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# Beautiful Technical Documents Easily Made with $\LaTeX$ + Overleaf
## ResBaz Arizona Conference: Tuesday, May 26th, 2020 10\:00-12\:00
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This workshop is intended to provide a basic intro-duction to LaTeX. Our hope is that this tutorial empowers you on the path to using typesetting languages to write your awesome papers and theses! Like any language, syntax is important, and we’ll touch on the most common issues that users face. We hope to cover: why you want to use LaTeX, the basics (the LaTeX preamble, organization with sections, commented text, math, greek, equations, lists, fonts), figures and tables, places to find LaTeX help, and if we have time, using git and GitHub with version control
The syllabus (along with examples) is available [here on Overleaf](https://bit.ly/ResBazAZ20_LaTeX_Syllabus).
We will be live coding through Overleaf, so you will have a completed project that will look similar to this one: [ResBaz 2020 $\LaTeX$ Live Demo Final Version](https://bit.ly/ResBazAZ20_LaTeX_Live_Demo_Final).
## Getting Started
1. Obtain an Overleaf account by going to overleaf.com and signing up for a FREE account. We will use Overleaf to easily edit LaTeX documents without requiring installing a LaTeX package on your computer.
2. If you would like, installing git is beneficial for part of the course where I will demo using version control with git, Overleaf, and GitHub. If you do not have a GitHub account, you'll also want to sign-up for a FREE one [here](https://github.com/join).
## Introductions
Name, Affiliation, Title, Email, Social Media
- Chun Ly, Co-Instructor, U of A, Research Data Systems Integration Specialist, [@astrochunly](https://www.twitter.com/astrochunly)
- Anthony Azari, Rutgers University Newark, PhD Student, Anthony.Azari@rutgers.edu
- Peter Ore,
- Fernando Rios (Helper), Research Data Management Specialist UA Libraries, @riosfrnd
- Alex Bigelow, UA Postdoc / Data Science Fellow, alexrbigelow@arizona.edu, Twitter: @accidental_PhD
- Drake Asberry, University of Arizona, PhD Candidate SLAT, dasberry@email.arizona.edu, @AsberryDrake
- Skye Anderson, UA, PhD Candidate, Linguistics, skanderson@email.arizona
- Angela Hughes, Human Langauge Technology @UArizona Linguistics, angelahughes@email.arizona.edu
- Chinmay Joshi,PhD student, Uarizona,EEB department,chjoshi@email.arizona.edu, twitter: naturalist_chj
- Preshit Ambade, Doctoral Candidate, MEZCOPH, preshitambade@email.arizona.edu
- Mario Villa, UA School of Information, MLIS student, mariovilla@email.arizona.edu
- Kelly Heilman, Postdoc, LTRR, kellyheilman@email.arizona.edu, @kelheil
- Kathryn Busby, PhD Candidate, UA Entomology and Insect Science, mkbusby@email.arizona.edu
- Santiago Castiello, UA Center for the Study of Higher Education, santiagocg@arizona.edu
- Courtney Giebink, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, MS student, clgiebink@gmail.com
- Michelle de Lota, UA School of Information, MLIS Student, michelledelota@email.arizona.edu
- Kelsey Gonzalez, kelseygonzalez@email.arizona.edu
- Courtney Sams, UA Dept Pediatrics, csams@peds.arizona.edu
- Bianca Demara, UA Dept Pediatrics, Project Coordinator, bdemara@arizona.edu
- Christian Ruvalcaba, PhD, University of Arizona
## Questions and Answers
In this section, you can post your questions and feel free to answer if you have it. Questions will be answered during or after the workshop.
1. Q. Kelsey: is there any benefit to using it on your own machine?
A. Chun: Regarding using Overleaf vs your own LaTeX installation, this is a personal preference. Personally both Peter and I have our own installation. I use Overleaf to always have a back-up copy of my document somewhere else that is safe
A. Fernando: You can use your own editor/IDE as well
2. Q: Chinmay: How to write comments
A. Peter: `% comment`
3. Q: Angela Hughes: Where did you double click, again, to navigate to that code block?
A. Chun: On the PDF viewing panel, double click on any text and that will automatically bring up the code on the right side
## Installing TeX on your computer
There are a number of ways to install $\LaTeX$ on your computer. This is not an exhaustive list, but illustrates some ways to have it installed:
### Mac:
To install `texlive`:
#### macports: https://trac.macports.org/wiki/TeXLivePackages
`$ (sudo) port install texlive`
#### Homebrew:
#### MacTeX: https://www.tug.org/mactex/ (but keep in mind this has other applications and tools)
### Linux:
#### Ubuntu:
`$ (sudo) apt-get install texlive`
#### CentOS:
`$ (sudo) yum install texlive`
### Windows:
TUG guide for Window installation: https://www.tug.org/texlive/acquire-netinstall.html
## Session Feedback
Use the link below to provide your feedback on the session:
[**Session Feedback Form**](https://bit.ly/resbazfeedback)