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Gluster Community Meeting - 28-04-2020

Previous Meeting minutes:

Date/Time: Check the community calendar



Name (#gluster-dev alias) - company
Sunil - Red Hat
Ashit - SODA Foundation (https://sodafoundation.io)
Hari - (hgowtham) Red Hat
Rinku - (rkothiya) - Re Hat
Nikhil - Red Hat
Sheetal Pamecha (spamecha) - Red Hat
Aravinda (aravindavk) - Kadalu.IO
Ravi (itisravi)- Red Hat
sankarshan (sankarshan) - Kadalu.IO
Deepshikha(dkhandel) - Red Hat
Amar Tumballi - Kadalu.IO
Sunny(sunnyk) - Red Hat

User stories


  • Project metrics:
Metrics Value
Coverity 61
Clang Scan 58
Test coverage 71.2
New Issues in last 14 days

Gluster User Queries in last 14 days 49
Total Github issues 752

[Sunny]Take some time and triage the bugs. we might be able to reduce around 100(expected)
[Sankarshan]What are the type of questions asked in the mailing list
Are the questions from slack / irc being turned into bugs if we are not able to fix it?

  • Any release updates?

Rinku proposed to use labels to know that an issue is used for various branches as well
[Patch by Hari]
Template for tracker :
(needs review)
If something is of a high priority move ahead and merge the changes. we need not wait for the usual procedure to be followed.

[Deepshikha]Fixed the permission issues to assign labels.
Checked a smoke run on github. works fine for now.
Need volunteers for migrating build jobs repo.(Deepshikha will take care)
Need a proper config for github. (who will be the maintainers and stuff need to be decided)
[Amar] use the maintainers list to figure out who can be made maintainers for github.
[Deepshikha] need a final call on this to move ahead. Looking into mergify.
[Sunny] send out a mail with the doubts and we can clarify
[Deepshikha] will send out a mail.

Need review for Release notes of Release-8 :
[Amar] a patch on master to mark the release is pending.

  • Blocker issues across the project?

    • [Sunny] Frequent Geo rep failure(spurious). issue not reproducible locally or on softserve.
    • [Deepshikha] looked at the pattern. Have tried to disconnect the builders and now it looks stable. Issue might be with the AWS builder need help to figure it out.
    • [Sunny]Smoke failure: no space available.
    • [Deepshikha] Misc is looking into it.
  • Notable thread form mailing list
    [Ravi can give more insight into this]
    [Ravi] spurious split brain issue. Gave him a patch and looks like it fixed it but it resulted in a crash for which we are expecting a separate thread/bug.
    [Sankarshan] Is the work being done by Barak being tracked using a issue? (making rebalance more efficient)
    [Ravi] https://github.com/gluster/glusterfs/issues/1138

Conferences / Meetups

COVID-19 impact is likely for events!

  • Storage Developer Conference

Important dates:
CFP Closed : No (May 15, 2020)
Schedule Announcement :
Event Open for Registration : Yes (early bird registeration till 8/24/2020)
Last Date of Registration :
Event dates: September 21-24, 2020
Venue: Santa Clara, CA

Talks related to gluster:

Important dates:
CFP Closed : 27th April
Schedule Announcement : July 3, 2020
Event Open for Registration : July 3 2020
Last Date of Registration :
Event dates: September 23rd to 25th 2020
Venue:Framingham, MA.

Important dates:
CFP Closed : Closed
Event Open for Registration : Open
Event dates: 26th - 28th of May 2020
Venue: Online

Talks related to gluster:

GlusterFS - v8.0 and beyond

[Sunny] will ask Rafi to send a mail upstream regarding the ls -l improvements in gluster

Developer focus

  • Any design specs to discuss?
    Any effort done in the perf side of gluster? gluster vs other storage? any design change

Component status

  • Arbiter - Nil
  • AFR - Nil
  • DHT - Nil
  • EC - Nil
  • DOC - Nil
  • Geo Replication - few patches upstream: 1) on a selinux enforced machine saw a permission issue with rsync
  • Glusterd - Nil
  • thin-arbiter - Nil
  • Snapshot - One patch regarding python3 issue with snap scheduler.

Flash Talk Gluster


Recent Blog posts / Document updates

Gluster Friday Five

  • Every friday we release this, which basically covers highlight of week in gluster. Also, you can find more videos in youtube link.
    [Sheetal] started with it. If anyone wants to talk about the issue they are doing, they can sync up and do it for a component. WFH is hurting the movement.
    [Sunny] mailing about participation would be good.


if no one is ready Hari will take it up.

  • Who will host next meeting?
    • Host will need to send out the agenda 24hr - 12hrs in advance to mailing list, and also make sure to send the meeting minutes.
    • Host will need to reach out to one user at least who can talk about their usecase, their experience, and their needs.
    • Host needs to send meeting minutes as PR to http://github.com/gluster/community
    • Host has to send the meeting minutes as a mail to the gluster-devel and gluster-users list.


  • Who will take notes from the next meeting?


  • [Amar] Should we include 'stale[bot]' to close old issues automatically?
  • [Deepshikha] Gerrit upgrade is postponed to next week because of an issue we came across. It's the new IU. not the latest one.
  • [Ashit]: From SODA foundation. will get to know the community and contribute. Its a Data management platform. use case: host based replication. Will start with installing and trying out the use cases.

[Hari] EOL for release-6? Release 8 is about to be shipped and post that there will be one more release in 6 series.
[Sunny] send a mail out about release. Clarify about it to the users about what will be available and what will not be available or what will take time and so on.
[Aravinda] can we automate the build issue to avoid the delay.
[Hari] Ubuntu uses launch pad to build it automatically. Fedora and Centos are taken care by Niels and Kaleb. For Debian, the effort on this part to automate it on Jenkins is being done. The patch it out and being reviewed. Reviews welcome.

Action Items on host

  • Check-in Minutes of meeting for this meeting
    Please do add the gluster spurious test failure in the metrics. Sunny volunteered to do it.
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