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# Commons Swarm and TEC Comms - Weekly recaps
* We have released documentation on [how to use the EVMcrispr](https://forum.1hive.org/t/commons-swarm-outcomes-3-3-a-tool-to-mutate-a-daos-dna/4924). This concludes the three-part series of articles written to showcase the outcomes of Commons Swarm.
* We also have released a new version of EVMcrispr [sponsored by Giveth](https://forum.giveth.io/t/evmcrispr-v0-3-x-minor-version-sponsorship/246). It includes:
* New features:
* New command that introduces the ability to upgrade apps.
* New syntax-sugar method to use agent's `execute` function directly.
* Gas price and gas limit can be specified now passing them to the `forward` function.
* You can pass strings with spaces now to the console using double-quote notation.
* Fixes:
* It now recognizes fixed-size array parameters, needed in some agent calls.
* It now loads DAO apps even if some of them don't have a reachable artifact.
**Some cool stuff you can check out:**
* Commons Swarm weekly updates thread.
* We are about to perform the Commons Upgrade, the last parameter votes are now!
#### See you next Monday in the Commons Swarm weekly meeting @**6:00 PM UTC**!
* We have released documentation on [how to use the EVMcrispr](https://forum.1hive.org/t/commons-swarm-outcomes-3-3-a-tool-to-mutate-a-daos-dna/4924). This concludes the three-part series of articles written to showcase the outcomes of Commons Swarm.
* We also have released a new version of EVMcrispr [sponsored by Giveth](https://forum.giveth.io/t/evmcrispr-v0-3-x-minor-version-sponsorship/246). It includes:
* New features:
* New command that introduces the ability to upgrade apps.
* New syntax-sugar method to use agent's `execute` function directly.
* Gas price and gas limit can be specified now passing them to the `forward` function.
* You can pass strings with spaces now to the console using double-quote notation.
* Fixes:
* It now recognizes fixed-size array parameters, needed in some agent calls.
* It now loads DAO apps even if some of them don't have a reachable artifact.
**Some cool stuff you can check out:**
* Commons Swarm weekly updates thread.
* We are about to perform the Commons Upgrade, the last parameter votes are now!
### See you next Monday in the Commons Swarm weekly meeting @**6:00 PM UTC**! - [1Hive Discord Server](https://discord.gg/2XBvZwd9)
* The final revision of the bonding curve is already deployed, so [the contract is ready to be used](https://forum.1hive.org/t/commons-swarm-outcomes-1-3-a-plug-and-play-bonding-curve/4298) by any DAO that wants to issue their token based on this mechanism.
* [The Commons Upgrade demo is live](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/commons-upgrade-demo-part-2/723) using the [TEC Casino](https://github.com/CommonsBuild/commons-config-proposals/issues/91) template for test purposes only. It is divided in 2 votes:
* [A first vote](https://xdai.aragon.blossom.software/#/0x7A06c1106908d952974Ca1dC2b66F8Cc7dF75DBb/0xbd4bcdbf1b075f79deaa7a860811c60c73040824/vote/1/) transfered of funds from HatchDAO contract to the new [TEC Demo Garden](https://gardens-staging.1hive.org/#/xdai/garden/0xf7ac40a5d0933e13b346ee611d9072b6095f43fc).
* A second vote is going to be performed Thursday Dec 9th to Saturday 11th for opening the Augmented Bonding Curve.
**Some cool stuff you can check out:**
* Our friends from [General Magic are helping BrightID to revisit their DAO parameters]( https://forum.brightid.org/t/revisiting-the-brightdao-parameters-with-general-magic-support/355) with the help of the [Commons Config Dashboard](https://config.tecommons.org/) designed for TEC.
* Speaking of the dashboard! Don't miss our last Params Parties and the beginning of our debates.
#### See you next Monday in the Commons Swarm weekly meeting @**6:00 PM UTC**!
* The final revision of the bonding curve is already deployed, so [the contract is ready to be used](https://forum.1hive.org/t/commons-swarm-outcomes-1-3-a-plug-and-play-bonding-curve/4298) by any DAO that wants to issue their token based on this mechanism.
* [The Commons Upgrade demo is live](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/commons-upgrade-demo-part-2/723) using the [TEC Casino](https://github.com/CommonsBuild/commons-config-proposals/issues/91) template for test purposes only. It is divided in 2 votes:
* [A first vote](https://xdai.aragon.blossom.software/#/0x7A06c1106908d952974Ca1dC2b66F8Cc7dF75DBb/0xbd4bcdbf1b075f79deaa7a860811c60c73040824/vote/1/) transfered of funds from HatchDAO contract to the new [TEC Demo Garden](https://gardens-staging.1hive.org/#/xdai/garden/0xf7ac40a5d0933e13b346ee611d9072b6095f43fc).
* A second vote is going to be performed Thursday Dec 9th to Saturday 11th for opening the Augmented Bonding Curve.
**Some cool stuff you can check out:**
* Our friends from [General Magic are helping BrightID to revisit their DAO parameters]( https://forum.brightid.org/t/revisiting-the-brightdao-parameters-with-general-magic-support/355) with the help of the [Commons Config Dashboard](https://config.tecommons.org/) designed for TEC.
* Speaking of the dashboard! Don't miss our last Params Parties and the beginning of our debates.
### See you next Monday in the Commons Swarm weekly meeting @**6:00 PM UTC**! - [1Hive Discord Server](https://discord.gg/2XBvZwd9)
## NOVEMBER 4-24
* We have the Augmented Bonding Curve contracts almost ready. A new version is deployed on [Rinkeby](https://rinkeby.etherscan.io/address/0x9ac140f489df1481c20feb318f09b29a4f744915#code) and [xDai](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0xA4e28453b4F3fcB251EEbe1aC2798eEE55e2bE6a/contracts), however a final revision by Shokai pointed out a few critical issues that we will fix shortly. It will be able to be installed using the instructions in the updated [ABC thread in the 1Hive forum](https://forum.1hive.org/t/commons-swarm-outcomes-1-3-a-plug-and-play-bonding-curve/4298).
* The [frontend](https://github.com/commonsswarm/tec-convert) has been updated accordingly to keep track of the changes.
* You can test an ABC demo in convert.tecommons.org.
**Some cool stuff you can check out:**
* The TEC Params Parties are coming up with proposals for the designs that will eventually be implemented in the TEC Garden. Here is the [calendar](https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0?cid=ZHRpbnQzYmE2NnY0cDJqN25uZWdlZnB2dmdAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ) if you're interested in joining one (you should!).
* We also have debates for those of you who have joined a Party already :)
#### See you next Monday in the Commons Swarm weekly meeting @**6:00 PM UTC**!
* We have the Augmented Bonding Curve contracts almost ready. A new version is deployed on [Rinkeby](https://rinkeby.etherscan.io/address/0x9ac140f489df1481c20feb318f09b29a4f744915#code) and [xDai](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0xA4e28453b4F3fcB251EEbe1aC2798eEE55e2bE6a/contracts), however a final revision by Shokai pointed out a few critical issues that we will fix shortly. It will be able to be installed using the instructions in the updated [ABC thread in the 1Hive forum](https://forum.1hive.org/t/commons-swarm-outcomes-1-3-a-plug-and-play-bonding-curve/4298).
* The [frontend](https://github.com/commonsswarm/tec-convert) has been updated accordingly to keep track of the changes.
* You can test an ABC demo in convert.tecommons.org.
**Some cool stuff you can check out:**
* The TEC Params Parties are coming up with proposals for the designs that will eventually be implemented in the TEC Garden. Here is the [calendar](https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0?cid=ZHRpbnQzYmE2NnY0cDJqN25uZWdlZnB2dmdAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ) if you're interested in joining one (you should!).
* We also have debates for those of you who have joined a Party already :)
### See you next Monday in the Commons Swarm weekly meeting @**6:00 PM UTC**! - [1Hive Discord Server](https://discord.gg/2XBvZwd9)
* We have had great advances with the [Augmented Bonding Curve](https://github.com/CommonsSwarm/augmented-bonding-curve), making it more secure, simple, and efficient based on the [review of Shokai]().
**Some cool stuff you can check out:**
* There have been plenty of advances in the [integration of BrightID and Gardens](https://forum.brightid.org/t/brightid-gatekeeper-for-aragon-permissions/131) (here are the pull requests: [1](https://github.com/1Hive/conviction-voting-app/pull/156), [2](https://github.com/1Hive/disputable-voting/pull/1), [3](https://github.com/1Hive/token-manager-app/pull/18), [4](https://github.com/1Hive/gardens/pull/418)). In the near future a Garden will be able to limit the creation of votes or other actions to brightid-authenticated users only.
#### See you next Monday in the Commons Swarm weekly meeting @**6:00 PM UTC**!
* We have had great advances with the [Augmented Bonding Curve](https://github.com/CommonsSwarm/augmented-bonding-curve), making it more secure, simple, and efficient based on the [review of Shokai]().
**Some cool stuff you can check out:**
* There have been plenty of advances in the [integration of BrightID and Gardens](https://forum.brightid.org/t/brightid-gatekeeper-for-aragon-permissions/131) (here are the pull requests: [1](https://github.com/1Hive/conviction-voting-app/pull/156), [2](https://github.com/1Hive/disputable-voting/pull/1), [3](https://github.com/1Hive/token-manager-app/pull/18), [4](https://github.com/1Hive/gardens/pull/418)). In the near future a Garden will be able to limit the creation of votes or other actions to brightid-authenticated users only.
#### See you next Monday in the Commons Swarm weekly meeting @**6:00 PM UTC**! - [1Hive Discord Server](https://discord.gg/2XBvZwd9)
## OCTOBER 21-27
* We have released a new article of the "Commons Swarm Outcomes" series: [A fundraising module for DAOs](https://forum.1hive.org/t/commons-swarm-outcomes-2-3-a-fundraising-module-for-daos/4587).
* This second part is focused on describing the different pieces of the Hatch DAO that can be composed altogether in different options to be able to offer many kinds of fundraisings.
* We used [EVMcrispr and hardhat to test a vote](https://gist.github.com/sembrestels/ec0879bce06f02fa7a9e1ce4e5ae1cab), especifically to check if the new [TEC Hatch DAO vote](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/technical-fix-allowing-hatchdao-to-execute-payment/672) was executable and which is going to be the outcome.
* We're almost ready for the Commons Upgrade:
* We're working on the last details to have a stable version of the augmented bonding curve to be released with the TEC Garden.
* We also are working with the Gardens Swarm to adapt the frontend to support Conviction Voting distributing a different token other than the garden token.
**Some cool stuff you can check out:**
* 1Hive has joined the [Panvala League](https://forum.1hive.org/t/1hive-has-joined-the-panvala-league/4578?u=chuygarcia92)!
* [Params Parties](https://twitter.com/tecmns/status/1453091150357663747?s=20) are back!
#### See you next Monday in the Commons Swarm weekly meeting @**6:00 PM UTC**!
* We have released a new article of the "Commons Swarm Outcomes" series: [A fundraising module for DAOs](https://forum.1hive.org/t/commons-swarm-outcomes-2-3-a-fundraising-module-for-daos/4587).
* This second part is focused on describing the different pieces of the Hatch DAO that can be composed altogether in different options to be able to offer many kinds of fundraisings.
* We used [EVMcrispr and hardhat to test a vote](https://gist.github.com/sembrestels/ec0879bce06f02fa7a9e1ce4e5ae1cab), especifically to check if the new [TEC Hatch DAO vote](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/technical-fix-allowing-hatchdao-to-execute-payment/672) was executable and which is going to be the outcome.
* We're almost ready for the Commons Upgrade:
* We're working on the last details to have a stable version of the augmented bonding curve to be released with the TEC Garden.
* We also are working with the Gardens Swarm to adapt the frontend to support Conviction Voting distributing a different token other than the garden token.
**Some cool stuff you can check out:**
* 1Hive has joined the [Panvala League](https://forum.1hive.org/t/1hive-has-joined-the-panvala-league/4578?u=chuygarcia92)!
* [Params Parties](https://twitter.com/tecmns/status/1453091150357663747?s=20) are back!
#### See you next Monday in the Commons Swarm weekly meeting @**6:00 PM UTC**! - [1Hive Discord Server](https://discord.gg/2XBvZwd9)
## OCTOBER 14-20
* The [EVMCrispr Terminal](https://evm-crispr.blossom.software/) is a tool developed by the Commons Swarm that has been getting a lot of love :heart: from many members of the community:
* Agave folks have contributed in improving the voting testing capabilities to be able to check the votes before sending them.
* @amin is using EVMcrispr to change the native Unipool of Gardens in the Giveth Garden to use their own implentation that uses GIVstream.
* Gardens has created a cool form interface to interact with EVMcrispr, kudos to @rperez89.
**Some cool stuff you can check out:**
* [Osmotic Funding](https://showcase.ethglobal.com/ethonline2021/osmotic-funding) won the 1st Place prize from [MakerDAO](https://makerdao.com/en/) and the Best Coordination Mechanics prize from [Superfluid](https://www.superfluid.finance/).
* We hosted a discussion on Osmotic Funding mathematical model with Michael Zargham from BlockScience and Didi from Superfluid on Luna Swarm. [Here is the recording](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Y3Jq8gPmqg).
* We also had a call with Superfluid team to discuss how to calculate the realtime balance of an address that is sending and receiving different flows.
* We think that [exponential decay](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exponential_decay) has very good properties in order to combine different flows.
* We created [an example](https://www.desmos.com/calculator/2kb5fdgmml) that has three flows, one decaying inflow from 100 tokens/s to 10 and the other growing inflow from 0 to 50 and an outflow that goes from 0 to -10. The result is an inflow that goes from 100 to 50 tokens/s.
#### See you next Monday in the Commons Swarm weekly meeting @**6:00 PM UTC**!
* The [EVMCrispr Terminal](https://evm-crispr.blossom.software/) is a tool developed by the Commons Swarm that has been getting a lot of love :heart: from many members of the community:
* Agave folks have contributed in improving the voting testing capabilities to be able to check the votes before sending them.
* @amin is using EVMcrispr to change the native Unipool of Gardens in the Giveth Garden to use their own implentation that uses GIVstream.
* Gardens has created a cool form interface to interact with EVMcrispr, kudos to @rperez89.
**Some cool stuff you can check out:**
* [Osmotic Funding](https://showcase.ethglobal.com/ethonline2021/osmotic-funding) won the 1st Place prize from [MakerDAO](https://makerdao.com/en/) and the Best Coordination Mechanics prize from [Superfluid](https://www.superfluid.finance/).
* We hosted a discussion on Osmotic Funding mathematical model with Michael Zargham from BlockScience and Didi from Superfluid on Luna Swarm. [Here is the recording](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Y3Jq8gPmqg).
* We also had a call with Superfluid team to discuss how to calculate the realtime balance of an address that is sending and receiving different flows.
* We think that [exponential decay](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exponential_decay) has very good properties in order to combine different flows.
* We created [an example](https://www.desmos.com/calculator/2kb5fdgmml) that has three flows, one decaying inflow from 100 tokens/s to 10 and the other growing inflow from 0 to 50 and an outflow that goes from 0 to -10. The result is an inflow that goes from 100 to 50 tokens/s.
#### See you next Monday in the Commons Swarm weekly meeting @**6:00 PM UTC**! - [1Hive Discord Server](https://discord.gg/2XBvZwd9)
## OCTOBER 7-13
* We have released an online tool to create votes using the evm-crispr library: the [EVMcrispr Terminal](https://evm-crispr.blossom.software/). It has already been used many times to create votes in different DAOs, although be aware that the software is in a beta version!
* You can find examples of how to write evmscripts seeing our [latest votes in the Hatch DAO](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/one-time-change-of-tech-addresses-as-requested-by-owner-because-access-was-lost-or-another-reason/571/24).
**Some cool stuff you can check out:**
* [Osmotic Funding](https://showcase.ethglobal.com/ethonline2021/osmotic-funding), our latest hackathon project that combines Conviction Voting and Superfluid Finance to create funding streams to back proposals over time with a varying rate per month determined by the amount of conviction each proposal has.
* [A vote in the Hatch DAO](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/changing-permissions-on-the-hatchdao/665/6) is going on. It gives permission to the voting app to mint and burn permissions. You can vote until Saturday!
#### See you next Monday in the Commons Swarm weekly meeting @**6:00 PM UTC**!
* We have released an online tool to create votes using the evm-crispr library: the [EVMcrispr Terminal](https://evm-crispr.blossom.software/). It has already been used many times to create votes in different DAOs, although be aware that the software is in a beta version!
* You can find examples of how to write evmscripts seeing our [latest votes in the Hatch DAO](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/one-time-change-of-tech-addresses-as-requested-by-owner-because-access-was-lost-or-another-reason/571/24).
**Some cool stuff you can check out:**
* [Osmotic Funding](https://showcase.ethglobal.com/ethonline2021/osmotic-funding), our latest hackathon project that combines Conviction Voting and Superfluid Finance to create funding streams to back proposals over time with a varying rate per month determined by the amount of conviction each proposal has.
* [A vote in the Hatch DAO](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/changing-permissions-on-the-hatchdao/665/6) is going on. It gives permission to the voting app to mint and burn permissions. You can vote until Saturday!
#### See you next Monday in the Commons Swarm weekly meeting @**6:00 PM UTC**! - [1Hive Discord Server](https://discord.gg/2XBvZwd9)
* We added a new cool feature to EVMcrispr: it's own [domain specific language](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain-specific_language)! It includes the following commands:
* `install ${app-repo} ${...params}`
* `grant ${entity} ${app} ${role} ${permissionManager}`
* `revoke ${entity} ${app} ${role}`
* `exec ${app} ${method} ${...params}`
* `act ${agent} ${target} ${method} ${...params}`
* Our [first vote](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/one-time-change-of-tech-addresses-as-requested-by-owner-because-access-was-lost-or-another-reason/571/20?u=chuygarcia92) using EVMcrispr has been succesfully executed. You can check out how it was coded in the forum post!
**Some cool stuff you can check out:**
* The TEC rewards system is [being discussed](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/outlining-the-rewards-system-process-v2/646?u=chuygarcia92) in our forum. Feel free to contribute to the conversation if you have any previous experience in the field :)
#### See you next Monday in the Commons Swarm weekly meeting @**6:00 PM UTC**!
* We added a new cool feature to EVMcrispr: it's own [domain specific language](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain-specific_language)! It includes the following commands:
* `install ${app-repo} ${...params}`
* `grant ${entity} ${app} ${role} ${permissionManager}`
* `revoke ${entity} ${app} ${role}`
* `exec ${app} ${method} ${...params}`
* `act ${agent} ${target} ${method} ${...params}`
* Our [first vote](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/one-time-change-of-tech-addresses-as-requested-by-owner-because-access-was-lost-or-another-reason/571/20?u=chuygarcia92) using EVMcrispr has been succesfully executed. You can check out how it was coded in the forum post!
**Some cool stuff you can check out:**
* [Discussion](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/outlining-the-rewards-system-process-v2/646?u=chuygarcia92) around the TEC rewards system.
#### See you next Monday in the Commons Swarm weekly meeting @**6:00 PM UTC**! - [1Hive Discord Server](https://discord.gg/2XBvZwd9)
* We released a [new EVMcripsr version](https://github.com/CommonsSwarm/EVMcrispr/releases/tag/v0.1.3):
* Now the DAO apps are ordered properly ([based on creation time](https://github.com/CommonsSwarm/EVMcrispr/commit/494ae3dcff6f990b7663c11a9d02d9e73e344377)).
* We added the `act` function to EVMcrispr, so now we can call external contract functions from any DAO agent.
* An example of how to use it can be found here: [Deposit Agent funds to Agave using EVMcrispr](https://gist.github.com/sembrestels/f6181e6d44d0ea05b9f67034704c4104).
* We have implemented a set of utils to encode [parametic permissions](https://hack.aragon.org/docs/aragonos-ref#parameter-interpretation). They can be used to encode conditions to when certain actions can be performed in a DAO. You can find more [information here](https://github.com/CommonsSwarm/EVMcrispr#parametric-permission-utils).
* Commons Upgrade has been implemented (finally!). The repo link is [here](https://github.com/CommonsSwarm/commons-upgrade) and the demo with the votes are [here](https://gardens-rinkeby.1hive.org/#/garden/0x5672542F00Db5db374c13944C249fE925Aa325A6/vote/2) (app installation) and [here](https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmX9prg9ky4kFfqSfWGCGAbjNFnZea1pWPxAEmbenCFhh5/#/0x138dcAA5fb8c190eB7FaF37b1147dA45De9DeF33/0x6494c10782dd987ffabbb61811fd79ed1360e2d6/vote/4/) (funds and token migration).
* The Aragon version used in xDAI network is the current blocker, as it gives problems with ACL oracles. Some time ago, @willjgriff [fixed it for the AragonOS v4.4.0](https://github.com/aragon/aragonOS/pull/565). We are considering upgrading the Aragon version to fix this issue.
**Some cool stuff you can check out:**
* [Discussion on how to manage properly the treasury of a gardens.](https://forum.1hive.org/t/treasury-management-in-gardens/4411)
#### See you next Monday in the Commons Swarm weekly meeting @**6:00 PM UTC**!
* We released a [new EVMcripsr version](https://github.com/CommonsSwarm/EVMcrispr/releases/tag/v0.1.3):
* Now the DAO apps are ordered properly ([based on creation time](https://github.com/CommonsSwarm/EVMcrispr/commit/494ae3dcff6f990b7663c11a9d02d9e73e344377)).
* We added the `act` function to EVMcrispr, so now we can call external contract functions from any DAO agent.
* An example of how to use it can be found here: [Deposit Agent funds to Agave using EVMcrispr](https://gist.github.com/sembrestels/f6181e6d44d0ea05b9f67034704c4104).
* We have implemented a set of utils to encode [parametic permissions](https://hack.aragon.org/docs/aragonos-ref#parameter-interpretation). They can be used to encode conditions to when certain actions can be performed in a DAO. You can find more [information here](https://github.com/CommonsSwarm/EVMcrispr#parametric-permission-utils).
* Commons Upgrade has been implemented (finally!). The repo link is [here](https://github.com/CommonsSwarm/commons-upgrade) and the demo with the votes are [here](https://gardens-rinkeby.1hive.org/#/garden/0x5672542F00Db5db374c13944C249fE925Aa325A6/vote/2) (app installation) and [here](https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmX9prg9ky4kFfqSfWGCGAbjNFnZea1pWPxAEmbenCFhh5/#/0x138dcAA5fb8c190eB7FaF37b1147dA45De9DeF33/0x6494c10782dd987ffabbb61811fd79ed1360e2d6/vote/4/) (funds and token migration).
* The Aragon version used in xDAI network is the current blocker, as it gives problems with ACL oracles. Some time ago, @willjgriff [fixed it for the AragonOS v4.4.0](https://github.com/aragon/aragonOS/pull/565). We are considering upgrading the Aragon version to fix this issue.
**Some cool stuff you can check out:**
* * [Discussion on how to manage properly the treasury of a gardens.](https://forum.1hive.org/t/treasury-management-in-gardens/4411)
#### See you next Monday in the Commons Swarm weekly meeting @**6:00 PM UTC**! - [1Hive Discord Server](https://discord.gg/2XBvZwd9)
* We presented a [design and some yet-to-be-tested code](https://github.com/1Hive/voting-connectors/pull/2) for a Hooked Voting Aggregator that allows to have multi-token Commons/Gardens within the proper circumstances (all tokens must be hooked).
* We [wrote tests](https://github.com/CommonsSwarm/EVMcrispr/blob/main/test/action-functions.test.ts) that cover all the functionalities of EVMcrispr, which helped to find some bugs!
* We are improving security the Hatch and Augmented Bonding Curve contracts. We are currently working on the feedback provided by a code review made by [Shokai](https://github.com/shokai), former Aragon One CTO.
**Some cool stuff you can check out:**
* The [75% Governance Giveback](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/75-governance-giveback/569) proposal is now viable thanks to the Hooked Voting Aggregator. Hatchers will soon be able to vote on it.
* Learn more about how the TEC and [Agave](https://agave.finance/) are working in something [HUGE](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/earn-interest-on-wxdai-with-hatch-funds-tec-x-agave/604?u=chuygarcia92) for the near future :)
#### See you next Monday in the Commons Swarm weekly meeting @**6:00 PM UTC**!
* We presented a [design and some yet-to-be-tested code](https://github.com/1Hive/voting-connectors/pull/2) for a Hooked Voting Aggregator that allows to have multi-token Commons/Gardens within the proper circumstances (all tokens must be hooked).
* We [wrote tests](https://github.com/CommonsSwarm/EVMcrispr/blob/main/test/action-functions.test.ts) that cover all the functionalities of EVMcrispr, which helped to find some bugs!
* We are improving security the Hatch and Augmented Bonding Curve contracts. We are currently working on the feedback provided by a code review made by [Shokai](https://github.com/shokai), former Aragon One CTO.
**Some cool stuff you can check out:**
* The [75% Governance Giveback](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/75-governance-giveback/569) proposal is now viable thanks to the Hooked Voting Aggregator. Hatchers will soon be able to vote on it.
* Learn more about how the TEC and [Agave](https://agave.finance/) are working in something [HUGE](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/earn-interest-on-wxdai-with-hatch-funds-tec-x-agave/604?u=chuygarcia92) for the near future :)
#### See you next Monday in the Commons Swarm weekly meeting @**6:00 PM UTC**! - [1Hive Discord Server](https://discord.gg/2XBvZwd9)
## AUGUST 5th to SEPTEMBER 1st
* We have released documentation on [how to install the Augmented Bonding Curve](https://forum.1hive.org/t/commons-swarm-outcomes-1-3-a-plug-and-play-bonding-curve/4298) in any Aragon or Gardens DAO. It's only available on Rinkeby for now, but we will publish it on xDAI mainnet as soon as the code is sufficiently reviewed.
* We also have released the alpha version of EVMcrispr. It's still not completely functional and there are not so many examples, but we're very excited for the potential its [current version](https://commonsswarm.github.io/EVMcrispr/) shows. Praise to @paulo for these updates!
* EVMcrispr is a tool that allows a DAO's DNA to be changed. It will be used to change parameters in DAOs if the community finds this convenient. It also can be used to completely reshape a DAO as we are going to do with the [Commons Upgrade](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/pseudo-code-and-permission-tables-for-the-commons-upgrade/431).
* [Agave](http://agave.finance) already adopted EVMCrispr to encode the votes they perform in their DAO. In a soon-to-be-published article we will expose some of these examples.
* [Gardens](http://gardens.1hive.org) is also going to include an EVMcrispr command language (evmcl) console for each Garden in order to perform changes in the DAOs.
**Some cool stuff you can check out:**
* Are you a hatcher? We have [another POAP](https://poap.delivery/hatch-tech-holder) for you :)
* It's Params September! Stay in the loop in the TEC social media to learn more about the parameters we will be voting on for the Commons Upgrade.
#### See you next Monday in the Commons Swarm weekly meeting @**6:00 PM UTC**!
* We have released documentation on [how to install the Augmented Bonding Curve](https://forum.1hive.org/t/commons-swarm-outcomes-1-3-a-plug-and-play-bonding-curve/4298) in any Aragon or Gardens DAO. It's only available on Rinkeby for now, but we will publish it on xDAI mainnet as soon as the code is sufficiently reviewed.
* We also have released the alpha version of EVMcrispr. It's still not completely functional and there are not so many examples, but we're very excited for the potential its [current version](https://commonsswarm.github.io/EVMcrispr/) shows. Praise to @paulo for these updates!
* EVMcrispr is a tool that allows a DAO's DNA to be changed. It will be used to change parameters in DAOs if the community finds this convenient. It also can be used to completely reshape a DAO as we are going to do with the [Commons Upgrade](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/pseudo-code-and-permission-tables-for-the-commons-upgrade/431).
* [Agave](http://agave.finance) already adopted EVMCrispr to encode the votes they perform in their DAO. In a soon-to-be-published article we will expose some of these examples.
* [Gardens](http://gardens.1hive.org) is also going to include an EVMcrispr command language (evmcl) console for each Garden in order to perform changes in the DAOs.
**Some cool stuff you can check out:**
* Are you a hatcher? We have [another POAP](https://poap.delivery/hatch-tech-holder) for you :)
* It's Params September! Stay in the loop in the TEC social media to learn more about the parameters we will be voting on for the Commons Upgrade.
#### See you next Monday in the Commons Swarm weekly meeting @**6:00 PM UTC**! - [1Hive Discord Server](https://discord.gg/2XBvZwd9)
## JULY 14th to AUGUST 4th
* [The hatch is finally released](https://hatch.tecommons.org). This is the first huge and harder milestone for the Commons Swarm, and we are proud that everything is working as expected.
* The team continue working towards the Commons Upgrade after the hatch. This includes the migration of the Hatch DAO into a 1hive Gardens and the replacement of a bonding curve instead of the dynamic issuance policy.
* We're preparing a series of articles with the outcomes of work that has been done in the swarm for the last 10 months.
**Some cool stuff you can check out:**
* Check our [Hatch Bot NFT](https://nft.tecommons.org/)! The top 10 contributors will have access to this limited edition.
#### See you next Monday in the Commons Swarm weekly meeting @**6:00 PM UTC**!
* [The hatch is finally released](https://hatch.tecommons.org). This is the first huge and harder milestone for the Commons Swarm, and we are proud that everything is working as expected.
* The team continue working towards the Commons Upgrade after the hatch. This includes the migration of the Hatch DAO into a 1hive Gardens and the replacement of a bonding curve instead of the dynamic issuance policy.
* We're preparing a series of articles with the outcomes of work that has been done in the swarm for the last 10 months.
**Some cool stuff you can check out:**
* Check our [Hatch Bot NFT](https://nft.tecommons.org/)! The top 10 contributors will have access to this limited edition.
#### See you next Monday in the Commons Swarm weekly meeting @**6:00 PM UTC**! - [1Hive Discord Server](https://discord.gg/2XBvZwd9)
## JUNE 30th to JULY 7th
* The [dress rehearsal recap](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/hatch-dress-rehearshal-recap/471?u=chuygarcia92) summarizes the process of test tokens going through the smart contracts: mintings, impact hours, ragequitting, and the "commons" upgrade.
* We have a new version of [TEC Convert](https://convert-rinkeby.tecommons.org/).
* Uses the new simplified [contract](https://github.com/commonsswarm/bancor-market-maker)
* Applies entry and exit tributes.
* Uses virtual supply and virtual balance in the calculations.
* Uses the minimum return amount, so the transaction fails if the slippage is excessive.
* [EVMcrispr](https://github.com/CommonsSwarm/EVMcrispr) is a library to generate EVMscripts for DAOs to modify themselves, changing their properties, or even their own code. @paulo has been implementing it and it's almost functional.
**Some cool stuff you can check out:**
* We're almost done with IH quant votes, make your opinion matter! [VOTE](https://tokenlog.xyz/CommonsBuild/IH-intervention)!
* Our hatch opens on July 13th! Stay in the loop ;)
#### See you next Monday in the Commons Swarm weekly meeting @**6:00 PM UTC**!
* The [dress rehearsal recap](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/hatch-dress-rehearshal-recap/471?u=chuygarcia92) summarizes the process of test tokens going through the smart contracts: mintings, impact hours, ragequitting, and the "commons" upgrade.
* We have a new version of [TEC Convert](https://convert-rinkeby.tecommons.org/).
* Uses the new simplified [contract](https://github.com/commonsswarm/bancor-market-maker)
* Applies entry and exit tributes.
* Uses virtual supply and virtual balance in the calculations.
* Uses the minimum return amount, so the transaction fails if the slippage is excessive.
* [EVMcrispr](https://github.com/CommonsSwarm/EVMcrispr) is a library to generate EVMscripts for DAOs to modify themselves, changing their properties, or even their own code. @paulo has been implementing it and it's almost functional, so expect news soon :)
**Some cool stuff you can check out:**
* We're almost done with IH quant votes, make your opinion matter! [VOTE](https://tokenlog.xyz/CommonsBuild/IH-intervention)!
* Our hatch opens on July 13th! Stay in the loop ;)
#### See you next Monday in the Commons Swarm weekly meeting @**6:00 PM UTC**! - [1Hive Discord Server](https://discord.gg/2XBvZwd9)
## JUNE 23rd
* We have been working on improving [Conviction Voting](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1sT28zznQA_fMaQ_nIG6JhIVoOkV5Lx2a) and [Augmented Bonding Curve](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1scs5HH4bIAp43R_CskmkIKd2IZaWUImO) models.
* Regarding the Commons Upgrade, we've been developing a *work-in-progress* library to make the creation of EVMScript votes much easier. In [this sneak peak of code](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/pseudo-code-and-permission-tables-for-the-commons-upgrade/431/2) you can see how easy it will be to upgrade a Gardens into a Commons.
* We continued the work on [TEC Convert](http://convert.tecommons.org) (Augmented Bonding Curve frontend) simplifying the interface even more.
**Some cool stuff you can check out:**
* Parameters Working Group has been working on some specificatons that will eventually become part of the **Commons Dashboard**, a new super-tool useful for picking parameters in the Commons Upgrade:
* [Conviction Voting parameter selection](https://hackmd.io/Hj7pp7ZTQGmROC6zNDD1tg).
* [Price floor and token thaw parameter selection](https://hackmd.io/eUoBVMjcSzO_dynDEMpMUw).
* [Augmented Bonding Curve parameter selection](https://hackmd.io/Qey8zQxaRUyY_o4SLi-kBA).
#### See you next Monday in the Commons Swarm weekly meeting @**6:00 PM UTC**!
* We have been working on improving [Conviction Voting](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1sT28zznQA_fMaQ_nIG6JhIVoOkV5Lx2a) and [Augmented Bonding Curve](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1scs5HH4bIAp43R_CskmkIKd2IZaWUImO) models.
* Regarding the Commons Upgrade, we've been developing a *work-in-progress* library to make the creation of EVMScript votes much easier. In [this sneak peak of code](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/pseudo-code-and-permission-tables-for-the-commons-upgrade/431/2) you can see how easy it will be to upgrade a Gardens into a Commons.
* We continued the work on [TEC Convert](http://convert.tecommons.org) (Augmented Bonding Curve frontend) simplifying the interface even more.
**Some cool stuff you can check out:**
* Parameters Working Group has been working on some specificatons that will eventually become part of the **Commons Dashboard**, a new super-tool useful for picking parameters in the Commons Upgrade:
* [Conviction Voting parameter selection](https://hackmd.io/Hj7pp7ZTQGmROC6zNDD1tg).
* [Price floor and token thaw parameter selection](https://hackmd.io/eUoBVMjcSzO_dynDEMpMUw).
* [Augmented Bonding Curve parameter selection](https://hackmd.io/Qey8zQxaRUyY_o4SLi-kBA).
#### See you next Monday in the Commons Swarm weekly meeting @**6:00 PM UTC**! - [1Hive Discord Server](https://discord.gg/2XBvZwd9)
## JUNE 16th
* It's official! Our Commons (being TEC the first) are going to be 1hive Gardens with one particularity: the [Augmented Bonding Curve (ABC)](https://commonsstack.org/abc).
* From the Gardens side there are two major upgrades that made it possible:
* @eduadiez has upgraded the [MiniMe token](https://medium.com/giveth/the-minime-token-open-sourced-by-giveth-2710c0210787) contract ([PR](https://github.com/1Hive/minime/pull/1)). It now supports `permit` and `transferWithAuthorization`.
* @willjgriff adapted the Gardens Template to use it. Also, from now on it is not mandatory to request the garden token on conviction voting proposals ([PR](https://github.com/1Hive/gardens/pull/167)).
* From the ABC side we have advanced on the [Commons Upgrade script](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/pseudo-code-and-permission-tables-for-the-commons-upgrade/431), having the first pseudo-code. We also have been adapting the *tec-convert* to use directly the [bancor market maker app](https://github.com/CommonsSwarm/bancor-market-maker).
* This is how TECommons garden looks like among the rest of the 1hive gardens 🤩:
**Some cool stuff you can check out:**
* [Gardens Demo on Rinkeby](https://gardens-rinkeby.1hive.org)
#### See you next Monday in the Commons Swarm weekly meeting @**6:00 PM UTC**!
* It's official! Our Commons (being TEC the first) are going to be [1hive Gardens](https://1hive.gitbook.io/gardens/) with one particularity: the Augmented Bonding Curve.
* From the Gardens side there are two major upgrades that made it possible:
* @eduadiez has upgraded the [MiniMe token](https://medium.com/giveth/the-minime-token-open-sourced-by-giveth-2710c0210787) contract ([PR](https://github.com/1Hive/minime/pull/1)). It now supports `permit` and `transferWithAuthorization`.
* @willjgriff adapted the Gardens Template to use it. Also, from now on it is not mandatory to request the garden token on conviction voting proposals ([PR](https://github.com/1Hive/gardens/pull/167)).
* From the ABC side we have advanced on the [Commons Upgrade script](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/pseudo-code-and-permission-tables-for-the-commons-upgrade/431), having the first pseudo-code. We also have been adapting the *tec-convert* to use directly the [bancor market maker app](https://github.com/CommonsSwarm/bancor-market-maker).
* This is how TECommons garden looks like among the rest of the 1hive gardens 🤩:
**Some cool stuff you can check out:**
* Try the [Gardens Demo on Rinkeby](https://gardens-rinkeby.1hive.org)
#### See you next Monday in the Commons Swarm weekly meeting @**6:00 PM UTC**! - [1Hive Discord Server](https://discord.gg/2XBvZwd9)
## JUNE 9th
* The dress rehearsal hatch reached 1M tDAI! *Drops confetti*. The new demo has a different video (the final one will be ready during the official hatch) and the final description with a FAQ section.
* We are working towards making the Commons (organizations using the [Commons Stack pattern](https://medium.com/giveth/the-commons-stack-scaling-the-commons-to-re-prioritize-people-and-the-planet-fdc076aec4eb)) to be fully compatible with [Gardens](https://1hive.gitbook.io/gardens/).
* The Commons Upgrade will be a vote that change a Garden internally.
* This means that TEC will be a fully-featured Garden appearing within [1hive's future website](https://gardens-rinkeby.1hive.org/).
* @0xNuggan [has been working](https://github.com/CommonsSwarm/tec-convert/pull/24) on the frontend for convert.tecommons.org:
* It now takes into account the entry and exit tributes to calculate the price.
* It also protects users if the indicated price drops below an accepted slippage when converting.
**Some cool stuff you can check out:**
* Check this [conviction voting dashboard demo](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/159f6w8FhLz4zi0FROdamkUpUWCxye3Uu). We'll be sharing an improved version with further documentation next week.
* [Using Celeste as TE Commons arbitrator](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/using-celeste-as-tecommons-arbitrator/409) (vote).
* [Making sense of the threshold formula in Conviction Voting](https://forum.1hive.org/t/making-sense-of-the-threshold-formula-in-conviction-voting/3870).
#### See you next Monday in the Commons Swarm weekly meeting @**6:00 PM UTC**!
* The dress rehearsal hatch reached 1M tDAI! *Drops confetti*. The new demo has a different video (the final one will be ready during the official hatch) and the final description with a FAQ section.
* We are working towards making the Commons (organizations using the [Commons Stack pattern](https://medium.com/giveth/the-commons-stack-scaling-the-commons-to-re-prioritize-people-and-the-planet-fdc076aec4eb)) to be fully compatible with [Gardens](https://1hive.gitbook.io/gardens/).
* The Commons Upgrade will be a vote that change a Garden internally.
* This means that TEC will be a fully-featured Garden appearing within [1hive's future website](https://gardens-rinkeby.1hive.org/).
* @Nuggan [has been working](https://github.com/CommonsSwarm/tec-convert/pull/24) on the frontend for convert.tecommons.org:
* It now takes into account the entry and exit tributes to calculate the price.
* It also protects users if the indicated price drops below an accepted slippage when converting.
**Some cool stuff you can check out:**
* Our [conviction voting dashboard demo](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/159f6w8FhLz4zi0FROdamkUpUWCxye3Uu). We'll be sharing an improved version with its respective documentation next week.
* [Using Celeste as TE Commons arbitrator](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/using-celeste-as-tecommons-arbitrator/409) (vote).
* [Making sense of the threshold formula in Conviction Voting](https://forum.1hive.org/t/making-sense-of-the-threshold-formula-in-conviction-voting/3870).
#### See you next Monday in the Commons Swarm weekly meeting @**6:00 PM UTC**!
## JUNE 2nd
* We put together a dress rehearsal for the Hatch with the params we voted for. Go ahead and [give it a try](https://hatch.tecommons.org/)!
* If you are a CSTK token holder now you have some [test DAI](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/tokens/0x9556e84520978032B52b4ea6aF068d46B21252Ff/token-holders) so you can participate in these final tests.
* We have extracted and adapted 1hive's marketplace bonding curve into the [Bancor Market Maker repo](https://github.com/CommonsSwarm/bancor-market-maker) to be used independently, which is much easier to install.
* Adria is still reviewing our smart contracts, which brings us to @sem 's meme:
**Some cool stuff you can check out:**
* Try the [Hatch](https://hatch.tecommons.org) rehearsal!
#### See you next Monday in the Commons Swarm weekly meeting @**6:00 PM UTC**!
* We put together a dress rehearsal for the Hatch with the params we voted for. Go ahead and [give it a try](https://hatch.tecommons.org/)!
* If you are a CSTK token holder now you have some [test DAI](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/tokens/0x9556e84520978032B52b4ea6aF068d46B21252Ff/token-holders) so you can participate in these final tests.
* We have extracted and adapted 1hive's marketplace bonding curve into the [Bancor Market Maker repo](https://github.com/CommonsSwarm/bancor-market-maker) to be used independently, which is much easier to install.
* Adria is still reviewing our smart contracts, which brings us to @sem 's meme:
**Some cool stuff you can check out:**
#### See you next Monday in the Commons Swarm weekly meeting @**6:00 PM UTC**!
## MAY 26th
* We have release candidates for all the hatch smart contracts. They are currently being reviewed and next week we're planning a rehearsal with the parameters that end up winning the vote on June 1st.
* [Contracts](https://hackmd.io/QijHpCIiR6uZXktbIfZI7g#Commons-Swarm-Apps) are verified and the last versions of the apps have been pinned to IPFS.
* We also have the last version of the [Hatch Template](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0xe98e5EaA7c8707F9F55f6e1d5cF22166f2BeE0a3/transactions)!
* We have new logos for our Commons Swarm apps! @fioreb has contributed with these beautiful logos and we'd like to praise her a ton for it!
**Some cool stuff you can check out:**
* Come to debates! We're debating our [hatch params proposals](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/how-do-the-hatch-param-proposals-stack-up/385?u=chuygarcia92) to better inform the community about the [vote](https://tokenlog.xyz/CommonsBuild/TEC-Hatch-Vote) happening this week.
#### See you next Monday in the Commons Swarm weekly meeting @**6:00 PM UTC**!
* We have release candidates for all the hatch smart contracts. They are currently being reviewed and next week we're planning a rehearsal with the parameters that end up winning the vote on June 1st.
* [Contracts](https://hackmd.io/QijHpCIiR6uZXktbIfZI7g#Commons-Swarm-Apps) are verified and the last versions of the apps have been pinned to IPFS.
* We also have the last version of the [Hatch Template](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/address/0xe98e5EaA7c8707F9F55f6e1d5cF22166f2BeE0a3/transactions)!
* We have new logos for our Commons Swarm apps! @fioreb has contributed with these beautiful logos and we'd like to praise her a ton for it!
**Some cool stuff you can check out:**
* Come to the debates!! We're almost there!
#### See you next Monday in the Commons Swarm weekly meeting @**6:00 PM UTC**!
## MAY 19th
* We have a date for the (hopefully😅) final Test Hatch:
* We at the Commons Swarm are prepared for this exciting stage and tweaking the final touches for our front ends.
* Adding final text and video
* Testing built-in feedback form
* Adding FAQ trees
* More confetti tests, why not?
**Some cool stuff you can check out:**
* The Gardens MVP is almost ready! @fabi and @paulo from our team have been contributing to this cause. We plan to build the Commons Template on top of Gardens, so this is a big achievment for the 1Hive community and we encourage you to follow this exciting progress in the 1Hive forum and the Discord server.
#### See you next Monday in the Commons Swarm weekly meeting @**6:00 PM UTC**!
**Some cool stuff you can check out:**
* We have a date for the (hopefully😅) final Test Hatch:
* We at the Commons Swarm are prepared for this exciting stage and tweaking the final touches for our front ends.
* Adding final text and video
* Testing built-in feedback form
* Adding FAQ trees
* More confetti tests, why not?
**Some cool stuff you can check out:**
* The Gardens MVP is almost ready! @fabi and @paulo from our team have been contributing to this cause. We plan to build the Commons Template on top of Gardens, so this is a big achievment for the 1Hive community and we encourage you to follow this exciting progress in the 1Hive forum and the Discord server.
#### See you next Monday in the Commons Swarm weekly meeting @**6:00 PM UTC**!
## MAY 12th
* We'd like to give a warm welcome to [Vitor](https://github.com/marthendalnunes), [Fabio](github.com/mendesfabio) and [Nuggan](https://github.com/PabloCGL) who are joining the Commons Swarm team.
* Vitor has been working really hard in the [dashboard](https://params.tecommons.org/hatch) we're currently using to pick our params. He's a python wizard!
* Fabio has done magic on the [Commons Simulator](https://github.com/commons-stack/commons-simulator) and is collaborting with Balancer.
* Nuggan is a junior dev that has recently joined efforts with the dashboard team. We're looking forward to more of your valuable contributions!
* Our new members will be working on the front-end for the Augmented Bonding Curve dApp!
**Some cool stuff you can check out:**
* Join our Hatch Params DEBATES! We'll be voting on the params proposals we worked on last week. Join us and help us build the TEC economy from the bottom up!
#### See you next Monday in the Commons Swarm weekly meeting @**6:00 PM UTC**!
* We'd like to give a warm welcome to [Vitor](https://github.com/marthendalnunes), [Fabio](github.com/mendesfabio) and [Nuggan](https://github.com/PabloCGL) who are joining the Commons Swarm team.
* Vitor has been working really hard in the [dashboard](https://params.tecommons.org/hatch) we're currently using to pick our params. He's a python wizard!
* Fabio has done magic on the [Commons Simulator](https://github.com/commons-stack/commons-simulator) and is collaborting with Balancer.
* Nuggan is a junior dev that has recently joined efforts with the dashboard team. We're looking forward to more of your valuable contributions!
* Our new members will be working on the front-end for the Augmented Bonding Curve dApp!
**Some cool stuff you can check out:**
* Join the Hatch Params DEBATES! And VOTE!
#### See you next Monday in the Commons Swarm weekly meeting @**6:00 PM UTC**!
## MAY 5th
* Aragon Connect is fixed for xDai!
* [Code readability improvements](https://github.com/1Hive/connect/pull/11).
* [Fixed normalizer function](https://github.com/1Hive/connect/pull/12) for ethersProvider.
* Play with our latest [Hatch Demo](https://hatch-demo.netlify.app/)!
* [Front-end polishing](https://github.com/CommonsSwarm/tec-hatch/pull/92): theme and style fixes and responsive view implementation.
* [Hatch connector](https://github.com/CommonsSwarm/hatch-connector/pull/19) reliability improvements fixing some bugs that appeared when sending transactions.
* [Add support to EIP-3085](https://github.com/CommonsSwarm/tec-hatch/pull/89), allowing the addition of the xDAI network to the wallet with just one click.
* This is the timeline for this demo:
![demo timeline](https://i.imgur.com/y60EZdr.png)
* [Smart contract changes](https://github.com/CommonsSwarm/hatch-template/pull/7) to avoid creating votes during the hatch period or the closing/refund period.
* It uses an AragonOS ACL [TIMESTAMP](https://hack.aragon.org/docs/aragonos-ref.html#parameter-interpretation) parameter.
* We updated the [Implementation Specification](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/tec-test-hatch-implementation-specification/226/7) to reflect that change.
* All contracts have been [validated](https://forum.1hive.org/t/contract-verification-party/3369/8) on blockscout and pinned to IPFS.
**Some cool stuff you can check out:**
* **What is Token Engineering?:** An emerging engineering discipline around the theory, practice and tools used to design and verify tokenized ecosystems.
* __DEMO THE [HATCH](https://hatch-demo.netlify.app/)!!!!__ Seriously, you can't miss it!
* **YOUR ECONOMY YOUR CHOICE** - Community Economic Design
* We're having [Params Parties](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/evolving-economics-via-hatch-param-parties/364?u=chuygarcia92) this week, come and check them out and help us build the TEC economy and submit your [Params proposal](http://params.tecommons.org/hatch).
#### See you next Monday in the Commons Swarm weekly meeting @6:00 PM UTC - [1Hive Discord Server](https://discord.gg/2XBvZwd9)!
* Aragon Connect is fixed for xDai!
* [Code readability improvements](https://github.com/1Hive/connect/pull/11).
* [Fixed normalizer function](https://github.com/1Hive/connect/pull/12) for ethersProvider.
* Play with our latest [Hatch Demo](https://hatch-demo.netlify.app/)!
* [Front-end polishing](https://github.com/CommonsSwarm/tec-hatch/pull/92): theme and style fixes and responsive view implementation.
* [Hatch connector](https://github.com/CommonsSwarm/hatch-connector/pull/19) reliability improvements fixing some bugs that appeared when sending transactions.
* [Add support to EIP-3085](https://github.com/CommonsSwarm/tec-hatch/pull/89), allowing the addition of the xDAI network to the wallet with just one click.
* This is the timeline for this demo:
![demo timeline](https://i.imgur.com/y60EZdr.png)
* [Smart contract changes](https://github.com/CommonsSwarm/hatch-template/pull/7) to avoid creating votes during the hatch period or the closing/refund period.
* It uses an AragonOS ACL [TIMESTAMP](https://hack.aragon.org/docs/aragonos-ref.html#parameter-interpretation) parameter.
* We updated the [Implementation Specification](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/tec-test-hatch-implementation-specification/226/7) to reflect that change.
* All contracts have been [validated](https://forum.1hive.org/t/contract-verification-party/3369/8) on blockscout and pinned to IPFS.
**Some cool stuff you can check out:**
* __DEMO THE [HATCH](https://hatch-demo.netlify.app/)!!!!__ Seriously, you can't miss it!
#### See you next Monday in the Commons Swarm weekly meeting @6:00 PM UTC - [1Hive Discord Server](https://discord.gg/2XBvZwd9)!
## APR 28
* Implementing the new front-design for the three types of [Hatch Goals](https://www.figma.com/file/A1kXJxalyebWhNmREWcTVg/TEC-HoneyPot?node-id=213%3A2560)
* We are doing a ragequit demo with the community, testing the integration of 1hive redemptions app into the hatch frontend.
* We have an [open discussion](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/impact-hour-rate-deep-dive/90/17) to redefine the impact hour formula parameters, so they can be more user friendly while still remain mathematically simple and functional.
**Some cool stuff you can check out:**
* News from _Token Engineering Commons_: The Mission Vision and Values vote results are in! (ADD LINK)
* The Hatch parameter dashboard is in active development and we will soon share another exciting test that you can be part of.
* ADD POLL: What's your favorite part about Token Engineering?
* Designing and simulating micro economies in order to establish parameters that will bring the community members to a more informed decision about how their economy is modeled. Your economy, your choice!
* The community of experts that share their knowledge on such cool topics such as math, game theory, computer science, data science, etc. and the constant collaboration in further research in these matters.
* IDK what TE is tbh LOL.
#### See you next Monday in the Commons Swarm weekly meeting @**6:00 PM UTC**!
* Implementing the new front-design for the three types of [Hatch Goals](https://www.figma.com/file/A1kXJxalyebWhNmREWcTVg/TEC-HoneyPot?node-id=213%3A2560)
* We are doing a ragequit demo with the community, testing the integration of 1hive redemptions app into the hatch frontend.
* We have an [open discussion](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/impact-hour-rate-deep-dive/90/17) to redefine the impact hour formula parameters, so they can be more user friendly while still remain mathematically simple and functional.
**Some cool stuff you can check out:**
* MVV Results!
#### See you next Monday in the Commons Swarm weekly meeting @**6:00 PM UTC**!
## APR 21
* We have successfuly voted and migrated from a demo Hatch DAO to a [newer test DAO](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/commons-upgrade-vote-demo/331/6?u=chuygarcia92). This is the mechanism we are going to use in the Hatch DAO to Commons DAO upgrade.
* We added part of 1hive redemptions app to the [hatch frontend](https://github.com/CommonsSwarm/tec-hatch/pull/83) so people can redeem their tokens before the Commons Upgrade.
* [The Smart Contract verification party was a success](https://forum.1hive.org/t/contract-verification-party/3369/8?u=chuygarcia92). Most of the contracts have successfully been verified!
* Special mention to @gabi for bringing back to life the aragon apps on xdai, and verify a huge amount of contracts, so let's take a moment to appreciate his valuable help :)
* Remember you can keep track of our progress prior to the hatch in our [ZenHub Board](https://app.zenhub.com/workspaces/tec-coordination-workspace-5fad0d3fbbe4da0011c2f40d/board).
**Some cool stuff you can check out:**
* Are you a [Trusted Seed](https://medium.com/commonsstack/the-trusted-seed-of-the-commons-stack-13d7e37f2de)? Check out the [TEC Mission, Vision and Values](https://tokenlog.xyz/CommonsBuild/TokenLog-SoftGov). Help the community take a decision! Vote!
#### See you next Monday in the Commons Swarm weekly meeting @**6:00 PM UTC**!
* We have successfuly voted and migrated from a demo Hatch DAO to a [newer test DAO](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/commons-upgrade-vote-demo/331/6?u=chuygarcia92). This is the mechanism we are going to use in the Hatch DAO to Commons DAO upgrade.
* Cultural build tribute is gone!!! This doesn't exist in the hatch anymore, since ragequit was already giving that option to contributors.
* We added part of 1Hive redemptions app to the [hatch frontend](https://github.com/CommonsSwarm/tec-hatch/pull/83) so people can redeem their tokens before the Commons Upgrade.
**Some cool stuff you can check out:**
* This [1Hive forum post](https://forum.1hive.org/t/celeste-launch-and-next-steps/3446?u=chuygarcia92) talks about the future steps for Celeste, it's a great post by @lkngtn and a mindblowing achievement for the whole community!
#### See you next Monday in the Commons Swarm weekly meeting @**6:00 PM UTC**!
## APR 14
* We closed the hatch and performed a [Commons Upgrade Vote](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/commons-upgrade-vote-demo/331).
* We have been working with Gardens Swarm on the Gardens Template ([check out this PR](https://github.com/1Hive/gardens/pull/32)), which is going to be the basis for the future Commons Template. Any comments on Github are welcome!
* We have advances on the [Hatch Configuration Dashboard](https://params.tecommons.org/test-hatch?ihminr=5&hs=0.02&maxihr=0.02&ihtr=25&ihmaxr=500&hor=0.03&hpd=6&her=1&ht=5&sr=80&maq=1&vdd=3&vbh=4&rqh=1&tfx=5) ([repo](https://github.com/CommonsBuild/Token-Log-Hatch-Params)). Make sure you check out our [Params Hack Sessions](https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=5mkep1ad1j860k6g7i7fr8plq0@group.calendar.google.com&ctz=Europe/Berlin), where we are working in modeling the 1Hive marketplace bonding curve.
* Adria Massanet's Code Review is nearing completion, last step is to review the voting permissions.
* The Hatch Smart Contract will be used as an example of well written code for a college course!! Thank you Adria for this honor :)
#### See you next Monday in the Commons Swarm weekly meeting @**6:00 PM UTC**!
* We closed the hatch and performed a [Commons Upgrade Vote](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/commons-upgrade-vote-demo/331).
* We have advances on the [Hatch Configuration Dashboard](https://params.tecommons.org/test-hatch?ihminr=5&hs=0.02&maxihr=0.02&ihtr=25&ihmaxr=500&hor=0.03&hpd=6&her=1&ht=5&sr=80&maq=1&vdd=3&vbh=4&rqh=1&tfx=5) ([repo](https://github.com/CommonsBuild/Token-Log-Hatch-Params)). Make sure you check out our [Params Hack Sessions](https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=5mkep1ad1j860k6g7i7fr8plq0@group.calendar.google.com&ctz=Europe/Berlin), where we are working in modeling the 1Hive marketplace bonding curve.
* Working with 1hive Gardens Swarm on the Gardens Template
* Adria Massanet's Code Review is nearing completion, last step is to review the voting permissions.
* The Hatch Smart Contract will be used as an example of well written code for a college course!! Thank you Adria for this honor :)
#### See you next Monday in the Commons Swarm weekly meeting @**6:00 PM UTC**!
## APR 7
* The smart contracts for the hatch are ready and being reviewed by Adria Massanet. A new [Hatch Demo](https://hatch-demo.netlify.app/) is live for our first user, the TEC. Feel free to share any thoughts and issues in our Github.
* We announce an [Aragon connector](https://connect.aragon.org/) for the [hatch subgraph](https://github.com/TECommons/hatch-connector). Our beloved bee @paulo has put special attention in its documentation, making it a great resource for any DAO that wants to use Aragon Connect in 1hive.
* We are having a [Smart Contract Verification party](https://forum.1hive.org/t/contract-verification-party/3369) at 16:00-18:00 on Thursday, April 8th. We are going to upload the solidity code for the missing 1hive smart contracts in blockscout, making the whole ecosystem more secure and trustworthy.
* Our friends at TEC Comms are looking for publishers and distributors for its content. If you’re interested in getting closer to the TEC’s work, please contact @chuygarcia92 or @markoprljic.
* We announce an [Aragon connector](https://connect.aragon.org/) for the [hatch subgraph](https://github.com/TECommons/hatch-connector). Our beloved @paulo has put special attention in its documentation.
* Invitation to server boost < Do this in the TEC forum! Leave 1hive out of it!
* Brief people about contract changes with 1hive and implementation of Celeste
* We’re looking for publishers and distributors in TEC Comms! If you’re interested in contributing through content management please contact @chuy, @markoprljic or @natesuits.
#### See you next Monday in the Commons Swarm weekly meeting @**6:00 PM UTC**!
## MAR 31
## Wednesday’s Weekly Commons Update - March 31
**Hello 1hive**! It’s been a while and we have a lot of good news to share with you!
**Some of this week’s advances**
* @sem and @paulo have been working hard in getting the hatch ready. After many weeks of challenges, the tests are done!
* Tomorrow we’ll be running a demo for the hatch front end. We’re anxious and looking forward to sharing results with the community next week!
* We would like to give a shoutout to @gabi for helping us run template tests on a local xdai fork! This means that we can now simulate a bunch of transactions and see what the final result is before we actually perform them. This consists in [a tool](https://github.com/CommonsSwarm/hatch-template) for running tests on a DAO before deploying it. This is useful in cases where migration of DAOs occurs such as the ones that are going to be performed by Agave and 1Hive.
**Some cool stuff you can check out:**
* [The Commons Simulator Game](https://medium.com/commonsstack/the-commons-simulator-game-is-live-e1986615a105): See if You Can Save the Future with cadCAD, RadicalxChange & The Commons Stack.
* @mzargham’s new post in the TEC Medium is mindblowing: [Engineering Ethics in Web3](https://medium.com/token-engineering-commons/engineering-ethics-in-web3-18d981278018)
* Thanks to everyone who donated to [our Gitcoin Grant](https://gitcoin.co/grants/2388/the-commons-swarm-an-augmented-bonding-curve-model)
* [The Commons Swarm AMA](https://youtu.be/VpkM46h5g5g)
* This infographic made by @EFRA:
#### See you next Monday in the Commons Swarm weekly meeting @**6:00 PM UTC**!
# FEB 17
## Wednesday’s Weekly Commons Update - Feb 15-21
**Hello 1hive**! This new thread will have the same function as its [predecessor ](https://forum.1hive.org/t/getting-closer-to-the-gardens-swarm/1977), but regarding the new Commons Swarm comms.
Read our funding proposal [here](https://forum.1hive.org/t/commons-swarm-emerges-from-the-gardens-swarm/2301).
**Quick recap**: In order to improve the marketing and onboarding to communities using Conviction Voting and to better scope the work for this Swarm, we are going to rename “Gardens Swarm” to “Commons Swarm” and focus on what was considered the [“Commons Template” Flavor of Gardens ](https://forum.1hive.org/t/getting-closer-to-the-gardens-swarm/1977) which uses the [Augmented Bonding Curve ](https://medium.com/commonsstack/deep-dive-augmented-bonding-curves-b5ca4fad4436)for issuance and Hatch for Initialization, will now not be considered a flavor of Gardens but actually just it’s own thing.
**Some of the last deliveries from the swarm include these 4 pieces of the DAO, please take these in consideration for supporting our funding proposal**:
* **Hatch**: We adapted Aragon Black’s fundraising app (Specifically Presale.sol) and upgraded it to use Aragon connect. Here’s the second iteration: [hatch.tecommons.org ](http://hatch.tecommons.org/)
* **ABC**: We adapted Aragon Convert to use 1hive Marketplace (which converts tokens without batching). You can exchange TESTTEC Tokens via an Augmented Bonding Curve: [convert.tecommons.org](http://convert.tecommons.org/)
* **CV**: We adapted 1hive Honeypot v1 to be used with two tokens, and adjusted the governance token price oracle to read from the bonding curve instead of Honeyswap. You can vote with Conviction Voting Here: [gov.tecommons.org](http://gov.tecommons.org/)
* **DV**: We ran a demo of 1hive Dandelion Voting with the TEC community here: [TEC Test Dandelion Voting App ](https://aragon.1hive.org/#/0xd0817aa0f770d024f42f0222dba37536a05118dc/0x43f438d7fa348db3cc77200855b3a804d3e2a3f1/). This will be replaced with disputable voting once it is ready.
**Some of this week’s advances**:
* The Commons Swarm holds a weekly meeting **every Monday at 7PM UTC**. Feel free to jump in!
* A lot of documentation and sensemaking around the various parameters [has been happening in the TEC Forum ](https://forum.tecommons.org/c/Token-talk-anything-about-the-TEC-token-such-as-issuance-and-hatches/9) to reduce the reliance on technocracy to design cryptoeconomies, including a [very nice design dashboard](https://tec-hatch-demo.herokuapp.com/app) that will make it much easier for communities to launch 1hive DAOs on xDai.
* Our [funding proposal](https://forum.1hive.org/t/commons-swarm-emerges-from-the-gardens-swarm/2301) is up! Come and participate in the discussion, the Commons Swarm needs the 1hive community to get involved.
#### See you next Monday in the Gardens weekly meeting @**7:00 PM UTC**!