EPF-Week 6 Updates

Hi folks, This is my week 6 updates!

  1. Got pretty positive feedback on my PEPC-Boost designs and given the greenlight by all my mentors to start the implementation of PEPC-Boost!
  2. Started working on improving the relay-specs in flashbots
  3. Started implementing PEPC-Boost and successfully implemented a FULL_BLOCK commitment.
  4. Started using kurtosis eth2-package to rapidly develop PEPC-Boost. I also ended up contributing a PR to kurtosis eth2-package!

Project Work

I submitted the design of PEPC-Boost to my mentors who gave positive feedback and suggested to being implementing it.

I began implementing and implemented a FULL_BLOCK proposer commitment in PEPC-Boost first which essentially matches the status quo where the builder just builds a block of the highest value it possibly can and sends it to the relay. The proposer picks the highest value block out of all relayers.

The PRs can be found here along with the system they were coded in:
Pepc-Boost-Builder: https://github.com/bharath-123/pepc-boost-builder/compare/mainbharath-123:pepc-boost-builder:pepc-boost-impl
PEPC-Boost-Relayer: https://github.com/bharath-123/pepc-boost-relay/pull/1
Prysm: https://github.com/bharath-123/prysm/pull/1
Go builder client: https://github.com/bharath-123/go-builder-client/pull/1
MEV-Boost: https://github.com/bharath-123/mev-boost/pull/1

I also was introduced to kurtosis-tech eth2-package which I am using to test my PEPC-Boost changes.

I was using this tool to do some intensive testing so paritosh from EF added me to a private group in the kurtosis-tech discord group to privately talk to the team about my experience.


I raised a couple of PRs this week, one PR is to improve the flashbots relayer specs:
https://github.com/flashbots/relay-specs/pull/28 But it looks like no one is actively maintaining the repo. I ll try reaching out to some engineers to check if they can help me.

I raised this PR in kurtosis eth2-package to fix an issue with startup of clients with prysm
This PR has been merged with the main branch.


In the upcoming weeks, I aim to finish implementing TOB_ROB_SPLIT proposer commitment. Post this implementation, I will iterate over the design, cleaning it up and improving it.

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