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# Implementation of App Platform to Flux migration
date: 2023.03.30
author: piontec
important notes: https://github.com/giantswarm/roadmap/issues/2361
## References
This doc presents some implementation ideas for app platform to flux migration discussed also [in this write-up](https://hackmd.io/KZtXpAJ-Qu215NNAVY0BxQ?view).
## How to replace our current HTTP helm repo functionality with ORAS
Tested with
- flux 0.41.1
- oras 1.0
- https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/container-registry/container-registry-oras-artifacts
- https://github.com/opencontainers/artifacts/blob/main/artifact-authors.md#defining-a-unique-artifact-type
- https://oras.land/cli_reference
### Catalog content discovery
#### Note on compatibility
All the tests below were performed on ACR, GHCR and dockerhub. The summary of what works looks like this:
registry | discovery with `oras repo ls` | helm charts | arbitrary objects (metadata)
ACR | y | y | y
GHCR | n (you can list all public repos and all images) | y | y
dockerhub | n | y | n
google | n | y | y
aliyun | n | y | y
#### Flux based
Flux offers some (limited) degree of content discovery by providing `ImageRepository` that can discover tags for a single specific artifact:
apiVersion: image.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1beta2
kind: ImageRepository
name: upgrade-bundle
namespace: test
- ^.*\.sig$
image: giantswarmpublic.azurecr.io/test/hello-world-bundle
interval: 5m
provider: generic
canonicalImageName: giantswarmpublic.azurecr.io/test/hello-world-bundle
- lastTransitionTime: "2023-03-28T15:12:10Z"
message: 'successful scan: found 7 tags'
observedGeneration: 1
reason: Succeeded
status: "True"
type: Ready
- 0.0.7
- 0.0.6
- 0.0.5
- 0.0.4
- 0.0.3
- 0.0.2
- 0.0.1
scanTime: "2023-03-29T07:57:50Z"
tagCount: 7
#### Querying OCI repo for discovery metadata
How to get a list of available artifcats
$ oras repo ls giantswarmpublic.azurecr.io | head
How to get info about a helm chart
$ oras repo tags giantswarmpublic.azurecr.io/control-plane-catalog/crossplane
$ oras manifest fetch giantswarmpublic.azurecr.io/control-plane-catalog/crossplane:2.1.0 | jq
"schemaVersion": 2,
"config": {
"mediaType": "application/vnd.cncf.helm.config.v1+json",
"digest": "sha256:22aa9eeae15a5908fe5a4c4a9d108ab53a82db92884f3975b55de5d4d5a03503",
"size": 1458
"layers": [
"mediaType": "application/vnd.cncf.helm.chart.content.v1.tar+gzip",
"digest": "sha256:3d969d8c0b7660b2fb20a4b3eb0d20b6e956d16a3c944e56285b9285408b1856",
"size": 60849
$ oras manifest fetch-config giantswarmpublic.azurecr.io/control-plane-catalog/crossplane:2.1.0 | jq
"name": "crossplane",
"home": "https://crossplane.io",
"sources": [
"version": "2.1.0",
"description": "Crossplane is an open source Kubernetes add-on that enables platform teams to assemble infrastructure from multiple vendors, and expose higher level self-service APIs for application teams to consume.",
"keywords": [
"maintainers": [
"name": "Crossplane Maintainers",
"email": "info@crossplane.io"
"icon": "https://docs.crossplane.io/android-chrome-192x192.png",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"appVersion": "1.11.0",
"annotations": {
"application.giantswarm.io/metadata": "https://giantswarm.github.io/control-plane-catalog/crossplane-2.1.0.tgz-meta/main.yaml",
"application.giantswarm.io/readme": "https://giantswarm.github.io/control-plane-catalog/crossplane-2.1.0.tgz-meta/README.md",
"application.giantswarm.io/team": "honeybadger",
"application.giantswarm.io/values-schema": "https://giantswarm.github.io/control-plane-catalog/crossplane-2.1.0.tgz-meta/values.schema.json",
"config.giantswarm.io/version": "1.x.x"
### Pushing helm chart's meta-data and friends to ORAS
Singing and pushing chart (currently `cosign` uploads the signature as a separate layer with a well-known tag format, instead of attaching it to existing artifact)
$ helm push hello-world-app-1.3.0-32a97bcc47456fbb5c718f454e884c5629fed7cb.tgz oci://giantswarmpublic.azurecr.io/test
Pushed: giantswarmpublic.azurecr.io/test/hello-world-app:1.3.0-32a97bcc47456fbb5c718f454e884c5629fed7cb
Digest: sha256:da27820091d73861454be71a30e3baf4d20555d297e9d9be8272c2cad21c2426
$ cosign sign giantswarmpublic.azurecr.io/test/hello-world-app@sha256:da27820091d73861454be71a30e3baf4d20555d297e9d9be8272c2cad21c2426
Generating ephemeral keys...
Retrieving signed certificate...
Note that there may be personally identifiable information associated with this signed artifact.
This may include the email address associated with the account with which you authenticate.
This information will be used for signing this artifact and will be stored in public transparency logs and cannot be removed later.
By typing 'y', you attest that you grant (or have permission to grant) and agree to have this information stored permanently in transparency logs.
Are you sure you would like to continue? [y/N] y
Your browser will now be opened to:
Successfully verified SCT...
tlog entry created with index: 16041808
Pushing signature to: giantswarmpublic.azurecr.io/test/hello-world-app
$ oras manifest fetch giantswarmpublic.azurecr.io/test/hello-world-app:sha256-da27820091d73861454be71a30e3baf4d20555d297e9d9be8272c2cad21c2426.sig
Attaching arbitrary meta-data files (`helm/example-chart-meta` is an arbitrary string):
$ cp -a hello-world-app-1.3.0-32a97bcc47456fbb5c718f454e884c5629fed7cb.tgz-meta/ meta
$ oras attach giantswarmpublic.azurecr.io/test/hello-world-app:1.3.0-32a97bcc47456fbb5c718f454e884c5629fed7cb --artifact-type 'helm/example-chart-meta' ./meta
Uploading 467731c54adf meta
Uploaded 467731c54adf meta
Attached to [registry] giantswarmpublic.azurecr.io/test/hello-world-app@sha256:da27820091d73861454be71a30e3baf4d20555d297e9d9be8272c2cad21c2426
Digest: sha256:48eb00ecf2769850f917f6498db50af940dd45c2f2905040a819ee062df4c1f5
$ oras discover -o tree giantswarmpublic.azurecr.io/test/hello-world-app:1.3.0-32a97bcc47456fbb5c718f454e884c5629fed7cb
└── helm/example-chart-meta
└── sha256:48eb00ecf2769850f917f6498db50af940dd45c2f2905040a819ee062df4c1f5
Checking and downloading metadata:
$ oras discover -o json --artifact-type 'helm/example-chart-meta' giantswarmpublic.azurecr.io/test/hello-world-app:1.3.0-32a97bcc47456fbb5c718f454e884c5629fed7cb
"schemaVersion": 2,
"mediaType": "application/vnd.oci.image.index.v1+json",
"manifests": [
"mediaType": "application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json",
"digest": "sha256:48eb00ecf2769850f917f6498db50af940dd45c2f2905040a819ee062df4c1f5",
"size": 817,
"annotations": {
"org.opencontainers.image.created": "2023-03-22T14:20:20Z"
"artifactType": "helm/example-chart-meta"
$ oras manifest fetch giantswarmpublic.azurecr.io/test/hello-world-app@sha256:48eb00ecf2769850f917f6498db50af940dd45c2f2905040a819ee062df4c1f5 | jq
"schemaVersion": 2,
"mediaType": "application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json",
"config": {
"mediaType": "helm/example-chart-meta",
"digest": "sha256:44136fa355b3678a1146ad16f7e8649e94fb4fc21fe77e8310c060f61caaff8a",
"size": 2
"layers": [
"mediaType": "application/vnd.oci.image.layer.v1.tar+gzip",
"digest": "sha256:467731c54adfa0ac43c81a4964051fba6b562d9e5659922d22c0eac26ac453da",
"size": 1016,
"annotations": {
"io.deis.oras.content.digest": "sha256:d79b1a93714f3465bd35d7acafa8429eb26a887d79c627ddfa52f1c2e5a87a6d",
"io.deis.oras.content.unpack": "true",
"org.opencontainers.image.title": "meta"
"subject": {
"mediaType": "application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json",
"digest": "sha256:da27820091d73861454be71a30e3baf4d20555d297e9d9be8272c2cad21c2426",
"size": 354
"annotations": {
"org.opencontainers.image.created": "2023-03-22T14:20:20Z"
$ mkdir meta-out
$ oras pull -o ./meta-out giantswarmpublic.azurecr.io/test/hello-world-app@sha256:48eb00ecf2769850f917f6498db50af940dd45c2f2905040a819ee062df4c1f5
Downloading 467731c54adf meta
Downloaded 467731c54adf meta
Pulled [registry] giantswarmpublic.azurecr.io/test/hello-world-app@sha256:48eb00ecf2769850f917f6498db50af940dd45c2f2905040a819ee062df4c1f5
Digest: sha256:48eb00ecf2769850f917f6498db50af940dd45c2f2905040a819ee062df4c1f5
$ ll meta-out/meta
.rw-r--r-- 912 piontec 22 mar 10:00 main.yaml
.rw-rw-r-- 466 piontec 22 mar 10:00 README.md
.rw-rw-r-- 1,2Ki piontec 28 cze 2022 values.schema.json
$ oras manifest fetch giantswarmpublic.azurecr.io/test/hello-world-app:sha256-48eb00ecf2769850f917f6498db50af940dd45c2f2905040a819ee062df4c1f5.sig
## Replacing app bundles with native Flux+Helm capabilities
### Direct App CR to HelmRelease CR replacement
Obviously, we can use the same pattern as we did with App Bundles, just with HelmRelease CRs. Still, we will duplicate also all the issues we had with it, and as such we would like to avoid the pattern of intermediary wrapping Helm Chart.
### Using OCI artifacts as bundles
Flux has now functionality to [use any OCI object](https://fluxcd.io/flux/cheatsheets/oci-artifacts/#flux-oci-automation) as a source, the same way it can use S3 bucket or a git repo.
We can use this new functionality in the following way:
- to release: pack all the resources, mainly `HelmReleases`, that should be in a bundle into a single OCI artifact, upload it to OCI registry (optionally sign with `cosign`)
- to install: download the artifact as a source of `Kustomization`, patch necessary configs and a target cluster and let Flux do the rest
### Example
In this example, we'll prepare a bundle consisting of two apps, deployed with 1 shared and 1 individual config.
#### Preparing the bundle - source
We prepare 3 files: 2 `HelmReleases` with app definitions and a `HelmRepository` they can be downloaded from.
- hello-world-helmrepo.yaml
apiVersion: source.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1beta2
kind: HelmRepository
name: gspublic
interval: 10m
type: oci
url: oci://giantswarmpublic.azurecr.io/test
- hello-world-1-release.yaml
apiVersion: helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v2beta1
kind: HelmRelease
name: hello-1
app: hello-world
test1: val1
interval: 10m
targetNamespace: test # <- on the target cluster
chart: podinfo
version: 6.3.5 # <- can be also semver range
kind: HelmRepository
name: gspublic # <- must exist
provider: cosign # <- optional verification
valuesFrom: [] # <- important for easier patching
- hello-world-2-release.yaml
This file is exactly the same as the one above except of the name
apiVersion: helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v2beta1
kind: HelmRelease
name: hello-2
Please note a few important settings in the manifest `hello-world-1-release.yaml`, in particular
- `version:` can be set to a semver regexp (like `6.x` or `>=6.5.0`)
- `valuesFrom:`, even if not used, should be set to an empty list `[]`, as it will allow patching it later by appending to the array, without checking if it exists
Next, we're ready to pack, tag, and upload the content of our bundle to OCI registry:
$ flux push artifact oci://giantswarmpublic.azurecr.io/test/hello-world-bundle:0.0.8 --path="." --source="the-repo-URL-goes-herels" --revision="0.0.8"
► pushing artifact to giantswarmpublic.azurecr.io/test/hello-world-bundle:0.0.8
✔ artifact successfully pushed to giantswarmpublic.azurecr.io/test/hello-world-bundle@sha256:7336d4e4452817260a39d78b270b1239a2fbb06ed88217323e3f33312c95680d
Optionally, we can already sign it with `cosign`:
$ cosign sign giantswarmpublic.azurecr.io/test/hello-world-bundle@sha256:7336d4e4452817260a39d78b270b1239a2fbb06ed88217323e3f33312c95680d
Generating ephemeral keys...
Retrieving signed certificate...
Note that there may be personally identifiable information associated with this signed artifact.
This may include the email address associated with the account with which you authenticate.
This information will be used for signing this artifact and will be stored in public transparency logs and cannot be removed later.
By typing 'y', you attest that you grant (or have permission to grant) and agree to have this information stored permanently in transparency logs.
Are you sure you would like to continue? [y/N] y
Your browser will now be opened to:
Successfully verified SCT...
tlog entry created with index: 16675980
Pushing signature to: giantswarmpublic.azurecr.io/test/hello-world-bundle
### Deploying the bundle
We can now use the bundle as a `Kustomization` source. To do that, we have to prepare Flux objects like below.
- `bundle-repo.yaml` - includes the info about where to get the bundle and in which version; oprionally can check for the bundle signature
apiVersion: source.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1beta2
kind: OCIRepository
name: gs-azure
namespace: test
interval: 10m
url: oci://giantswarmpublic.azurecr.io/test/hello-world-bundle
tag: 0.0.5
verify: # <- optional, enables cosign verification
provider: cosign
- optional `ConfigMaps` that are needed to configure the bundle; for testing we use a file `cm.yaml`
apiVersion: v1
values.yaml: |
a: b
b: 2
kind: ConfigMap
name: bundle-config
namespace: test
apiVersion: v1
values.yaml: |
app1: b
app2: 2
kind: ConfigMap
name: bundle-config-app1
namespace: test
- actual `Kustomization` that deploys the bundle and applies patches needed to set a destination cluster and configuration (`bundle.yaml`)
apiVersion: kustomize.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1beta2
kind: Kustomization
name: test-bundle
namespace: test
gs.app.kustomization-type: bundle
interval: 1m
targetNamespace: test
prune: true
kind: OCIRepository
name: gs-azure
path: ./
- patch: |-
apiVersion: helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v2beta1
kind: HelmRelease
name: not-used
part-of-bundle.name: test-bundle
part-of-bundle.version: 0.0.5
name: wc-kubeconfig-cm-name
target: # <- must select all HelmReleases in the bundle to set the target clsuter
kind: HelmRelease
labelSelector: "app=hello-world"
- patch: |
- op: add
path: "/spec/valuesFrom/-" # <- this appends to the end of existing list
kind: ConfigMap
name: bundle-config
kind: HelmRelease
labelSelector: "app=hello-world" # <- we can target multiple HelmReleases
- patch: |
- op: add
path: /spec/valuesFrom/-
kind: ConfigMap
name: bundle-config-app1
kind: HelmRelease
name: "hello-1" # <- we can target a single HelmRelease
After deploying this `Kustomization`, an OCI artifact will be downloaded, verified with `cosign` (if used in `OCIRepository`), extracted, patched and then deployed to the local k8s server.
### Automatic upgrades - simple semver regex
This approach automatically detects new versions of the bundle in OCI registry and deploys it to the cluster, but it doesn't save the information about the version used to any `spec:` part of any object, so it's also impossible to save the version information to the git repo or create a PR. Still, it's super simple and requires just one minor change in the `OCIRepository` object:
apiVersion: source.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1beta2
kind: OCIRepository
name: gs-azure
namespace: test
interval: 10m
url: oci://giantswarmpublic.azurecr.io/test/hello-world-bundle
semver: 0.0.x # <- instead of simple 'tag:'
provider: cosign
### Automatic upgrades using flux image update automation
This requires more configuration, but uses the templating mechanism that allows to set a version in the `spec:` section of `OCIRepository`, then commit it to repo or create a PR.
*Note*: during my testing I failed to make it work, but it's supported and listed in official docs.
We need to change `OCIRepository` as follows
apiVersion: source.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1beta2
kind: OCIRepository
name: gs-azure
namespace: test
interval: 10m
url: oci://giantswarmpublic.azurecr.io/test/hello-world-bundle
tag: 0.0.5 # {"$imagepolicy": "test:upgrade-bundle-policy:tag"}
provider: cosign
Then add additional objects that flux uses for discovery and pushing back to git:
apiVersion: image.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1beta1
kind: ImageUpdateAutomation
name: upgrade-bundle-automation
namespace: test
interval: 10m
kind: GitRepository
name: flux-system
namespace: flux-system
branch: test-gs-flux
email: fluxcdbot@users.noreply.github.com
name: fluxcdbot
messageTemplate: '{{range .Updated.Images}}{{println .}}{{end}}'
path: tmp/
strategy: Setters
apiVersion: image.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1beta2
kind: ImageRepository
name: upgrade-bundle-repo
namespace: test
image: giantswarmpublic.azurecr.io/test/hello-world-bundle
interval: 5m
apiVersion: image.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1beta2
kind: ImagePolicy
name: upgrade-bundle-policy
namespace: test
name: upgrade-bundle-repo
range: ">=0.0.5"
### Analysis
#### Pros
- uses native Flux objects without the need for intermediary wrapping Helm Chart
- as a result, allows configuration `ConfigMaps` to be passed directly to the objects inside the OCI artifact, without the need to go through `values.yaml` of the wrapping Helm Chart
- natively supports `cosign` for delivery chain security
- no extra controller/operator needed
- it's deployed using a `Kustomization` API object, not a `HelmRelease`, which makes it clear that they are not the same and don't work the same; makes this separation clearer
- ownership of resources included in the bundle just works, everything is cleaned up once the bundle `Kustomization` is deleted
- patches required in the `Kustomization` object are very repetitive and should be easy to standardize and template using external tools
- upgrade automation is delivered by Flux and has even 2 ways of configuring, one of which integrates nicely with GitOps
- we can set up upgrade automation for `HelmReleases` within the bundle; this means that components in the bundle can get for example patch fix releases without releasing the overall bundle (which is also a disadvantage, as it breaks the immutability of a bundle in a specific version).
#### Cons
- it's deployed using a `Kustomization` API object, not a `HelmRelease`, which means UIs need to support both of them
- `Kustomizations` can be also used for many different purposes, so we need a way to automatically tell which `Kustomization` is a bundle - but this can be easily done with a label like `gs.app.kustomization-type: bundle`
- requires excessive patching in the `Kustomization` object to set configuration, target workload cluster and also probably some labels on included resources to denote that they were installed by a bundle
### Discarding app bundles and using helm charts with sub-charts
Helm allows managing dependencies directly, using the `helm dep` command. This pattern is used by Bitnami to produce virtually all of [their charts](https://github.com/bitnami/charts). It works by just including all the manifests of the dependent charts into the umbrella chart (it's even implemented as downloading and extracting dependent charts).
*Note*: this approach might seem to be the same, as the app-of-apps approach above, but there's a very important difference: there's just 1 Helm chart, composed by "gluing" together the sub-charts.
*Note*: our group that was working on CAPI packaging also analyzed the idea, but rejected it in favor of app-of-apps approach (at that time, without the experience we have now).
#### Pros
- it's a single helm chart
- as such, information about the target cluster needs to be given just once, for the umbrella chart itself
- simple to manage: Helm allows to define semver ranges for dependencies, then it just needs `helm dup update` to check for newer versions, check if they match the semver range and save it in `Chart.lock`
- we can mark it with some `Chart.yaml` extra attributes to easily differentiate from normal "single" charts
#### Cons
- helm chart releases are saved in a `Secret` and they are limited in size to 1 MB; we already crossed that with a single chart a few times and that was not an easy problem; including multiple sub-charts in a single umbrella chart is going to make this problem bigger
- it requires to manage and update an extra chart every time any of the sub-charts needs to be updated
- it requires the umbrella chart to have its own `values.yaml` that proxies the values to the necessary sub-chart
- there's no easy way to capture dependencies (like "is it ready?" or "did it fail?") between chart components
- it's very hard (although at least to some extent possible using the [`lookup`](https://helm.sh/docs/chart_template_guide/functions_and_pipelines/#using-the-lookup-function) function) to manage deployment of the chart based on what is already deployed in the cluster (no direct support for inter-chart dependencies).
### Recommendation
There's a big difference in complexity and functionality between the two approaches above. Fortunately, both can happily coexist at the same time:
- For simple scenarios (no big charts, no intra-chart dependencies, no need to patch the nested charts) we can use Helm Subcharts. Mixing this with a renovate action that will automatically detect and upgrade sub-charts, managing the release process should be easy. Then, we combine it with Flux using just a single `HelmRelease`. This all was also tested with OCI registries and works fine.
- For more complex scenarios, we can use OCI bundles, where we can add to the mix whatever we want, patch using `kustomize` and use all the feature Flux offers.