Introducing Suggest Edit

Apr 17, 2024ByRachel Golden
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Today, we’re delighted to announce Suggest Edit, the easiest way to, well, suggest edits in HackMD.

While it’s fairly straightforward, this feature was widely requested by you and will help level up your markdown collaboration efforts and streamline communication.

When you spot a typo, want to propose a smoother phrase, or give a different perspective on sentence flow you can easily leave your suggestion.

Keep your docs clean and polished with Suggest Edit.


Now, you might be thinking, how is this different from the standard HackMD commenting functionality?

Comments guide conversations and act as a space to ask questions within a document. And this functionality is still at your disposal! Suggest Edit, on the other hand, takes that collaboration a step further with more proofreading and editing capabilities.

Hide and Resolve

The Suggest Edit feature also enables Hide and Resolve for all comments. Instead of simply deleting comments or edits, you can now hide or resolve them.

This means that if you’re collaborating remotely with your team or managing a public document for your online community, and things get a tad cluttered with comments, instead of sweeping them under the rug, Hide and Resolve lets you tidy up the discussion space while still acknowledging and addressing each point raised.

Stay organized and focused without losing valuable input. Whether you’re ironing out the wrinkles in a project plan or fostering vibrant discussions within your community, Hide and Resolve is your go-to companion for keeping things organized.

And a huge shoutout to the Lido team, @到處青苔 mossew, Eli Lin, and Michael Katz for their help with usability testing. 💙

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