Gluster Community Meeting - 12-05-2020

Previous Meeting minutes:

Date/Time: Check the community calendar



Name (#gluster-dev alias) - company

  • Sunny (sunny) - Red Hat
  • Hari Gowtham (hgowtham) - Red Hat
  • Rinku Kothiya (rinku) - Red Hat
  • Shwetha Acharya (sacharya) - Red Hat
  • Sunil Kumar Acharya - Red Hat
  • Csaba Henk - Red Hat
  • Amar - Kadalu.IO [Joined late]
  • Aravinda - Kadalu.IO [Joined late]
  • sankarshan - Kadalu.IO [Joined late]

User stories


  • Project metrics:
Metrics Value
Coverity 59
Clang Scan 58
Test coverage 71.0
New Issues in last 14 days

Gluster User Queries in last 14 days 14
Total Github issues 756

[Sunil] how to improve
[Sunny] Clang is running on gcc9. expect it to upgrade to gcc10. Most of these are false positives. With gcc10 expecting this to go down.
[Sunil] can we have an issue to track this?
[Sunny] Coverity is the same. When a new issue is raised, Sunny is reaching out to the owner of the concern patch owner to take a look. 30 to 40 are false positives. Reached out to coverity devs and they said they will look into false positive but no update from them.
[Sunil] rest 50%'s status
[Sunny] few are assigned and around 10 or 15 will be genuine issues. This is a good number for a ope source project.
[Sunil]test coverage
[Sunny] have sent out a mail. A few test cases for snapshot, glusterfind(might not contribute as its in python), afr from pranith are sent.
[hari] raising questions as issues with users has to be taken care of.
[sunny] send out a mail for the same.

  • Any release updates?

  • Blocker issues across the project?

    • There is a crash with open-behind. First patch has missed a corner case, Xavi is looking into it.
  • Notable thread form mailing list

    • same as in user stories

Conferences / Meetups

  • COVID-19 has impacted the events!

GlusterFS - v8.0 and beyond

  • discussed above

Developer focus

Component status

  • Arbiter - Nil
  • AFR - Nil
  • DHT - Nil
  • EC - Nil
  • DOC - backporting docs need to be worked on
  • Geo Replication - [Sunny] nothing major, issues with SElinux being enabled has resulted in few issues and Have sent a few patches to fix it. [Aravinda] updating doc on non-root geo rep.
  • Glusterd - Nil
  • thin-arbiter - Nil

Flash Talk Gluster

  • Nil

Recent Blog posts / Document updates

  • Need to update the how to backport part.
  • Need to check with infra team about planet gluster not reflecting the blogs about gluster.

Gluster Friday Five


  • Who will host next meeting?
  • Sunny has volunteered.
    • Host will need to send out the agenda 24hr - 12hrs in advance to mailing list, and also make sure to send the meeting minutes.
    • Host will need to reach out to one user at least who can talk about their usecase, their experience, and their needs.
    • Host needs to send meeting minutes as PR to
    • Host has to send the meeting minutes as a mail to the gluster-devel and gluster-users list.


  • Who will take notes from the next meeting?


  • [Sunil] Do we support cento8 and gluster?
    • [sankarshan] Please highlight the concerns on the mailing list. The developers who do the manual testing can review and provide their assessment on where the project stands
    • We do have packages, how are we testing it?
  • [Sunil] Centos8 regression is having issues and are not being used for regression testing.
  • [Hari] For packages, Shwetha and Sheetal are manually testing the bits with centos8. Basics works fine. But this testing isn't enough
  • send out a mail to sort this out
  • [Amar] Kadalu 0.7 release based on GlusterFS 7.5 has been recently released (Release Blog:

Action Items on host

  • Check-in Minutes of meeting for this meeting
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