Final Email to Council of Paris 2019 Participants

Sent via pretix to all participants on March 3rd evening

Hello everyone!

We're looking forward to seeing you tomorrow, Monday, March 4th, for the Council of Paris 2019!

The location is CNAM - 292 Rue Saint-Martin, 75003, Paris Google Maps which will be the same location for ETHCC.

Please arrive promptly at 9:30am for registration.

You don't need anything other than your name for us to look you up.

We'd like to get started at 10am so please be prompt. We'll have people briefly pitch their session ideas, so be prepared for that.

The full agenda is here, created from the Call for Rings wiki page in the forum. If you want to share notes or links with everyone, feel free to edit that page.

We have created the agenda grid based on interest shown ahead of time. But this is your event we make the space available for all participants to work on discussing different aspects of Ethereum.

So, besides the pre-scheduled items, come with your ideas and Rings for discussion and we'll help connect and announce to other participants.

Thank you to our sponsors

The Council events and all of the forums are run as volunteer efforts. We try and keep things low cost, but venues and catering do have real costs associated, as does high quality video capture.

Asseth and ETHCC are the headline sponsors, covering the venue and assisting with so much else, including catering.

The ECF is a Sustaining Sponsor, funding the second of three events.

Santiment is back as a Supporting Sponsor.

Orchid is a Community Sponsor.

Fluence is once again running the video live stream as a Community Sponsor.

Find out more about the volunteers and sponsors on the forum.

And thank you all for being participants!


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