Embedded Working Group Meeting 2024-01-30


Write your GH username or Matrix handle here!

  • adamgreig
  • jannic
  • newAM
  • eldruin
  • GrantM11235
  • therealprof
  • BartMassey
  • greengenie
  • dirbaio


Last Week's Minutes

  • Announcements
    • svdtools 0.3.9 released
  • Embedded HAL
    • ADC/voltmeter/ammeter traits https://github.com/rust-embedded/embedded-hal/pull/569
      • Having volts and amps seems a bit arbitrary; should we also have temperature and light level and etc etc?
      • There might be some value in such a set of traits but it doesn't seem like they belong in e-h
      • Probably the original plan of an ADC trait is a better fit for embedded-hal, but there are design questions to resolve
    • SPI sharing with fallible CS pins https://github.com/rust-embedded/embedded-hal/issues/573
      • Perhaps the whole shared bus could be poisoned to reduce the runtime overhead
      • But given the rarity of requiring fallible pins and not being able to just wrap them in a panicking wrapper, perhaps option 1 remains the best option for e-h-bus, with users requiring more sophisticated sharing/error handling able to roll their own
      • @GrantM11235 to write a PR
  • svd2rust
  • Continue last week's discussion on interrupt macro syntax across crates
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