Ethereum 222.0 Workshop

Thanks to all in attendance. Getting ~50 people together for a Saturday after a conference is difficult but invaluable. It demonstrates the Ethereum community's commitment to #buidl the decentralized future.

A Telegram channel is available! Join us at sbc19_eth222.

Workshop Notes

All attendees and speakers are encouraged to add their notes to the Eth222 Workshop Notes document.

When: Following SBC 2019

  • Date: Saturday, February 2nd, 2019
  • Time: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM PST


Sapp Center for Science Teaching and Learning
Lecture Hall 114

376 Lomita Drive
Stanford, CA 94305


Morning Presentations

Start End Topic Speaker
10:30am 10:35am Intros Satoshi
10:35am 11:05am Moloch Summoner Ameen Soleimani (CEO Spankchain)
11:05am 11:10am Break
11:10am 11:45am Validator Privacy Mikerah (ChainSafe)
11:45am 12:15pm Wittgenstein Vanessa Bridge (ConsenSys)

Lunch: 45 mins

Afternoon Breakout Sessions

Start End Interop Lead P2P Networking Lead
1:00pm 2:30pm TestNet launch Zak Cole (WhiteBlock) Peer Discovery Robert Zajac & Alex Haynes (py-libp2p)
2:30pm 3:30pm Wire Protocol Antoine Toulme (ConsenSys) Peer Routing TBD

Wrap Up

Start End Topic
3:30pm 4:00pm Session Takeaways

Registration is free, but limited to the first 60

Click Here to register on EventBright


  • Ethereum 2.0 education and exposure
  • TestNet - Let's come up with a solid plan to reach client interoperability
  • Technical discussion on unresolved topics.

Notes from sessions:

Moloch Summoner - Ameen Soleimani:

Validator Privacy - Mikerah

Wittgenstein -


Wire Protocol

Peer Discovery


Possible Topics

Here is an incomplete list of topics. We will need volunteers to lead individual sessions. With the possible exception of the ELI5 list, don't feel like you have to be an expert on the topic to lead the discussion. Asking questions is a great way to encourage discussion. The only requirement is that you are comfortable being uncomfortable.


These topics are intended to shed light on details of the ETH2.0 spec, design choices, etc:

  • Ethereum 2.0 Overview
    • Lead by Cem Ozer (ConsenSys) and Akhila Raju (ConsenSys)
  • Ethereum 2.0 Design Goals
    • Liveness
    • Security
    • Simplicity
    • Decentralization
    • Longevity
  • BLS Signatures


The end of March is the (stretch) goal for client interop on a testnet. We need a solid plan in place if that deadline is going to be met. In the meantime, there are still some important issues that need to be addressed. We would really like to have some OGs/EthMagicians participate in these topics:

  • Preparing for TestNet launch
    • Lead by Zak Cole (WhiteBlock)
  • Wire Protocol
    • Lead by Antoine Toulme (ConsenSys)
  • Integration Tests

Other Topics:

Interesting/unresolved topics that could benefit from us sitting around a whiteboard and thinking of ideas. No guarantees that anything is solved, but we can at least walk away with a better understanding of the issues.

  • Crowdfunding Ethereum 2
    • Lead by Ameen Soleimani (CEO Spankchain)
  • Validator Anonymity
    • Lead by Mikerah (ChainSafe)
  • Peer Discovery
  • Peer Routing
  • Preventing/discouraging validators from censoring new validator registrations
  • How to deal with legal issues that conflict with the protocol (injunction, seizure, forfeiture, etc)
  • Discouraging centralization by making staking easier with commodity hardware and basic connectivity

Volunteer & Help Out!

  1. A venue. We live in Texas so we need some help from locals on this. I believe that the SV Ethereum Meetup was interested in co-hosting this event so they (you know who you are) might be able to secure a venue if we can't get one at the university. If you are a Stanford Alum (Joseph Chow?) or happen to have 8x10 glossies of someone that could grant this request, then please let us know. Thanks to Joseph Chow (ConsenSys) and Albert Ni (Ethereum Foundation) for coming through with a venue at Stanford University, this wouldn't have happened without either of them.

  2. Volunteers to lead breakout sessions. Please don't be shy on this one. You don't need to have all the answers, but some knowledge of the topic (or the ability to ask the right questions) is sufficient.

Contact one of us on Twitter:

Or just edit this document directly!

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