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# Trash Adventure
I motorcycle a lot, and when I stop to rest at a viewpoint, I sometimes see a lot of trash. I think it would feel really good to clean this up, so that everyone can enjoy Taiwan's beautiful mountains without seeing trash.
I have the following idea: I'd like to rent a car, drive to a couple of these vista points, and pick up the trash there. After, I can use the car to drop off the trashbags to a trash center. One way or another, I'll be doing this sometime in the next few weeks. However, if people come with me, I can clean up more vista points in one day.
我的提議如下: 有興趣的人,我會在台北市中心接你,為大家買早餐,午餐便當和飲料。我還會提供垃圾袋、手套和我們需要清理的任何其他工具。如果我能事先找到足夠的新冠病毒測試,我也會提供這些,這樣我們都可以一邊吃早餐一邊做測試(測試大約需要 20 分鐘才能顯示結果)。然後,我們可以開車從一個遠景點到另一個遠景點,清理垃圾。多好玩哈哈。我們可以通過打開車窗來遵循 COVID-19 預防科學,當然還可以戴上口罩。我相信下週不會限制在遠離社交場所的飲食,但我們必須拭目以待。
I propose the following: For anyone that's interested, I'll pick you up in a central location in Taipei, and buy breakfast, bento boxes for lunch, and drinks for everyone. I'll also provide trash bags, gloves, and any other tools we need to clean up. If I can find enough covid tests beforehand, I'll also provide these, so we can all do a test while eating breakfast (the tests take about 20 minutes to show results). Then, we can drive from vista point to vista point, cleaning up trash. How fun haha. We can follow COVID-19 prevention science by leaving the car windows open and, of course, keeping our masks on. I believe next week there won't be restrictions against outside socially-distant eating, but we'll have to see.
如果您有興趣,請隨時回复。根據封鎖法律,我們可能只能容納少數人。也許 3 或 4。無論如何,您不僅會因為幫助清理台灣一些最美麗的地方而感覺非常好,而且您還會得到一點運動、一些陽光、免費早餐和午餐(也許還有晚餐取決於需要多長時間),您將可以欣賞到我們正在清理的同樣美麗的景色!
If you're interested, feel free to reply. Depending on the lockdown laws, we may only be able to take a small number of people. Maybe 3 or 4. Anyway, not only will you get to feel really good for helping to clean up some of Taiwan's most beautiful locations, but also you'll get a little bit of exercise, some sun, free breakfast and lunch (and maybe dinner depending on how long it takes), and you'll get to enjoy those same beautiful views that we're cleaing up!
* Choose a date
* Caleb to motorcycle around and pre-select several locations
* Find out how to rent a car lol
* Organize interested participants
## Interested People List
* Caleb: @Caleb Rogers on g0v slack