Scoping + Funding

Scoping, funding & discovery

RG discovery

  • spinning up RIP to interview RG key players and see what they need for onboarding what their goals are etc, interview them to fully populate this document
  • tasks on dework
  • RIP interview template

Funding avenues

Key questions for scoping/RIP proposal

What is the current state of onboarding?

Feedback from cohort - mixed, much to be improved on

  • How many members did we get from S3 based on how many people started the journey? This will reflect the current conversion rate

what problem are we solving?

  • Tae is busy and is provided a lot of busy work as a tavern keeper

  • Turning up to discord, not easy to understand how to progress

    • When new users arrive/during the cohort seasons there is no clear pathways forward
    • There is a lot of information that new cohorts want to know that can’t fit into the cohort episodes

  • There is a whole bunch of onboarding content documented by S3 here that needs to be drip fed to users based on their journey

  • Team forming is difficult. Users want buddyy to pair with. They need to also be qualififed before getting RG contributor time

  • Skills/reputation at Guild not clear

  • Progress along onboarding journey is not measured

    • How many apprnetices made it throguh to demo day, joined a team, got membership
  • What else?

Why are we trying to solve it?

  • Because as a new user who has a lot of enthusiasm it can be frustrating
  • We are losing momentum after the episodes

how big is the problem?

This is up to Guild members

Drop off rates along the way: Attendees of pilot episode > ep 1, ep1-5 drop off, post demo day drop off, amount of new members from one season

whose problem is it?

This is up to Guild members

whose opportunity ? how big is it ?

Making Raid Guild the most fun place to onboard in web3.

Expand on raid guild's fantasy RPG culture, and continue to pave the future of work, where leisure and work blur together

Create more pathways for apprentices, connect them more with RG contributors

Possible Goals: 10% less drop out, 10% more members, growing treasury, less RG communication and time used. Cohorters getting RIP ready, better RG client satisfaction/interaction

What are the most tedious onboarding tasks

  • Tae's busywork?
  • Trying to group users into teams, adding them to different channels
  • Answering FAQs
  • Anwering poeple's questions on the tavern "WHat do I do"

do we make anyone's life easier, to be able to depart with funds that would go elsewhere?

  • Tavern keepers
  • New users

who are the stakeholders

  • We want to know the key guild members here

who else needs it ?

Many DAOs

can it be reusable for other DAOs?

  • This is preferable, better to build something that enable DAOs to make their own, rather than hard code a bot that must be changed by developers
    • Perhaps this is a roadmap feature

what exists in the space ? who has done it for themselves ? who has done it for others too ?

  • Bankless is creating a DAO dashboard where they are looking at different KPIs around what stage their users are on their funnel
    • Link
  • Bankless first quests bot

is there any solution that already has been done , that just need productization? DAO partnership

  • Minos quizz bot
  • DEGEN bankless

Did members ask for this to be solved?

  • Tae has signalled yes

What is the end goal and outcome of onboarding?

  • Getting apprentices to become raid guild members
  • learning how to raid
  • getting people on raids

Solution questions

How do we keep information dripping async?

  • POAP access controlled html pages

How do we keep a realistic filter in-tact? So that we can protect trust

  • How do we ensure trust and verify apprentices? (meet people!)
    • POAPs, quizzes, badges, NFTs
    • A flow that people have to contribute work and show they are serious

Linear vs wayfinding journey?

  • Showing a number of pathways and being clear that people can go off and do whatever they want also

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