owned this note changed 4 years ago
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DProfiles community calls

The dprofiles community call is a place where the web3 community can come together to share learnings and progress in making user data more interoperable. We gather on Wednesdays 18 CET once every six weeks.

Below you can find meeting notes from previous meetings as well as preparations for the upcoming one. If you want to give a short presentation please add it to the upcoming meeting agenda!

Upcoming meeting (2021-06-29)


19:00 CET

(feel free to add items)

  • 3ID Connect (Zach)
  • DNS.xyz overview (Burke)
  • NFT Metadata (METADREAMER)
  • Self.ID (Paul)

Previous meeting notes

Here we will gather notes from all previous meetings.


Ceramic is now live on mainnet (for ELP projects)

3ID Connect

  • Zach (@3Box Labs) is demoing 3ID Connect via the Self.ID application. 3ID Connect allows users to auth their 3ID DID using their existing blockchain wallets. 3ID Connect works with web apps.
  • 3ID Connect is going to migrate legacy 3Box DIDs, profile data, and social verifications if possible. In some cases, it won't be able to be migrated, but a new DID will be created and profile information will be migrated.
  • 3ID Connect will be more built on clean libraries so others can implement their own front-end if they desire.


  • DNS.XYZ is a frontend making it easy to do anything a user would want to do with their IDX.
  • Profile page that feels like linktree or Facebook profile but built on open standards (Ceramic+IDX).
  • Implemented own login screen (instead of 3ID Connect)
  • Can link multiple blockchain accounts from within the edit profile page
  • Implemented tor.us for generating an ethereum key from social logins (can attract web2!). This ETH key then authenticates your DID
  • Can create components which contain links to your other sites or content
  • Can they standardize the extra fields being used within the app so others could make more use of them
    • Extra fields in basic profile
      • Gradient ring around avatar
      • Wallpaper (should this be in a profile schema or in a (new) display)
    • Grid itema in custom IDX record
      • Can we create a broad standard for social object (types)?
      • Can we lean into ActivityPub or other standards for schemas so we don't recreate the wheel


Ceramic as a place to store NFT metadata for virtual wearables. If you want your metadata to be updatable, would need to host on cenrtrlized server o actually updating the metadata on chain, which is expensive. Instead metadata URI can be a link to the raw data of a Ceramic document. Raw_data endpoint so the raw result return from the Ceramic stream would just be the NFT metadata. Can add support for new filetypes and creating versions of the same file in different filetypes and in the process easily support new virtual worlds.

Want to link designers and creators to the things they're creating. Can use this as a way to distribute royalties to the people that created it.


IDX + Sourcecred integration

Sourcecred prioritizing IDX integration as primary user account authentication module that bridges users with all their social accounts used by sourcecred to calculate participation. Excited to go live upon launch of Ceramic mainnet pre-release.


  • hosted IdentityLink
  • AlsoKnownAs definition integration
  • Work on their side

AlsoKnownAs definition for IDX

  • Used to store claims and proofs that link a DID to various social accounts (i.e. Github, Discord, Twitter, Discourse, etc.)
  • AKA was merged into CIP repo, implemented now in IDX library
  • Pending PR adding Discourse functionality to IdentityLink service and AKA definition
  • Maybe we post a bounty for adding Telegram integration to IdentityLink
  • Should work similarly to Discord verificatio process using a bot

AppendCollection (CIP-85)

  • CIP on how to shard long arrays in Ceramic documents
  • Uses multiple subdocuments (subpages/slices) each storing a subset of the list (collection)
  • Useful for i.e. social graphs in IDX
  • CIP contains algorithms that make it easy to add to, and efficiently query the Collection
  • Can be used for long lists where order does not matter, but is really great for long lists where order does matter (i.e. list of blog posts you can know which is the most recent)
  • Inspired by ActivityStreams & collections

How will persistence work?

  • Two concerns: docstate and CIDs that are the content
  • CIDS/content: handled by file persistence networks i.e. Filecoin, Arweave.
  • Docstate: Ceramic-native decentralized system

Gitcoin: Anti-sybil score

  • Hello world of uploading the Gitcoin internal sybil score (from Grants) to 3Box or IDX so users can take it around the web.


MyMeta profiles Hammad shares his thoughts on where they are

  • MetaSkills spec, certifications for different skills e.g. cadCAD
  • Demo of MyMeta, profiles for users, but also guilds, using discord to see membership
  • Verifications of social accounts
  • Backend implementation finished by Raid Guild
  • Search based on social accounts? Will be possible once indexing of ceramic is possible


  • Updated docs
  • Some naming changes

General discussion

  • How IDX can allow services to write user data without the user being authenticated?
    • IDX reference points to document owned by the service
  • How do we allow users to link verifications to their profile while also maintaining privacy
    • Different profiles for different context


IDX + Ceramic Update

  • Ceramic
    • Getting closer to more stable version of protocol, approaching feature freeze
  • IDX
    • Working on speed improvements
    • Stabilizing js-idx library
    • Hackathon with IDX + SkyDB: Using IDX for user identity and SkyDB for storing user and application data
    • Upcoming tutorial for IDX + Textile ThreadsDB
      • Similar model as SkyDB integration

Social Account Verification Service

  • Verifications are stored in an "Also Known As" document. A reference to this document is contained in the user's IDX Index. You can read the AKA spec here: https://github.com/ceramicnetwork/CIP/blob/3c791031f7db954859119ac924c9a608957cda9c/CIPs/CIP-23/CIP-23.md
  • Spec'd for Twitter, Github, and Discord
  • RaidGuild doing the work
  • For publicly available social feeds (i.e. Twitter, Github Gist), this verification is trustless since the social message and corresponding entry in the DID can always be verified (as a two-way binding), but the verifiable claim is issued for consumption convenience
  • For private social feeds (i.e. Discord DMs), the verification requires the trusted claim from the verification service since the message posted containing the DID cannot be seen publicly by others

UBDI Profile Demo

  • Check out the product: https://app.ubdi.com
  • Allows users to link all their accounts and pull in their data to a data bank, then can use that to opt in to targeting for certain types
  • Trying to grow userbase


  • People on the call made some BrightID connections by downloading the mobile app and scanning Adam's QR code from his app
  • Apps where you can use BrightID: https://apps.brightid.org
  • Also has a Discord bot that you can add to your server


  • Options
    • Nest identity/IDX specs and standards under groups that already take care of this stuff, i.e. DIF, W3C, etc.
    • Create our own IPR agreement that people sign before contributing
    • Create our own IRP agreement down the road and need to go back and have all the contributers retroactively sign
    • Michael will email Kaliya to coordinate around options
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