即時資訊佈告欄 COSCUP 2019

We are working on updating information here!


! Emegency Notice !
Due to power failure of NTUST, Today All EVENTS are changed to "研揚 Building (TR Building)"
Please share it.

場地更動對應 Session Room Mapping

Origin Track Name New
IB101 Main Track TR313
IB201 Privacy, Chatbot TR309
IB202 OSC (OSPN) TR312
IB301 Ruby TR310-1
IB302 PostgreSQL TR409-1
IB304 Other OSS Topics TR411
IB305 BoF TR412-1
IB306 BSD x Cat System Workshop TR412-2
IB401 Open Web Technologies TR409-2
IB408 Hackroom TR511, TR512
IB501 Julia TR413-1
IB502 Open Hardware TR413-2
IB503 OSM x WikiData TR509
IE2102 Let's Read the Source Code TR510
1F Booths 17, Line, Gandi, Moxa TR410
1F Booths Appier, Tezos, Cortexlabs, BlueX, KKBOX TR515
1F Booths MySQL, Microsoft, Umbo, Trend, 天瓏 TR516
1F Booth Souvenir booth 大會攤位 TR513
2F Booths 2F OSS Community Booths TR514
3F Booths 3F OSS Community Booths TR513


原 IB101 現 TR313 Day2 已上線

托育服務 Childcare Service

Sorry, the childcare service is cancelled.

會場 Wi-Fi

Not available on Day 2.

議程表 Programs

或使用 OPass app 閱讀議程表

共筆入口 Entrypoint of Cooperative Notes


BoF 揪團 Birds of a Feather


常見問題 FAQ

  1. 這些場次的錄影之後會公開嗎?
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