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# Introduction to R for RNA Sequencing Analysis with data from the Gene Expression Tissue Project (GTEx)
**When:** Wednesday, May 11, 2022, 9 am - 12 pm PDT
**Instructors:** Dr. Rayna Harris
**Organizer:** [The Common Fund Data
**Description:** RNA-Sequencing (RNA-Seq) is a popular method for
determining the presence and quantity of RNA in biological samples. In
this 3 hour workshop, we will use R to explore publicly-available
RNA-Seq data from the [Gene Expression Tissue Project
(GTEx)](https://gtexportal.org/home/). Attendees will be introduced to
the R syntax, variables, functions, packages, and data structures common
to RNA-Seq projects. We will use RStudio to import, tidy, transform, and
visualize RNA-Seq count data. Attendees will learn tips and tricks for
making the processes of data wrangling and data harmonization more
manageable. This workshop will not cover cloud-based workflows for
processing RNA-seq reads or statistics and modeling because these topics
are covered in our [RNA-Seq Concepts](https://osf.io/kj5av/) and
[RNA-Seq in the
workshops. Rather, this workshop will focus on general R concepts
applied to RNA-Seq data. Familiarity with R is not required but would be
**This event was part of the [CFDE May
Hackathon](https://nih-cfde.github.io/2022-may-hackathon/). Watch a video of the workshop.**
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### Learning Objectives
In this workshop, you will learn how to use R and RStudio to:
- import and view files commonly associated with RNA-sequencing
- select variables and observations that are relevant to research
questions (tidy)
- create and rename variables (transform)
- join data frames by common variables (harmonize)
- visualize data using bar graphs, scatter plots, and box plots
You will produce graphs and tables to answer the of the following
motivating questions?
- How many RNA-sequencing samples are in the GTEx project?
- Do you have enough samples to test the effects of sex, age, hardy
scale, and their interactions for all tissues?
- What is the effect of age on gene expression in the heart?
- How is my gene of interest affected by age in the heart and muscle?
## Introduction
The book [“R for Data Science”](https://r4ds.had.co.nz/index.html)
provides an excellent framework for using data science to turn raw data
into understanding, insight, and knowledge. We will use this framework
as an outline for this workshop.
**R** is a statistical computing and data visualization programming
language. **RStudio** is an integrated development environment, or IDE,
for R programming. R and RStudio work on Mac, Linux, and Windows
operating systems. The RStudio layout displays lots of useful
information and allows us to run R code from a script and view and save
outputs all from one interface.
When you start RStudio, you’ll see two key regions in the interface: the
console and the output. When working in R, you can type directly into
the console, or you can type into a script. Saving commands in a script
will make it easier to reproduce. You will learn more as we go along!
For today’s lesson, we will focus on data from the [Gene-Tissue
Expression (GTEx) Project](https://commonfund.nih.gov/gtex). GTEx is an
ongoing effort to build a comprehensive public resource to study
tissue-specific gene expression and regulation. Samples were collected
from 54 non-diseased tissue sites across nearly 1000 individuals,
primarily for molecular assays including WGS, WES, and RNA-Seq. We will use data from this project to create the following graphs:
### Getting Started
1. Click the
button to generate a computing environment for this workshop.
2. Navigate to the GTEx folder.
3. Click `GTEx.Rproj` and click “Yes” to open up an Rproject. This will
set the working directory to `~/GTEx/`.
4. If you open the `r4rnaseq-workshop.R` file which contains all the
commands for today’s workshop, you can click through this and all
the commands should run successfully.
5. If you open a new R Script by clicking **File > New File > R
Script**, you can code along by typing out all the commands for
today’s lesson as I type them.
Click “Run” to send commands from a script to the console or click
command enter.
### R is a calculator
You can perform simple and advanced calculations in R.
``` r
2 + 2 * 100
## [1] 202
``` r
## [1] -1.30103
You can save variable and recall them later.
``` r
pval <- 0.05
## [1] 0.05
``` r
## [1] 1.30103
You can save really long lists of things with a short, descriptive names
that are easy to recall later.
``` r
favorite_genes <- c("BRCA1", "JUN", "GNRH1", "TH", "AR")
## [1] "BRCA1" "JUN" "GNRH1" "TH" "AR"
### Loading R packages
Many of the functions we will use are pre-installed. The
[Tidyverse](https://www.tidyverse.org/) is a collection of R packages
that include functions, data, and documentation that provide more tools
and capabilities when using R. You can install the popular data
visualization package `ggplot2` with the command
`install.packages("ggplot2")`). It is a good idea to “comment out” this
line of code by adding a `#` at the beginning so that you don’t
re-install the package every time you run the script. For this workshop,
the packages listed in the `.binder/environment.yml` file were
pre-installed with Conda.
``` r
After installing packages, we need to load the functions and tools we
want to use from the package with the `library()` command. Let’s load
the `ggplot2` package.
``` r
#### Challenge
We will also use functions from the packages `tidyr` and `dplyr` to tidy
and transform data. What command would you run to load these packages?
You can also navigate to the “Packages” tab in the bottom right pane of
RStudio to view a list of available packages. Packages with a checked
box next to them have been successfully loaded. You can click a box to
load installed packages. Clicking the “Help” Tab will provide a quick
description of the package and its functions.
#### Key functions
| Function | Description |
| `<-` | The assignment variable |
| `log10()` | A built-in function for a log transformation |
| `install.packages()` | An R function to install packages |
| `library()` | The command used to load installed packages |
## Importing and viewing data
Data can be imported using packages from base R or the tidyverse. What
are some differences between the data objects imported by base R
functions such as `read.csv()` and Tidyverse functions such as
`read_csv()`? To begin with, `read.csv()` replaces spaces and dashes
periods in column names, and it also preserves row.names. On the other
hand, `read_csv()` preserves spaces and dashes in column names but drops
row.names. For this workshop, we will use `read_csv()`, which means we
may have to replace dashes with periods so that our sample names in all
objects with sample name information.
Today, I will show you how to import the following files:
1. data/samples.csv
2. data/GTExHeart_20-29_vs_70-79.tsv
3. data/colData.HEART.csv
4. data/countData.HEART.csv.gz
Later, you can practice on your own using the following files:
1. data/GTExMuscle_20-29_vs_70-79.tsv
2. data/colData.MUSCLE.csv
3. data/countData.MUSCLE.csv.gz
The `GTExPortal.csv` file in `./data/` contains information about all
the samples in the GTEx portal. Let’s import this file using
``` r
samples <- read.csv("./data/samples.csv")
After importing a file, there are multiple ways to view the data.
`head()` to view the first few lines of each file. `names()` will print
just the column names. `str` will compactly displaying the internal
structure. `summary` will compute statistics.
``` r
## 1 GTEX-1117F Female 60-69 Slow death GTEX-1117F-0226-SM-5GZZ7 Adipose Tissue
## 2 GTEX-1117F Female 60-69 Slow death GTEX-1117F-0426-SM-5EGHI Muscle
## 3 GTEX-1117F Female 60-69 Slow death GTEX-1117F-0526-SM-5EGHJ Blood Vessel
## 4 GTEX-1117F Female 60-69 Slow death GTEX-1117F-0626-SM-5N9CS Blood Vessel
## 5 GTEX-1117F Female 60-69 Slow death GTEX-1117F-0726-SM-5GIEN Heart
## 6 GTEX-1117F Female 60-69 Slow death GTEX-1117F-1326-SM-5EGHH Adipose Tissue
## 1 BP-43693 2013-09-17 TruSeq.v1 RNASEQ B1 6.8 0
## 2 BP-43495 2013-09-12 TruSeq.v1 RNASEQ B1 7.1 0
## 3 BP-43495 2013-09-12 TruSeq.v1 RNASEQ B1 8.0 0
## 4 BP-43956 2013-09-25 TruSeq.v1 RNASEQ B1 6.9 1
## 5 BP-44261 2013-10-03 TruSeq.v1 RNASEQ B1 6.3 1
## 6 BP-43495 2013-09-12 TruSeq.v1 RNASEQ B1 5.9 1
``` r
## 1523 GTEX-145ME Female 40-49 Ventilator Case GTEX-145ME-0926-SM-5O9AR
## 1524 GTEX-145ME Female 40-49 Ventilator Case GTEX-145ME-1026-SM-5O9B4
## 1525 GTEX-145ME Female 40-49 Ventilator Case GTEX-145ME-1126-SM-5SIAT
## 1526 GTEX-145ME Female 40-49 Ventilator Case GTEX-145ME-1226-SM-5SIB6
## 1527 GTEX-145ME Female 40-49 Ventilator Case GTEX-145ME-1326-SM-5O98Q
## 1528 GTEX-145ME Female 40-49 Ventilator Case GTEX-145ME-1426-SM-5RQJS
## 1523 Small Intestine BP-47675 2013-12-19 TruSeq.v1 RNASEQ B1 7.4
## 1524 Stomach BP-47675 2013-12-19 TruSeq.v1 RNASEQ B1 7.4
## 1525 Colon BP-47616 2013-12-18 TruSeq.v1 RNASEQ B1 6.9
## 1526 Ovary BP-47616 2013-12-18 TruSeq.v1 RNASEQ B1 7.3
## 1527 Uterus BP-47675 2013-12-19 TruSeq.v1 RNASEQ B1 8.5
## 1528 Vagina BP-48437 2014-01-17 TruSeq.v1 RNASEQ B1 7.2
## 1523 1
## 1524 1
## 1525 1
## 1526 1
## 1527 1
## 1528 1
``` r
## 'data.frame': 1528 obs. of 13 variables:
## $ SUBJID : chr "GTEX-1117F" "GTEX-1117F" "GTEX-1117F" "GTEX-1117F" ...
## $ SEX : chr "Female" "Female" "Female" "Female" ...
## $ AGE : chr "60-69" "60-69" "60-69" "60-69" ...
## $ DTHHRDY : chr "Slow death" "Slow death" "Slow death" "Slow death" ...
## $ SAMPID : chr "GTEX-1117F-0226-SM-5GZZ7" "GTEX-1117F-0426-SM-5EGHI" "GTEX-1117F-0526-SM-5EGHJ" "GTEX-1117F-0626-SM-5N9CS" ...
## $ SMTS : chr "Adipose Tissue" "Muscle" "Blood Vessel" "Blood Vessel" ...
## $ SMNABTCH : chr "BP-43693" "BP-43495" "BP-43495" "BP-43956" ...
## $ SMNABTCHD: chr "2013-09-17" "2013-09-12" "2013-09-12" "2013-09-25" ...
## $ SMGEBTCHT: chr "TruSeq.v1" "TruSeq.v1" "TruSeq.v1" "TruSeq.v1" ...
## $ SMCENTER : chr "B1" "B1" "B1" "B1" ...
## $ SMRIN : num 6.8 7.1 8 6.9 6.3 5.9 6.6 6.3 6.5 5.8 ...
## $ SMATSSCR : int 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 ...
``` r
## Length:1528 Length:1528 Length:1528 Length:1528
## Class :character Class :character Class :character Class :character
## Mode :character Mode :character Mode :character Mode :character
## Length:1528 Length:1528 Length:1528 Length:1528
## Class :character Class :character Class :character Class :character
## Mode :character Mode :character Mode :character Mode :character
## Length:1528 Length:1528 Length:1528 Min. : 3.200
## Class :character Class :character Class :character 1st Qu.: 6.300
## Mode :character Mode :character Mode :character Median : 7.000
## Mean : 7.058
## 3rd Qu.: 7.700
## Max. :10.000
## Min. :0.0000
## 1st Qu.:0.0000
## Median :1.0000
## Mean :0.8534
## 3rd Qu.:1.0000
## Max. :3.0000
Count files can be very long and wide, so it is a good idea to only view
the first (or last) few rows and columns. Typically, a gene identifier
(like an ensemble id) will be used as the row names. We can use `dim` to
see how many rows and columns are in the file.
``` r
counts <- read.csv("./data/countData.HEART.csv", row.names = 1)
## [1] 63811 306
``` r
## GTEX.12ZZX.0726.SM.5EGKA.1 GTEX.13D11.1526.SM.5J2NA.1
## ENSG00000278704 0 0
## ENSG00000277400 0 0
## ENSG00000274847 0 0
## ENSG00000277428 0 0
## ENSG00000276256 0 0
## ENSG00000278198 0 0
## GTEX.ZAJG.0826.SM.5PNVA.1 GTEX.11TT1.1426.SM.5EGIA.1
## ENSG00000278704 0 0
## ENSG00000277400 0 0
## ENSG00000274847 0 0
## ENSG00000277428 0 0
## ENSG00000276256 0 0
## ENSG00000278198 0 0
## GTEX.13VXT.1126.SM.5LU3A.1
## ENSG00000278704 0
## ENSG00000277400 0
## ENSG00000274847 0
## ENSG00000277428 0
## ENSG00000276256 0
## ENSG00000278198 0
This “countData” was generated by using `recount3` as described in the
file `scripts/recount3.Rmd`. It comes from a Ranged Summarized
Experiment (rse) which contains quantitative information about read
counts as well as quality control information and sample descriptions.
The “colData” from an rse can also be obtained. This information
*should* match the information in our samples file, but there can be
subtle differences in formatting We will read the colData in a later
Very large tabular files are often saved as .tsv files. These can be
imported with `read.table()` or `read_tsv()`. You can also specify the
tab delimiter as well as the row and column names. You can import files
using the default parameters or you can change them. Because the first
column in the .tsv files does not have a row name, by default,
`read.table()`, imports the first column as the row.names. When
`sep = "\t", header = TRUE` is specified, the fist column is imported as
column one and given the column name `X`.
``` r
results <- read.table("./data/GTEx_Heart_20-29_vs_50-59.tsv")
## logFC AveExpr t P.Value adj.P.Val B
## A1BG 0.67408600 1.6404652 2.1740238 0.03283291 0.1536518 -3.617093
## A1BG-AS1 0.23168690 -0.1864802 1.0403316 0.30150123 0.5316030 -4.984225
## A2M 0.02453974 9.8251848 0.1948624 0.84602333 0.9215696 -5.783835
## A2M-AS1 0.38115436 2.4535892 2.4839630 0.01520646 0.1033370 -3.067127
## A2ML1 0.58865741 -1.0412696 1.8263856 0.07173966 0.2328150 -4.065276
## A2MP1 0.31631081 -0.8994146 1.4061454 0.16377753 0.3730822 -4.583435
#### Challenge
What commands could you use to read the following files: 1. GTEx results
comparing the muscles of 20-29 year old to 70-79 year olds? 1. The csv
file information describing the muscle samples?
1. `read.table("./data/GTEx_Muscle_20-29_vs_70-79.tsv")`
2. `read.csv("./data/countData.MUSCLE.csv", row.names = 1)`
#### Quick summary statistics and sample size
You have now seen a variety of options for importing files. You may use
many more in your R-based RNA-seq workflow, but these basics will get
you started. Let’s now explore the functions `summary()`, `length()`,
`dim()`, and `count()` us to quickly summarize and compare data frames
to answer the following questions.
How many samples do we have? Over 1400!
``` r
## [1] 1528 13
How many samples are there per tissue?
``` r
dplyr::count(samples, SMTS)
## SMTS n
## 1 Adipose Tissue 134
## 2 Adrenal Gland 20
## 3 Blood Vessel 139
## 4 Brain 82
## 5 Breast 50
## 6 Colon 78
## 7 Esophagus 144
## 8 Heart 106
## 9 Kidney 6
## 10 Liver 28
## 11 Lung 78
## 12 Muscle 104
## 13 Nerve 71
## 14 Ovary 16
## 15 Pancreas 30
## 16 Pituitary 37
## 17 Prostate 24
## 18 Salivary Gland 22
## 19 Skin 160
## 20 Small Intestine 23
## 21 Spleen 16
## 22 Stomach 29
## 23 Testis 37
## 24 Thyroid 69
## 25 Uterus 14
## 26 Vagina 11
How many samples are there per tissue and sex? Can we test the effect of
sex on gene expression in all tissues? For many samples, yes, but not
all tissues were samples from both males and females.
``` r
head(dplyr::count(samples, SMTS, SEX))
## 1 Adipose Tissue Female 40
## 2 Adipose Tissue Male 94
## 3 Adrenal Gland Female 7
## 4 Adrenal Gland Male 13
## 5 Blood Vessel Female 48
## 6 Blood Vessel Male 91
How many samples are there per sex, age, and hardy scale? Do you have
enough samples to test the effects of Sex, Age, and Hardy Scale in the
``` r
head(dplyr::count(samples, SMTS, SEX, AGE, DTHHRDY ) )
## 1 Adipose Tissue Female 20-29 Ventilator Case 3
## 2 Adipose Tissue Female 30-39 Ventilator Case 2
## 3 Adipose Tissue Female 40-49 Fast death of natural causes 1
## 4 Adipose Tissue Female 40-49 Ventilator Case 5
## 5 Adipose Tissue Female 40-49 Violent and fast death 2
## 6 Adipose Tissue Female 50-59 Fast death of natural causes 3
#### Challenge
What series commands would you use to import the
`data/colData.MUSCLE.csv` and count the number of muscles samples per
sex, age?
How many female muscles samples are there from age group 30-39?
*Hint: use head() or names() after importing a file to verify the
variable names.*
`df <- read.csv("./data/colData.MUSCLE.csv")`
`dplyr::count(df, SMTS, SEX, AGE)`
`# 3 samples are in the female group age 30-39`
#### Key functions for importing and quickly viewing raw and summarized data
| Function | Description |
| `read.csv()` | A base R function for importing comma separated tabular data |
| `read_csv()` | A tidyR function for importing .csv files as tibbles |
| `read.table()` | A base R function for importing tabular data with any delimiter |
| `read_tsv()` | A tidyR function for importing .tsv files as tibbles |
| `as_tibble()` | Convert data frames to tibbles |
| `head()` and `tail()` | Print the first or last 6 lines of an object |
| `dim()` | A function that prints the dimensions of an object |
| `length()` | Calculate the length of an object |
| `count()` | A dplyr function that counts number of samples per group |
| `str()` | A function that prints the internal structure of an object |
| `summary()` | A function that summarizes each variable |
## Visualizing data with ggplot2
`ggplot2` is a very popular package for making visualization. It is
built on the “grammar of graphics”. Any plot can be expressed from the
same set of components: a data set, a coordinate system, and a set of
“geoms” or the visual representation of data points such as points,
bars, line, or boxes. This is the template we build on:
ggplot(data = <DATA>, aes(<MAPPINGS>)) +
<geom_function>() +
We just used the `count()` function to calculate how many samples are in
each group. The function for creating bar graphs (`geom_bar()`) also
makes use of `stat = "count"` to plot the total number of observations
per variable. Let’s use ggplot2 to create a visual representation of how
many samples there are per tissue, sex, and hardiness.
``` r
ggplot(samples, aes(x = SMTS)) +
geom_bar(stat = "count")
![](./images/bar1-1.png)<!-- -->
In the last section, we will discuss how to modify the `themes()` to
adjust the axes, legends, and more. For now, let’s flip the x and y
coordinates so that we can read the sample names. We do this by adding a
layer and the function `coord_flip()`
``` r
ggplot(samples, aes(x = SMTS)) +
geom_bar(stat = "count") +
![](./images/bar2-1.png)<!-- -->
Now, there are two ways we can visualize another variable in addition to
tissue. We can add color or we can add facets.
Let’s first color the data by age bracket. Color is an aesthetic, so it
must go inside the `aes()`. If you include `aes(color = AGE)` inside
`ggplot()`, the color will be applied to every layer in your plot. If
you add `aes(color = AGE)` inside `geom_bar()`, it will only be applied
to that layer (which is important later when you layer multiple geoms.
``` r
ggplot(samples, aes(x = SMTS, color = AGE)) +
geom_bar(stat = "count") +
![](./images/bar3-1.png)<!-- -->
Note that the bars are outlined in a color according to hardy scale. If
instead, you would the bars “filled” with color, use the aesthetic
`aes(fill = AGE)`
``` r
ggplot(samples, aes(x = SMTS, fill = AGE)) +
geom_bar(stat = "count") +
![](./images/bar4-1.png)<!-- -->
Now, let’s use `facet_wrap(~SEX)` to break the data into two groups
based on the variable sex.
``` r
ggplot(samples, aes(x = SMTS, fill = AGE)) +
geom_bar(stat = "count") +
coord_flip() +
![](./images/bar5-1.png)<!-- -->
With this graph, we have an excellent overview of the total numbers of
RNA-Seq samples in the GTEx project, and we can see where we are missing
data (for good biological reasons). However, this plot doesn’t show us
Hardy Scale. It’s hard to layer 4 variables, so let’s remove Tissue as a
variable by focusing just on one Tissue.
#### Challenge
Create a plot showing the total number of samples per Sex, Age Bracket,
and Hardy Scale for *just* the Heart samples. Paste the code you used in
the chat.
There are many options. Here are a few.
ggplot(samples, aes(x = DTHHRDY, fill = AGE)) +
geom_bar(stat = "count") +
ggplot(samples, aes(x = AGE, fill = as.factor(DTHHRDY))) +
geom_bar(stat = "count") +
One thing these plots show us is that we don’t have enough samples to
test the effects of all our experimental variables (age, sex, tissue,
and hardy scale) and their interactions on gene expression. We can,
however, focus on one or two variables or groups at a time.
Earlier, we imported the file “data/GTEx_Heart_20-29_vs_70-79.tsv”)” and
saved it as “results”. This file contains the results of a differential
gene expression analysis comparing heart tissue from 20-29 to heart
tissue from 30-39 year olds. This is a one-way design investigating only
the effect of age (but not sex or hardy scale) on gene expression in the
heart. Let’s visualize these results.
[Volcano Plots](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volcano_plot_(statistics))
are a type of scatter plots that show the log fold change (logFC) on the
x axis and the inverse log (`-log10()`) of a p-value that has been
corrected for multiple hypothesis testing (adj.P.Val). Let’s create a
Volcano Plot using the `gplot()` and `geom_point()`. *Note: this may
take a minute because there are 15,000 points that must be plotted*
``` r
ggplot(results, aes(x = logFC, y = -log10(adj.P.Val))) +
![](./images/volcano1-1.png)<!-- -->
The inverse log of p \< 05 is 1.30103. We can add a horizontal line to
our plot using `geom_hline()` so that we can visually see how many genes
or points are significant and how many are not.
``` r
ggplot(results, aes(x = logFC, y = -log10(adj.P.Val))) +
geom_point() +
geom_hline(yintercept = -log10(0.05))
![](./images/volcano2-1.png)<!-- -->
``` r
ggplot(results, aes(x = logFC, y = -log10(adj.P.Val))) +
geom_point(aes(color = ifelse( adj.P.Val < 0.05, "p < 0.05", "NS"))) +
geom_hline(yintercept = -log10(0.05))
![](./images/volcano3-1.png)<!-- -->
``` r
ggplot(results, aes(x = logFC, y = -log10(adj.P.Val))) +
geom_point(aes(color = ifelse( adj.P.Val < 0.05, "p < 0.05", "NS"))) +
geom_hline(yintercept = -log10(0.05)) +
theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
labs(color = "20-29 vs 50-59 year olds",
subtitle = "Heart Tissue Gene Expression")
![](./images/volcano4-1.png)<!-- -->
#### Challenge
Create a volcano plot for the results comparing the heart tissue of
20-29 year olds to that of 70-70 year olds? Are there more or less
differential expressed gene between 20 and 30 year olds or 20 and 70
year olds?
df <- read.table("./data/GTEx_Heart_20-29_vs_70-79.tsv")
ggplot(df, aes(x = logFC, y = -log10(adj.P.Val))) +
geom_point() +
geom_hline(yintercept = -log10(0.05))
# more
In addition to containing information about the donor tissue, the
samples file contains has a column with a RIN score, which tells us
about the quality of the data. If we wanted to look for interactions
between RIN score (SMRIN) and sequencing facility (SMCENTER), we can use
a box plot.
``` r
ggplot(samples, aes(x = SMCENTER, y = SMRIN)) +
geom_boxplot() +
geom_jitter(aes(color = SMRIN))
![](./images/boxplot-1.png)<!-- -->
Now you know a handful of R functions for importing, summarizing, and
visualizing data. In the next section, we will tidy and transform our
data so that we can make even better summaries and figures. In the last
section, you will learn ggplot function for making fancier figures.
#### Key functions
| Function | Description |
| `ggplot2` | An open-source data visualization package for the statistical programming language R |
| `ggplot()` | The function used to construct the initial plot object, and is almost always followed by + to add component to the plot |
| `aes()` | Aesthetic mappings that describe how variables in the data are mapped to visual properties (aesthetics) of geoms |
| `geom_point()` | A function used to create scatter plots |
| `geom_bar()` | A function used to create bar plots |
| `coord_flip()` | Flips the x and y axis |
| `geom_hline()` | Add a horizontal line to plots |
## Tidy and Transform Data
[Data wrangling](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_wrangling) is the
process of tidying and transforming data to make it more appropriate and
valuable for a variety of downstream purposes such as analytics. The
goal of data wrangling is to assure quality and useful data. Data
analysts typically spend the majority of their time in the process of
data wrangling compared to the actual analysis of the data.
**Tidying** your data means storing it in a consistent form. When your
data is tidy, each column is a variable, and each row is an observation.
Tidy data is important because the consistent structure lets you focus
your struggle on questions about the data, not fighting to get the data
into the right form for different functions. Some tidying functions
include `pivot_longer()`, `pivot_wider()`, `separate()`, `unite()`,
`drop_na()`, `replace_na()`. The “lubridate” package has a number of
functions for tidying dates. You may also use `mutate()` function to
convert objects from, say, characters or integers to factors or rename
observations and variables.
**Transforming** your data includes narrowing in on observations of
interest (like all people in one city, or all data from the last year),
creating new variables that are functions of existing variables (like
computing speed from distance and time), and calculating a set of
summary statistics (like counts or means). Summary functions such as
`summarize()` and `count()` to create new tables with statistics. Before
summarizing or counting a whole data frame, you can use `group_by()` to
group variables. You can use `filter()` and `select()` to isolate
specific rows or columns, respectively. If you want to sort columns,
`arrange()` and `arrange(desc())` are two functions to familiarize
yourself with.
**Combining tables** can be accomplished in one of two ways. If all the
columns or all the rows have all the same names, you can use `rbind()`
or `cbind()`, respectively, to join the data frames. If however, each
data frame have a column (or multiple columns) that contain unique
identifiers, then you can use the family of join functions
(`inner_join()`, `outter_join()`, `left_join()`, and `right_join()`)
For each downstream analysis, you will likely use a series of tidying
and transforming steps in various order to get your data in the
appropriate format. Interest of creating dozens of intermediate files
after each step, we will use the `%>%` operator to “pipe” the output of
one function to the input of the other.
Instead of going into each function or each process in detail in
isolation, let’s start with some typical research questions and then
piece together R functions to get the desired information
### Filtering Data
Filter is done in a few different ways depending on the type of
variable. You can use `>` and less `<` to filter greater or less than a
number. `==` and `!=` are used to filter by characters or factors that
match or do not match a specific pattern. `%in% c()` is used to filter
by things in a list. Let’s filter by adjusted p-value. You can use `|`
and `&` to mean “or” or “and”
To explore filtering data, let’s answer the following question: What are
the approved names and symbols of the differentially expressed genes
(DEGs) in the heart tissue between 20-29 and 30-29 year olds? To answer
this question, we need a subset of information from both the results and
genes files. We need, in no particular order, to:
1. filter by adj.p.value \< 0.05 (or desired alpha)
2. filter by results by logFC > 1 or \<-1
3. filter by a list of gene symbols
``` r
# Tidy and Transform Data
results %>%
filter(adj.P.Val < 0.05) %>%
## logFC AveExpr t P.Value adj.P.Val B
## AAGAB -0.4011097 4.904460 -4.013690 0.0001394737 0.02151260 0.8922610
## ABCA6 0.7016965 5.597551 3.502285 0.0007779680 0.03216746 -0.6657214
## ABCA9 0.6970969 6.237353 3.114336 0.0026040559 0.04866231 -1.7334759
## ABCB7 -0.3708764 5.088921 -3.134484 0.0024510401 0.04755891 -1.6840509
## ABCD3 -0.6082187 6.190704 -3.966022 0.0001646305 0.02282632 0.7409476
## ABCE1 -0.3764537 5.332213 -3.336582 0.0013173889 0.03802552 -1.1360534
``` r
results %>%
filter(logFC > 1 | logFC < -1) %>%
## logFC AveExpr t P.Value adj.P.Val B
## ACTA1 -1.358451 10.437939 -2.446102 0.016765666 0.10888918 -3.1289828
## ADAMTSL2 1.338257 5.208146 2.900833 0.004871530 0.06245142 -2.2916348
## ADH1B 1.259668 7.381462 3.382176 0.001141426 0.03624785 -0.9658612
## ADIPOQ -1.119484 1.117207 -1.720643 0.089405972 0.26371302 -4.3157948
## AJAP1 1.010117 -1.212201 2.790425 0.006659281 0.07018819 -2.4766685
## ALAS2 1.122494 -1.039829 1.840601 0.069603628 0.22901993 -4.0459220
Sometimes its nice to arrange by p-value.
``` r
results %>% filter(adj.P.Val < 0.05,
logFC > 1 | logFC < -1) %>%
arrange(adj.P.Val) %>%
## logFC AveExpr t P.Value adj.P.Val B
## EDA2R 1.253278 1.0260046 6.019187 5.853141e-08 0.0004544671 6.8806284
## PTCHD4 1.962957 -1.7174066 6.067597 4.781186e-08 0.0004544671 5.4766844
## BTBD11 -1.194207 0.4506981 -5.289726 1.153068e-06 0.0044764970 4.2906292
## MTHFD2P1 1.825674 -1.6578790 5.341073 9.392086e-07 0.0044764970 3.5204863
## C4orf54 -2.824211 2.7276196 -4.502382 2.398852e-05 0.0159674585 2.4089730
## LOC101929331 1.129013 -1.6306733 4.312543 4.813231e-05 0.0175055847 0.8558573
``` r
resultsDEGs <- results %>% filter(adj.P.Val < 0.05,
logFC > 1 | logFC < -1) %>%
arrange(adj.P.Val) %>%
## [1] "EDA2R" "PTCHD4" "BTBD11" "MTHFD2P1" "C4orf54"
## [6] "LOC101929331" "FMO3" "KLHL41" "ETNPPL" "HOPX"
## [11] "PDIA2" "RPL10P7" "FCMR" "RAD9B" "LMO3"
## [16] "NXF3" "FHL1" "EREG" "CHMP1B2P" "MYPN"
## [21] "VIT" "XIRP1" "DNASE1L3" "LIPH" "PRELP"
## [26] "CSRP3" "FZD10-AS1" "LINC02268" "GDF15" "PHF21B"
## [31] "CPXM1" "IL24" "ADH1B" "MCF2" "WWC1"
## [36] "SGPP2" "COL24A1" "SEC24AP1" "ANKRD1" "CDO1"
## [41] "CCL28" "SLC5A10" "XIRP2"
#### Challenge
Replace the input results file with a different file, such as the
results of the comparison of 20-29 and 50-59 year old heart samples.
What are the deferentially expressed genes?
You could use the following code to get this result below
resultsDEGs2 <- read.table("./data/GTEx_Heart_20-29_vs_50-59.tsv") %>%
filter(adj.P.Val < 0.05,
logFC > 1 | logFC < -1) %>%
arrange(adj.P.Val) %>%
[1] "EDA2R" "PTCHD4" "BTBD11" "MTHFD2P1" "C4orf54" "LOC101929331"
[7] "FMO3" "KLHL41" "ETNPPL" "HOPX" "PDIA2" "RPL10P7"
[13] "FCMR" "RAD9B" "LMO3" "NXF3" "FHL1" "EREG"
[19] "CHMP1B2P" "MYPN" "VIT" "XIRP1" "DNASE1L3" "LIPH"
[25] "PRELP" "CSRP3" "FZD10-AS1" "LINC02268" "GDF15" "PHF21B"
[31] "CPXM1" "IL24" "ADH1B" "MCF2" "WWC1" "SGPP2"
[37] "COL24A1" "SEC24AP1" "ANKRD1" "CDO1" "CCL28" "SLC5A10"
[43] "XIRP2"
### Mutating Data
Most RNA-Seq pipelines require that the counts file to be in a matrix
format where each sample is a column and each gene is a row and all the
values are integers or doubles with all the experimental factors in a
separate file. More over, we need a corresponding file where the row
names are the sample id and they match the column names of the counts
When you type `rownames(colData) == colnames(counts)` you should see
many TRUE statments. If the answer if FALSE your data cannot be
processed by downstream tools.
``` r
colData <- read.csv("./data/colData.HEART.csv", row.names = 1)
## GTEX-12ZZX-0726-SM-5EGKA.1 GTEX-12ZZX-0726-SM-5EGKA.1 Heart
## GTEX-13D11-1526-SM-5J2NA.1 GTEX-13D11-1526-SM-5J2NA.1 Heart
## GTEX-ZAJG-0826-SM-5PNVA.1 GTEX-ZAJG-0826-SM-5PNVA.1 Heart
## GTEX-11TT1-1426-SM-5EGIA.1 GTEX-11TT1-1426-SM-5EGIA.1 Heart
## GTEX-13VXT-1126-SM-5LU3A.1 GTEX-13VXT-1126-SM-5LU3A.1 Heart
## GTEX-14ASI-0826-SM-5Q5EB.1 GTEX-14ASI-0826-SM-5Q5EB.1 Heart
## GTEX-12ZZX-0726-SM-5EGKA.1 Heart - Atrial Appendage GTEX-12ZZX Female 40-49
## GTEX-13D11-1526-SM-5J2NA.1 Heart - Atrial Appendage GTEX-13D11 Female 50-59
## GTEX-ZAJG-0826-SM-5PNVA.1 Heart - Left Ventricle GTEX-ZAJG Female 50-59
## GTEX-11TT1-1426-SM-5EGIA.1 Heart - Atrial Appendage GTEX-11TT1 Male 20-29
## GTEX-13VXT-1126-SM-5LU3A.1 Heart - Left Ventricle GTEX-13VXT Female 20-29
## GTEX-14ASI-0826-SM-5Q5EB.1 Heart - Atrial Appendage GTEX-14ASI Male 60-69
## GTEX-12ZZX-0726-SM-5EGKA.1 7.1 Violent and fast death SRR1340617
## GTEX-13D11-1526-SM-5J2NA.1 8.9 Ventilator Case SRR1345436
## GTEX-ZAJG-0826-SM-5PNVA.1 6.4 Intermediate death SRR1367456
## GTEX-11TT1-1426-SM-5EGIA.1 9.0 Ventilator Case SRR1378243
## GTEX-13VXT-1126-SM-5LU3A.1 8.6 Ventilator Case SRR1381693
## GTEX-14ASI-0826-SM-5Q5EB.1 6.4 Fast death of natural causes SRR1335164
## GTEX-12ZZX-0726-SM-5EGKA.1 2013-10-22
## GTEX-13D11-1526-SM-5J2NA.1 2013-12-04
## GTEX-ZAJG-0826-SM-5PNVA.1 2013-10-31
## GTEX-11TT1-1426-SM-5EGIA.1 2013-10-24
## GTEX-13VXT-1126-SM-5LU3A.1 2013-12-17
## GTEX-14ASI-0826-SM-5Q5EB.1 2014-01-17
``` r
head(rownames(colData) == colnames(counts))
``` r
## [1] "GTEX.12ZZX.0726.SM.5EGKA.1" "GTEX.13D11.1526.SM.5J2NA.1"
## [3] "GTEX.ZAJG.0826.SM.5PNVA.1" "GTEX.11TT1.1426.SM.5EGIA.1"
## [5] "GTEX.13VXT.1126.SM.5LU3A.1" "GTEX.14ASI.0826.SM.5Q5EB.1"
``` r
## [1] "GTEX-12ZZX-0726-SM-5EGKA.1" "GTEX-13D11-1526-SM-5J2NA.1"
## [3] "GTEX-ZAJG-0826-SM-5PNVA.1" "GTEX-11TT1-1426-SM-5EGIA.1"
## [5] "GTEX-13VXT-1126-SM-5LU3A.1" "GTEX-14ASI-0826-SM-5Q5EB.1"
The row and col names don’t match because the the dashes were replaced
with periods when the data were imported. This is kind of okay because
`DESeq2` would complain if your colnames had dashes. We can use `gsub()`
to replace the dashes with periods.
``` r
colData_tidy <- colData %>%
mutate(SAMPID = gsub("-", ".", SAMPID))
rownames(colData_tidy) <- colData_tidy$SAMPID
mycols <- rownames(colData_tidy)
## [1] "GTEX.12ZZX.0726.SM.5EGKA.1" "GTEX.13D11.1526.SM.5J2NA.1"
## [3] "GTEX.ZAJG.0826.SM.5PNVA.1" "GTEX.11TT1.1426.SM.5EGIA.1"
## [5] "GTEX.13VXT.1126.SM.5LU3A.1" "GTEX.14ASI.0826.SM.5Q5EB.1"
Then, we rename the row names. We can use `select(all_of())` to make
sure that all the rows in colData are represented at columns in
countData. We could modify the original files, but since they are so
large and importing taking a long time, I like to save “tidy” versions
for downstream analyses.
``` r
counts_tidy <- counts %>%
head(rownames(colData_tidy) == colnames(counts_tidy))
### Joining Data
Genes can be identified by their name, their symbol, an Ensemble ID, or
any number of other identifiers. Our results file uses gene symbols, but
our counts file uses Ensemble IDs.
Let’s read a file called “genes.txt” and combine this with our results
file so that we have gene symbols, names, and ids, alongside with the
p-values and other statistics.
``` r
genes <- read.table("./data/ensembl_genes.tsv", sep = "\t", header = T, fill = T)
## Warning in scan(file = file, what = what, sep = sep, quote = quote, dec = dec, :
## EOF within quoted string
``` r
## id name
## 1 ENSG00000000003 TSPAN6
## 2 ENSG00000000005 TNMD
## 3 ENSG00000000419 DPM1
## 4 ENSG00000000457 SCYL3
## 5 ENSG00000000460 C1orf112
## 6 ENSG00000000938 FGR
## description
## 1 tetraspanin 6 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:11858]
## 2 tenomodulin [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:17757]
## 3 dolichyl-phosphate mannosyltransferase subunit 1, catalytic [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:3005]
## 4 SCY1 like pseudokinase 3 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:19285]
## 5 chromosome 1 open reading frame 112 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:25565]
## 6 FGR proto-oncogene, Src family tyrosine kinase [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:3697]
## synonyms
## 1 [ENTREZ:7105, HGNC:11858, MIM:300191, NM_001278740, NM_001278741, NM_001278742, NM_001278743, NM_003270, NP_001265669, NP_001265670, NP_001265671, NP_001265672, NP_003261, T245, TM4SF6, TSPAN-6, TSPAN6, XM_011531018, XP_011529320, tetraspanin 6]
## 2 [BRICD4, CHM1L, ENTREZ:64102, HGNC:17757, MIM:300459, NM_022144, NP_071427, TEM, TNMD, tenomodulin]
## 3 [CDGIE, DPM1, ENTREZ:8813, HGNC:3005, MIM:603503, MPDS, NM_001317034, NM_001317035, NM_001317036, NM_003859, NP_001303963, NP_001303964, NP_001303965, NP_003850, NR_133648, XR_002958550, XR_002958551, dolichyl-phosphate mannosyltransferase subunit 1, catalytic]
## 4 [ENTREZ:57147, HGNC:19285, MIM:608192, NM_020423, NM_181093, NP_065156, NP_851607, PACE-1, PACE1, SCY1 like pseudokinase 3, SCYL3, XM_006711465, XM_011509801, XM_011509802, XM_011509803, XM_017001862, XM_017001863, XM_017001864, XM_017001865, XM_024448565, XP_006711528, XP_011508103, XP_011508104, XP_011508105, XP_016857351, XP_016857352, XP_016857353, XP_016857354, XP_024304333, XR_001737335, XR_001737336]
## 5 [C1orf112, ENTREZ:55732, HGNC:25565, NM_001320047, NM_001320048, NM_001320050, NM_001320051, NM_001363739, NM_001366768, NM_001366769, NM_001366770, NM_001366771, NM_001366772, NM_001366773, NM_018186, NP_001306976, NP_001306977, NP_001306979, NP_001306980, NP_001350668, NP_001353697, NP_001353698, NP_001353699, NP_001353700, NP_001353701, NP_001353702, NR_159440, XM_011509735, XM_017001722, XM_017001723, XP_011508037, XP_016857211, XP_016857212, XR_921872, chromosome 1 open reading frame 112]
## 6 [ENTREZ:2268, FGR proto-oncogene, Src family tyrosine kinase, FGR, HGNC:3697, MIM:164940, NM_001042729, NM_001042747, NM_005248, NP_001036194, NP_001036212, NP_005239, SRC2, XM_006710452, XM_011541010, XM_011541011, XM_011541012, XM_011541013, XM_011541014, XM_017000673, XM_017000674, XP_006710515, XP_011539312, XP_011539313, XP_011539314, XP_011539315, XP_011539316, XP_016856162, XP_016856163, XR_946583, c-fgr, c-src2, p55-Fgr, p55c-fgr, p58-Fgr, p58c-fgr]
## organism
## 1 NCBI:txid9606
## 2 NCBI:txid9606
## 3 NCBI:txid9606
## 4 NCBI:txid9606
## 5 NCBI:txid9606
## 6 NCBI:txid9606
The column with genes symbols is called `name`. To combine this data
frame without results. We can use the mutate function to create a new
column based off the row names. Let’s save this as `resultsSymbol`.
``` r
resultsSymbol <- results %>%
mutate(name = row.names(.))
## logFC AveExpr t P.Value adj.P.Val B
## A1BG 0.67408600 1.6404652 2.1740238 0.03283291 0.1536518 -3.617093
## A1BG-AS1 0.23168690 -0.1864802 1.0403316 0.30150123 0.5316030 -4.984225
## A2M 0.02453974 9.8251848 0.1948624 0.84602333 0.9215696 -5.783835
## A2M-AS1 0.38115436 2.4535892 2.4839630 0.01520646 0.1033370 -3.067127
## A2ML1 0.58865741 -1.0412696 1.8263856 0.07173966 0.2328150 -4.065276
## A2MP1 0.31631081 -0.8994146 1.4061454 0.16377753 0.3730822 -4.583435
## name
## A1BG A1BG
## A1BG-AS1 A1BG-AS1
## A2M A2M
## A2M-AS1 A2M-AS1
## A2ML1 A2ML1
## A2MP1 A2MP1
Now, we can use one of the join functions to combine two data frames.
`left_join` will return all records from the left table and any matching
values from the right. `right_join` will return all values from the
right table and any matching values from the left. `inner_join` will
return records that have values in both tables. `full_join` will return
``` r
resultsName <- left_join(resultsSymbol, genes, by = "name")
## logFC AveExpr t P.Value adj.P.Val B name
## 1 0.67408600 1.6404652 2.1740238 0.03283291 0.1536518 -3.617093 A1BG
## 2 0.23168690 -0.1864802 1.0403316 0.30150123 0.5316030 -4.984225 A1BG-AS1
## 3 0.02453974 9.8251848 0.1948624 0.84602333 0.9215696 -5.783835 A2M
## 4 0.38115436 2.4535892 2.4839630 0.01520646 0.1033370 -3.067127 A2M-AS1
## 5 0.58865741 -1.0412696 1.8263856 0.07173966 0.2328150 -4.065276 A2ML1
## 6 0.31631081 -0.8994146 1.4061454 0.16377753 0.3730822 -4.583435 A2MP1
## id
## 1 ENSG00000121410
## 2 <NA>
## 3 <NA>
## 4 <NA>
## 5 ENSG00000166535
## 6 <NA>
## description
## 1 alpha-1-B glycoprotein [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:5]
## 2 <NA>
## 3 <NA>
## 4 <NA>
## 5 alpha-2-macroglobulin like 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:23336]
## 6 <NA>
## synonyms
## 1 [A1B, A1BG, ABG, ENTREZ:1, GAB, HGNC:5, HYST2477, MIM:138670, NM_130786, NP_570602, alpha-1-B glycoprotein]
## 2 <NA>
## 3 <NA>
## 4 <NA>
## 5 [A2ML1, CPAMD9, ENTREZ:144568, HGNC:23336, MIM:610627, NM_001282424, NM_144670, NP_001269353, NP_653271, OMS, XM_011520566, XM_011520567, XM_017018868, XM_017018869, XM_017018870, XP_011518868, XP_011518869, XP_016874357, XP_016874358, XP_016874359, XR_001748594, XR_931275, alpha-2-macroglobulin like 1, p170]
## 6 <NA>
## organism
## 1 NCBI:txid9606
## 2 <NA>
## 3 <NA>
## 4 <NA>
## 5 NCBI:txid9606
## 6 <NA>
Congratulations! You have successfully joined two tables. Now, you can
filter and select columsn to make a pretty table of the DEGS.
``` r
resultsNameTidy <- resultsName %>%
filter(adj.P.Val < 0.05,
logFC > 1 | logFC < -1) %>%
arrange(adj.P.Val) %>%
select(name, description, id, logFC, AveExpr, adj.P.Val)
## name
## 1 EDA2R
## 2 PTCHD4
## 3 BTBD11
## 4 MTHFD2P1
## 5 C4orf54
## 6 LOC101929331
## description
## 1 <NA>
## 2 patched domain containing 4 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:21345]
## 3 <NA>
## 4 <NA>
## 5 chromosome 4 open reading frame 54 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:27741]
## 6 <NA>
## id logFC AveExpr adj.P.Val
## 1 <NA> 1.253278 1.0260046 0.0004544671
## 2 ENSG00000244694 1.962957 -1.7174066 0.0004544671
## 3 <NA> -1.194207 0.4506981 0.0044764970
## 4 <NA> 1.825674 -1.6578790 0.0044764970
## 5 ENSG00000248713 -2.824211 2.7276196 0.0159674585
## 6 <NA> 1.129013 -1.6306733 0.0175055847
Now, let’s make a list of the Ensemble IDs of the DEGs .
``` r
resultsNameTidyIds <- resultsNameTidy %>%
drop_na(id) %>%
## [1] "ENSG00000244694" "ENSG00000248713" "ENSG00000007933" "ENSG00000239474"
## [5] "ENSG00000185615" "ENSG00000022267" "ENSG00000138347" "ENSG00000205221"
## [9] "ENSG00000188783" "ENSG00000088882" "ENSG00000196616"
### Lengthen data
The matrix form of the count data is required for some pipelines, but
many R programs are better suited to data in a long format where each
row is an observation. I like to create `counts_tidy_long` file that can
be easily subset by variables or genes of interest.
Because the count files are so large, it is good to filter the counts
first. I’ll filter by `rowSums(.) > 0` and then take the top 6 with
`head()`. Then crate a column for lengthening.
``` r
counts_tidy_slim <- counts_tidy %>%
mutate(id = row.names(.)) %>%
filter(id %in% resultsNameTidyIds)
## [1] 11 307
``` r
## GTEX.12ZZX.0726.SM.5EGKA.1 GTEX.13D11.1526.SM.5J2NA.1
## ENSG00000007933 9772 16299
## ENSG00000188783 2372757 3306346
## ENSG00000138347 656172 692042
## ENSG00000185615 14385 10734
## ENSG00000205221 137920 192318
## ENSG00000239474 329732 201574
## GTEX.ZAJG.0826.SM.5PNVA.1 GTEX.11TT1.1426.SM.5EGIA.1
## ENSG00000007933 32826 2685
## ENSG00000188783 2121770 272055
## ENSG00000138347 300549 760218
## ENSG00000185615 33927 3075
## ENSG00000205221 54148 14700
## ENSG00000239474 152104 584987
## GTEX.13VXT.1126.SM.5LU3A.1
## ENSG00000007933 5120
## ENSG00000188783 291091
## ENSG00000138347 1288805
## ENSG00000185615 3339
## ENSG00000205221 52296
## ENSG00000239474 688891
``` r
## GTEX.12ZZX.0726.SM.5EGKA.1 GTEX.13D11.1526.SM.5J2NA.1
## ENSG00000239474 329732 201574
## ENSG00000088882 20189 5408
## ENSG00000196616 1027184 2399081
## ENSG00000248713 30591 295903
## ENSG00000244694 1004 718
## ENSG00000022267 2503873 5635021
## GTEX.ZAJG.0826.SM.5PNVA.1 GTEX.11TT1.1426.SM.5EGIA.1
## ENSG00000239474 152104 584987
## ENSG00000088882 3842 30837
## ENSG00000196616 237476 755213
## ENSG00000248713 901 175863
## ENSG00000244694 76 214
## ENSG00000022267 1665270 2438587
## GTEX.13VXT.1126.SM.5LU3A.1
## ENSG00000239474 688891
## ENSG00000088882 2889
## ENSG00000196616 263871
## ENSG00000248713 128831
## ENSG00000244694 565
## ENSG00000022267 15867945
Now we can pivot longer. We use `cols` to specify with column names will
be turned into observations and we use `names_to` to specify the name of
the new column that contains those observations. We use `values_to` to
name the column with the corresponding value, in this case we will call
the new columns, `SAMPID` and `counts`.
``` r
counts_tidy_long <- counts_tidy_slim %>%
pivot_longer(cols = all_of(mycols), names_to = "SAMPID",
values_to = "counts")
## # A tibble: 6 × 3
## id SAMPID counts
## <chr> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 ENSG00000007933 GTEX.12ZZX.0726.SM.5EGKA.1 9772
## 2 ENSG00000007933 GTEX.13D11.1526.SM.5J2NA.1 16299
## 3 ENSG00000007933 GTEX.ZAJG.0826.SM.5PNVA.1 32826
## 4 ENSG00000007933 GTEX.11TT1.1426.SM.5EGIA.1 2685
## 5 ENSG00000007933 GTEX.13VXT.1126.SM.5LU3A.1 5120
## 6 ENSG00000007933 GTEX.14ASI.0826.SM.5Q5EB.1 17898
Now, that we have a `SAMPID` column, we can join this with our
colData_tidy. We can also use the `id` column to join with genes.
``` r
counts_tidy_long_joined <- counts_tidy_long%>%
inner_join(., colData_tidy, by = "SAMPID") %>%
inner_join(., genes, by = "id") %>%
## # A tibble: 6 × 16
## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 ENSG00… GTEX.… 4.83e7 Heart Hear… GTEX-… Male 50-59 8.8 Ventil… SRR1… 2013…
## 2 ENSG00… GTEX.… 4.05e7 Heart Hear… GTEX-… Fema… 20-29 8.5 Ventil… SRR1… 2013…
## 3 ENSG00… GTEX.… 3.43e7 Heart Hear… GTEX-… Fema… 40-49 8.7 Ventil… SRR1… 2013…
## 4 ENSG00… GTEX.… 3.41e7 Heart Hear… GTEX-… Fema… 40-49 8.2 Ventil… SRR1… 2013…
## 5 ENSG00… GTEX.… 2.85e7 Heart Hear… GTEX-… Male 40-49 8.6 Ventil… SRR1… 2013…
## 6 ENSG00… GTEX.… 2.63e7 Heart Hear… GTEX-… Fema… 40-49 8.6 Ventil… SRR1… 2013…
## # … with 4 more variables: name <chr>, description <chr>, synonyms <chr>,
## # organism <chr>
``` r
## Warning: package 'scales' was built under R version 4.1.2
``` r
counts_tidy_long_joined %>%
ggplot(aes(x = AGE, y = counts)) +
geom_boxplot() +
geom_point() +
facet_wrap(~name, scales = "free_y") +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1),
strip.text = element_text(face = "italic")) +
scale_y_log10(labels = label_number_si())
## Warning: `label_number_si()` was deprecated in scales 1.2.0.
## Please use the `scale_cut` argument of `label_number()` instead.
## This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
## Call `lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings()` to see where this warning was generated.
## Warning: Transformation introduced infinite values in continuous y-axis
## Transformation introduced infinite values in continuous y-axis
## Warning: Removed 3 rows containing non-finite values (stat_boxplot).
![](./images/boxplot2-1.png)<!-- -->
That completes our section on tidying and transforming data.
#### Key functions: Tidy and Transform
| Function | Description |
| `filter()` | A function for filtering data |
| `mutate()` | A function for create new columns |
| `select()` | A function for selecting/reordering columns |
| `arrange()` | A function for ordering observations |
| `full_join()` | Join 2 tables, return all observations |
| `left_join()` | Join 2 tables, return all observations in the left and matching observations in the right table |
| `inner_join()` | Join 2 tables, return observations with values in both tables |
| `pivot_wider()` | Widen a data frame |
| `pivot_longer()` | Lengthen a data frame |
| `drop_na()` | Remove missing values |
| `separate()` | Separate a column into two columns |
## Communicate
### R Markdown
The workshop notes for using this repository to teach an Introduction to
R for RNA-seq are crated with the file `r4rnaseq-workshop.Rmd`.
### References
- [R for Data Science by Hadley Wickham and Garrett
- [Rouillard et al. 2016. The Harmonizome: a collection of processed
datasets gathered to serve and mine knowledge about genes and
proteins. Database
### Additional Resources
- [RStudio cheatsheet for
- [RStudio cheatsheet for
- [RStudio cheatsheet for data Wrangling with
- [ggplot point
- [Angus 2019 Intro to R
- [Angus 2019 Differential Gene Expression in R
- [Software Carpentry R
*Note: the source document
was last modified 10 May, 2022.*