[CPE] Fedora Messaging: Porting, Schemas Status

This is to keep track of the items that send messages on the bus. An item can be an application, a service, or similar.


  • Package-level dependency check on Rawhide and the infra tags (>=f29), i.e. what requires python3-fedmsg or python3-fedora-messaging (and python{3,3.6~9}dist(fedmsg) or python{3,3.6~9}dist(fedora-messaging) respectively).
  • Fedora Infrastructure fedmsg -> fedora-messaging migration tracker
    • playbooks/groups/noc.yml doesn't use fedmsg/base in IAD2
    • playbooks/groups/notifs-*.yml related to FMN
    • playbooks/groups/releng-compose.yml related to pungi(-utils)


Items we want ported and with correct schemas.

Item Ported to fedora-messaging Schemas Present Schemas Complete Remarks
bodhi Yes Yes Yes
bugzilla2fedmsg Yes
copr(-backend) Yes Still depends on python3-fedmsg on Rawhide (supports both apparently, fedora-messaging via copr-messaging)
Infra/Ansible: Ansible callbacks Yes
Infra/Ansible: Nagios notify commands Yes notify.cfg for Nagios in Ansible
koschei-backends Yes
module-build-service No
openqa Yes
pkgs (aka src aka dist-git) Yes
pungi(-utils) No
robosignatory Yes
resultsdb Yes
waiverdb Yes
elections Yes
Infra: roles/mediawiki/.../fedmsg-emit.php Yes
mdapi Yes
odcs Yes
planet Yes Upstream dead, no idea where fedmsg is implemented.
nuancier WIP
kerneltest Yes No new release since extensive rewrite (including port to fedora-messaging).
mailman3-fedmsg-plugin No
mirrormanager2 No backend & crawler (at least)
github2fedmsg Yes

Out of Scope

Meaning, for this initiative in Q3/2020.

Item Ported to fedora-messaging Schemas Present Schemas Complete Remarks
datagrepper No Separate initiative (with datanommer)
datanommer No Separate initiative (with datagrepper)
fmn replacement No Separate initiative, some work done by jcline

Triage needed

I.e.: Want, Out of Scope, SEP, (Not Quite) Dead?

Item Ported to fedora-messaging Schemas Present Schemas Complete Remarks
badges No
regindexer No
fedimg No
PDC No Should be succeeded by FPDC
retrace / faf No(?) Unsure how messaging comes into play, upstream seems active.
sundries ? Many small services. Unclear why messaging (zanata2fedmsg?)

Somebody Else's Problem

The brain just edits it out, it's like a blind spot.

Item Ported to fedora-messaging Schemas Present Schemas Complete Remarks
fedocal No WIP

Not quite dead

Down for the count. Waiting for the hammer to fall.

Item Ported to fedora-messaging Schemas Present Schemas Complete Remarks
busgateway I'm not telling you. When we're done, it can go away.
fas No ⇒ AAA/Noggin
Infra/Ansible: roles/collectd/fedmsg-{service,activation} No Used in a couple of playbooks (e.g. groups/value.yml whatever that is), deploying Python scripts using fedmsg to hosts, but seem to be specific to fedmsg
loopabull Yes Has been retired


  • autocloud
  • bugyou
  • fedora-packages
  • freshmaker
  • hubs
  • modernpaste
  • taskotron
  • zanata2fedmsg
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