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OpenSearch Community Meeting - Late Oct (Tues Oct 19)


  • Diggie w/ OpenSearch
  • Implementing Open Source Question & Answer on OpenSearch with DeepSet.ai

Feel free to comment on the agenda before the meeting if you want to add an item or have a question. During the meeting the agenda will be unlocked for collaborative editing / note taking. After the meeting the agenda will be set to read-only mode.

Early Oct Agenda

RFCs & Proposals


OpenSearch Dashboards

Data Prepper

Anomaly Detection




09:02:43 From Kyle Davis to Everyone:
09:08:50 From Ani ( OpenSearch ) to Everyone:
09:12:09 From SHIRTURE, RAJENDRA to Everyone:
Can I use Diggie only for OpenSearch or with other applications as well to send data?
09:16:39 From Sonu Kim to Everyone:
Diggie is a GUI client for OpenSearch and we intend to make it only for OpenSearch. (Sonu from Serverless Operations)
09:16:41 From stek0v to Everyone:
09:17:28 From Seth Muthukaruppan to Everyone:
Does it do query autocomplete like devtools?
09:19:23 From Amitai Stern to Everyone:
09:19:45 From Ani ( OpenSearch ) to Everyone:
09:20:02 From Ani ( OpenSearch ) to Everyone:
Sample autocomplete autosuggest implementation that can be used as a baseline
09:20:04 From Carlos to Everyone:
Awesome, Horike!
09:20:48 From Rui Figueiredo to Everyone:
09:24:55 From Rudy Kirzhner to Everyone:
@Branden - do you vectorize the texts/use KNN/ANN with Opensearch ?
09:32:47 From mkonda to Everyone:
@Branden - that’s so coo. Quick question: Do you consider language as a barrier?
09:32:51 From mkonda to Everyone:
09:33:26 From stek0v to Everyone:
which languages can be connected?
09:34:31 From Julien Elkhiati to Everyone:
is it already available in opensearch as a plugin ?
09:35:12 From Hasan to Everyone:
I have two voice questions if that is Ok
09:35:38 From Phaneendra Kumar to Everyone:
Regarding QnA over tables, does the model filter the records based on user question ?
09:42:34 From Branden to Everyone:
Here's the link to our paper about Table Retrieval. https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.04049
09:45:58 From stek0v to Everyone:
Kyle, I would like to suggest a very important direction), namely the index search within the snapshots
09:46:39 From Hasan to Everyone:
@brandon how do you compare Haystacks on opensearch vs weaviate?
09:49:06 From Cole to Everyone:
Do we expect the ES version compatibility flag to be removed in 2.0?
09:49:12 From Sander to Everyone:
Really good you guys are putting so much effort in. We are going to use opensearch for new workloads soon!
09:50:10 From Sander to Everyone:
Will you maintain query and bulk endpoint compatibility with elastic?
09:51:21 From Amitai Stern to Everyone:
will elastic maintain it with opensearch? :)
09:52:04 From GSmith to Everyone:
There is an existing Pull Request on the ODFE Helm chart project that is focused on removing use of K8s v1beta1 resources (which are being removed in K8s 1.22). Is it likely that this PR will be accepted/merged? Or, should we assume no further enhancements/work on ODFE?
09:52:34 From stek0v to Everyone:
I wonder how long it will take for elastic to start stealing code from OpenSearch )
09:54:21 From stek0v to Everyone:
Just joke)
09:55:24 From Sander to Everyone:
Basic compatibility for the most used apis would be handy to be interchangeable. Everything on top of the core could be different :)
09:55:38 From Sander to Everyone:
Wups sorry
09:56:28 From Sander to Everyone:
Thanks for the update!
09:56:30 From Carl Meadows to Everyone:
Thanks everyone!
09:56:35 From Hasan to Everyone:
Thanks all.. impressive work
09:56:36 From stek0v to Everyone:
09:56:36 From Andriy to Everyone:
Thank you!
09:56:40 From Rudy Kirzhner to Everyone:
Thanks all

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