Bundle Clashing Analysis

Before designing an algorithm for bundle merging at the relay, we need to achieve a better understanding of the problem at hand. In particular, we don't know where incompatibility of bundles is taking place, or: where do our bundles "clash"?

Here, we introduce a parsing of the clashing space that ultimately suggests different algorithm approaches. We run an analysis on past relay data to quantify how the clashing of bundles is distributed. For each target block, we check all bundles submitted, and see where each bundle pair clashes according to the following hierarchy:

digraph hierarchy {


                node [color=Red,fontname=Courier] "Don't merge", "Trivial merge", "Multiple orderings", "Simple greedy"
                node [color=Black,fontname=Courier,shape=box]
                edge [color=Black, style=solid]
                "Target tx"->{"Don't merge"}[label = "same"]
                "Target tx"->{"Contracts touched"}[label = "different"]
                "Contracts touched" -> {"Compatibility"}[label="related"]
                "Contracts touched" -> {"Trivial merge"}[label="unrelated"]
                "Compatibility" -> "Simple greedy"[label="incompatible"]
                "Compatibility" -> "Multiple orderings"[label="compatible"]


  • "Target tx" is the MEV-exposing transaction. We categorize bundles as going after the same target transaction if they share at least one tx hash, which can be decided looking directly at our relay data.
  • "Contracts touched" means which addresses' state would have been changed by the different bundles, which requires tracing like we do with inspect.
  • "Compatibility" means whether processing pairs in different order would yield the same profit to the miner, and it requires simulating the bundles on top of each other to compute profitability.

Corresponding to each category, we noted one algorithmic approach that would be a priori reasonable to take for bundles clashing at that level. We'll come back to this point after looking at the data. The (very rough) code and data underlying the analyisis can be found here.


Target txs

Analyzed random equispaced blocks [12225646, 12227646, 12229646, 12231646] for "target tx" (non-overlapping vs. overlapping):

We see that most of the bundle pairs do not share a target transaction.

Looking at the two most profitable blocks so far (12141301 and 12206158), we see:

Also overwhelmingly non-overlapping.

We can further look at the distribution of transactions over bundles (how many txs appear in a single bundle, 2 bundles, etc.), for a standard target block:

And for a highly profitable block:

Both show little overlap in target txs.

Note, finally, that the "overlapping" category might even include the case of a single searcher going after the same opportunity with several bundles; it might not make much sense but we have seen this behavior in the data before.

Contracts touched

Next, we look at the stateDiff of the different addresses touched by the txs in the bundles. We classify bundle pairs as clashing at:

  1. only miner: if their only intersecting changed state is the miner address
  2. plus chi: if they only commonly modify miner + chi token state
  3. plus weth: if they commonly modifiy either miner + weth or miner + chi + weth state
  4. intersecting: if they commonly modify other addresses' state.

These choices stem from the fact that many bundles modify these contracts/address' state, but that does not imply incompatibility. Trivially, all bundles pay the miner, thus modifying the coinbase state, but they can still be entirely independent.

This is what the distribution looks like for the random equispaced blocks:

Only a minority of bundles jointly modify state other than the coinbase, chi, and weth contract.

We see a similar pattern for the two most profitable blocks:

Note that this categorization includes pairs of bundles both sharing the same target transaction and notpresumably most pairs sharing a tx will be comprised under the "intersecting" category here, more on this below.


For the final stage of the hierarchy, we look at bundle compatibility, checking whether running two bundles A, B in order [A, B] or [B, A] would have yielded the same total profit for the miner (in which case we call them compatible). As before, we look at the entire set of bundles submitted to the relay with a given target block number, and analyze them pairwise. For a given set of blocks, including the most profitable so far, and some randomly picked ones we see the following distribution of compatible vs. incompatible bundles:

As is clear from the graph, the vast majority of bundles yield the same miner profit independently of the order in which they are run. We stress that, as before, these are all bundles submitted for the corresponding target blocks, including in particular those sharing target transactions, and touching unrelated state.


We now categorize the pairwise clashes according to the hierarchy, for three blocks: 12141301 (high profit), and 12225646 and 12227646 (random). Progressing down the hierarchy, we categorize pairs of bundles according to whether they pursued the same transaction (overlapping target), whether they modify state of only unrelated contracts (unrleated contracts), and whether they are compatible or not in the commutative sense described in the previous section. Now, differently from the previous sections, we exclude bundle pairs from higher levels of the hierarchy when moving to the next level.

We find, for each of the three blocks, the following distributions:

This shows that most pairs of bundles really touch unrelated contracts, and, for those that modify the same state, it is only a small fraction that is incompatible.

Averaging the proportions for each category, we find the following distribution, again showing that only a small fraction of bundle pairs are truly incompatible:

Finally, we note that the intuitive exclusion relations suggested by the hierarchy do not strictly hold. In particular, we would perhaps expect:

  1. Pairs with same target tx to touch similar contracts
  2. Pairs touching unrelated contracts to be compatible
  3. Pairs with same target tx to be incompatible

In the data however, we see that neither 1. nor 3. hold (but 2. apparently does). This can be simply explained by reverting transactions, that do not modify state or change miners' balance.

Conclusions and Next Steps

The data so far consistently suggest that bundles targeting a single block are by and large compatible, mostly targeting different opportunities and touching unrelated state. This preliminarily suggests a merging algorithm where a check for overlapping transactions can be performed to discard bundles going after the same opportunity, after which they can be trivially merged. This can be done with no more simulation other than the one required for sorting by profit score, and would only incur a cost for the miner to the extent to which we merge incompatible bundles, but this seems to be a very infrequent case.

Note that this is similar to what we already do at the MEV-geth level, where we actually even do an extra round of simulation to validate total block profitability, which discards the potential occasional cost. MEV-geth, however, does currently not look for overlapping transactions in the bundles, a cheap check that we could include in a future version or handle temporarily at the relay.

Modifying the bundle merging behavior of our system might incentivize a change of behavior on the part of our searchers. Given the chance to extract multiple opportunities by enabling bundle merging, they might start submitting more incompatible bundles, which would partly invalidate the analysis. Also, the analyses ran here are fairly costly in CPU time and hence only a limited number of target blocks was analyzed; still, the pattern seems to be extremely consistent. It would be interesting to extend the analysis with more data coming after bundle merging at the MEV-geth level is enabled with v0.2, to check for consistency.

Computation permitting, we might still want to go for an all-in approach where we compute profit for all (many) possible bundle orderings. In any case, it would be interesting to build more robust infrastructure to backtest different potential algorithms with actual data before settling on a relay-level bundle merging algorithm to be implemented when the MegaBundle RPC is finally included in MEV-geth.

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