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Syntax | Example | Reference | |
# Header | Header | 基本排版 | |
- Unordered List |
1. Ordered List |
- [ ] Todo List |
> Blockquote | Blockquote |
**Bold font** | Bold font | ||
*Italics font* | Italics font | ||
~~Strikethrough~~ | |||
19^th^ | 19th | ||
H~2~O | H2O | ||
++Inserted text++ | Inserted text | ||
==Marked text== | Marked text | ||
[link text](https:// "title") | Link | ||
 | Image | ||
`Code` | Code |
在筆記中貼入程式碼 | |
```javascript var i = 0; ``` |
:smile: | ![]() |
Emoji list | |
{%youtube youtube_id %} | Externals | ||
$L^aT_eX$ | LaTeX | ||
:::info This is a alert area. ::: |
This is a alert area. |
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some basic html syntax to help format your text
- The image file may be corrupted
- The server hosting the image is unavailable
- The image path is incorrect
- The image format is not supported
Learn More →Once you finish typing your article, the finishing touches are very important. This makes your article/blog look more attractive to the reader and more matured. sometimes, using very good fonts makes the reader understand what you are really trying to explain in your article. The act of you trying to beautify your text and adding good fonts is called formating. creating an article with good formating draws the readers attention more and also enhance the readability of your article.
in this article, i would be pointing out some html syntax you can use in steemit to format your text. this would definatly help you present your article to the community proffesionally.
A paragraph is the joining together a group of closely related sentence to form an idea. So, in writting an article, you are trying to share an idea with the community which means you have to start with a paragraph. The html syntax to start a paragrahph is shown in the image below
- The image file may be corrupted
- The server hosting the image is unavailable
- The image path is incorrect
- The image format is not supported
Learn More →quotation
This is used to sometimes reference someones words or used when trying to repeat a word of another person. We can easily say when trying to make reference to another article. The syntax to use is in the image below.
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- The server hosting the image is unavailable
- The image path is incorrect
- The image format is not supported
Learn More →quotation is something very important you have to take note of when writing a blog/article. When trying to make reference to another article, you have to enquote it to show that they are not your words or writing and that you are making reference to another post. Not enquoting a text that are not yours may be seen as plagiarism and your post could be flaged for that.
<blockquote>"Insert text here"</blockquote>
Looks like this:
Wrap text around an image
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- The server hosting the image is unavailable
- The image path is incorrect
- The image format is not supported
Learn More →This syntax is used to wrap a text around an image just as shown in the screenshot below
The following example taken from @inquiringtimes's blog. click here to view.
<div class="pull-left"><img src="https://www.sec.gov/files/sec-logo.png" /></div>
Basically, the SEC is a United States Governing body which "protects investors". Like it or not, it is best to pay attention to what they say, because their decisions effect all of us in the Crypto world. Partially, because they can restrict the freedoms of American citizens. They can also go after foreign entities which violate their standards if they trade in the United States. It will likely be a big opportunity for cryptos who <em>do</em> register with the SEC.
looks like this:
- The image file may be corrupted
- The server hosting the image is unavailable
- The image path is incorrect
- The image format is not supported
Learn More →Basically, the SEC is a United States Governing body which "protects investors". Like it or not, it is best to pay attention to what they say, because their decisions effect all of us in the Crypto world. Partially, because they can restrict the freedoms of American citizens. They can also go after foreign entities which violate their standards if they trade in the United States. It will likely be a big opportunity for cryptos who do register with the SEC.
Centratlizing text
<center> Your text in here </center>
Looks like this:
For sometimes now, i have been using hackmd.io to edit my article before posting to the steemit community. A very big thank you to @inquiringtimes who told me about this tool. The hackmd.io is an online tool which is used to edit your text in html and also for colaboration, this simply means that two (2) or more users can edit an article simultaniously in real time.
This is what i do to help new users edit there article before submiting it to the community. This is my own way of helping others in the community. so, feel free to contact me anytime in discord channel if you need any help.
- The image file may be corrupted
- The server hosting the image is unavailable
- The image path is incorrect
- The image format is not supported
Learn More →A screenshot of what hackmd.io looks like
- The image file may be corrupted
- The server hosting the image is unavailable
- The image path is incorrect
- The image format is not supported
Learn More →- The image file may be corrupted
- The server hosting the image is unavailable
- The image path is incorrect
- The image format is not supported
Learn More →- The image file may be corrupted
- The server hosting the image is unavailable
- The image path is incorrect
- The image format is not supported
Learn More →- The image file may be corrupted
- The server hosting the image is unavailable
- The image path is incorrect
- The image format is not supported
Learn More →Reference and Futher reading
You may want to read also
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