Ethereum cohort update week 7

Some conclustion from the last week:

  • I have finally realized that making verkle tries in-circuit is a good project idea especially after realising Ethereum future is having zk-EVMs as a core execution clients for ethereum. Here's a blog post from Vitalik Buterin:
  • So having zkEVMs type 1 is important for ethereum, but thinking which project should i contribute, i did a big investigation around and have some conclusions around projects, libraries, potential issues, etc.
  • Choice has narrowed to start working either with halo2-lib or cairo. Why? Because there are so many projects around halo2 lib that i would expect it's easier to configure proof system to use bls12-381. But still halo2 is dependent on some other crypto libraries where I'm getting blocked on making proof system with bls12-381: . Personally have more experience with cairo and my conclusions is that STARKs will win in long term over non-post-quantum SNARKs. I was in the US for Stanford blockchain week and met in person people who work around proof systems and understand them more in-depth and asked a lot of questions. Also I've been following on the debates over FRI vs EC cryptographic primitives on so got some conclusions for that too. Will write more about those things too when i learn more.
  • Updates on project proposal are still here:
  • I wrote up a document for Kakarot zk-EVM on how to make Kakarot zkEVM type 1 with Verkle Tries:
  • There is this repo which makes having bandersnatch (and then banderwagon and pedersen commitment) in STARKs "easy" to create:
  • I have been working on this last week, and continuing work this week
  • Also had a call with OnlyDust contributors and Besu team regarding Verkle-Tries for Besu. We are progressing slowly, there are more and more PRs merged, hopefully we will finish this until end of the year and make Besu work with Verkle Tries.
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