiet` flag:
> npx itk-wasm@1.0.0-b.65 run hello-pipeline.wasi.wasm -- -- --quiet cthead1.png
Hello pipeline world!
Congratulations! You just executed a C++ pipeline capable of processsing a scientific image in WebAssembly. 🎉
## What's next
We created a processing pipeline that works with real data -- exciting! When creating these pipelines, however, we will sometimes need a more detailed understanding of their execution. In our next post, we will address this need by describing how to debug itk-wasm WASI modules.