events osm be
OSM BE was present in a joint stand with and offered by
Stand OSM BE: Thierry Jimenez and Joost Schouppe
Stand Anyways: Ben Abelshausen
We gave info about:
Pieter Colpaert and Ben
Philippe Casteleyn and Thierry Jiménez
the OSM-stand is very popular (!!!) … there are non-stop people passing by since 10h …
Joost Schouppe and Ruben (midgard)
Most of the people that passed by knew already OSM, most particularly via route plannings app's. such as Osmand and Runkeeper
Typical question that came up several times was: "During my holidays I was walking on that path and suddenly I couldn't go through because there was a barrier. How can I report that?"
furthermore there was a prof assistent from the Karel de Grote hogeschool that was asking if it is an option to dump/import/snap (?) the cycle paths comfort results from this project ( into OSM as a "smoothness-tag"
I and Joost had a short chat with Cyclomedia ( concerning (open) street level images
In the project only "smoothness" (vibration comfort) of cycle paths is being measured
Somebody also asked for "offline" OSM maps to use on a laptop (not in a an app like Osmand). I recommended Basecamp (Garmin) with the import of several bike maps via Has somebody else other suggestions?
-> Marc_marc: i'm using docker with the same tools-chain as the online tile,link on switch2osm if I remember well
I hope that one day it will no longer be necessary to import free data and that osm will become the reference/publication base for OpenGeoData, in the same way that wikidata is the reference base for linking databases (not necessarily open though)
Stad Hasselt will most probably upload to Mapillary all the street level images taken on their territory in 2020
These guys and girls were also present, but I didn't talk to them. Somebody has a contact there? does it have any intrest for us?
Steven Vande Ryse would like to import the (mobility) Hoppin-punten into OSM … same principle as with Pin-je-punt and the bike parkings (Fietsberaad)
-> in the meantime an online meeting took place
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