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# JWS test suite meetings for C&C WG
*Note: If you are viewing this on github and it seems out of date, try clicking the above link, hackmd may hold more recent content not yet approved/cleaned by WI editors/WG chairs for syncing to github archival records.*
{ [Meeting Recordings](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wgccmMvIImx30qVE9GhRKWWv3vmL2ZyUauuKx3IfRmA/edit#gid=1791597999) }
## 2/14
Upstream and Downstream issues
- did-key: merge the RSA spec, open tracking issue for outstanding editorial request
- https://github.com/w3c-ccg/did-method-key/pull/45#pullrequestreview-881936361
- vc-wg-charter: make sure this work is linked as relevant prior art
- https://github.com/w3c/vc-wg-charter/issues/66 - Scope still unclear, GNAP debates will continue until morale improves
- Spare time: review of outstanding VC-WG issues and PRs
- how to move forward on scope PRs
- pull 51 versus pull pull 63
## 1/31
- Tooling nits - CEL is on the job
- future of the group? Stay in DIF or make a VCWG2.0 note?
- Mike: I'd like a broader participation of course
- Orie: VCWG test suite v1 didn't even verify signatures; they moved raw crypto verification out of scope (yikes)
- Russian doll: this suite lets you assume (and verify) proof types per key type, WHETHER USING JSONLD OR NOT... the VCWG should maybe follow that model?
- Mike: Doesn't the draft charter include test suites? Orie: Yes, but W3C doesn't really define that for us... we need to set the bar high...
- VCWG Scope Issues
- [charter#43](https://github.com/w3c/vc-wg-charter/pull/43)
- Mike: what API
- Scope of VC-API and VPReq Spec?
- Mike: Trust model of verifier<>issuer? What knowledge does this API assume in the issuer?
- Orie: In VC-API, issuer flows as currently specified can't handle OIDC-style semi-trusted issuer service use-cases, for example... I've been pushing for a long time
- Orie: putting representations on equal footing
## 1/17
- RSA and P-384?
- update on addition to/instead of text and vectors
## 1/3 - no meeting, proceed over github
## 12/20
1. Updates
- upstream PR on msft implementation opened as discussed last week
- [pull #36](https://github.com/decentralized-identity/JWS-Test-Suite/pull/36): finish integrating msft implementation
- test vector refinements:
- more explicit testing of outputs; define per vector inputs
- better vectors
- better visualizations - how to mark addition to/instead of choices per property?
- counts? charts?
- recommendations for VC-JWT (and VC WG 2.0)
- spotlighting divergence to roadmap convergence
- bookkeeping: sign off on grant?
- JWS-LDP test suite
## 12/6
1. Updates
- LD/JWT roundtrip test vector added
- Microsoft test driver v1 built (and reviewed by CEL)
2. Microsoft
- Driver
- `id` not optional (set by default if not by construction of builder object)
- expiration not optional (set by default if not by construction of builder object)
- step by step (or rather, prop by prop) tour of how [MSFT library](https://github.com/decentralized-identity/JWS-Test-Suite/blob/dcb27094f0b61e5b8f3888860c7321d8f1e6cd68/implementations/microsoft/createVcJwt.js) takes in a credential and makes it a VC
- default `iss`<`id` is a random UUID (breaks v1.1 conformance)
- datetime hijinx
- is `issuanceDate` poorly named? there's an [open data model v2 issue](https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/844)
- `proof.created` date (can be set manually for test vectors) <> `iat` mapping (vc data model issues [809](https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/809))
- `iss` (must be string) <> issuer (which can be an object, with issuer.id as a string if LD object like all the examples in the spec); use-case of whether to drop issuer.id as redundant after moving to `iss`
- negative test vector - redundant fields (iss and issuer.id) are different and the WRONG ONE is used
- uPort/DIF implementation drops redundancies [dropping line here](https://github.com/decentralized-identity/did-jwt-vc/blob/master/src/converters.ts#L80) (good catch, Cel!)
3. wishlist for vc data model v2
- more precise definition of verificationMethods and signature resolution
- verification not defined (partic around round-trip/redundant props between payload and JWT envelope)
- i.e. negative test vector - redundant fields (iss and issuer.id) are different and the WRONG ONE is used in verification (or, as Orie put it, validate before verify)
4. next steps
- visualize results better (partic normative statements) than red/green
- "instead of"
- failures
## 11/22
1. CI
2. VC-JWT update
- RSA added by Spruce (Transmute might some day later?)
- expected behavior - Charles and Orie discussed over github, and I think we could run the suite over a MSFT credential
- discuss issues about w3c data model spec conformance in this group?
- cross-representation loss of information ("instead of")
<details><summary>Detailed minutes</summary>
- [VC data model #828](https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/828)
- example [JWT for discussion](https://jwt.io/#debugger-io?token=eyJhbGciOiJFZERTQSIsImtpZCI6ImRpZDpleGFtcGxlOjEyMyNrZXktMCJ9.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.m0dGh0wy0inwCbWE3W7rFnWth-5o5fUJCFK2on8nyTPTKRLX3p4Wgh_uGBhEhgfxnbFSlrhCp57sg4pYYK6kCQ )
- See [this PR discussion](https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/828/files#r740230917) for context
- Date issues fixed by VC spec 1.1 - one remains, tho: unix timestamp versus ISO8610 datetime (can incl. leap seconds) - limits roundtrip translation (Orie: only possible with "`in addition to` path"/mapping in JWT - see [here](https://w3c.github.io/vc-data-model/#jwt-encoding))
- ``` For backward compatibility with JWT processors, the following registered JWT claim names MUST be used instead of, or in addition to, their respective standard verifiable credential counterparts: ```
- TransMute goes "in addition to"; DChadwick went "instead of"; MSFT and uPort went "instead of"
- Mike: UNIX time format ignoring leapseconds is a historic simplification that has bedeviled IAM for decades... seems a problem in theory but not in practice to me
- Orie: but it can break signatures!
- Mike: Timekeeping has been simplified by industry standards, tho... are we creating problems by overriding that?
- Mike: Write a note about industry time representations, and how to destroy leapseconds
- Orie: there's another example of where round-trip translation isn't possible: complex objects in LD VCs, e.g. [trace-vocab#example-59](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/traceability-vocab/#example-59)
- CEL: mapping `issuer.id` to `iss`, no?
- Mike: there's a practical solution... Orie: But the "instead of" is hard to make reproducible or unambiguous across implementations
- Orie: if `not-before` loses leap seconds, that's not a big deal.
- `iss` field: `iss MUST represent the issuer property of a verifiable credential or the holder property of a verifiable presentation.` in the JWT section of the VC spec, this is assumed to be a string, but a complex object is valid in an LD-VC...
- For practical purposes, maybe we tackle timestamp issuers and more semantically consequential things like `iss` separately? and thirdly also deal separately with [external proofs](https://w3c.github.io/vc-data-model/#proofs-signatures)
- In the type theoretical sense, what is a `credential` and a `presentation`? Is `iss` part of the credential, or only part of the verifiable credential (when you transform it and attach the proof)? regardless of assertion format, we all start from a credential and pick an assertion format to transform it into...
- Mike: What didn't make it into vc1.1?
- Orie: We preserved VC and VP terms in IANA, but couldn't map to anything registered in IANA; ambiguities about the mandatory fields of a JWT versus mandatory fields of a VC
- David, [on that thread](https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/828#issuecomment-974620058): `jwt.payload.vc` is an "intermediate representation" that, when combined with an external proof, becomes a VC
- Summary:
- this test suite will go the "in addition to" route and document how implementations CAN preserve information across representations; this can serve as evidence *but not as argument* for later VC WG v2 conversations about "in addition to/instead of" cross-representation decisions
## 10/8
1. Discussion of vc-jwt strawman and test vectors
2. Detailed discussion of s-curve versus S-curve issue
- [other projects](https://github.com/PointyCastle/pointycastle/issues/215) have already run into the problem
- This test suite/repo is not the place to propose a solution or a norm, much less dictate where/who normalizes to it
- Action item: Orie will outline/freewrite the core of a blog post about the upstream ambiguity and what would fix it, Juan will edit it to DIF blog post status to help get eyes/pressure on the problem and direct both to the appropriate venue(s)
## 9/27
1. codewalk of suite repo, how to use, current state of design issues to date
2. recruiting implementor-testers
- orie will reach out to securekey
- spruce will dogfood - ours has a P-384 bug to fix, but otherwise works
- markus: we have a java implementation that supports some key types
+ Markus: I think I understood the codewalk, I'm sure we can make it work (works like VC-HTTP-API v1, right? Orie: Yeah!)
3. sidebar: discussion of testing logistics - how to make local implementation setup simple enough not to distract or create barrier to users using this suite
4. evaluation criteria discussion:
- one option: local `verify` CLI option
+ self-issued: OIDF test suite took this option and it works well I think; SAML self-testing was quite hard, for lack of this kind of mechanism
- desire expressed to use did-key and sidestep "did method politics"
- stability of test vectors:
+ cryptographers prefer very stable and deterministic outputs (nonces, dates, etc)- where possible, people
+ p256 and P384 cannot freeze those, entropy required; therefore, we can stabilize Ed25519 for people that want to do that
+ self-issued: for comparison, here are the [JOSE test vectors](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7520)
* Orie: RFC 7520 was a huge accelerator of adoption and alignment; good test vectors go a long time
+ Orie: Stable test vectors better than usable test vectors, I think;
- Q and A
+ Markus: maps to verificationMethods?
+ Private key representations: how closely to bind to public key representations? (Pertinent to LDP work)
+ Self-issued: I think it's quite impractical to stray from representations
+ Test vectors could force this issue by making JWKs, rather than vM-style key representations/paths, the form taken in the test vectors to highlight the issues of linking them
+ Universal Wallet follows the convention used in this draft so far
+ CEL: WebCrypto? Orie: Not exactly-- it lets you export priv and/or pub JWKs;
+ Orie: WebAuthN seems to rely on/assume a priv key representation similar to the one used in CCG work items...
+ CLI tool could resolve Pubkeys from VCs "somehow" (assuming vM resolution); implementations need to handle that, and have freedom of doing various ways
+ Including verification conformance would force this issue, but taht seems out of scope for now for the grant so I'd rather defer on that...
- Relation of this signature suite to JWTs
- codewalk of Transmute's approach
- note: `kid` is set to `key.id` because issuer is CONTROLLER, not necessarily vM, in VC-JWT
- self-issued: MSFT would be happy if this created a way to test "normative VC-JWTs"
- Orie: Yes, transmute agrees-- this test suite could test a "normative VC-JWT" as an opt-in profile
- self-issued: we would support increasing the scope to make this a profile of VC-JWT explicitly
- Markus: DanubeTech also supports a VC-JWT -- but i'm worried there could be a little messaging/marketing confusion - JWS assumes RDF canonicalization and VC-JWT doesn't - pretty different signing mechanisms -
- Markus: This needs to be documented clearly somewhere to avoid that confusion
- Orie: input to credential-create op can and should be identical, even if signing mechanisms are different
- Group consensus to include that section to the deliverable, BUT ALSO agrees it will be very hard to explain and write
5. Next steps
- Orie: I will put a`format` parameter in the `for` loops in the next iteration, to include that VC-JWT profile
- @Context sidebar: input vectors should be valid as LD
- Markus: VC-API support?
- Orie: I'd love for that work item to adopt some form of this? if this work is done in time, I would like to propose it to the next batch of test vectors there to support a 3rd proof type (**JWS**, BBS+, and LDP)
- Orie: I think that JWS2020 and did-key are almost 100% identical, thus redundant... confusing CCG naming convention
- CEL: RSA? Orie: Yeah, this suite could also support that key type, if
6. (If time allows) Healing JWT