Task: find \(X_1,X_2,Y_1,Y_2\in F_p\) such that
(X_1,X_2,0)\xrightarrow{Hash} (Y_1,Y_2,0)
where Hash is one of function-parameter sets from the challenge list.
Solutions should be sent to Dmitry Khovratovich dmitry.khovratovich@ethereum.org before November 30th 2022.
First come first win.
Within 1 month after the submission the authors should provide a technical report with the attack description, which should be released to the public domain at latest December 1st 2022. The code should be also made public before this date.
All Easy and Medium submissions will be rewarded. Hard bounties are rewarded only till the bounty budget is exhausted.
Total Bounty Budget – 30 ETH.
Bounties are fixed on November 1st 2021.
Category | Parameters | Security Level (bits) | Estimated Attack Cost | Bounty | Real Attack Cost |
Easy | \(N=4,m=3\) | 25 | \(2^{39}\) | $2000 | \(2^{43}\) (4 days) |
Easy | \(N=6,m=2\) | 25 | \(2^{41}\) | $4000 | est. \(2^{53}\) |
Medium | \(N=7,m=2\) | 29 | \(2^{49}\) | $6000 | est. \(2^{62}\) |
Medium | \(N=5,m=3\) | 30 | \(2^{51}\) | $12000 | est. \(2^{57}\) |
Hard | \(N=8,m=2\) | 33 | \(2^{56}\) | $26000 | est. \(2^{72}\) |
Category | Parameters | Security Level (bits) | Estimated Attack Cost | Bounty | Real Attack Cost |
Medium | \(R_P=3\) | 8 | \(2^{40}\) | $2000 | \(2^{26}\) (1 sec) |
Medium | \(R_P=8\) | 16 | \(2^{49}\) | $4000 | \(2^{35}\) (13 min) |
Hard | \(R_P=13\) | 24 | \(2^{58}\) | $6000 | \(2^{44}\) (36 hr) |
Hard | \(R_P=19\) | 32 | \(2^{69}\) | $12000 | est. \(2^{54}\) |
Hard | \(R_P=24\) | 40 | \(2^{77}\) | $26000 | est. \(2^{62}\) |
Category | Parameters | Security Level (bits) | Estimated Attack Cost | Bounty | Real Attack Cost |
OLD | \(r=14\) | 12 | \(2^{24}\) | $6000 | \(2^{33}\) (3 min) |
OLD | \(r=18\) | 15 | \(2^{32}\) | $12000 | \(2^{40}\) (6hr) |
Easy | \(r=22\) | 18 | \(2^{36}\) | $2000 | est. \(2^{47}\) |
Easy | \(r=25\) | 20 | \(2^{40}\) | $4000 | est. \(2^{52}\) |
Medium | \(r=30\) | 24 | \(2^{48}\) | $6000 | est. \(2^{60}\) |
Hard | \(r=35\) | 28 | \(2^{56}\) | $12000 | |
Hard | \(r=40\) | 32 | \(2^{64}\) | $26000 |
Notes on estimated attack cost:
Category | Parameters | \(\log_2(p)\) | Security Level (bits) | Estimated Attack Cost | Bounty | Real Attack Cost |
Easy | \(p=281474976710597\) | 48 | 24 | \(2^{48}\) | $4000 | |
Medium | \(p=72057594037926839\) | 56 | 28 | \(2^{56}\) | $6000 | |
Hard | \(p=18446744073709551557\) | 64 | 32 | \(2^{64}\) | $12000 |
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Syntax | Example | Reference | |
# Header | Header | 基本排版 | |
- Unordered List |
1. Ordered List |
- [ ] Todo List |
> Blockquote | Blockquote |
**Bold font** | Bold font | ||
*Italics font* | Italics font | ||
~~Strikethrough~~ | |||
19^th^ | 19th | ||
H~2~O | H2O | ||
++Inserted text++ | Inserted text | ||
==Marked text== | Marked text | ||
[link text](https:// "title") | Link | ||
![image alt](https:// "title") | Image | ||
`Code` | Code |
在筆記中貼入程式碼 | |
```javascript var i = 0; ``` |
:smile: | Emoji list | ||
{%youtube youtube_id %} | Externals | ||
$L^aT_eX$ | LaTeX | ||
:::info This is a alert area. ::: |
This is a alert area. |
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