Ethereum cohort week 8

Few updates:

  • I think that the easiest path to benchmark difference in proving time between keccak vs pedersen commitment is to use risc0 techonology, since risc0 is the only project where i could reuse existing rust implementaiton of keccak and pedersen commitment and plug in that to their prover and get benchmarks
  • Although I already started creating this with cairo0 (garaga repo), it seems easier to do it with risc0 (rust), still not sure though
  • halo2 library is dependent on other libraries where i asked question whether they will finish the PR which is blocking the idea of making the proof system with bls12-381 in halo2:
  • We had a call and set up weekly calls for OnlyDust <-> Verkle Implementers group for Verkle Tries in Java, so hopefully we will bootstrap more contributions by communicating more frequently.
  • Tuesday 12th September I'll present the project proposal in the EPF call
  • All of the projects (halo2, risc0, cairo etc.) will need this so I still think initial investigation helps
  • Plan for next week is to try out verkle primitives with risc0, maybe finish the work for garaga repo and do some work regarding pedersen hash for Besu

I feel I'm behind on "coding" since most of the time I'm reading articles and trying to realize what's the best way to execute the idea. But I hope by the end of cohort I will have something to show.

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