OCP/Openshift contacts and resources

tags: Design

Design of production-level CI system for Podified Control Plane

Essentially, we are looking for :

  • what automation platforms are already in use in Red Hat (prow?) and if they can be used in both upstream and downstream Prow is in use by the TP and ART (OpenShift teams)
  • where the teams get the hardware/resources to test Depends on what kinds of tests you mean here. CVP has access to do some specific testing (CVP Actually uses the same environment as TP and DPTP) We call them to use clusters. Other teams have dedicated resources, some team have both BM (Beaker) and Cloud resources. That is not a CPaaS or CVP issue persay. How we handle it is once the package is build and available we put a message on the UBM (Universal Message Bus) at that point in time anyone can be listening on the bus and react to a message.
  • is anyone taking advantage of the environments available from PSI? The services like CVP are running on the BM instance of PSI. The testing resources CVP uses are from the OCP PSI instance. So yes we are taking advantage of them. One of the biggest limitations for PSI is you need to have quota, the resources are assigned to you. As opposed to something like Beaker where you can dynamically ask for hardware and release it for someone else when you are done.
  • Is there anyone on your team who will be willing to come and give our team a presentation on using your current tools? Can you give me a little more data on what you are delivering? does it have RPMS or are you doing multistage build? Is it a Managed Service? This will help us understand the overview needed.

Meeting notes

How to test an operator


  • Point of Contact
    • mixed rhel - marios
    • external compute - chandan
    • podified - sandeep/doug
  • Tasks
    • how to deploy keystone operator
    • how to test operator
      • installation
      • running it
      • standard tests or framework or guide?
      • workflow (upgrade)
    • requirements gathering - document (rlandy)
      • openshift/k8
      • upstream/downstream
      • expectation of zuul inclusion/github actions

Focus on single operator test (e.g keystone)

Testing Envs

Space Requirements

  • 8 GB and 100 GB disk space


  • not upstream/openstack/opendev
  • internal sf? (PSI stage)

Notes on github actions (marios):

Shift on stack (Emilien - vexx workflow) 07/07

Mtg prep with Emilien(july 22nd mtg)

What we tried so far:-

Create a repo

Cluster profile

Created a secret vault collection


Quota estimation for vexxhost

  • We need a separate openstack project(because nodepool is deleting floating ips)

Resources needed for single OCP environment

* Control node - 3 nodes - 16G x 3= 48G, 8vcpu x 3=24vcpu , 120GB *3 = 360GB (ram = 48G, cpu = 24vcpu, disk=360GB) 
* worker - 3 nodes = (ram = 48G, cpu = 24vcpu, disk=360GB) 
* bastion(not sure if we use bastion node) = (4G ram, 2vcpu , disk=20GB)

total = (ram = 100G, cpu = 50vcpu, disk=740GB)
  • For 1 complete OCP deployment:-
    • (ram = 100G, cpu = 50vcpu, disk=740GB)
  • Floating ips =
    • 2 floating IPs per job.

Note: We need atleast two full cluster for POC. Also, We need to investigate if reducing number of Control node and worker node is possible.

total full deploys = (ram = 200G, cpu = 190vcpu, disk=1500GB)

Plus 5 single node deployments:

  • 1 node: 32GB, 8vcpu, 120GB, 2 floating ips
  • Bastion node? probably not

total single node = (ram = 160G, vcpu = 40vcpu, disk=600GB)

Name for project (vexxhost)

  • openstack-k8s-operator

total quota:

total = (ram = 360G, vcpu = 230vcpu, disk=2100GB)

MTG Agenda with QE on 27th July

  • Execution environment - prow vs jenkins
    • Are there plans to adopt prow in QE?
  • Does QE have anything running atm in Jenkins, using Hive etc?
    • product code
    • test code
    • test tooling
    • execution env
    • reporting
  • CI workflow diagram
    • Where QE want to included to be in workflow
      • Check/promotion pipelines?

MTG Agenda with QE on 03rd August

  • hive
  • full deploy
  • future ci-tooling
  • cluster resources

pkomarov:Topics from a qe-tripleo-ci meeting: QE agree that, with accordance to the flow Sandeep Yadav presented:

  • Each DFG would have its own operator functional gate with minimal crc+functional operator testing

  • Then operators are combined and some functional integration testing is run

  • And that the CI would be written in the same language for dev and qe - so that for qe shift left is easy and for developers early functional testing is available. - Although downstream prow testing is still WIP, so no conclusive results about that.

  • Discussion around deploying prow internally, Chandan pointed out to below enhancement in prow: Proposal: Support git providers other than GitHub in prow #10146 https://github.com/kubernetes/test-infra/issues/10146

MTG Agenda with QE on 10th August

Questions/Doubts for DPTP Team(forum-testplatform team) on 17th Aug

  • We asked some doubts on forum-testplatform slack channel. You can check the thread here. Jakub Guzik was very kind to offer a meeting with his team to clear our Doubts.

Discuss so far:


MTG Agenda with QE on 24th August

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