📝 Todo

Estimate total hours to be spent: 113

State Routes (numbers) Geo coding (hrs) Mapping (hrs) Illustrating (hrs) Revision (hrs) Comments
Tamil Nadu 14 10 5 6 1 Pastures, change colors for goat, sheep and cattle to be uniform, new routes
Dakkhani Region 40 30 6 8 1 plot the lines, new routes
J&K 2 2 1 3 1 get points from athithya and recheck, animals and major routes
Ladakh 5 6 2 5 2 verify geocodes and map
Gujarat 8 12 3 6 3 new routes are extensive
Total 60 17 28 8 113

✔️ Done

State Routes Geo (hrs) Map (hrs) Illustrate (hrs) Revise (hrs) Comments
Uttarakhand (done) 4 8 2 8 0 Done

Total: 22

Timesheet : until we were on same page (the hackmd sheet)

6 - Shafali have spent around 4 hrs (+ meeting which was 2 hrs)
5 - Shalini has spent 5 hours on admin+TN-sheet
5 - Rishi has spent 5 hours on UK+
6 - Bhanu on overall + kar
25 - Micah have spent around 25 hours on Gujarat+Mapbox
26 - Athithya have spent around 26hours
26 - Yatharth on JnK Sheet, Uk Sheet, Illustrations and meetings

Total: 99

Grand Total: 113+99+22 = 234

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