changed 24 days ago
Linked with GitHub

Reminders (keep at the top)

We will use hackmd to take notes and share info during the session

Please abide by the OSM Etiquette Guidelines

  • Be respectful - Respect that there are different experiences and perspectives present and try to listen and understand. Strive to build understanding and solidarity.
  • Be Inclusive - Speak to the nth, n = the number of people in our group. Expand all acronyms, and be wary of jargon so that everyone can understand.
  • Be Fully Present - Ask questions and get the most out of the discussion ssession. Minimise or close apps that you might find distracting during this session

Facilitation Team meeting - re-convening

1 March, 12:00 UTC

Facilitator: Arnalie
Notetaker: everyone! :)

Attendance: Brazil, Eugene, Bienvenu


  1. Hello and welcome

  2. Discussions

Interested and commitment:

  • Arnalie: still interested, can allot 2hr/month
  • Brazil: still interested
  • Eugene: affiliation models is not that high of a priority, but still important. No deadline, can take it slow so okay as not to pressure contributors. It's okay to be less active, but not forgotten. Can step up and support. Just
  1. Next steps
  • Discussion session: 5 April, 12UTC
  • Arnalie to prepare draft invite
  • Brazil to post and promote to different channels
  • Arnalie to prepare list of target communities/organizations to invite (everyone to add) -
  • Brazil to represent the SubCom at LCC Congress 2025 (Arnalie and Eugene to support Brazil)

Facilitation Team meeting - planning and building an agenda for the discussion sessions

10 January, 15:00 UTC

Facilitator: Arnalie
Notetaker: everyone! :)

Attendance + share 1 thing you are looking forward this year?

  • Arnalie - SotM 2025
  • Sajeevini - OSM Sri Lanka
  • Limon - more planning in OSMF functionality
  • Brazil - project with HOT AP hub, looking forward to sotM 2025
  • Coco -

Agenda and Notes

Hello and Welcome


Review: Facilitation team tasks

  • Coordinate with LCCWG and LWG regarding legal rights (eg trademarks granting and usage for non-registered organizations)
  • Conduct and facilitate discussions session in at least 2 timezones and/or possible in different languages with 1) communities - informal and non-registered org and 2) with formally registered orgs (FPOSM, YOuthmappers, etc)

Review and discussion: Draft Plan for Discussion sessions - shared by Brazil last month

Session Details

​​​​Session Title: Strengthening OSM Communities: A Collaborative Discussion
​​​​Objectives:  Is everyone getting equal opportunities in the community (in the context of: when organizing or applying as an affiliate in OSMF)?
​​​​Duration: 90 minutes
​​​​Platform: Zoom/Jitsi/Google Meet
​​​​Date: TBD (December 2024 / January 2025)
​​​​Facilitators: Brazil Singh, Md. Atikuzzaman Limon, Priscovia Ng'ambi
  1. Welcome and Introductions (10 minutes)
  2. Updates from Geographic Local Communities/ Non-Geographic/Thematic Communities (20 minutes)
  • What is the current status, what you are doing?
  • How is your community organized or what is the structure of your community organization?
  1. Large of Breakout Discussions (40 minutes) + Group Reporting and Collaborative Ideas (15 minutes)
  • What are the challenges you are facing when forming a group or applying as a Local Chapter
  • How can OSMF support you or improve the process?
  1. Next Steps and Closing (10 minutes)
What is missing?
  • Overall objective of the sessions
    • Brazil: inviting communities to present their work, breakout to discuss challenges and improvement
    • Is everyone getting equal opportunities in the community (according to their volunteerism, hard work)?
    • Context: when applying as an affiliate in OSMF
    • Questions that we can ask:
      • What is the current status, what you are doing?
      • How is your community organized or what is the structure of your community organization?
      • What are the challenges you are facing when forming a group or applying as a Local Chapter
      • How can OSMF support you or improve the process?
What can we improve?
  • Have separate sessions for each groups, depending on how many target groups are
  • Remove updates by team on the agenda
  • good to have breakout sessions if 5+ participants, if less than 5, have larger group discussion

Reference: 2020 LCCWG survey

Updates, if any, from last meeting's next steps


What other support do you need?

  • How Can I Identify the Participants?
    • local osm communities - informal and non-registered org
    • with formally registered orgs and thematic groups (FPOSM, YOuthmappers, HOT, Geochicas etc)
    • keep in mind the diversity representation

Next steps and tasking

  • Draft an initial email/message (invitation, purpose, deadline to respond) to reach out to participants c/o Sajee
    • Arnalie to help review
  • Prepare a Doodle poll to collect availability. c/o Limon
  • List target people from Local Chapters and thematic groups to invite. c/o Limon
    • Everyone to contirbute/ share their contacts
  • Share the post on different forum/social media/group. c/o Brazil

OSMF Affiliation Models - LCCWG Subcommittee Second Volunteers meet

14 December, 15:00 UTC

Facilitator: Arnalie
Notetaker: everyone! :)

Attendance + Share 1 thing that delighted you / made you happy this 2024?

  • Włodzimierz Bartczak - job change to GIS-related industry
  • Wanger Gwakyaa awesome year, did my final year research project as an undergraduate using the qgis platform and osm platform, officially a graduate now of urban and regional planning.
  • Saranya Nadaraj - Geo Specialist. Moderator youthmap chapter University of Eastern Srilanka.
  • Atikuzzaman Limon- I am really happy to be a part of this great community.
  • Arnalie Vicario - Pilates made my year full of joy this year!
  • Brazil Singh- One thing that delighted me in 2024 is my active and impactful role in the Open Mapping community. Open Mapping Guru, Youthmappers Leadership Fellow and OSMF Communication WG.
  • Priscovia Ng'ambi
  • Bienvenu Muluba one thing that was best for me this year 2024, is my volontier activity as HOTOSM chairpersonn of voting members
  • Noman Bin Hossain- Open Mapping Guru
  • Djikoloum Bienvenu
  • Arnold Nkwabong | Open Mapping Guru & DataCamp Scholar

Agenda and Notes

  1. Hello and Welcome:

Reflection: Share 1 thing that delighted you / made you happy this 2024? (see attendance above ^^)

Game c/o Brazil:
8516 2272

  1. Discussion: Updates, challenges, support needed and next steps c/o Co-leads

Research Team

  • summarize the table, define some of the terminologies (eg. what is a public recognition?)
  • discuss with co-lead (saranya) when you have more time
  • Recruit another co-lead/s?


  • target by SotM

Facilitation team

Immediate Next Steps

  • Draft an initial email/message to reach out to participants.
  • Prepare a Doodle poll to collect availability.
  • Compile an initial list of Local Chapters and thematic groups.
  • Set a deadline for responses by end of December 2024 to begin scheduling.
  • Share the post on different forum/social media/group.

Our Draft Agenda

Session Details

​​​​Session Title: Strengthening OSM Communities: A Collaborative Discussion
​​​​Duration: 90 minutes
​​​​Platform: Zoom/Jitsi/Google Meet
​​​​Date: TBD (December 2024 / January 2025)
​​​​Facilitators: Brazil Singh, Md. Atikuzzaman Limon, Priscovia Ng'ambi


  1. Welcome and Introductions (10 minutes)

    Facilitator: Brazil Singh
    Brief introduction of the session purpose and facilitators.
    Objectives: Strengthen collaboration, share insights, and address challenges.
    Brief check-in activity: Ask participants to introduce themselves, their affiliation, and one key priority they aim to achieve in 2025.

  2. Updates from Geographic Local Communities (20 minutes)

    Objective: Share recent activities, challenges, and needs of Local Chapters and non-local geographic communities.
    5-minute updates from selected communities (3-4 chapters).
    Open floor for 5 minutes to allow other chapters to add brief updates.

  3. Updates from Non-Geographic/Thematic Communities (20 minutes)

    Objective: Highlight achievements and focus areas of thematic communities.
    5-minute updates from groups like YouthMappers, HOT, Geochicas, FPOSM, etc. (3-4 groups).
    Open floor for 5 minutes for additional contributions.

  4. Breakout Discussions (25 minutes)

    Objective: Foster collaboration by discussing common challenges and opportunities.
    Break participants into small groups based on interest or focus areas (e.g., funding, member engagement, diversity).
    Each group has a facilitator/note-taker to guide discussion and capture key points.
    Suggested guiding questions:
    What challenges is your community/group currently facing?
    What strategies or resources have been helpful in overcoming similar challenges?
    Are there opportunities for collaboration among the represented communities?

  5. Group Reporting and Collaborative Ideas (15 minutes)

    Objective: Share insights from breakout discussions.
    Each group presents a 2-3 minute summary of their key takeaways and ideas for collaboration.

  6. Next Steps and Closing (10 minutes)

    Facilitator: Priscovia Ng'ambi
    Recap key outcomes and shared priorities.
    Discuss the timeline and action points for follow-up sessions or projects.
    Open floor for final thoughts and reflections.
    Thank participants for their time and contributions.

Questions/ Comments:

  • 2 separate sessions + depending on
  • target date? ~ 25 January
  • Thank you Brazil for share our agenda.
    If we can implement those then we will get benefit for our community.
  1. Actions and next steps/ Any other business
  • Research team to work on the table and internal team
  • Facilitation team to work on the sessions


  1. Closing: Sharing: 1 thing/wish you are looking forward for OSM and the community in 2025?
  • osmf should please have a chapter in Nigeria, it's a bit quiet since the membership status, i have no clue on our membership really.

  • have an affiliation in place to cater to different groups

-increased participation from underrepresented regions, including more diverse voices and localized contributions, supported by enhanced tools and training programs.

  • Assistance in obtaining data for inclusion in OSM resources

group photo?

OSMF Affiliation Models - LCCWG Subcommittee Co-leads Updates

11 December, 15:00 UTC

Facilitator: Arnalie
Notetaker: everyone! :)

  • Włodzimierz Bartczak
  • Arnalie Vicario
  • Brazil Singh
  • James Amattey
  • Eugene Alvin Viillar
  • Md. Atikuzzaman Limon

Agenda and Notes

  1. Hello and Welcome: Anything you are looking forward this month?

  2. Discussion: updates, challenges, support needed

Reseach Team



  • co-leads left (Adi & Raquel)
  • James unavailable this Saturday, and will be back on 21Dec

Support Needed:

  • James need more support on co-leading the research team


  • Cristoffs: What we can offer (eg benefits) in this OSMF Affiliation? Concern: using the trademark/logo for informal/unregistered groups

Suggested next steps:

  • summarize the table, define some of the terminologies (eg. what is a public recognition?)
  • discuss with co-lead (saranya) when you have more time
  • Recruit another co-lead/s?

Facilitation team


  • no updates


  • Was a bit busy because of SotM Asia 2weeks ago

Support Needed:

  • more time


Suggested next steps:

  • task is to coordinate and facilitate discussion sessions with 1) geographic local communities including Local Chapters and non-local chapters, and 2) non-geographical communities/org or thematic groups (eg youthmappers, FPOSM, HOT, geochicas, etc)
    • you can start by identifying participants that belong to these group, coordinating the schedule (in December or January) to conduct the discussion sessions, and build an agenda
  1. Any Other Business (AOB)
  • Arnalie's time commitment - until end of January
  1. Actions and next steps
  • Cristoffs to ask OSM poland lawyer: attribution, affiliation

OSMF Affiliation Models - LCCWG Subcommittee Co-leads Expectation-Setting

20 November, 15:00 UTC (See you local time)

Facilitator: Arnalie
Notetaker: everyone! :)
Attendance: Arnalie, Adi, Limon, Sajeevani, Nadaraj, Brazil, James, Coco (Priscovia)

Important links:


We will use hackmd to take notes and share info during the session

Please abide by the OSM Etiquette Guidelines

  • Be respectful - Respect that there are different experiences and perspectives present and try to listen and understand. Strive to build understanding and solidarity.
  • Be Inclusive - Speak to the nth, n = the number of people in our group. Expand all acronyms, and be wary of jargon so that everyone can understand.
  • Be Fully Present - Ask questions and get the most out of the discussion ssession. Minimise or close apps that you might find distracting during this session


  1. Hello and Welcome
  2. Review: OSMF LCCWG and Affiliation Model and
  3. Breakout session
  • get to know your co-leads
  • Expectation Setting
  1. General discussion + Questions and comments
  • Team lead role
  • team roles
  • tasking
  • time commitment
  1. Any Other Business (AOB)
  2. Actions and next steps

Hello and Welcome: coffee or tea?

tea - 5
coffee - 1
juice - 1

Review: OSMF LCCWG and Affiliation Model and Volunteers meet

Breakout sessions:

Breakout 1 (Main room): Facilitation team

  1. Introduce yourself - name, community you feel belong, first feature you map in OSM?
  • Sajeevini Sivajothy -I am from Sri Lanka. I got involved in OSM mapping in 2021. I started to learn that through our YouthMappers chapter at EUSL. Initially, I mapped buildings.
  • Md Atikuzzaman Limon + OSM Community Bangladesh, A building in Bangladesh Area.
  • Priscovia,Belongs to OSM Zambia, A building in Zambia I first mapped!Brazil
  • Brazil Singh, Youthmappers, POI which is a Tea Stall near in my University.
  • Saranya Nadaraj, University of Eastern youthmap chapter Srilanka.
  1. Expectation Settings

2.1 What do I expect with my role and team?

Brazil- I expect to actively contribute to creating a more inclusive and sustainable framework for local chapters and affiliated groups. I want to collaborate with my team to ensure transparency, open communication, and practical solutions that reflect the diverse needs of the global OSM community.

From my team, I expect mutual support, clear goals, and an action-oriented approach. I value open discussions, respect for diverse perspectives, and a shared commitment to improving how we engage volunteers and foster community growth.

Expectation from Local Chapters and Communities Working Group are:

  1. Guidance and tools for better management and engagement of local OSM communities.
  2. Help in recognizing and formalizing your local group within the OSM ecosystem.
  3. Opportunities to connect with other local chapters to share knowledge and best practices.
  4. Ensure that local initiatives align with the global vision of OSM.

Expectation from Affiliation Model

  1. Leveraging the OSM brand to strengthen local campaigns and attract partners.
  2. A platform to exchange ideas, methodologies, and success stories with other affiliated groups.
  3. Easier access to funding, tools, and technology from OSMF.

Sajeevini -As a co-lead of the Facilitation team, I coordinate our teams by arranging their administrative needs and facilities. I also focus on effective communication and building the best OSM community.

Priscovia- I expect to understand More about my role and total involvement from everyone

2.2 What do I need to feel supported / be able to achieve goal and my role?

Brazil- Access to the necessary tools, resources, and data will help me make informed decisions and collaborate efficiently. A supportive and collaborative team environment, where everyone’s ideas are respected, will foster productive discussions and teamwork.
Sajeevini -As a co-leader, I should support and encourage my team to achieve the best results by fostering discussions, resolving issues, and securing suitable resources.

Priscovia- I expect adequate support from everyone
And working together

Limon- Clear Guidelines, Resource Access, Active Communication, Support from Everyone and Advocacy and Representation.

2.3 What is not clear to me?

  • identifying tasks and assigning work to people in the team.

Breakout 2: Research team


  1. Introduce yourself - name, community you feel belong, first feature you map in OSM?
  • Adi; WeeklyOSM Team; POIs
  • James + OpenRailwayMap, OSMGhana
  • Saranya Nadaraj + OSM Srilanka
  1. Expectation Settings

2.1 What do I expect with my role and team?

  • Analyze the alternative affiliation models from other open communities -> Adapt them to the OSM context -> Discuss the adapted model with the team -> Prepare a final document to present to the OSMF board.
  • Collaborating with other communities and sharing ideas.

2.2 What do I need to feel supported / be able to achieve goal and my role?

  • I need confirmation (especially from Arnalie) on whether our current work progress is good enough or not
  • Building from the 2021 Community Guidelines project (LCCWG Moderation Subcommittee) and code of ethics where you were analysing and reviewing community guidelines and code of ethics of other open source communities and tailoring it the work of OSMF. There was a output on community guidelines and code of conduct that was submitted to the OSMF.

2.3 What is not clear to me?

  • Is there a deadline? )(there is no deadline)
  • Workload balance
  • identifying tasks and assigning work to people in the team.
  • Time commitment (for each member)

General discussion + Questions and comments

What do I expect out of this campaign?

Any Other Business (AOB)

Actions and next steps

  • Team next meeting: ~Dec14
  • Co-leads next meeting: Dec 4 or 11?
  • Co-leads to meet with their team and start the process


OSMF Affiliation Models - LCCWG Subcommittee Volunteers Meetup

16 November, 15:00 UTC (See you local time)

Facilitator: Arnalie
Notetaker: everyone! :)


Please write your name + where you are based + Why are you here?

  1. Arnalie, US and the Philippines, I am here to convene a group of interested and dedicated contributors to improve OSMF Affiliation models
  2. MODO ENGELBERT , Cameroon, I'm here to learn about OSMF affiliation Model (context vision objectives ) and participate to improve it
  3. Levis Ruto, Kenya, I have been involved in open maping for quite a long time, I want to learn more about OSMF affiliation Model and know how best to bring the community to open mapping
  4. Adi, Indonesia , I want to contribute positively to the OpenStreetMap movement
  5. Aldom, Kenya, mapping has been part of my life and i look forward to sustainable decision making in improving OSMF affiliation models to impact our community
  6. James Amattey , Ghana , OSM community leader in Ghana looking to contribute towards the realisation of this Affiliation model.
  7. Kasozi Denis, Uganda, I am new to the OSMF Model but very much interested in being part of the great team that will make the foundations great than never before.
  8. Md Atikuzzaman Limon , Bangladesh, I would like to be a part of OSMF affiliation models to improve our community
  9. Sajeevini Sivajothy, Sri Lanka,I want to learn more about the OSMF Affiliation Model and discover how to engage the community in open mapping.
  10. Priscovia Ng'ambi from Zambia, Co- founder of Local knowledge Mappers, i want to learn more about OSMF affliction and how we can enhance our communities
    12.DJIKOLOUM BIENVENU , CHAD , founder of Hope hot and i want to learn more about affiliation affiliation. thanks!
  11. Arnold Nkwabong, Cameroon, i want to learn more about the OSMF Affiliation models and help improving it.
  12. Brazil Singh, Bangladesh, I am here to improve the communities, no only ours but also other communities. And connect with all the communities to understand them better.
  13. Muluba Bienvenu
    I am from DRC. I am here to learn more about OSMF Affiliation, improving my knowledge and share what I know.
  14. Saranya Nadaraj , Srilanka, I'm very interested OSM. I want to learn OSMF Affiliation models and improving my skills & knowledge. And colloboration with all the communities and leaders.

Important links:


We will use hackmd to take notes and share info during the session

Please abide by the OSM Etiquette Guidelines

  • Be respectful - Respect that there are different experiences and perspectives present and try to listen and understand. Strive to build understanding and solidarity.
  • Be Inclusive - Speak to the nth, n = the number of people in our group. Expand all acronyms, and be wary of jargon so that everyone can understand.
  • Be Fully Present - Ask questions and get the most out of the discussion ssession. Minimise or close apps that you might find distracting during this session


  1. Hello and Welcome
  2. About OSMF LCCWG and Affiliation Model
  3. Roles and tasking
  4. Questions and comments
  5. Any Other Business (AOB)
  6. Actions and next steps


Hello and Welcome

  • see Attendance section

About OSMF LCCWG and Affiliation Model

From the community thread:

LCCWF sub-committee for OSMF Affiliation is convened and created to advance the OSMF Affiliation Model topic


Provide recommendations to the Board as to how the OSMF affiliation scheme can be improved to accommodate less-formal user groups (ie unregistered local communities) and non-geographical/thematic groups.


Review/Research team

  • Review affiliation models of other open communities to learn from them and how we can adopt or iterate for the OSMF
  • Work on differences and similarities of different types of affiliation (Local Chapters, informal communities, and orgs with some commercial activities), and their benefits, rights, obligations, etc

Coordination and facilitation team

  • Coordinate with LCCWG and LWG regarding legal rights (eg trademarks granting and usage for non-registered organizations)
  • Conduct and facilitate discussions session in at least 2 timezones and/or possible in different languages with 1) communities - informal and non-registered org and 2) with formally registered orgs (FPOSM, YOuthmappers, etc)

Nov - February
March - Local Chapters and Communities Congress 2025

Questions and comments? - ADD IN NEXT / RESEARCH TEAM AGENDA

  • [Adi] Idea Suggestion: Make "creating a group" as simple as creating a good old-style, public Facebook group, but use an OSM OAuth account as the basic requirement for anyone who wants to create or join a group (I already explained the idea regarding OSM OAuth over here.)
    • This idea implies the need for another web app to manage OSM groups and memberships. I have access to the OSMF test server from when I made a backup of the old site, so perhaps I can ask them again for permission to use this server to develop prototypes for the web app.
    • Oh, wait, we already have OSM Teams! Maybe we can adopt this app so it's officially incorporated into (and officially acknowledged by the OSMF LCCWG too)?
    • Mozilla has already implemented something like this, I guess. It's quite a simple model : (1.) Create a catalog of all existing communities and integrate it into a single web dashboard. On this same dashboard, anyone can propose the creation of a new group. (2.) Each community has a profile page that includes a 'community link' directing to external third-party social media platforms such as Discourse forums, Twitter, Matrix/IRC channels, etc., as well as the community leader's contact information. We could technically adopt this system, but with the added enforcement of using OSM OAuth accounts to register on the platform (similar to the current system on
    • Here's a summary of Mozilla's system. Personally, I think it's quite a good and simple system that we could adopt in various ways :
      • Anyone who can start a club or group in as long as it contributes to or supports Mozilla’s mission.
      • Group contacts are the people who are responsible for maintaining the group’s page on the portal and liaising, on behalf of the group, with Mozilla staff. There must always be 2 group contacts and they must change every year. Group contacts must be responsive and able to answer and address issues on the group page. We recommend that group contacts are people who feel comfortable communicating in English. And have a good understanding of what is happening inside their community.
      • Group names should be descriptive and accurately reflect the focus of the group. Using more descriptive titles helps avoid the appearance that a particular group exclusively represents the entire topic or area throughout the movement. When setting up a new group the creator should consider whether a group already exist with the same audience and purpose. Groups that have the exact same focus and mandate should be open to merging or revise their title or description to be more descriptive of their differences.
      • All groups must respect and adhere to the community participation guidelines and naming guidelines below. Communities are free to create their own internal structures and governance though all leadership roles should follow the Volunteer Leadership Principles
      • Mozilla will not acknowledge any hierarchy between groups.
      • For every event that you organize at that community portal you can request budget and/or swag by contacting a local Resources Reps. If your event is tied to a campaign, your request will be fast-tracked for up to 100 USD.
    • Back then, I also participated in the founding of a certain 'informal community' within the Wikimedia Foundation. Here’s what I can remember from directly participating in that process:
      • You need at least three people to start a community. The team is required to submit a document specifying the community name, a short description (what makes you different from other existing communities), and a plan outlining the types of activities the community intends to pursue in the near future. Anyone can submit this document at any time. However, unlike Mozilla, there is no specialized portal for this process—it involves email communication with the staff.
      • Once the plan is approved, we were provided with significant support from the Foundation, such as: (1) Access to Internal Platforms - This allowed communication with other staff and monthly reporting. (2) Design Support - Staff directly helped us design the community’s official logo. (3) Media Campaigns - The launch of the new community was publicly announced through the Foundation’s official social media channels. (4) Financial Incentives - Monthly funding was provided to those leading the community’s meetings.
      • After approval, we were treated as collaborators with the Foundation’s staff, involved in planning and executing community events. The major downside was the reduced level of independence and freedom. While we could make suggestions, we were expected to prioritize and align with the Foundation’s agenda above all else.
  • [Adi] I want to add some comments on the money-related sentiment listed in the 'BOF Community Session at SotM US 2023' section on the wiki :
    • Basically, in Global South nations, OpenStreetMap (OSM) mapping and activism are actually luxuries. Participating involves doing many tasks, most of which require some form of capital, such as internet access, electricity, and hardware. Yet, within the global OSM community, there is an expectation for contributors to do this work for free (after all, it's free open data). Only those who have met their basic needs can afford to engage in such activities.
    • However, there is a recurring pattern where people join the project, hoping that their involvement in OSM activism could eventually become a source of income. Internal discussions about money-related issues can either strengthen or fracture an entire community.
    • In short, poverty significantly impacts OSM contributors. It limits their ability to contribute to the movement. For some, simply being able to map in OSM is already a privilege. Consequently, getting involved in building a local community presents an even higher hurdle for them.
  • Oh, I would like to comment on the 'Amplifying Community Stories' section in the 'Recommendations' part : anyone can submit their OSM-related stories to WeeklyOSM.

Roles and tasking

  • 2 groups, please sign up! :)

Group sign up

Check the forum thread for the skills needed and tasks assigned for each group then sign up on one or both you would like to be part of! :)

Research Team (review, and writing a proposal)


  • Adi
  • James Amattey
  • Saranya Nadaraj
  • Minha Mahroof


  • Levis Ruto
  • Kasozi Denis
  • Aldom Onyango
  • Wanger Gwakyaa
  • Muluba Bienvenu
  • Jessy Arnold Njilla Nkwabong

Coordination and Facilitation Team


  • Priscovia
  • Sajeevini Sivajothy
  • Md Atikuzzaman Limon
  • Brazil Singh


  • Bienvenu DJIKOLOUM
  • Siaosi Lutui
  • Minha Mahroof

Questions and comments?

Any Other Business (AOB)

  1. Poll: Which channel do you prefer for communications and receiving updates?
  • Community thread
  • WhatsApp group for chat
  1. Arnalie's time commitment: ~end of Dec/January

Next steps

  • next meeting: ~Dec7 or week of Dec9
  • update thread and osm wiki about the meeting highlights
  • Arnalie to meet with Co-leads
  • Co-leads to meet with their team and start the process
  • Arnalie to create whatsapp gorup and add team

OSMF Affiliation Models brainstorming

30 October, 14:00 UTC (See you local time)


Please write your name + where you are based + emoji/s that captures how you are feeling today + Why are you here?

Name Country Emoji Why are you here?
Arnalie 🇺🇸 😴🥶🫡 Would like to help LCCWG advance this topic and for more communities to have a formal recognition from OSMF
Włodek PL
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Learn More →
Would like to help building communities (OSM Poland, LCCWG)
Julien FR Text Interested in various relationships options with the OSMF. I'm FPOSM secretary.
Matheus 🇧🇷 😫 To see how LCCWG sees current LC affiliation and how it can be changed.
Besfort Kosovo Text Text
Brazil Singh BD 🫡 I am here to improve the communities, no only ours but also other communities. And connect with all the communities to understand them better.
Saranya Nadaraj Srilanka 😍💕 I Would like to help growing communities (Specially Srilanka) and colloborate with other communities and leaders.

Facilitator: Arnalie
Notetaker: everyone!

Important links:


We will use hackmd to take notes and share info during the session

Please abide by the OSM Etiquette Guidelines

  • Be respectful - Respect that there are different experiences and perspectives present and try to listen and understand. Strive to build understanding and solidarity.
  • Be Inclusive - Speak to the nth, n = the number of people in our group. Expand all acronyms, and be wary of jargon so that everyone can understand.
  • Be Fully Present - Ask questions and get the most out of the discussion ssession. Minimise or close apps that you might find distracting during this session


  1. [5-10 mins] Welcome and icebreaker question
  2. [5 mins] Review and insights: LCCWG efforts on improving OSMF Affiliation
  3. [20-25 mins] Discussion
  4. [5 mins] Closing and next steps


  1. [5-10 mins] Welcome and icebreaker question
  • notes of attendance section
  1. [5 mins] Review and insights: OSM Wiki documentation:

LCCWG efforts since 2020

  • survey (established LC and potential communities)
  • discussions on community forum and LCC Congress
  • sessions on regional SotMs last year (regional communities)
  • SotM this year

note: different audience, different context


  • creation and operation of nonprofits are highly bureaucratic, lots of paperwork, too much red tape
    - in Bangladesh it it tagged as extremist
    - China: setup LC may be illegal and people are less willing to meet offline
    - non-formal org: OSMF and LC sign an agreement, signing with a formal org is legally binding

  • political dispute and turmoil (OSM not acceptable in the country because of boundary dispute)
    - Turkey and Vietnam: land disputes ie spratly and paracel islands

  • Lack of awareness (what is being an LC, why join? what is the benefits?)

  • financial constraints/org sustainability - local context, different tactics to fundraise (including commercial activities)
    - How does OSMF expect to sustain its members if there is a negative thinking on paid work / commercial activities which are ways to fundraise?

  • Disunity and power struggles resulting to community conflicts


    Handbook for becoming a Local Chapter Chapters/Handbook for becoming a Local Chapter
    LCCWG put up 2 focal points per each applications in the current process Chapters/FAQ

  • Current LCs: need stronger ties with OSMF
    in addition to trademark use,official rep of OSM in the country and seat in the advisory board, Sponsorship support and distribution for local SotM
    microcosms in the progress

  • affiliation:
    - for thematic and/or non-geog org eg Youthmappers, Geochicas, FPOSM, language
    - small informal groups, how do you even formalize/incorporate such a status?
    - simplified community group registration process to accommodate
    - contributors from all backgrounds and circumstances
    Could they set an interim situation where a group can register their interest in affiliation and have a OSMF assist them in advancing to full chapter status.

  • fundraising contraints:
    - Ways to modifying the model to take into account local context of volunteerism
    - Support & mentorship for communities
    - Differentiate business vs fundraising
    - Guide on what is expected of LC eg how to operate as of the case of OSM Uganda application

  • Awareness - disseminate informations
    - Comms and awareness campaigns

  • User groups similar to Wikimedia would be a nice way to mitigate the problems of red tape and of organizing a non-profit

Check: Affiliation Models from other open communities (bottom of the wikipage)

Check: Affiliations: Differences and Similarities (page 15)

  1. Discussion ~20-25mins

[5 mins] What do you think is missing and/or needs clarification?

  • Julien: Do we need/want different affiliation schemes for community groups (contributors) and for groups with commercial activities?
  • Matheus: If I could suggest something, as stated before, is to try to push different models with OSMF* (such as proposed Affiliated organizations)

[5 mins] What suggestions/ideas would you like to share for us to move forward with this agenda?

  • Arnalie: Review affiliation models of other open communities and convene a dedicated team to advance this topic
  • Cristoff: work on differences and similarities and consult with LWG (about LWG), organizations and communities (eg Brazilian community (Matheus)) on how we can make this work

[5 mins] Any other things you want to raise in relation to the topic?

Notes in the chat:

  • Matheus: Both wiki and docs look fine to me on a quick glance

  • Matheus: And good to know LCCWG is aware of the challenges to become a LC

  • Matheus: Are there any plans to make it "real" (change current LC affiliation scheme)?

  • Julien: Do we need/want different affiliation schemes for community groups (contributors) and for groups with commercial activities?

    • Cristoffs: I dont think there should be commercial activity eg paid mapping
    • different commercial activities that are okay to fundraising
    • Julien: Eg in France, different small companies eg paid mapping, map services, using OSM in various businesses, also part of the community (e.g. OSM France LC), we want to promote OSM in our business
    • Cristoffs: Can be part of different affiliation; question on trademarks - less community-driven, more money-driven. Eg Tomtom a corporate member, small business
    • Cristoffs: scope of small business - how big, what you do? who gives you money / are we making business with? eg program with govt/NGO (not commercial)
    • Cristoff: define and the process will be clear with everyone
    • Julien clarification: we do things in the spirit on the rules of the Foundation; not contributing in bad way and comply with licenses and all; being affiliated is soemthing we want to be apply to comply with OSMF
    • Julien: diff actors would like to use OSM data but they dont know how to use data - it is easier for them to have a group of professional (consultancy)
  • Matheus: I'm not involved in the current Brazilian application at all, but one thing we felt as a local community is that, although we discussed creating an official org and applying to LC many times (since 2014!), it seems the burden outweighs the pros, so we always struggled with creating this official org.

A different affiliation model, with less burden, would really impact us positively.

We don't have an official org, but we can account around 500 members in our OSM-BR community. At the same time, we are not officially involved with OSMF, so we don't have those benefits of being a LC.
- One that does not require lots of formal requirements
- Cristoffs: yes this is what we want to do with affiliated model, can experiment with Brazilian community eg as user group; we must work on obligation/rights part, not sure about trademark use (might not be a legal possibility; how you use it? if they use it the wrong way, there can be a problem)
- Arnalie: consultation with LWG

  • Matheus: I'm not part of the working group, so I don't know any details about that. However, happy to provide any point of view from a group that is struggling with creating a LC
  1. [5 mins] Closing and next steps
  • Poll: Which channel do you prefer for communications and receiving updates?
  • LCCWG to report back next meeting

Suggested next steps for LCCWG:

  • Review affiliation models of other open communities and convene a dedicated team to advance this topic
  • Work on differences and similarities of different types of affiliation (Local Chapters, informal communities, and orgs with some commercial activities), benefits, rights, obligations, etc
  • consult with LWG re trademarks granting and usage for non-registered organizations
  • Conduct discussions sessions with communities - informal and non-registered org
  • Conduct discussions sessions with formally registered orgs (FPOSM, YOuthmappers, etc)
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