Chain History Storage Network

This document is a preliminary specification for a networking protocol that supports on-demand availability of Ethereum chain history data.


Chain history data consists of historical block headers and block bodies, where a block body consists of transactions and transaction receipts.

The data stored in the chain history storage network will support the following eth protocol requests:

  • GetBlockHeaders (0x03)
  • GetBlockBodies (0x05)
  • GetReceipts (0x0f)

The chain history storage network is a Kademlia DHT that forms an overlay network on top of a Discovery v5 network.

The history network uses the following protocol messages from the Discovery v5 network:

  • PING (0x01)
  • PONG (0x02)
  • FINDNODE (0x03)
  • NODES (0x04)
  • TALKREQ (0x05)
  • TALKRESP (0x06)

The TALKREQ and TALKRESP protocol messages are application-level messages whose contents are specific to the history protocol. We specify these messages below.

The history protocol uses the node table structure from the Discovery v5 network and the lookup algorithm from section 2.3 of the Kademlia paper.



  • Block headers
  • Block bodies
    • Transactions
    • Receipts


  • Block header by block header hash
  • Block body by block header hash
  • Block receipts by block header hash

This specification does not support block lookups by number or transaction lookups by hash. To support these lookups, we will require a specification for a block header accumulator so that we can return the canonical block for a given height or the transaction for a given hash included in some canonical block.

Data Bridge

Participants in the eth protocol are responsible for injecting data into the network. These nodes act as a bridge between the eth protocol and the chain history network. Once the data is present within the network, that data is distributed to nodes "close" to that data. We define a notion of distance between some node and some data item below.

Data Completeness

In order to ensure that the network holds the entirety of the chain history, a separate process searches for missing data. Upon discovery of some missing data, that node issues a request to a bridge node for that data. The bridge node responds with the data, and it is distributed in the same way that new history is distributed.



Nodes in the history network are represented by their EIP-778 Ethereum Node Record (ENR) from the Discovery v5 network. A node's node-id is derived according to the node's identity scheme, which is specified in the node's ENR. A node's node-id represents its address in the DHT.

The node-id is a 32-byte identifier. We define the distance function that maps a pair of node-id values to a 256-bit unsigned integer identically to the Discovery v5 network.

distance(n1, n2) = n1 XOR n2

Similarly, we define a logdistance function identically to the Discovery v5 network.

logdistance(n1, n2) = log2(distance(n1, n2))

Content: Keys and Values

The chain history DHT stores the following data items:

  • Block headers
  • Block bodies
  • Receipts

Each of these data items are represented as a key-value pair. Denote the key for a data item by content-key. Denote the value for an item as content.

We derive a content-id from the content-key as H(content-key) where H denotes the [placeholder] hash function, which outputs 32-byte values. The content-id represents the key in the DHT that we use for distance calculations.

All content-key values are encoded and decoded according to SSZ sedes.

Block Header

content-key  = Container(chain-id: uint16, content-type: uint8, block-hash: Bytes32)
content-type = 0x01

Block Body

content-key  = Container(chain-id: uint16, content-type: uint8, block-hash: Bytes32)
content-type = 0x02


content-key  = Container(chain-id: uint16, content-type: uint8, block-hash: Bytes32)
content-type = 0x03


We define a distance function that maps a node-id and content-id pair to a 256-bit unsigned integer identically to the distance function for pairs of node-id values.

Each node specifies a radius value, a 256-bit unsigned integer that represents the data that a node is "interested" in.

interested(node, content) = distance(, <= node.radius

A node is expected to maintain radius information for each node in its local node table. A node's radius value may fluctuate as the contents of its local key-value store change.

Protocol Messages

All protocol messages are transmitted via the TALKREQ and TALKRESP messages defined by the Discovery v5 protocol.

Below is the general message encoding for all TALKREQ messages.

protocol              = portal-history
request               = protocol-message-type || protocol-message
protocol-message-type = uint8
protocol-message      = byte array

Below is the general message encoding for all TALKRESP messages.

response              = protocol-message-type || protocol-message
protocol-message-type = uint8
protocol-message      = byte array

All protocol-message values are encoded and decoded according to SSZ sedes.

If the size of a message would exceed the max packet size of 1280 bytes, then the transmission of the message contents would occur over uTP.

uTP connections are initiated with randomly generated connection IDs. Upon sending a message with some connection-id, the sender should initiate a uTP stream using connection-id. Upon receiving a message that contains some connection-id, the recipient should listen for an incoming uTP connection with connection-id.

NOTE: The Offer/Accept/Store messages do not conform to the request/response paradigm of Discovery v5. We plan to propose a change to the base protocol definition to loosen the language.

Ping (0x01)

Communicate radius information of the sender, and request radius information of the recipient.

protocol-message-type = 0x01
protocol-message      = Container(radius: uint256)

Pong (0x02)

In response to a Ping message, communicate radius information of the sender.

protocol-message-type = 0x02
protocol-message      = Container(radius: uint256)

FindNode (0x03)

Request a list of ENR values for nodes whose logdistance from the recipient's node-id is equal to one of the specified values.

protocol-message-type = 0x03
protocol-message      = Container(distances: List[uint8, 256])

Each element of distances MUST be unique. A zero value in the distances list represents a request for the recipient's ENR value.

FoundNodes (0x04)

In response to a FindNode message, communicate a list of RLP-encoded ENR values for nodes whose logdistance value satisfies the request.

protocol-message-type = 0x04
protocol-message      = Container(total: uint8, enrs: List[Bytes, 32])

The recipient may know of more than 32 nodes that satisfy the request. In this case, the recipient will need to send multiple FoundNodes messages in response to the FindNode message.

Here, total denotes the total number of FoundNodes messages that the sender of the FindNode message should expect in response.

Each ENR MUST be unique to some node-id. Each ENR MUST correspond to an element in the distances field of the FindNode request.

FindContent (0x05)

Request the data for content with content-key, or a list of ENR values for nodes whose distance from content-id is smaller than that of the recipient.

The encoding of content-key for all possible data items is specified above.

protocol-message-type = 0x05
protocol-message      = Container(content-key: Bytes)

FoundContent (0x06)

In response to a FindContent message, communicate one of the following:

  • A connection ID for a uTP stream to transmit the requested data
  • A list of RLP-encoded ENR values with maximum length of 32
  • A byte-array that encodes the requested data
protocol-message-type = 0x06
protocol-message      = Container(connection-id: Bytes4, enrs: List[Bytes, 32], content: Bytes)

If the node does not hold the requested content, and the node does not know of any nodes with eligible ENR values, then the node should return connection-id as a zero byte array, enrs as an empty list and content as an empty byte-array.

Offer (0x07)

Communicate to the recipient that the data for content-key is available for transmission.

protocol-message-type = 0x07
protocol-message      = Container(content-key: Bytes)

Accept (0x08)

In response to a Offer message, request the data for content-key.

protocol-message-type = 0x08
protocol-message      = Container(content-key: Bytes)

If a node transmits a Accept message, then we expect that node to store the corresponding data locally following the subsequent Store message.

Store (0x09)

In response to a Accept message, communicate one of the following:

  • A connection ID for a uTP stream to transmit the requested data
  • A byte-array that encodes the requested data
protocol-message-type = 0x09
protocol-message      = Container(connection-id: Bytes4, content: Bytes)

Algorithms and Data Structures

Node State

We adapt the node state from the Discovery v5 protocol. Assume identical definitions for the replication parameter \(k\) and a node's \(k\)-bucket table. Also assume that the routing table follows the structure and evolution described in section 2.4 of the Kademlia paper.

Nodes keep information about other nodes in a routing table of \(k\)-buckets. This routing table is distinct from the node's underlying Discovery v5 routing table.

A node associates the following tuple with each entry in its routing table:

node-entry := (node-id, radius, ip, udp)

The radius value is the only node information specific to the overlay protocol. This information is refreshed by the Ping and Pong protocol messages.

A node should regularly refresh the information it keeps about its neighbors. We follow section 4.1 of the Kademlia paper to improve efficiency of these refreshes. A node delays Ping checks until it has a useful message to send to its neighbor.

When a node discovers some previously unknown node, and the corresponding \(k\)-bucket is full, the newly discovered node is put into a replacement cache sorted by time last seen. If a node in the \(k\)-bucket fails a liveness check, and the replacement cache for that bucket is non-empty, then that node is replaced by the most recently seen node in the replacement cache.

Consider a node in some \(k\)-bucket to be "stale" if it fails to respond to \(\beta\) messages in a row, where \(\beta\) is a system parameter. \(\beta\) may be a function of the number of previous successful liveness checks or of the age of the neighbor. If the \(k\)-bucket is not full, and the corresponding replacement cache is empty, then stale nodes should only be flagged and not removed. This ensures that a node who goes offline temporarily does not void its \(k\)-buckets.


We use the lookup algorithm described in section 2.3 of the Kademlia paper. A "node lookup" is the execution of the algorithm to find the \(k\) closest nodes to some node-id. A "content lookup" is the execution of the algorithm to find the data for content-id or the \(k\) closest nodes to content-id.

A FindNode request corresponds to a node lookup, and a FindContent request corresponds to a content lookup .

The lookup algorithm is also used to identify nodes that should receive Offer messages to store some data.

Joining the Network

We follow the join procedure described in the Kademlia paper.

In order to join the network, a node \(u\) must know some node \(v\) who is already participating in the network. Node \(u\) inserts \(v\) into the appropriate \(k\)-bucket and then sends a FindNode request to \(v\) for its own node ID. Then, node \(u\) refreshes all \(k\)-buckets with distances further than its closest neighbor. To refresh a bucket, a node selects a random node ID in the bucket's range and performs a FindNode for that ID.

Finding Nodes

A node's routing table is initially populated by the FindNode messages that the node sends when it joins the network.

Following the join phase, a node's \(k\)-buckets are generally kept fresh by network traffic. When a node learns of a new contact (through node lookups), it attempts to insert the contact into the appropriate \(k\)-bucket. A node keeps track of the last node lookup it performed for each \(k\)-bucket, and it will regularly refresh any \(k\)-buckets with no recent lookups.

Finding Content

To find a piece of content for content-id, a node performs a content lookup via FindContent. If the lookup succeeds, then the requestor sends a Offer message for the content to the closest node it observed that did not return the value and whose radius contains content-id.

Storing Content

To store a piece of content with key content-id, a node performs a lookup to find the \(k\) closest nodes with radii that contain content-id. Then the node sends Offer RPCs to those nodes. For any node that responds to the Offer RPC with a Accept RPC, the local node responds with a Store RPC for the content.

The network cannot make guarantees about the storage of particular content. A lazy node may ignore all Offer RPCs. A malicious node may send Accept RPCs and ignore the Store RPCs. The offer-accept mechanism is in place to require that nodes explicitly accept some data before another node attempts to transmit that data. The mechanism prevents the unnecessary consumption of bandwidth in the presence of lazy nodes. However, it does not defend against malicious nodes who accept offers for data with no intent to store it.

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