FreeBSD Testing & CI Tasks and Ideas

CI system itself

Base system

Right now developers get a reminder e-mail based on the ‘MFC After’ tag in commit messages. It should be possible to automatically merge, build and test (i.e. run the existing automatic test suite) these.

Ideally that would enable a button in the e-mail (or elsewhere) to then also commit the change, but even a quick sanity check (does it merge and build?) would be valuable extra information in the MFC e-mail.

17:51 <@manu__>
17:51 <@manu__> sh am335x-boneblack.dts arm pwd
17:52 <@manu__> sh allwinner/sun50i-a64-pine64-lts.dts arm64 pwd
17:52 <@manu__> that will build the dts and put the result in the current dir
17:52 <@manu__> then you just need to copy that to the tftp server
17:52 <@manu__> more logs would be better to have like the git id etc

  • A "try broekn" job to check if the skipped/disbale tests are fixed silently.

  • Fuzz testing for the userspace programs and libraries.

    • libarchive comes with test_fuzz but mostly implemented with just calling random(). It will be nice to implement a fuzzer with libFuzzer for the components in the base, then having a perodic job running latest snapshot for certain time.
  • kernel modules kldload/kldunload

    • need a minimal kernel to test

Known issues

Ports / 3rd party software


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