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# 演算法 - 荊宇泰 (2022 Fall)
###### tags: `NYCU-2022-Fall`
## Class info.
One midterm exam, one final exam (70% of final score).
At most 3 programming assignments, some homework (reading assignments), and some quizs.
color: red;
## Date
### 9/16
### 9/23
In Computer Science, computer algorithms defined under the [Random Access Machine (RAM) model](https://www.twblogs.net/a/5ba2930a2b71771a4da9b53e). RAM, Random Access Machine, there are finite number of instructions, $+, -, *, ...$.
These instructions are basic enough (assembly language of X86).
> 在隨機存取圖靈機上,多了一個特殊的指針磁帶,大小是對數空間,字母是二進位單字(0和1)。圖靈機有一個特殊的狀態(state),當指到這個狀態而指針磁帶的數字(二進位)是’p’時,圖靈機會將工作磁帶上面的指針移動到輸入的第p個符號。
**Correctness of algorithm doesn’t imply the correctness of the program.**
**Calculate the number of operations required and present the time required as <span class="red">a function of the input size.</span>**
Worst case, each time you have a key which is smallest among the previous sorted list, and thus you have to compare all.
**Generally follow the worst case convention.**
* [Program to find the second smallest element in an array](https://www.faceprep.in/c/find-the-second-smallest-element-in-an-array/)
Θ-Notation, asymptotic tight bound
Given a function $g(n), Θ(g(n))$ is the set of functions, $Θ(g(n)) = \{f (n) \ | \ ∃ \ positive \ constants \ c_1, c_2, and \ n_0 \ s.t. \ 0 ≤ c_1 · g(n) ≤ f (n) ≤ c_2 · g(n), ∀n > n_0\}$
### 9/30
$\theta(n^2) \ \newcommand*\xor{\oplus} \ \rm{O}(n^2) \rightarrow \theta(n^2)$
**Insertion Sort**
**Selection Sort**
**Binary Search**
``` c
// g++ cpp-binary-search.cpp -o a.out -std=c++11
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
int binary_search(const vector<int> &data, int key) {
int low = 0;
int high = data.size()-1;
while (low <= high) {
int mid = int((low + high) / 2);
if (key == data[mid])
return mid;
else if (key > data[mid])
low = mid + 1;
high = mid - 1;
return -1;
int main() {
vector<int> data = {1, 9, 2, 7, 4, 10, 3, 8, 5, 6};
int key = 7;
sort(data.begin(), data.end());
for (auto &i : data)
cout << i << " ";
cout << "\n";
int ret = binary_search(data, key);
if (ret == -1)
cout << "找不到\n";
cout << "找到索引值" << ret << "\n";
**Merge Sort**
Divide and Conquer
**Divide and Conquer**
==Homework assignment: [Prove the master theorm in the book](https://www.overleaf.com/read/bzczxcgmqyjk)
(check between simplified master theorem) $LaTex \rightarrow Overleaf$==
**Quick Sort**
only Divide
*Quick Sort Pseudocode*
if p < r
q = PARTITION(A, p, r)
QUICKSORT(A, p, q - 1)//老師投影片寫q而非q-1
QUICKSORT(A, q + 1, r)
x = A[r]
i = p - 1
for j = p to r - 1
if A[j] <= x
i = i + 1
exchange A[i] with A[j]
exchange A[i+1] with A[r]
return i + 1
**Quick Sort provement**
可以設定當subproblem的長度小於x時使用insertion sort
以及為了減少worst case的發生 (T(n)=T(n-1)+n) => O(n^2))
使用Randomized Quick Sort隨機切分成兩個subproblem
例如T(n)=T(n/4)+T(3n/4)+n => O(nlogn)
但這方法仍可能有worst case
**Analysis of Quick Sort**
用Random Variable
### 10/7
Complete binary tree:
Full binary tree + leaf全靠左
**Heap Sort**
**Counting Sort**
**Radix Sort**
針對一堆整數,從最小位數到最小位數做Counting Sort
*prove by induction:*
induction on digit(位數)
假設後面i位都排好,考慮i+1位時,若兩筆資料大小不一樣則排序完成,否則兩筆資料一樣,則根據Counting Sort是stable的特性,後面i位數也都會是排好的。
**[Largest Gap in an array](https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/largest-gap-in-an-array/)** $O(N)$
非max-gap,關於min-gap/max-gap在Other Problem
``` python
# A python 3 program to find largest gap between
# two elements in an array.
# function to solve the given problem
def solve(a, n):
min1 = a[0]
max1 = a[0]
# finding maximum and minimum of an array
for i in range ( n):
if (a[i] > max1):
max1 = a[i]
if (a[i] < min1):
min1 = a[i]
return abs(min1 - max1)
# Driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":
arr = [ -1, 2, 3, 4, -10 ]
size = len(arr)
print("Largest gap is : " ,solve(arr, size))
# This code is contributed by chitranayal
==Homework assignment: **[Leetcode K closet pair in $\rm{O}(nlogn)$](https://aaronice.gitbook.io/lintcode/sweep-line/closest-pair-of-points)**==
==Using C/C++ as language==
### 10/14
**[Selection Problem](https://hackmd.io/6H8LszSiTBW7GGu7ZjimRw#Selection-problem)**
==[Homework assignment: Prove un-used nodes always more than used nodes](http://ms.ntub.edu.tw/~spade/teaching/x-DS2005/Chapter-4.pdf)==
CLRS answer
- Tree
- Binary search tree
- High balanced tree
- AVL tree
- Red-Black tree
- 2-3 tree or 2-3-4 tree
**期中考11月第一周 (11/4)**
### 10/21
* 2-3-4 tree vs red black tree
One disadvantage for using 2-3-4 tree is that there will have lots of nodes which are unused.
Waste memory, comparing with red balck tree.
* Concatenable queue
This data structure can execute concatenate() and split() in O(logn)
* Advanced Design and analysis techniques
* Dynamic Programming
* Greedy Approach
* Amortized Analysis
Development of the dynamic programming algorithm is broken into
a sequence of 4 steps.
1. Characterize **<span class="red">the structure of an optimal solution.</span>**
2. Recursively define the value of an optimal solution.
3. Compute the value of an optimal solution in the bottom-up fashion.
4. Construct an optimal solution from computed information.
* Dynamic Programming
* [Assembly Line Scheduling](https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/assembly-line-scheduling-dp-34/)
* [Rod Cutting Problem](https://hackmd.io/6H8LszSiTBW7GGu7ZjimRw#Rod-cutting)
* Matrix Chain Multiplication
* Longest Common Subsequence
* Optimal Polygon Triangulation
#### Random Variable
The hiring problem
#### Other Problem
[花花酱 LeetCode 164. Maximum Gap](https://zxi.mytechroad.com/blog/difficulty/hard/leetcode-164-maximum-gap/)
### 11/11
**Greedy Algorithm**
- Huffman Code
**[Amortized Analysis](https://hackmd.io/6H8LszSiTBW7GGu7ZjimRw#Amortized-analysis)**
- ==[Amortized Analysis 介紹](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kShuBNlXQ8M)==
- [Fibonacci Heap](https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/teaching/1415/Algorithms/fib2.pdf)
**Homework 03 Table Expansion and Contraction proof**
原文書 17.4 Dynamic tables
[some info.](http://www.iiitdm.ac.in/old/Faculty_Teaching/Sadagopan/pdf/ADSA/amortized-analysis-part-2.pdf)
[some powerpoint](http://www.cs.bilkent.edu.tr/~ugur/teaching/cs473/material/lecture12-b.pdf)
### 11/18
**[Union and Find](https://hackmd.io/6H8LszSiTBW7GGu7ZjimRw#Definition1)**
* Homework assignment
**[Binomial Heap / Fibonacci Heap](https://hackmd.io/6H8LszSiTBW7GGu7ZjimRw#Difference-between-Binomial-heap-and-Fibonacci-heap)**
# 期末整理
**期末考 (12/30)**
2. (b)(c)Union and Find https://haogroot.com/2021/01/29/union_find-leetcode/
5. https://hackmd.io/@birdsAREnotREAL/S1XJDShhF#Minimum-vertex-cover
6. (a) https://aaronice.gitbook.io/lintcode/sweep-line/closest-pair-of-points
6. (b) https://github.com/eyny/closest-pair-3d
## Greedy algorithm
- Dynamic programming: A sequence of choices, carefully make choice.
- Greedy approach: Make choice that looks the best at the moment, and it leads to optimal solution.
### [Activity-Selection problem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Activity_selection_problem)
* Goal: To select a maximum-size set of mutually compactable activities
* Given a set $S = \{1, 2, . . . , n\}$ of $n$ proposed activities that wish to use a resource.
* Each activitiy $i$ has a start time $s_i$ and a finish time $f_i$, $s_i < f_i$, $([s_i, f_i))$.
#### Dynamic Programming approach
- Define $\mathcal{S}_{i, j} = \{ a_k \in \mathcal{S} \ | \ f_i \lt s_k \lt f_k \le s_j \}$
- $\mathcal{S}_{i, j}$ a subset of activities in $\mathcal{S}$, which start after $a_i$ finishes, and finish before $a_j$ starts
- $\mathcal{S}_{i, j}$ consists of all activities
- Add activities $a_0$ and $a_{n + 1}$, $f_0$ = 0, $s_{n+1} = \infty$
- Suppose that activities are sorted. $f_0 \le f_1 \le ... \le f_n \le f_{n + 1}$, then $\mathcal{S}_{i, j} = \emptyset$ when $i \ge j$.
- Thus we are looking for a maximum-size subset of mutually compatible activities
- ==**The substructure of the optimal solution**==
- For a non-empty subproblem $\mathcal{S}_{i, j}$
- Suppose a solution to $\mathcal{S}_{i, j}$ includes $a_k$, $f_i \le s_k \lt f_k \le s_j$
- Using $a_k$ generate 2 subproblems $\mathcal{S}_{i, k}$ and $\mathcal{S}_{k, j}$
- So we'll change the solution for $\mathcal{S}_{i, j}$ to both $\mathcal{S}_{i, k}$ and $\mathcal{S}_{k, j} + 1$ (for $a_k$)
- Furthermore solutions to $\mathcal{S}_{i, k}$ and $\mathcal{S}_{k, j}$ must be optimal
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/Bhs3h7P.png">
#### Theorem
Consider a nonempty subproblem $\mathcal{S}_{i, j}$ with earliest finish time $f_m = \min \{ f_k \ | \ a_k \in \mathcal{S}_{i, j}\}$. Then
1. Activity $a_m$ is used in some maximum-size subset of mutually compatible activities of $\mathcal{S}_{i, j}$
2. The subproblem $\mathcal{S}_{i, m}$ is empty, such that choosing $a_m$ leaves the subproblem $\mathcal{S}_{m, j}$ as the only one that may not be empty.
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/9tS3Pf6.png">
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/lkiLxJi.png">
#### Greedy approach
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/MtJboC9.png">
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/4wscOzL.png">
### Knapsack problem
- 0-1 (whole or nothing) knapscak can not be solved using greedy approach.
- fractional knapsack (can take a fraction), compute the “value per pound”, $\frac{v_i}{w_i}$, greedy approach calculates the optimal solution.
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/vcfUtFa.png">
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/t4PlpID.png">
### Huffman Code
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/ni7BbiG.png" width=80%>
* Cost of the tree: $B(T) = \sum_{c \in C} f(c)d_{T}(c)$
* $d_T(c)$ is the depth of the leaf representating $c$
* $f(c)$ is the frequency of osccuring of $c$
#### Prefix Code
- No codeword is a prefix of some other codewords.
- It can be shown that in optimal data compression, code is prefix code.
#### Proof of the Greedy Choice Property
#### Proof of the Optimal substructure property
## Amortized Analysis
* Time required to perform a sequence of n operations to a data structure.
* In the sequence of operations, some cost a lot, some do not.
* Amortized cost is to calculate the total cost for a sequence of $n$ operations, then take the average by dividing $n$.
[CLRS with notes](https://hackmd.io/6H8LszSiTBW7GGu7ZjimRw#Amortized-analysis)
[YT Course](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kShuBNlXQ8M)
### Aggregate Method
Determine an upper bound $T(n)$ for $n$ operations. Amortized cost is $\frac{T(n)}{n}$.
### Accounting Method
* Determine an amrotized cost for each operation.
* Some operations are over charged, “pre-paid cost”.
* Prepaid credit should cover the cost for operations that are less charged.
### Potential Method
* The credit is maintained as “Potential Energy” associated with the data structure.
* The data structure should always have positive potential.
* Start with an initial data structure $D_0$
* $n$ operations are performed
* $c_i$ is the actual cost for operation $i$.
* $D_i$ is the data structure after applying operation $i$ to $D_{i−1}$.
* A potential function $\Phi$ maps each data structure $D_i$ to a real number $\Phi(D_i)$.
* Amortized cost $\hat{c}_i$ of the $i$th operation, which $\hat{c}_i = c_i + \Phi(D_i) - \Phi(D_{i-1})$
* The total amortized cost of $n$ operations is
\sum_{i=1}^n \hat{c}_i & =\sum_{i=1}^n\left(c_i+\Phi\left(D_i\right)-\Phi\left(D_{i-1}\right)\right) \\
& =\sum_{n=1}^n c_i+\Phi\left(D_n\right)-\Phi\left(D_0\right)
* if $\Phi(D_n) \gt \Phi(D_0)$ then total amortized cost $\sum_{i=1}^n \hat{c}_i$ is an upper bound.
* if $\Phi(D_i) \lt \Phi(D_0) \forall i$ then we guarantee that the prepaid can cover the later.
* if $\Phi(D_0) = 0$, we only need to argue $\Phi(D_i) \ge 0$
### ==Stack operation==
#### Aggregate method
1. Assume that we start with an empty stack, a better bound can be derived.
2. At most $O(n)$ PUSHES, the number of POPS and MULTIPOPS can only less than the number of PUSHES
3. So the total cost is $O(n)$, amortized cost is $\frac{O(n)}{n} = O(1)$.
#### Accounting Method
1. Give the amortized cost, PUSH=2, POP=0, MULTIPOP=0.
2. Each operation will be paid for 1 dollar.
So I prepay 2 dollars to the person move plates to the stack.
3. The person who moves the plate out of the stack takes that dollar.
4. Every one gets his one dollar, amortized cost is $O(1)$, so the total cost $< 2n$.
#### Potential Method
1. Define $\Phi$ on a stack, "the number of objects in the stack", $\Phi(D_i) \ge 0$.
2. Start with an empty $\Phi(D_0) = 0$, $\Phi$ is an upper bound on the actual cost.
3. Now the amortized cost for various stack operations, assume that the $i$ operation on a stack containing $s$ objects
### Incrementing a Binary Counter
#### Aggregate method
* Implement a $k$-bit binary counter.
#### Accounting Method
* Charge amortized cost 2 dollars to change from 0 to 1.
* One of the two dollars is for changing from 0 to 1 and the other is for changing back from 1 to 0 (to reset).
* So the amortized cost for incrementing operation takes at most 2 dollars.
#### Potential Method
* Q: $\Phi(D_0) = 0 \ ?$
* A: Since the potential function represent the number of 1, such that $\Phi(D_0)=0$
* Q: $\Phi(D_i) \ge 0, \forall i \ ?$
* A: Based on the definition of potential function
### Dynamic Table
* Store objects into a table, but we don’t know the number of objects will be inserted.
* When the table is full, we need to expand the table, which the loading factor $\alpha(T) = 1$.
* When there are many free slots, we need to contract the table.
* The loading factor $\alpha(T)$ of the table, number of items in the table divided by the table size.
#### Table Expansion, while inserting ith item
* Definition *size[T]*: size of the table, *num[T]*: number of items in the table.
* if *num[T]* = *size[T]*, we allocate a new table of size = 2*size[T]*, copy every item to the new table, then insert the *i*th item into the new table, otherwise we just insert the *i*th item.
* Cost
* if expansion, *size[T]* +1
* if no expansion, 1
##### Aggregate Method
##### Accounting Method
* 1 dollar for the insertion, 1 prepaid dollar for moving itself in the next expansion, the last prepaid dollars is to help the other one (one of the “seniors”) in the next expansion.
#### Potential Method
**Table Expansion**
* $\Phi(T) = 2 \cdot num[T] - size[T]$, and $\Phi(T) = 0$ after expansion.
* Table is always at least half-full, so $\Phi(T)$ always greater than 0.
If the ith operation trigger expansion, the $size_i = 2 \cdot size_{i-1}$
and $size_{i-1} = num_{i-1} = num_{i} - 1$, which implies that $size_i = 2 \cdot (num_i - 1)$
$\begin{aligned} \hat{c}_i & =c_i+\Phi_i-\Phi_{i-1} \\
& =\text { num }_i+\left(2 \cdot \text { num }_i-\text { size }_i\right)-\left(2 \cdot \text { num }_{i-1}-\text { size }_{i-1}\right) \\
& =\text { num }_i+\left(2 \cdot \text { num }_i-\left(2 \text { num }_i-2\right)\right)-\left(2\left(\text { num }_i - 1 \right)-\left(\text { num }_i-1\right)\right) \\
& =\text { num }_i+2-\left(\text { num }_i-1\right) \\
& =3 .\end{aligned}$
**Table Expansion and Contraction**
* If we contract the table when the number of objects is less than half of the table size, loading factor is no less than 1/2.
* Contraction: halve the size of the table when a deletion causes the loading factor below 1/4.
* Loading factor: $\alpha[T] = \frac{num[T]}{size[T]}$
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/r8d4xw1.png">
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/f2AHbyc.png">
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/mNm78ia.png">
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/URjcxl5.png">
## MergeableHeaps
### Properties of binomial trees (provement)
* There are $2^k$ nodes.
* The height of the tree is $k$
* There are exactly $\begin{pmatrix} k \\ i \end{pmatrix}$ (binomial coefficient) nodes at depth $i$ for $i = 0,1, ..., k$
* The root has degree $k$, which is greater than that of any other node; moreover if the children of the root are numbered from left to right by $k − 1, k − 2, . . . , 0$, child $i$ is the root of the subtree $B_i$.
* The maximum degree of any node in an $n$-node binomial tree is $\log n$
$\Rightarrow$ Proof Immediate from Properties 1 and 4 of previous lemma.
### ==Binomial Heap==
* The root of a min-heap-ordered tree contains the smallest key.
* An n-node binomial heap H consists of at most $\lfloor \log n \rfloor + 1$ binomial trees.
* A node x has a pointers *p[x]* to its parent, *child[x]* to its leftmost child, and *sibling[x]* to the sibling of x immediately to its right, a field *degree[x]*, which is the number of children of x.
### Fibonacci heap
[YT Course](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2v6SwOvB_M)
* Inserting a node
* Uniting two Fibonacci heaps
* Extracting the minimum node
* Decreasing a key
* Fib-Heap-Delete amortized time is $O(\log n)$
> To prove the $\log n$ upper bound becomes not trival
## ==Union and Find==
[CLRS Notes](https://hackmd.io/@birdsAREnotREAL/HJJ9LKoYK#Chapter-21)
### Prove the Time Bound (Amortized Analysis)
* Potential Function $\Phi_q(x)$, assigned to each node *x* in the disjoint-set forest after *q* operations.
* If x is a tree root after the *q*th operation or if *rank*[x] = 0, then $\Phi_q(x) = \alpha(n) \cdot$ *rank*[*x*].
## ==Graph==
* [Graph CLRS Note](https://hackmd.io/@birdsAREnotREAL/HJJ9LKoYK#Chapter-22)
* [Minimum Spanning Tree CLRS Note](https://hackmd.io/@birdsAREnotREAL/HJJ9LKoYK#Chapter-23)
## Sorting Network
A comparator, a comparison is done in constant time.
* Our goal in this chapter: Design Sorter[n]: a sorter (a sorting network) that sorts n numbers.
### Zero-One Principle
### Bitonic Sorting Network
### ==Merging Network==
## NP
[Select Topics Note](https://hackmd.io/@birdsAREnotREAL/S1XJDShhF#NP)
* Decision problem
* Hamilton cycle
* 3-SAT
* ==Vertex Cover==
# Reference
[筆記 1](https://hackmd.io/6H8LszSiTBW7GGu7ZjimRw)
[筆記 2](https://hackmd.io/n6_TQzFUSICCdE5Uvpy-jQ)