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# Off-chain tree root
## Contract: State and functions and their gas costs
Smart contract state contains
- An ordered list of group members public keys mapped to the incremental indices.
- Tree calculations are performed off-chain. The root of the tree and auth path of pubkeys are not available publicly.
| Method/Cost | Operation cost | Calldata cost | Estimate per pubkey |
| :-------------- | :------------------------ | :------------ | :------------------ |
| Single Deposit | `store_word` + `base_fee` | `word` | 40k |
| Batch Deposit | `store_word` \* `B` | `word` \* `B` | 20k |
| Single Withdraw | `hash` + `base_fee` | `word` | 40k |
| Batch Withdraw | `B` \* `hash` | `word` \* `B` | 20k |
Estimates are for `depth` = 20 (This table is borrowed from https://hackmd.io/JoxnlDq3RT6WhtA-KBxtYg?both#A-Pubkey-map. The depth has no effect on the gas cost)
In the description below, epoch equals M seconds.
## User local state
The user maintains the entire tree.
The full tree with depth `20` will require `67MB` storage.
She can also maintain a partial tree which lowers the storage overhead to `0.128 KB`.
Howeer, there is a problem with slashing when users only hold the partial tree.
The user always persists the tree `root`s for the last `E` epochs.
## Registration
The user sends a transaction containing her `pk` and `X` Eth (in addition to the transaction fee) to the smart contract.
That transaction invokes the register function of the contract.
As the result, the user's `pk` gets inserted into the list of pks.
The user needs to listen for an insertion event to be emitted with her `pk` and some `index`. After that, the user can start using waku-rln-relay.
The user also needs to read the state of the contract and downloads all the registered pks.
The user then creates a Merkle tree and its `root` out of the group pks.
The user can use that tree to compute her authentication path `auth_path`.
The estimated gas cost is `40k`. This is for performing the insertion without locking any ether for the sake of slashing.
**TODO** One thing to keep in mind is that the state of the contract will expand as a function of number of public keys registered in it. It isn't unlikely that we'll hit a limit here in regards to contract storage. Currently on Ethereum mainnet, there seems to be a 24kb limit for contract creation. It isn't clear if this limit is the same for updating a contract. The contract size limit of 24kb was introduced as an anti DoS mechanism. This also relates to the storage rent discussion (which doesn't seem to have lead anywhere at the time of this writing, but might change with things like stateless clients in Eth2). Things might look different on L2s etc. To be investigated further.
## Synchronizing with the contract
The user keeps listening to the state of the contract for the pk **insertion** and pk **deletion** events.
<!--@TODO Oskar: This has a requirement on listening for events, which should probably not be underestimated. If the user isn't running their own node and light nodes aren't solid enough but using something like Infura (initially) etc we would probably want to be mindful of how often we poll for this. This will impact requirements on how uptodate root is. This is in addition to privacy concerns etc, which are out of the scope of this document probably -->
<!--@TODO: this seems to assume they will be online, I think the more likely scenario is they'll be mostly online and then you have to query based on block height, so getEvents(<event-bloom-topic>, block height, latest) => [DepositEvent, ...]-->
If the user goes offline, then she can catch up with the current state of the group by looking at the current state of the contract (no need for listening to the past events). A deleted pk is replcaced with a zero, which indicates the deletion operation/event.
She reflects each perceived update into her local Merkle tree and recomputes the `root` and her `auth_path`.
The full tree with depth 20 will require `67 MB` storage.
The user always persists the tree `root`s for the last `E` epochs (Number of blocks, or seconds).
## Prove
The user selects a message.
Measures the current epoch (measure the number of epochs passed since the Unix epoch).
Uses her local Merkle tree to obtain the root and her auth path (the Merkle tree gets constantly updated in the background during the synchronization with the contract phase, think of it as a parallel process that keeps the tree updated based on the incoming events)
Computes Shamir shares of her sk, the nullifier and creates zkSNARK proof.
Publishes the message with the proof and other public inputs (epoch, root, Shamir shares, nullifier) to the waku-rln-relay pubsub topic.
No gas cost.
## Verify
The user receives a `message` with the `proof` (via waku-relay).
checks the pubsub topic to match the waku-rln-relay pubsub topic.
The user checks whether the tree `root` attached to the message matches any of the roots recorded within the last `E` epochs (this is a raw idea and needs more thoughts, there is no enforcement, it is just a parameter). If no, discards the message. Otherwise, checks the `nullifier`, if there is a match, checks whether the messages are the same or not (compare the `share_x` components), if they are different, proceeds with slashing. Otherwise, verifies the `proof`. If the `proof` is verified, relays the message, otherwise, discards.
Note that we are assuming the verifier is honest, there's no verification on chain or dispute mechanism. (Same is true for on-chain case).
If the prover is ahead of the verifier, the prover can attach the version of the tree to the message, and then the verifier can resalize she is behind and then can update herself.
No gas cost.
## Slash
The slasher reconstructs the spammer `sk_spam` using the two distinct Shamir shares.
The slasher identifies the `index_spam` of the spammer's pk in the group (the index of the tree leaf holding the `pk`). It does so by comparing the `H(sk_spam)` with all the leaves of the tree. Therefore, the entire list of pks (tree leaves) should be available for this search to work out.
The slasher sends a transaction containing the `sk_spam` and the `index_spam` to the contract which in turn invokes a function corresponding to slashing (pk deletion). The deletion/slashing function checks whether `H(sk) = list[index]`. Accordingly, the fund of the deleted member is transferred to the transaction owner.
<!--@TODO: We currently have an open issue regarding race i.e., where two users simultaneously slash the same user, however, based on our latest discussion, this seems not a big issue -->
The estimated gas cost is `40k`.
# On-chain tree root
## Contract: State and functions and their gas costs
State of the smart contract contains
- `RMT`: The rightmost branch of the tree (that includes the tree root as well)
update = hash * depth (to raclculate the root)
update_batch = hash * (depth - b) + hash * (B-1)
inclusion_check = hash * depth (inclusion check is to prove that the deleted pk belongs to the tree)
| Method/Cost | Operation cost | Calldata cost | Estimate per pubkey |
| :---------------- | :--------------------------------- | :---------------------- | :------------------ |
| Single Deposit (Register) | `update` | `word` | ~406k |
| Batch Deposit | `update_batch` | `word` \* `B` | ~23.02k |
| Single Withdraw (Delete) | `update` + `inclusion_check` | `word` \* `depth` (`depth` is for the `auth_path`) | ~812.5k |
Estimates are for `depth` = 20 (this table is derived from https://hackmd.io/JoxnlDq3RT6WhtA-KBxtYg?both#A-Pubkey-map, the values are updated for `d=20` and `B=128`
In the description below, epoch equals M seconds.
## User local state
The user maintains her `auth path` and the `root`.
For a tree with depth `d=20`, she requires:
- `auth path` = 20 hash values
- `root` = 1 hash value
Unlike the off-chain case, there is no need to store the entire tree.
The user always caches the tree `root`s for the last `E` epochs.
While the tree root for all the past epochs is available on the chain, caching some portion of epochs locally speeds up the message verification process, otherwise, the user has to read all the emitted roots from the contract per incoming message with a mismatching root.
## Registration
The user sends a transaction that contains her `pk` together with `X` ether to be locked on the contract.
The `X` ether is in addition to the `gas fee` she has to pay for the transaction to be mined.
That transaction calls the register function of the contract.
That function recalculates the tree root after the inclusion of `pk` in the tree. The registration function emits the insertion event with the inserted `pk`, its `index`, and the new `root'`.
The user needs to listen for an insertion event to be emitted with her `pk` and some `index` and `root`. After that, the user can start using waku-rln-relay.
The user computes her `auth_path` using the state of the contract i.e., `RMT` at the time of the insertion of her `pk`.
<!--@TODO I need to double-check to see if the auth_path can be constructed from RMT -->
Estimated gas cost `406k`. This is the cost for performing the insertion without locking any ether for the sake of slashing.
## Synchronization with the contract
The user keeps listening to the state of the contract for the pk **insertion** and pk **deletion** events.
With each perceived update she updates her `auth path` and stores the new perceived `root`.
The `Pk` insertion event emits the inserted `pk`, `index`, `auth_path` and the new `root`.
She recalculates her `auth path` using the new `pk`, adn the new `pk`'s `auth_path` (no further info is needed).
The `pk` deletion event carries the deleted `pk_del`, `index_del`, `auth_path_del`, and the `root'` i.e., the updated root.
The user updates her `auth_path` using the `auth path_del`.
For the offline users, they have to look at the past events to update their auth paths. This might be aggregated with some event aggregation service such as The Graph. Otherwise query time/complexity will be a function of offline time.
## Prove
The user selects a `message`.
Measures the current epoch (measure the number of epochs passed since the Unix epoch).
She uses her `auth_path` and the Merkle tree `root` to generate the proof.
Note that the tree `root` and `auth_path` get constantly updated in the background during the synchronization with the contract phase, think of it as a parallel process that keeps the tree updated based on the incoming events.
Computes Shamir shares of her `sk`, the `nullifier` and creates zkSNARK `proof`.
Publishes the `message` with the `proof` and other public inputs (`epoch`, `root`, `Shamir shares`, `nullifier`) to the waku-rln-relay pubsub topic.
No gas cost.
## Verify
The user receives a `message` with the `proof` (via waku-relay).
checks the pubsub topic to match the waku-rln-relay pubsub topic.
The user checks whether the tree `root` attached to the message matches any of the roots recorded within the last E epochs (this is a raw idea and needs more thoughts). If no, discards the message. Otherwise, checks the `nullifier`, if there is a match, checks whether the messages are the same or not (compare the `share_x` components), if they are different, proceeds with slashing. Otherwise, verifies the `proof`. If the `proof` is verified, relays the message, otherwise, discards.
Note that, users do not and MUST not accept messages whose proofs use an old root, the reason being that a spammer may attempt to use an old version of the tree in which her pk was still part of the group.
(**a proposal**) All the roots preceding a pk deletion event should be deleted.
**TODO** There are some subtleties to consider here. A prover can either be ahead of a verifier's root or be in the past. Both cases should have well-defined semantics in terms of how up to date you are to the chain assumptions, etc.
Example: 100 nodes, 10 light nodes that can only do batch query of past events (e.g. Infura rate limit) and 1 spammer. After spammer slashed, the tradeoff is between (a) Damage they can do to system over some elastic/slack period vs (b) Damage this does to 10 light nodes in terms of requiring them to be up to date.
Argument could be made that relay nodes should just DO THEIR JOBS. But Infura might make you pay $$ :(
Isolate as parameters and make behaviour explicit, then we can just set some reasonable defaults for now.
No gas cost.
## Slash
The slasher reconstructs the spammer `sk_spam` using the two distinct Shamir shares.
Identifying the spammer `index_spam` and `auth_path_spam`: The user needs to go through the history of events of the contract and identifies the index of the spammer's pk in the group (the index of the tree leaf holding the pk). It does so by comparing the `H(sk_spam)` with all the inserted pks.
The slasher also needs to find the `auth_path_spam`. This can be done by either 1- querying a full node that persists the entire tree, or 2- by recalculating the tree from scratch locally.
The slasher sends a transaction containing the `sk` and the `index` and the `auth_path_spam` to the contract which in turn invokes a function corresponding to slashing (pk deletion). The deletion/slashing function checks the inclusion of the `pk_spam`. Accordingly, the fund of the deleted member is transferred to the transaction owner. The function also recalculates the root based on the submitted `auht_path_spam`. (Side note: We currently have an open issue regarding race i.e., where two users simultaneously slash the same user).
The estimated gas cost is `812.5k`.