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We will use hackmd to take notes and share info during the session
Please abide by the OSM Etiquette Guidelines https://osmfoundation.org/wiki/Etiquette
Important links:
Facilitation Team meeting - re-convening
1 March, 12:00 UTC
Room: https://meet.google.com/mnn-bnxi-uyn
Facilitator: Arnalie
Notetaker: everyone! :)
Attendance: Brazil, Eugene, Bienvenu
Hello and welcome
Interested and commitment:
Facilitation Team meeting - planning and building an agenda for the discussion sessions
10 January, 15:00 UTC
Room: https://meet.google.com/mnn-bnxi-uyn
Facilitator: Arnalie
Notetaker: everyone! :)
Attendance + share 1 thing you are looking forward this year?
Agenda and Notes
Hello and Welcome
Review: Facilitation team tasks
Review and discussion: Draft Plan for Discussion sessions - shared by Brazil last month
Session Details
What is missing?
What can we improve?
Reference: 2020 LCCWG survey
Updates, if any, from last meeting's next steps
What other support do you need?
Next steps and tasking
OSMF Affiliation Models - LCCWG Subcommittee Second Volunteers meet
14 December, 15:00 UTC
Room: meet.google.com/jwf-esix-rmn
Facilitator: Arnalie
Notetaker: everyone! :)
Attendance + Share 1 thing that delighted you / made you happy this 2024?
Agenda and Notes
Reflection: Share 1 thing that delighted you / made you happy this 2024? (see attendance above ^^)
Game c/o Brazil:
8516 2272
Research Team
Facilitation team
Immediate Next Steps
Our Draft Agenda
Session Details
Welcome and Introductions (10 minutes)
Facilitator: Brazil Singh
Brief introduction of the session purpose and facilitators.
Objectives: Strengthen collaboration, share insights, and address challenges.
Brief check-in activity: Ask participants to introduce themselves, their affiliation, and one key priority they aim to achieve in 2025.
Updates from Geographic Local Communities (20 minutes)
Objective: Share recent activities, challenges, and needs of Local Chapters and non-local geographic communities.
5-minute updates from selected communities (3-4 chapters).
Open floor for 5 minutes to allow other chapters to add brief updates.
Updates from Non-Geographic/Thematic Communities (20 minutes)
Objective: Highlight achievements and focus areas of thematic communities.
5-minute updates from groups like YouthMappers, HOT, Geochicas, FPOSM, etc. (3-4 groups).
Open floor for 5 minutes for additional contributions.
Breakout Discussions (25 minutes)
Objective: Foster collaboration by discussing common challenges and opportunities.
Break participants into small groups based on interest or focus areas (e.g., funding, member engagement, diversity).
Each group has a facilitator/note-taker to guide discussion and capture key points.
Suggested guiding questions:
What challenges is your community/group currently facing?
What strategies or resources have been helpful in overcoming similar challenges?
Are there opportunities for collaboration among the represented communities?
Group Reporting and Collaborative Ideas (15 minutes)
Objective: Share insights from breakout discussions.
Each group presents a 2-3 minute summary of their key takeaways and ideas for collaboration.
Next Steps and Closing (10 minutes)
Facilitator: Priscovia Ng'ambi
Recap key outcomes and shared priorities.
Discuss the timeline and action points for follow-up sessions or projects.
Open floor for final thoughts and reflections.
Thank participants for their time and contributions.
Questions/ Comments:
If we can implement those then we will get benefit for our community.
osmf should please have a chapter in Nigeria, it's a bit quiet since the membership status, i have no clue on our membership really.
have an affiliation in place to cater to different groups
-increased participation from underrepresented regions, including more diverse voices and localized contributions, supported by enhanced tools and training programs.
group photo?
OSMF Affiliation Models - LCCWG Subcommittee Co-leads Updates
11 December, 15:00 UTC
Room: meet.google.com/mnn-bnxi-uyn
Facilitator: Arnalie
Notetaker: everyone! :)
Agenda and Notes
Hello and Welcome: Anything you are looking forward this month?
Discussion: updates, challenges, support needed
Reseach Team
Support Needed:
Suggested next steps:
Facilitation team
Support Needed:
Suggested next steps:
OSMF Affiliation Models - LCCWG Subcommittee Co-leads Expectation-Setting
20 November, 15:00 UTC (See you local time)
Room: meet.google.com/wzx-woqp-bom
Facilitator: Arnalie
Notetaker: everyone! :)
Attendance: Arnalie, Adi, Limon, Sajeevani, Nadaraj, Brazil, James, Coco (Priscovia)
Important links:
We will use hackmd to take notes and share info during the session
Please abide by the OSM Etiquette Guidelines https://osmfoundation.org/wiki/Etiquette
Hello and Welcome: coffee or tea?
tea - 5
coffee - 1
juice - 1
Review: OSMF LCCWG and Affiliation Model and Volunteers meet
Breakout sessions:
Breakout 1 (Main room): Facilitation team
2.1 What do I expect with my role and team?
Brazil- I expect to actively contribute to creating a more inclusive and sustainable framework for local chapters and affiliated groups. I want to collaborate with my team to ensure transparency, open communication, and practical solutions that reflect the diverse needs of the global OSM community.
From my team, I expect mutual support, clear goals, and an action-oriented approach. I value open discussions, respect for diverse perspectives, and a shared commitment to improving how we engage volunteers and foster community growth.
Expectation from Local Chapters and Communities Working Group are:
Expectation from Affiliation Model
Sajeevini -As a co-lead of the Facilitation team, I coordinate our teams by arranging their administrative needs and facilities. I also focus on effective communication and building the best OSM community.
Priscovia- I expect to understand More about my role and total involvement from everyone
2.2 What do I need to feel supported / be able to achieve goal and my role?
Brazil- Access to the necessary tools, resources, and data will help me make informed decisions and collaborate efficiently. A supportive and collaborative team environment, where everyone’s ideas are respected, will foster productive discussions and teamwork.
Sajeevini -As a co-leader, I should support and encourage my team to achieve the best results by fostering discussions, resolving issues, and securing suitable resources.
Priscovia- I expect adequate support from everyone
And working together
Limon- Clear Guidelines, Resource Access, Active Communication, Support from Everyone and Advocacy and Representation.
2.3 What is not clear to me?
Breakout 2: Research team
room: meet.google.com/bzd-nero-bfj
2.1 What do I expect with my role and team?
2.2 What do I need to feel supported / be able to achieve goal and my role?
2.3 What is not clear to me?
General discussion + Questions and comments
What do I expect out of this campaign?
Any Other Business (AOB)
Actions and next steps
OSMF Affiliation Models - LCCWG Subcommittee Volunteers Meetup
16 November, 15:00 UTC (See you local time)
Room: https://meet.google.com/wzx-woqp-bom
Facilitator: Arnalie
Notetaker: everyone! :)
Please write your name + where you are based + Why are you here?
12.DJIKOLOUM BIENVENU , CHAD , founder of Hope hot and i want to learn more about affiliation affiliation. thanks!
I am from DRC. I am here to learn more about OSMF Affiliation, improving my knowledge and share what I know.
Important links:
We will use hackmd to take notes and share info during the session
Please abide by the OSM Etiquette Guidelines https://osmfoundation.org/wiki/Etiquette
Hello and Welcome
About OSMF LCCWG and Affiliation Model
From the community thread:
LCCWF sub-committee for OSMF Affiliation is convened and created to advance the OSMF Affiliation Model topic
Provide recommendations to the Board as to how the OSMF affiliation scheme can be improved to accommodate less-formal user groups (ie unregistered local communities) and non-geographical/thematic groups.
Review/Research team
Coordination and facilitation team
Nov - February
March - Local Chapters and Communities Congress 2025
Questions and comments? - ADD IN NEXT / RESEARCH TEAM AGENDA
Roles and tasking
Group sign up
Check the forum thread for the skills needed and tasks assigned for each group then sign up on one or both you would like to be part of! :)
Research Team (review, and writing a proposal)
Coordination and Facilitation Team
Questions and comments?
Any Other Business (AOB)
Next steps
OSMF Affiliation Models brainstorming
30 October, 14:00 UTC (See you local time)
Room: https://osmvideo.cloud68.co/user/cli-0yp-zds-stp
Please write your name + where you are based + emoji/s that captures how you are feeling today + Why are you here?
- The image file may be corrupted
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Learn More →Facilitator: Arnalie
Notetaker: everyone!
Important links:
We will use hackmd to take notes and share info during the session
Please abide by the OSM Etiquette Guidelines https://osmfoundation.org/wiki/Etiquette
LCCWG efforts since 2020
note: different audience, different context
creation and operation of nonprofits are highly bureaucratic, lots of paperwork, too much red tape
––- in Bangladesh it it tagged as extremist
––- China: setup LC may be illegal and people are less willing to meet offline
––- non-formal org: OSMF and LC sign an agreement, signing with a formal org is legally binding
political dispute and turmoil (OSM not acceptable in the country because of boundary dispute)
––- Turkey and Vietnam: land disputes ie spratly and paracel islands
Lack of awareness (what is being an LC, why join? what is the benefits?)
financial constraints/org sustainability - local context, different tactics to fundraise (including commercial activities)
––- How does OSMF expect to sustain its members if there is a negative thinking on paid work / commercial activities which are ways to fundraise?
Disunity and power struggles resulting to community conflicts
––– Handbook for becoming a Local Chapter https://osmfoundation.org/wiki/Local Chapters/Handbook for becoming a Local Chapter
––– LCCWG put up 2 focal points per each applications in the current process https://osmfoundation.org/wiki/Local Chapters/FAQ
Current LCs: need stronger ties with OSMF
–––––– in addition to trademark use,official rep of OSM in the country and seat in the advisory board, Sponsorship support and distribution for local SotM https://osmfoundation.org/wiki/Sponsorship_support_and_distribution_for_local_SotM
–––––– https://www.openstreetmap.org/communities
–––––– microcosms in the progress
–––- for thematic and/or non-geog org eg Youthmappers, Geochicas, FPOSM, language
–––- small informal groups, how do you even formalize/incorporate such a status?
–––- simplified community group registration process to accommodate
–––- contributors from all backgrounds and circumstances
Could they set an interim situation where a group can register their interest in affiliation and have a OSMF assist them in advancing to full chapter status.
fundraising contraints:
–––- Ways to modifying the model to take into account local context of volunteerism
–––- Support & mentorship for communities
–––- Differentiate business vs fundraising
–––- Guide on what is expected of LC eg how to operate as of the case of OSM Uganda application
Awareness - disseminate informations
––- Comms and awareness campaigns
User groups similar to Wikimedia would be a nice way to mitigate the problems of red tape and of organizing a non-profit
Check: Affiliation Models from other open communities (bottom of the wikipage)
Check: Affiliations: Differences and Similarities (page 15)
[5 mins] What do you think is missing and/or needs clarification?
[5 mins] What suggestions/ideas would you like to share for us to move forward with this agenda?
[5 mins] Any other things you want to raise in relation to the topic?
Notes in the chat:
Matheus: Both wiki and docs look fine to me on a quick glance
Matheus: And good to know LCCWG is aware of the challenges to become a LC
Matheus: Are there any plans to make it "real" (change current LC affiliation scheme)?
––– LCCWG put up 2 focal points per each applications in the current process https://osmfoundation.org/wiki/Local Chapters/FAQ
Julien: Do we need/want different affiliation schemes for community groups (contributors) and for groups with commercial activities?
Matheus: I'm not involved in the current Brazilian application at all, but one thing we felt as a local community is that, although we discussed creating an official org and applying to LC many times (since 2014!), it seems the burden outweighs the pros, so we always struggled with creating this official org.
A different affiliation model, with less burden, would really impact us positively.
We don't have an official org, but we can account around 500 members in our OSM-BR community. At the same time, we are not officially involved with OSMF, so we don't have those benefits of being a LC.
- One that does not require lots of formal requirements
- Cristoffs: yes this is what we want to do with affiliated model, can experiment with Brazilian community eg as user group; we must work on obligation/rights part, not sure about trademark use (might not be a legal possibility; how you use it? if they use it the wrong way, there can be a problem)
- Arnalie: consultation with LWG
Suggested next steps for LCCWG: