Zoom: https://uu-se.zoom.us/j/66409709879
Passcode: 583470
Material: https://uppmax.github.io/programming_formalisms_intro/index.html
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Discussions in general will go here I remind you that these documents will be uploaded to the repository branch that will be created and that the NBIS training code of conduct should be followed. Be respectfull to eachother so you do not edit others posts. Hack md alows for simultaions editing. /Lars Eklund
for me, running in VS on windows, the default terminal was powershell which didn't recognize the command "source". Running in a bash terminal solved the issue.
Q: Have you distributed your software?
Q: Which of these documentations is about input/output descriptions?
Note: UML diagrams can be used to descibe all UML diagrams, the top of introduction diagrams made with Graphviz program, can be viewd as a USECASE diagram with interacting usecases.
Q: Was it possible to render the plantUML directly on GitHub? How?
Q: Is there any Github examples or journals that runs WRF model with this workflow please?
Q: There is a slight inconsistency in the "Create a first version of the python code" type-along. It is suggested to create a directory "Figure", but the "plt.savefig" command saves to a "Figures" folder.
Q: pipx vs venv,virtualenv
Q: What are the differences between using conda and pip to create virtual environment?
Q: When working in HPC, sometimes I use some of the pre-installed modules. Should I be reinstalling these locally in my virtual environment (using up more disk space)? What are the best practices for reproducibility when sharing my code with others (pip freeze wouldn't include globally installed modules right?)