Project management

✅ COMPLETED S3 Phase I - Document onboarding
0) Kickoff: have a meeting with interested persons to kick off raid and align, decide accountability, commitment and roles,

  1. Finish FAQ: get @zberwaldt's questions answered,
  2. Compile: everything onboarding onto the notion under sections
  3. Confirm the best way to present phase I information
  4. Provide MVP value: Create something quick and prone to change (notion under sections with a 5 mins, 30 mins and jack me to the radiator versions - confirm at meeting).
    4A) Get feedback from members and incorporate

✅ do some research on quest bots, engage contacts who have done this before, see what the guild has planned, see if we need technical help or to build a bot-maker
✅ write content, incorporating step 4 into a user journey

IN PROGRESS S4 Phase II - Productize content 🤖
3) Set up kanban board
4) Create more detailed overview
* Who is the main user?
* Who is going to set up the bot?
* What are the actions being taken?
5) Decide drop dead stupid MVP: decide the best achievable UX for this information, be it a bot, an FAQ section on a hackMD, a playbook, a medium article, all of the above
6) create a gamified story driven cohort onboarding , (e.g. pick your own adventure style.)
6B) incorporate content into bot
7) test bot
8) review bot with experienced cohort member
9) ship bot! 🤖
10) demon slain!! :molochsoldier:
11) Ongoing - someone to incorporate feedback we get about bot in successive iterations

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