Problem discussion:
Hashing algorithm
hash(hash(prefix) | pub_key)
[:32]Aaron is asking about post hash prefixes and differencies
Alan: By separating out address spaces we are separating
Alan reccomendation is to do pre-hash prefixing because it solves:
Should module addresses have different size to differentiate it?
hash(hash('module') | module_key)
Aaron: we already need to deal with variable length (to not break secp256k1 keys).
Posseidon / Rescue
Problem: much bigger risk because we don't know much techniques and history of crypto-analysis of arithmetic constructions. It's still a new ground and area of active research.
Falcon: speed / size ration - very good.
Aaron - should we think about it?
based on early extrapolation this thing will get able to break EC cryptography in 2050 . But that's a lot of uncertinity.
but there is magic happening with recurions / linking / simulation and that can speedup the progress.
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