參與身分:報名 PyCon TW21 的會眾
地點:Gather 的 Open Space 區域 @ Space1
時間:第二天 14:30 ~ 15:20 有獨立時段,此外大會期間皆可自由發起!
Qualifications: The attendee of PyCon TW21
Where: Open Space area @ Space1
Main session: Day 2 14:30 ~ 15:20
Minor session: anytime during the conference!
開放空間(Open Space)是自助式、聚會形式的活動。開放空間有別於大會大部分的會議內容,議程規劃是由大會與會者「當場」計畫的。開放空間讓你能用任何你喜歡的方式定義、組織、規劃你自己的小聚,想聊技術或是聊八卦都可以,讓參與者自己決定:)
Open Spaces are self-organizing meetup events which happen simultaneously with the main conference. Open Spaces are organized during the period of PyCon by attendees, which provide a way for you to define, organize, plain out the meetup as you preferred. Enjoy the Open Space and make some new friends, discuss any topic you’d like at the same time.
如果你有主題想討論,就來填寫這份文件下方的表格!我們會將你的題目與資訊放上當天的Gather場地,並且提供你 Gather 上的專屬區域,讓我們期待遇到新朋友的火花吧!
If you have any ideas, just fill out the sheet at the end of this document. We will display your talk information on Gather, and provide you a specific area for you to use. Let's gather and make friends together. If you just want to join others' discussions, you can go through the topics below.
There're no limitations on talk topics, you're only required to obey Code of Conduct
Just write down your ideas below and enjoy the gathering!
Here's some example last year:
大家有聽過今年的 PyCast 嗎?我們獲得了很多很棒的回饋,聽眾們想聽聽各種不一樣的主題,如果你是Open Space的分享者,我們想要派人參加你的討論,收錄(部分)討論的內容經過後製擷取精華片段,日後可能會放在PyCast上讓更多人聽到你的點子哦!當然一切會經過你的同意,也就是為什麼今年多一個同意錄音的欄位。
Have you ever heard PyCast? It's a new event just launched this year. We would like to record the discussion between the attendees during Open Space with your agreement. The recordings will become PyCast materials and may be released in the future. Please write down your willingness below if you want to be a host in Open Space.
時間: 第二天 14:30 ~ 15:20 有獨立時段 –> 鼓勵可優先 Host 於此時段
- Main session: Day 2 14:30 ~ 15:20
- Minor session: anytime during the conference
會錄音的場次/No. of recording sessions: 2, 3, 5, 6, 7
時間/Time:Day 1 11:00-11:30
分享者/Host :王小明
Gather位置/Gather Position : 尚未分配
同意錄音/Record Willing:是
聯絡方式/Contact Information:wang123@pycon.tw
我想加加✋/I want to join✋: Emliy, Ann,
時間: Day2 13:50 - 14:30??
分享者: tai
Gather位置: 1 還在 R3 mangle lounge
聯絡方式: TBD
我想加加✋: Rex, Beta, Hane, Derick
時間/Time:Day2 14:30 ~ 15:20
Gather位置/Gather Postion: 1
同意錄音/Record Willing:否
聯絡方式/Contact Info:
我想加加✋/I want to join✋:
時間:Day2 14:30-15:20
Gather位置: 2
我想加加✋: Leila, David Lu
時間:Day2 14:30-15:20
分享者:9ukei(鈺馨) & Tai
Gather位置: 4
我想加加✋: Frank , Rex, Hane
時間:Day2 14:30-15:20
分享者:Set, Matt, Josix 等翻譯計畫志工
Gather位置: 5
我想加加✋: r567tw
時間:Day2 14:30-15:20
分享者:Yung-Yu Chen
Gather位置: 6
同意錄音:是 (Ray)
聯絡方式:sciwork discord https://discord.gg/6MAkFrD
時間:Day2 14:30-15:20
分享者:Winnie & Pinchun
Gather位置: 7
同意錄音:是 (Masao)
我想加加✋: Fish
時間/Time:Day2 14:30 ~ 15:20
Gather位置/Gather Postion: 8
同意錄音/Record Willing: 會害羞先不要
聯絡方式/Contact Info: hlshao2@gmail.com
我想加加✋/I want to join✋: r567tw, Rex
時間/Time:Day2 14:30 ~ 15:20
分享者/Host:PyConTW 志工 、 SITCON Camp 學員
Gather位置/Gather Postion: 9
同意錄音/Record Willing:同意 (Allen)
聯絡方式/Contact Info:
我想加加✋/I want to join✋:
時間/Time:Day2 14:30 ~ 15:20
分享者/Host:MOPCON, Ofa
Gather位置/Gather Postion: 10
同意錄音/Record Willing:yes (Matthew)
聯絡方式/Contact Info:MOPCON 粉專私訊
我想加加✋/I want to join✋:
時間: Day2 15:00 - 16:00
分享者: jojo (邀請 hackmd 開發團隊加入中)
Gather位置: 3
同意錄音: yes (JOJO)
聯絡方式: tai271828@python.tw
時間/Time:Day 2 14:30 ~ 15:20
分享者/Host:國泰 Tiffany, JJ
Gather位置/Gather Postion: 國泰 space 1 攤位技術講堂
同意錄音/Record Willing:
聯絡方式/Contact Info:where#9759
我想加加✋/I want to join✋:
Gather位置/Gather Postion:
同意錄音/Record Willing:
聯絡方式/Contact Info:
我想加加✋/I want to join✋:
時間/Time:Day 1 10:00–14:00 (反正 Day 1 好像到處都沒有人,佛系等待)
Gather位置/Gather Postion: 1
同意錄音/Record Willing:No
聯絡方式/Contact Info:uranusjr@gmail.com 如果找不到人請 Discord 敲 @uranusjr
我想加加✋/I want to join✋:
時間/Time: Day 1 11:20 - 12:00
分享者/Host:KKBOX Wonder,Derick
Gather位置/Gather Postion: 9
同意錄音/Record Willing:No
聯絡方式/Contact Info:
我想加加✋/I want to join✋:
時間: Day 1 14:40 - 15:40
分享者: Rex or Leila or tai
Gather位置: 1
同意錄音: TBD
聯絡方式: tai271828@python.tw
r567tw, Josix, David Lu
時間:Day 1 16.10 - 16.40
分享者:Shirley, petertc,
Gather位置: 2
同意錄音:哪次不同意 (Ray)
我想加加✋: Leila , r567tw, Charile, Beta, pochun, David Lu
時間/Time:15:20 - 16:10
分享者/Host: MOPCON x PyCon TW
Gather位置/Gather Postion: 10
同意錄音/Record Willing: No
聯絡方式/Contact Info: David Lu
我想加加✋/I want to join✋:
時間: Day2 14:30 (喔喔喔我填錯時間惹 跟其他衝突 先取消)
Gather位置: 1
同意錄音: TBD
聯絡方式: tai271828@python.tw
我想加加✋: Jenny, Beta