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# ShEx Telecons -> 2020-04-29
## Telecon 2020-04-29
JS: Up
Pablo: Delivered a new
## Telecon 2020-04-15
Possible names for "Footprints"
| template | instance | verb | |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| footprint | footprint instance | stomp | [primer](http://uu3.org/checkouts/janeirodigital/footprintlib.js/footprints/primer?footprint,footprint%20instance,stomp) |
| blueprint | imprint | imprint | [primer](http://uu3.org/checkouts/janeirodigital/footprintlib.js/footprints/primer?blueprint,imprint,imprint) |
| constellation | constellation instance | instantiate | [primer](http://uu3.org/checkouts/janeirodigital/footprintlib.js/footprints/primer?constellation,constellation%20instance,instantiate) |
| seed | shrub | plant | [primer](http://uu3.org/checkouts/janeirodigital/footprintlib.js/footprints/primer?seed,shrub,plant) |
Andra: What is difference btw blueprint/footprint and Shape Expression?
Eric: "Here is the resource hierarchy I am expecting".
Discussing https://janeirodigital.github.io/footprints/primer?blueprint,imprint,stamp
Andra: You are looking for a new name?
Eric: TimBL wants to connect elements in form to specific URL where that form should be located ("footprints").
Andra: DanBri: linking entity schema in Wikidata ("baskets") linking concepts to schemas. Problem: With WD, more people speaking SPARQL, but not (yet?) ShEx.
Eric: Footprint is a declarative structure for a resource hierarchy. Footprints has implied hierarchy bound to different shapes. Useful when resource described is resource hierarchy that the footprint choreographs the construction of. Qualifiers imply the construction of entities without actually making them. Solution: nested structure. Footprints might. Blueprint - to imprint.
Andra: Footprints sounds more dynamic (depending on environment). Blueprint sounds more static.
Eric agrees: footprint is like a template. In Solid, defaults are hierarchical - look up in parent containers. Makes it easy to organize [medical records]. Artifact in Solid. People like to organize things hierarchically.
Andra: Knowledge Graph on top of a file system structure?
Eric: Everything can participate in that graph.
Eric: LD world is used to passing around graphs, but not rooted graphs. "Start at this node". Notion of "rooted graph" is not widely understood in RDF world. Suppose the schema has a start. Waste of time to valid every node to look for matches. Will push on having rooted graphs in Health world. XML world has problem with finding where to start.
Discussing https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.04.05.026336v1.full.pdf+html
Eric: Most recent error: neglected to put the right https://github.com/shexSpec/spec/issues/35
PROPOSED: ericP to address spec#35 by making the obvious update to shex.io and spec.
ericP: +1
Andra: +1
Tom: +1
Kat: +1
Andra: https://www.weso.es/YASHE/ now has autocompletion like Wikidata Query Service.
Hackathon wrapup https://twitter.com/egonwillighagen/status/1248965119033446403
## Telecon 2020-3-18
Chair: Andra
Attendees: Nishad, Kat, Eric, John, Tom
# community updates
* Eric works on C parser for ShEx
* John is working on ShEx statements: https://github.com/johnsamuelwrites/ShExStatements
* Harold has been working with Dan Brickley using ShEx in website parsing
* Andra working on Wikibases and Gene wiki
Karen: DCMI IG working on very simple profile written in ShEx.
... when defining a property we want to say it could be an IRI or a LITERAL
Eric: Turning a table into ShEx - two scenarios:
* Data is in table, [validate] using ShEx.
* I want to represent a schema as tables and translate into ShEx
John: Started with proof of concept. My grammar is ready - could share example.
Karen: Target audience: people who create simple profiles without writing ShEx.
Andra: rule-based checker for the CSV. You could embed the checker into the CSV-to-ShEx parser. Table-to-ShEx, then look at validation of ShEx coming out of the serializer.
Karen: Haven't figured out where to put the prefixes in the CSV.
Nishad: If we define in CSV, should be standard CSV unless we [extend]. If we stick to standard, can use standard library. Would have to write parser from scratch. Barrier to adoption. For example, want to load into Jupyter notebook. Current format is good - can directly load into Open Refine, etc. Otherwise, treat as language and make grammar and parser.
Andra: But then you are limiting yourself -
Eric: ShEx Lite - things easily expressible in tables. Designed to capture things expressible in tables. Nice thing about having ShEx Lite: If your expressivity exceeds that, you can simply edit the resulting ShEx.
Andra: Can this align with ShEx statements? You have Quick Statements in Wikidata - ShEx statements uses a similar format, for wikidata.
John: Inspired by Tom's work - taking Wikidata statement. Let's take CSV statement and generate ShEx statements.
## Telecon 2020-3-4
Chair: Andra
Attendees: Nishad, Kat, Eric, John, Tom
# community updates
John: [1st Wikidata Workshop](https://wikidataworkshop.github.io/)
Nishad: Is going through antlr, Eric is proposing to help with smoothening the learning curve
Andra: BioHackathon 2020 in Barcelona
Andra: Previously worked on a pen-and-paper approach to creating shape expressions
Eric/Andra: Interesting to have approaches like YAML, GraphML, CSV approaches for onboarding of new comers/Shex Lite
Eric: Check web apps section on http://shex.io/
For example: http://shex.io/webapps/shex-author/
Possibly next meeting : https://meet.google.com/
# ShEx Telecons
## Telecon 2020-2-19
Chair: Andra
Attendees: Nishad, Kat, ericP, Dimitris
## Community updates
Andra: We will no longer have access to Zoom.
... I propose we use Jit.si
ericP: Should we provision one for next week. Start with Jit.si, fallback to Kat's Zoom room.
Andra: Updates:
erciP: GO folks asking Iovka for EXTENDS, Iovka responded that there is already a branch for that.
... Ben Good may test that branch out for us.
Andra: Based on Nishad's request I started working on a storyboard, in progress.
ericP: Reanimated ShEx -> UML work
Andra: UML has very long URLS, I made my own notation, code in place to generate ShEx from a drawing in Yed.
... Tried to do w UML, ran into many UX issues.
ericP: Yed= everything is a graph, w UML, you can have blocks of attributes
Andra: Typing in names and values in UML makes it cluttered.
Nishad: Any grammar for newest version of ShEx?
ericP: 2.1 branch might be mislabled. ShEx spec should be accurate.
Andra: Magnus updated Cradle tool that allows you to create forms for data entry into Wikidata.
... Some ongoing discussion of how to express MUST https://twitter.com/MagnusManske/status/1230061025610944513
## Status 2.2
Andra: Where are we with suggested improvement about annotations?
ericP: That needs a decision in combination with Labra.
## Issues
ericP: Unique keys- we need Finn's use case here. Kat please ask Finn to describe his use case in the github issue itself?
Kat: OK
## Telecom 2020-2-5
Attendees: Andra, Tom, Josh, John, Nishad
Community updates:
Andra: Started experimenting with tabular input based on Johns
Tom: Looking into ShExstatements. Wants to learn more on quickstatements.
ShexStatements: https://github.com/johnsamuelwrites/dcap/blob/master/ShExStatements/shexstatements.ipynb
Quickstatements: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Help:QuickStatements
Tom: Karen proposed a cheat sheet for ShExC. Tom & Karen will start a first draft.
John: Agrees that this is a very good idea. He misses a quickstart guide.
One example: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/EntitySchema:E157. When drafting this I missed a cheatsheet.
Andra: Wonders how to differ between wdt and p prefixes.
Josh: Will be Riken next week. We will take our sql. She
Nishad: Tried to teach undergraduate ShEx, but lacks good manuals. especially step-by-step tutorials.
John: created a ticket based on previous https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T243891
Andra:Bringing back the property discussion on entity schema on Wikidata.
Andra: lacks food and agriculture data on wikidata
John: Can you find reference data.
Andra: Video materials require a lot of time, especially creating a script, 2 min script.
Nishad: Example video (SPARQL): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvGndkpa4K0
## Telecon 2020-1-22
Chair: Andra
Attendees: Tom, John, Josh, Nishad, Pablo, Kat, Eric, Labra, Dimitris
### Introductions
Pablo: working with Labra, shex tooling, text editor and a graphical editor
### Community Updates
Andra: WM France, monthly atilier devoted to ShEx E150, E151 watercraft, E152 boat
... E42 should align Q42 to use in tutorials, Victor Hugo did not conform to E42
... I'd like to collectively look at this schema to improve it
https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/EntitySchema:E150 (Specific event in figure skating)
Jose: I think it would be great to have a very simple example. If the goal is to use the schema as a demo/ for teaching, I'd be sure it is general
E153(https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/EntitySchema:E153) researcher is very simple
Andra: I'm not an expert on how to model author, but we could start general and then import more complex shapes
Jose: It is good that some authors don't conform for the purpose of teaching
... For example, for researcher, Q181 but discipline is website, which doesn't and shouldn't conform, thus demonstrating that the validation works.
Andra: How could we proceed?
Jose: I can replace it with something simple
John: Google+ ID, Facebook ID
Andra: extracted the schema using ShapeDesigner
Andra: Preparing an abstract for Biocuration 2020, deadline Friday
Eric: Harold wanted to set up a shex related workshop for Biocuration
... [Yashe](http://www.weso.es/YASHE/): and working on a Protege plugin Matthew Horrige expressed interest in this
... Matthew said many people who use protege want validation, he is very interested
Jose: We are just starting, that would be great
Andra: will you edit visually?
Jose: editor avail now in RDFshape
Andra: May want to align with Rajaram- working on draw.io
Eric: I updated XMI, working with latest version of shex.js
... It crawls through a schema finds all places there are schemas that are not inherited from
... and only have a single reference, cleans up an other wise flat schema and reduces hunting.
### Status 2.2
Andra: I was going through the issues, some mention 2.2, annotations close or move forward?
Eric: We need to discuss.
Jose: Biohackathon, someone wanted to add an annotation to a shape, I asked if there was a reason why the annotation can't go there.
Eric: Perfect enemy of the good. Lots of options.
... we can do what you said, or ++ as a leading annotation
Jose: What is the latest version of the grammar?
... I checked shex/grammar, might not be the latest branch
Eric: yes, it is not the latest branch
Jose: Now this is no longer a solution to this issue, but a revision to the language to include leading annotations.
Jose: I propose that we create a new issue "Leading annotations", if we agree to add this to 2.next
Andra: Will you create the issue, Labra?
Jose: Yes, I will create it
Andra: Segue to Tom's work about what shex material we have where
Tom: I made an inventory of links
### Issues