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      • LCCWG Moderation Subcommittee Scope of Work Proposal

Scope of Work - Background

This proposal was developed by OpenStreetMap volunteers who came together to define the work to be completed by the Moderation Subcommittee, a sub-group of the Local Chapters and Communities Working Group (LCCWG). Learn more about other focus items of the LCCWG here.

The OpenStreetMap Foundation (OSMF) Board set out to "find partners to help instate a moderator team for the OSMF-talk and talk mailing lists". In their December 2020 meeting, the OSMF Board requested that the LCCWG take the lead on this initiative and subsequently this group has been formed.

This group of volunteers is not the moderation team that the Board has asked for, instead we have committed to help set it up. We wholeheartedly agree with the Board that when established "these moderators need to have the trust of the community". As such we kindly ask for feedback on today's proposals as this is how we will ensure we are on the right path.

The kind support of a few initial volunteers has enabled us to have a proposal ready for review, but we will continue to need support and hope to include representation from all parts of the OSM community. Please reach out if you are interested in being involved with this work.

Committee Scope of Work

We aim to be inclusive by addressing and incorporating feedback. As such we are open to adjusting to your input on the process and content as we co-create.

You said: We will:
This moderator team should start to work on enforcing the current Etiquette guidelines as soon as possible.
Source: OSMF Board statement.

Implementation is required across all OSM community channels/spheres (mailing lists, social media, communication channels including Weekly OSM, local and regional chat groups, events, and chapter coordination).
Source: "Immediate changes" section of the call for action open letter.
Part 1. Define a process for moderation of the Etiquette Guidelines that will apply initially to just the osmf-talk & talk mailing lists.

Part 2. Recruit moderators into a moderation team that can moderate communications channels and respond to complaints.

Part 3. Review existing moderation support material and make recommendations.
Work on updating/replacing our Etiquette rules, which must focus on balancing all participants’ interests.
Source: OSMF Board statement.

The existing Code of Etiquette needs to be replaced by a strong Code of Conduct.
Source: "Immediate changes" section of the call for action open letter.
Review existing Etiquette Guidelines and redefine based on OpenStreetMap's mission and values, today's cultural norms, a review of other community codes of conduct and etiquette, and community feedback.

Note: We remain open-minded as to whether this will be a revision of the Etiquette Guidelines or an entirely new document (e.g. a "Code of Conduct")
The OSMF should restructure governance to be more equitable: an example of this would be committing to Board Seat allocation for OSMF members who are women and non-binary, and who are citizens of Low and Middle Income Countries.
Source: "Immediate changes" section of the call for action [open letter]oo(https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiyki/File:A_Call_to_Take_Action_and_Confront_Systemic_Offensive_Behaviour_in_the_OSM_Community.pdf).
We will not address this. However in establishing a moderation team we aspire to ensure the make-up is representive of society as a whole.

|Further changes should form part of OSMFs agenda over the coming 1-2 years.
Source: "Further changes" section of the call for action open letter.| These are outside of the scope of our group and we will not be addressing them.
[]> Nelson Arias

An Iterative Process

We will design an iterative process that we estimate will involve at least two cycles of moderation design, implementation on community lists, and feedback from the community. We plan to undertake the 'process for moderation' and 'etiquette guideline revision' work in parallel (subject to enough volunteer support).

This process will require sufficient time for committee meetings, consultation with communities, research, feedback and OSMF board review. We estimate that the work will take approximately 6 months, but we will propose a more detailed workflow following community consultation.

A Commitment to Community Participation

Your participation and support is required to shape and strengthen this initiative. Feedback is welcome and encouraged, and we intend to involve you throughout this process. Please reach out to local@openstreetmap.org if you are interested in joining the subcommittee to support this work.

You will have many opportunities to review and provide feedback on draft documents. The first task for the Subcommittee will be to develop a detailed workflow that outlines opportunities for your participation. The stages of involvement will differ according to the scale of each task, but you can expect to see stages related to initial evidence gathering, review of work in progress, followed by reviews of the proposed outcome across increasingly wider groups of the OpenStreetMap community.

What's the best way for us to consult with you and/or your local community? Your input will be integral to developing the strongest workflow. We will try our best to provide opportunities for participation without exhausting you with too many messages or questions.

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