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# 2020-09-02 conda-forge core meeting
[Zoom link](https://flatiron.zoom.us/j/93242638216?pwd=bjRCWmVJRW1oTGJhN09VUmxtTTJOUT09 )
[What time is the meeting in my time zone](https://arewemeetingyet.com/UTC/2020-08-26/17:00/w/Conda-forge%20dev%20meeting#eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczovL2hhY2ttZC5pby9wUk15dFVKV1FmU3NJM2xvMGlqQzJRP2VkaXQifQ==)
[last weeks meeting](https://hackmd.io/uoxd_bzSRie5Dq1ZrMSvhA)
## Attendees
- Matt B.
- Crystal
- Eric D.
- Marius
- CJ
- Anthony
- Sylvain
- Wolf
- Cheng
- Keith K.
- Mike S.
- few others that didn't get captured
## Agenda
### Standing items
* [x] intros for new folks on the call
* [x] (CJ) budget
* current approvals are all up to date.
* screenshare and show the doc monthly?
* Link is in Keybase (numfocus_spreadsheets.txt)
* Active Vote: https://github.com/conda-forge/conda-forge.github.io/issues/1150
### Your new agenda items
* [x] (MRB) AWS is going to pay our bill 🎉 assuming we can move the account over
* [x] (ED/WV) Machine for Isuru to do windows builds: https://github.com/conda-forge/conda-forge.github.io/issues/1150
* [ ] (IF) Cross compiling python recipes.
- cross-python # [build_platform != target_platform]
- python # [build_platform != target_platform]
- pip # [build_platform != target_platform]
- cython # [build_platform != target_platform]
- python
- pip
- cython
- python
* [x] (CHL) Proposals to drop Python 2.7, < 3.6 support
* conda: https://github.com/conda/conda/issues/10180
* conda-build: https://github.com/conda/conda-build/issues/4024
* Looking at next major version release; ~2020-Q4 or 2020-Q1
* Possibly consider 3.7 for encoding-related PEPs; choice will depend on how close we are to upstream EOL date for 3.6
* [x] OVH VM: created with the communicated specs. Need to follow up with OVH about getting access.
* People who need access need to create OVH accounts. Their accounts will be added as maintainers of that project.
* Should probably manage with terraform
* Add OVH to this yaml: https://github.com/conda-forge/conda-forge.github.io/blob/master/src/inst_partners.yaml
* Render that yaml into jinja2
* (SC) R bindings for mamba: https://github.com/marimeireles/rhumba
* Screencast: https://user-content.gitter-static.net/eb15dbe3c06bffa8af391f8f58f90240efd15cd5/68747470733a2f2f757365722d696d616765732e67697468756275736572636f6e74656e742e636f6d2f31373630303938322f38393636393235362d61376536626130302d643863652d313165612d383637362d3333313130386532386561322e676966
* (MVN)
* [mapping detector](https://github.com/regro/cf-scripts/blob/master/conda_forge_tick/pypi_name_mapping.py)
* [mappings](https://github.com/regro/cf-graph-countyfair/tree/master/mappings/pypi)
* Mappings from conda <-> PyPi <-> import_name
### Active votes
### Subteam updates
#### Bot
#### ARM
#### POWER
#### CUDA
#### Docs
#### staged-recipes
#### website
#### security+systems
### CI infrastructure
#### Compiler upgrade
### CFEP updates
#### Open PRs
* [cfep-04](https://github.com/conda-forge/conda-forge-enhancement-proposals/pull/7) X11 and CDT policy
* INACTIVE - Merge in with some inactive-esque status?
* Needs new champion. Thanks for your work on this pkgw! Has unaddressed comments from pkgw as from Jan 10, 2020
* [cfep-06](https://github.com/conda-forge/conda-forge-enhancement-proposals/pull/9) Staged-recipes review lifecycle
* INACTIVE - Merge in with some inactive-esque status?
* Lingering comment from @saraedum. @jakirkham, can you reply? Has unadressed comment from @saraedum from Jan 8, 2020
* (MRB) The stalebot has solved the worst of the issues here. I think we could defer this one permanently.
* [cfep-10](https://github.com/conda-forge/conda-forge-enhancement-proposals/pull/15) Feedstock statuses, unmaintained
* INACTIVE - Merge in with some inactive-esque status?
* Needs another review. Has unaddressed updates from pkgw as of Jan 11, 2020
* [cfep-12](https://github.com/conda-forge/cfep/pull/23) Removing packages that violate the terms of the source package
* Stalled since May 26, 2020
* Active debate about moving to "broken" vs deleting from conda-forge channel
* Active vote, ends on 2020-03-11
* What were the results of the vote?
* Did we hear back from NumFOCUS?
* [cfep-17](https://github.com/conda-forge/cfep/pull/32) Handling pin backports and dependency rebuilds
* Stalled debate about implementation details between Isuru, CJ and Matt
* **UPDATE 2020-07-22**: We in principle have agreement to render the extra pinnings needed directly in the feedstock
on a temporary basis (i.e., until the migration has ended).
## Discussion
## Check in on previous action items
Copy previous action items from last meeting agenda.
### This meeting
* [ ] (ED) Update governance docs with similar voting model as what got put into conda-tools (+3 with no -1 is a pass)
* [ ] (SC) Write jinja template to turn institutional partners yaml into a website https://github.com/conda-forge/conda-forge.github.io/blob/master/src/inst_partners.yaml
* [ ] (SC) Document what needs to be done to create an OVH account and get access
### Last meeting
**Docker hub**
* [ ] (JK) Check in on Azure build workers to see if they have the docker hub limitation. Maybe Azure and docker hub
* [ ] (JK) Check in on Azure build workers and see if they have the docker hub limitation
* [ ] (JK) work with dockerhub to see if we can get OSS status
* [ ] (???) start pushing images to quay (github?)
* [ ] (???) put changes in smithy to make sure we can use those other image locations
* [ ] (???) build webpage to credit them (and others)
* [ ] If we're adding a logo, will want to make sure that we have permission to use it.
* [ ] Shout-out on twitter at some point. "Thanks forOVHCloud for providing a VM", etc. (maybe after we ship qt on windows with it?)
### 3 meetings ago
* [ ] Figure out how to communicate breaking changes to users. Likely should open up an issue immediately for futher discussion. Ping @kkraus, plus capture notes from further up in these meeting notes
### Move to Issue Tracker
* [ ] John K. will update the cuda toolkit feedstock on the git repo to note the NVBug link to the internal NVIDIA issue tracker
* [ ] Jonathan will update docs to note that some non-exhaustive list of packages (like cuda-toolkit, MKL, etc.)
* [ ] Jonathan will review this [PR](https://github.com/AnacondaRecipes/cudatoolkit-feedstock/pull/7)
* [ ] (Kale) schedule conda working group
* [ ] cfep-10 next steps: CJ to call a vote for feedback
* [ ] cfep-06 next steps: Ask staged recipes team to champion this CFEP and move it forward
* [ ] jakirkham & CJ-wright to sync on adding CUDA to the migration bot
* [ ] (Eric) Scheduling Anaconda <-> conda-forge sync on anaconda.org requirements gathering
* Will try and get this scheduled in the next month.
* [ ] (Anthony) Reach out to NumFocus to figure out legal ramifications of not including licenses in files.
* [ ] (Eric) check internally for funding levels for hotels & flying folks from the community in?
* [ ] (Eric) Figure out finances of conda-forge to support themselves?
* [ ] (jjhelmus) Open up CFEP for which python's we're going to support
* [ ] (jakirkham) write a blog post on CUDA stuff we discussed today
* [ ] (jakirkham) update docs on how to add CUDA support to feedstocks
* [ ] (jakirkham) will open an issue on conda-smithy to investigate Drone issues. (ping the aarch team)
* https://github.com/conda-forge/conda-forge.github.io/issues/954
* [ ] (ED) Who we are page? Some combination of a FAQ and a who is everyone. FAQ things like:
* who's the POC for CF <> Anaconda, CF <> NumFocus, CF <> Azure
* who's the POC for the various subteams?
* Informal information: roles, day jobs, bios, the whole nine yards, why you're here, etc.
* Public or internal? I don't really care either way. Anyone feel strongly one way or the other?
* opt-in to public bios
* software carpentry has a large number of instructors and has https://carpentries.org/instructors
* some concern about "yet another place to keep stuff up to date"
* [ ] (CJ) Form finance subteam
* [ ] (ED) document strategies for reproducible environments using conda-forge
* [ ] (UK) Static libraries stuff
* [ ] Add linting hints to builds to find them
* [x] Recommend how to package them -> CFEP-18
* [x] We should write docs saying we don't provide support and this is a bad idea. -> CFEP-18