owned this note changed 2 years ago
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Websites & Apps Team Survey - October 2022


(Questions marked with an ASTERISK are mandatory to be answered)

Part I - Engineering Questions:

​​​​1. Have you ever contributed to the Fedora Website & Apps team? *
​​​​    - [ ] Yes
​​​​    - [ ] No
​​​​    1.1. If yes:
​​​​        - From 1 to 10, with 1 being the easiest, how difficult was to contribute? *
​​​​            - [ ] (Options from 1 to 10)
​​​​        - What was the most challenging part in contributing? *
​​​​            - [ ] Finding documentation
​​​​            - [ ] Seeking help from the team
​​​​            - [ ] Lack of guidance to set up your local dev environment
​​​​            - [ ] PR review / merge took too long
​​​​            - [ ] Other, please specify... (open field)
​​​​    1.2. If no:
​​​​        - What is holding you back? *
​​​​            - [ ] Not interested
​​​​            - [ ] Not enough time
​​​​            - [ ] Not sure where to start
​​​​            - [ ] Don't know what the current projects are
​​​​            - [ ] Don't know where help is needed
​​​​            - [ ] Other, please specify... (open field)
​​​​2. On a scale of 1 to 10, rate how satisfied are you with the progress in engineering that the team has made so far? *
​​​​    - Reimagined and Revamped Meetbot Logs application [1 to 10]
​​​​    - Fresh take on modernizing the existing CI pipeline for obtaining live previews [1 to 10]
​​​​    - One script to build everything approach in the existing websites [1 to 10]
​​​​    - The All New Fedora Websites 3.0 efforts to revamp our websites offering Fedora Linux [1 to 10]
​​​​    - Persistent collaboration with the Fedora Design and Fedora Infrastructure teams [1 to 10]
​​​​    - Technological discussions and updates on Fedora Discussions [1 to 10]
​​​​3. In which field are you most interested in contributing? *
​​​​    - [ ] Design
​​​​    - [ ] Translations
​​​​    - [ ] Frontend Code
​​​​    - [ ] Backend Code
​​​​    - [ ] Documentation
​​​​    - [ ] Testing / QA
​​​​    - [ ] Other, please specify (open field)
​​​​4. How familiar are you with the kind of work the team is doing? *
​​​​    - [ ] I don't know what they are doing
​​​​    - [ ] They do websites
​​​​    - [ ] I have a rough idea of what the current projects are
​​​​    - [ ] I know most of the projects they are involved in
​​​​    - [ ] I am on the team and know almost everything that is being worked on
​​​​5. Is there anything you want to share with the team? (open question)
​​​​    - [ ] (Text field)

Part II - Council Objective Questions

​​​​6. On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisified are you with the overall comunication of the Objective & team toward the community? *
​​​​    - [1 to 10]
​​​​7. On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with the progress the Council Objective has made so far? *
​​​​    - Reworked documentation for running the team and contributing to the projects [1 to 10]
​​​​    - Active participation in the mentored projects programmes such as Outreachy and GSoC [1 to 10]
​​​​    - Efforts made for setting up banners to promote community surveys and community events [1 to 10]
​​​​    - Running frequent workshops during community events to invite wider participation [1 to 10]
​​​​    - Council Objective updates shared on NEST with Fedora, Fedora Linux release parties and Fedora Commblog [1 to 10]
​​​​    - Usability surveys and design feedbacks on Fedora Discussions [1 to 10]
​​​​8. What else did the team do that you are very satisfied with? (open question)
​​​​    - [ ] (Text field)
​​​​9. What do you think that the team can do better? (open question)
​​​​    - [ ] (Text field)

Part III - Mindshare Representation Questions:

​​​​0. Do you know about the "Fedora Mindshare Committee" and the "Fedora Website and Apps Team Representative to Mindshare"? *
​​​​    - [ ] Yes
​​​​    - [ ] No
​​​​11. How frequently would you want us to share our updates? *
​​​​    - [ ] Sharing updates on the Fedora Linux release parties is good enough
​​​​    - [ ] Sharing updates on Nest with Fedora is good enough
​​​​    - [ ] Sharing updates on both Fedora Linux release parties and Nest with Fedora is good enough
​​​​    - [ ] More frequent sharing of updates on community blog is needed
​​​​    - [ ] Other, please specify (open field)
​​​​12. Do you think that the representative should organize more events for fun and collaboration within the team?
​​​​    - [ ] Yes, we can definitely use some more fun events for connecting
​​​​    - [ ] No, the amount of collaboration that we have right now is good enough
​​​​13. Do you think that the representative should organize more workshops for participation and contributing?
​​​​    - [ ] Yes, we can use as many events like these to onboard folks
​​​​    - [ ] No, the amount of workshops that we have right now is good enough
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