changed a year ago
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Neccessary Wanderings:

After playing with geth for the past few weeks, lodestar has been a curveball in terms of the way its implemented

First, lodestar is built binarily so the initial issues i had with running geth wherever in the terminal came up again

In Lodestar's case, old tricks don't seem to work. I cant really solve it (yet?) because its built binarily, with all the files in place in its own directory. It's really quite different from geth, reth or any other clients i have installed on my local machine, which has everything abstracted into one executable file.

I finally figured out how to make it work, thanks to Hol's prior experimentation here. Also later found a bounty of resources about Lodestar on HackMD, i will be linking some in the links subsection below.

Ultimately i decided to return to my initial strategy of reviewing Lodestar codebase. Thus the following are links am currently studying, it will also form the basis of my next update(s), once i have a deeper understanding of what they do and how they will assist me in an automatic reset implementation.

Oh sh! i didn't mention my project proposal which is antecedent to these and future updates!

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I proposed an automatic reset implementation of Ephemery across clients. I will be starting with Lodestar, then progress from there.

  • Fork of the Lodestar repo
    • I am collaborating on this repo with Hol, we will be integrating Ephemery with Lodestar: providing full support. Hol is working on the native genesis implementation of the project
  • Lodestar quick setup guide
    • Very good notes on how to use Lodestar, wished i had found this earlier!
  • Lodestar Testnet Configs
    • This is offering me a slight peek into how Lodestar initiates network in directories which is important to my project because i need to know how it's done, so it can be deleted prior to reset. This notes is 3years old tho :(
  • Lodestar Fork Choice
    • This one interested me because in the beginning pk mentioned implementing an automatic test using fork versions. It's probably too complex tho and Lodestar seems to offer minimal support here.
  • Lodestar's documentation
    • Probably best paired with their guides imo especially if you are a beginner.
  • pk910 geth fork
    • Going through this again, because i need all the information i can get on how clients handles directories..
  • Ephemery Scripts
    • Back to basics shift to understanding how ephemery is being resetted manually currently and what this script can lend by way of guiding an automatic reset implementation.
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