tags: python,資料庫

Python 資料庫處理


# Oracle 範例: 20200730 import cx_Oracle def connectDB(dbname='ORDB1'): if dbname == 'ORDB1': username = 'user1' password = 'pwd1' dsn = '' # port = 1512 encoding = 'UTF-8' if dbname == 'ORDB2': username = 'user2' password = 'pwd2' dsn = '' encoding = 'Big5' db = cx_Oracle.connect(username,password,dsn,encoding=encoding) return db
#連接 MSSQL範例(各種方式) 20200730 import pyodbc #需先於Windows設定ODBC def connectMSSQL_DB(dbname='Default'): if dbname == 'MSDB1': #ODBC設定的名稱 server = '' username = 'user_sa' password = 'pwd' database = 'MSDB1' connStr = (r'DRIVER={ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server};' + r"Integrated Security=True;" + r'SERVER=' + server + r';UID=' + username + r';PWD=' + password + r';DSN=MSSQL-PYTHON' + r';DATABASE=' + database + ';' ) db = pyodbc.connect(connStr) if dbname == 'MSDB2': username = 'user_sa' password = 'pwd' dsn = '' encoding = 'UTF-8' if dbname == 'Default': db = pyodbc.connect('DSN=MSDB0;SERVER=;UID=user_sa;PWD=pwd') else: db = pyodbc.connect(username,password,dsn,encoding=encoding) return db


# 將用Python 對DB 進行一些操作,包括,建立一張表,並插入一些資料,在修改其中的部分資料。 #coding=utf-8 import cx_Oracle import sys import urllib import os def connectDB(dbname='dave'): if dbname == 'dave': connstr = 'system/Oracle@' db = cx_Oracle.connect(connstr) return db def sqlSelect(sql,db): #include:select cr=db.cursor() cr.execute(sql) rs=cr.fetchall() cr.close() return rs def sqlDML(sql,db): #include: insert,update,delete cr=db.cursor() cr.execute(sql) cr.close() db.commit() def sqlDML2(sql,params,db): # execute dml with parameters cr=db.cursor() cr.execute(sql,params) cr.close() db.commit() def sqlDDL(sql,db): #include: create cr=db.cursor() cr.execute(sql) cr.close() if __name__=='__main__': print "This is a test python program,write by tianlesoftware!\n" os.environ['NLS_LANG']='SIMPLIFIED CHINESE_CHINA.UTF8' #connect to database: db=connectDB() #create a table: sql='create table dave(id number,name varchar2(20),phone number)' sqlDDL(sql,db) #insert data to table dave: sql='insert into dave values(1,\'tianlesoftware\',13888888888)' sqlDML(sql,db) dt=[{'id':2,'name':'dave','phone':138888888888}, {'id':3,'name':'Oracle','phone':13888888888}, {'id':4,'name':'anqing','phone':13888888888}] sql='insert into dave values(:id,:name,:phone)' for x in dt: sqlDML2(sql,x,db) #select the result: print "this is the first time select the data from dave" sql='select * from dave' rs=sqlSelect(sql,db) for x in rs: print x #update data where id=1,change the name to anhui sql='update dave set name=\'anhui\' where id=1' sqlDML(sql,db) #select again: print "\n change the nanme to anhui where id equal 1,and select the result" sql='select * from dave' rs=sqlSelect(sql,db) for x in rs: print x #delete data where id=3 sql='delete from dave where id=3' sqlDML(sql,db) #select again: print "\n delete the data where id equal 3 and select the result" sql='select * from dave' rs=sqlSelect(sql,db) for x in rs: print x db.close() # S20200507 By YTC尚未測試


cursorObj.execute("INSERT INTO employees VALUES(1, 'John', 700, 'HR', 'Manager', '2017-01-04')") con.commit() #VALUES裡面的值,可用?代替,表示缺失的空值


import sqlite3 con = sqlite3.connect('mydatabase.db') def sql_update(con): cursorObj = con.cursor() cursorObj.execute('UPDATE employees SET name = "Rogers" where id = 2') con.commit() sql_update(con)


import sqlite3 con = sqlite3.connect('mydatabase.db') cursorObj = con.cursor() cursorObj.execute('create table if not exists projects(id integer, name text)') data = [(1, "Ridesharing"), (2, "Water Purifying"), (3, "Forensics"), (4, "Botany")] cursorObj.executemany("INSERT INTO projects VALUES(?, ?)", data) con.commit() # 測試過 可行 看似乎還可以改進。


import sqlite3 import datetime con = sqlite3.connect('mydatabase.db') cursorObj = con.cursor() cursorObj.execute('create table if not exists assignments(id integer, name text, date date)') data = [(1, "Ridesharing", datetime.date(2017, 1, 2)), (2, "Water Purifying", datetime.date(2018, 3, 4))] cursorObj.executemany("INSERT INTO assignments VALUES(?, ?, ?)", data) con.commit()


S20200721 By YTC

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