C4J Talk 文字稿

Part 1

Hi, my name is t-monk.
Today I would like to introduce the Mind Mapping tool by talking about one of vTaiwan's case.
Nonconsensual-Pornography also called revenge porn.

The initial work is done in Sep. 2017 before I join vTaiwan. At that time 🗺️ vTaiwan invited people specialized in law. We have lots of discussion in revange porn.

Unfortunately the collaboration meeting didn't caught attention of public so the legislation process was stock in step of making draft.

But we didn't think it as a failure. The issue is still worth discuss and we open the 📋 meeting transcript and 📺 video record online license in creative commons.

Which means everyone can use, can take over the progress so for without asking.

Then around June 2018 - the same time I join vTaiwan - there are few physical violation crimes happened all of suddens in Taiwan. All victimes are women. Which arise public concern after news spread out.
As reponse of public concern.

Parties proposed their drafts.
Some propose using injunction.
Some ask for responsibility to Internet Service Provider - ISP - by taking down the nude images of victims.
One draft even request for authority to ban IP from ISP.
Then a better draft provided by 👧 Taipei Women's Rescue Foundation appeard. We hosted the second collaboration meeting based on the draft. Hoping to bring more discussion and further improved the draft.

Part 2

At the second collaboration meeting we used 📜 Mind Mapping tool to organize idea and opinions.

1️⃣ List through all possible way to spread out private images and think of best way to deal with it by law.

2️⃣ If we find out the hyperlink direct to the images, what technological ways can we use to sabotage it and discuss how the method could also damaged freedom of speech too.

3️⃣ List all the questions derived by revenge porn.
Such as "How do define sexsual private images?"
"Do nipples on image count? Why it is fine with man's nipple but not for woman's nipple?"
"What if the images is used for medical reasearch?"
"What if the images is used for art?"
"What the punishment should be to persuade people not to publish others private images?"
And realise that
"The most difficult part for the issue is that the victim is giving out the image willingly at the first place."
And that makes it so hard to request for protection.
The dilemma is vivid when you think about it.

4️⃣ Finally taking about techonology:
"What if the images is published to blockchain?"
Last year a security reasearch paper find out that there are about 2~3% of bitcoin blockchain contents are child porn.
If yuo familier with blockchain. It just literally no way to fix it.
Same things when talking about the Deep Wep. We just has no way to find out who is the owner of website.

Part 3

This case is complicated. By reviewing the mind map. We somehow manage to recap almost 90% of discussion. This is one of benefit of mind mapping.
There are other benefits like

  1. Prevent to re-issue the same idea in meeting. Because the idea or the opinion would aleady be on the mind map.
  2. It can show the conflict part clearly, and the host can take the chance to emphasized it by verify with people with mutually exclusive opinions.
  3. Easy the trace up that how the problem appeared all of sudden and vise versa.

Finally back to the revange porn case.

The main concern about the draft provided by Taipei Women's Rescue Foundation is that they request to much social cost in police enforcement and law department to deal with revange porn.

It is no surprise that they ask to much in draft. They care about those victims.

But it is as important as to make it reasonable to whole society.

That is my talk today. Thank you.

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