owned this note changed 2 years ago
Published Linked with GitHub

2023-07-15 SciPy 2023 conda sprint

Sprints are officially from 9:30 am to 6:00 pm at room TBD of the SciPy 2023 conference venue.

TODO(?): Link to conda developers and sprint Matrix room(s)

What is this sprint for?

Sprints are open for everyone who is interested in contributing to the various projects in the conda ecosystem (e.g. projects under the conda, conda-incubator, mamba-org, conda-forge GitHub organizations), what we call "conda and friends".

See the New to sprints? section below for more information about how sprinting works.


Name Initials Affiliation GH Username


New to sprints? Start here

Basically a sprint is an excuse for people to focus their undivided attention, for a set timeframe, on improving a project or set of projects, in our case conda and friends. It's a focused, scheduled effort to test, fix bugs, add new features and improve documentation. Or just have fun with new stuff. No, it's not a Scrum thing.

For more information, view Brett Cannon's introductory talk from PyCon 2009, or read Eric Holscher's blog post.


Please feel free to add your notes from the sprint to the following section, and don't forget to add your inititals in front like "(JL)" or "(JL, CHL)".

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