changed 4 years ago
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ADR-028 Address algorithm

Problem discussion:

  • Aaron gives a context and describes current approach of current address construction algorithm
    • we only have two key schemas (secp256k1 and ed25519)

Alan general thoughts

  • we don't need 2-preimage resistance
  • we need 32bytes address space for collision resistance
    • there is an issue with smart-contracts for hashing
    • this things can overlap
    • birthday attack

Diving in


  • when an attacker can control an input for object with an address then we have a problem with birthday attack


  • sha2 mining can be use to breaking address pre-image

Hashing algorithm

  • Any attack breaking blake3 will break blake2
  • Alan is pretty confident about the current security analysis of the blake hash algorithm. It was a finalist, and the author is well known in security analysis.


  • Alan suggest to hash the prefix: hash(hash(prefix) | pub_key)[:32]
  • discussion about personalization
    • -> about adding prefix post hash

Aaron is asking about post hash prefixes and differencies

  • key_type | hash(pub_key) - this has longer address space, so it's harder.

Alan: By separating out address spaces we are separating

Alan reccomendation is to do pre-hash prefixing because it solves:

  • we are free to user arbitrary long prefix names
  • we still don't risk collisions
  • switch tables

Complex addresses

  • multisig example
      • mention about bitcoin schnorr scheme (bip340), PS: we have also an issue for that: #7315.
  • merging tree like addresses with same algorithm are fine

should we separate / have different algorithm for module accounts?


  • can't colide with any other address in the system

Should module addresses have different size to differentiate it?

  • we will need to set a pre-image prefix for module addresse to keept them in 32-byte space: hash(hash('module') | module_key)

Aaron: we already need to deal with variable length (to not break secp256k1 keys).

Ideas for complex object addreses

  • hash the hash of object bytes
    • cache the object byte hash whenever we will use it for the first time.

Discssion about arithmetic hash function

Posseidon / Rescue
Problem: much bigger risk because we don't know much techniques and history of crypto-analysis of arithmetic constructions. It's still a new ground and area of active research.

Post quantum signature size

Falcon: speed / size ration - very good.

Aaron - should we think about it?
based on early extrapolation this thing will get able to break EC cryptography in 2050 . But that's a lot of uncertinity.
but there is magic happening with recurions / linking / simulation and that can speedup the progress.

Other ideas

  • Let's say we use same key and two different address algorithms for 2 different use cases. Is it still safe to use it?
    • if we want to hide the public key (which is not our use case), then it's less secure but there are fixes.
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