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Syntax | Example | Reference | |
# Header | Header | 基本排版 | |
- Unordered List |
1. Ordered List |
- [ ] Todo List |
> Blockquote | Blockquote |
**Bold font** | Bold font | ||
*Italics font* | Italics font | ||
~~Strikethrough~~ | |||
19^th^ | 19th | ||
H~2~O | H2O | ||
++Inserted text++ | Inserted text | ||
==Marked text== | Marked text | ||
[link text](https:// "title") | Link | ||
 | Image | ||
`Code` | Code |
在筆記中貼入程式碼 | |
```javascript var i = 0; ``` |
:smile: | ![]() |
Emoji list | |
{%youtube youtube_id %} | Externals | ||
$L^aT_eX$ | LaTeX | ||
:::info This is a alert area. ::: |
This is a alert area. |
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2021 BoF
Meet your friends at the BoF sessions of COSCUP × RubyConfTW 2021!
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Learn More →BoF 是什麼呢? / What is this ?
簡單說就是同樂會 — 有相同喜好的人、歡樂聚會的活動!因為喜好相同,所以你們可以暢談彼此在相同主題上的新發現,又或者與其他只在網路上聊過天、卻沒見過面的「熟人」碰個面。
BoF 是 COSCUP 的重頭戲之一,每年都在混亂 × 秩序交錯中熱烈開展!畢竟,COSCUP 年會聚集開放源碼社群成員,是舉辦開源相關主題 BoF 的絕佳環境之一。
這次的 Bof 活動大會不協助提供場地,請舉辦人在 Gather Town 找一個位置再來這裡公告即可。
A BoF session, an informal meeting at conferences, where the attendees group together based on a shared interest and carry out discussions without any pre-planned agenda. At the conference, we will provide a venue for BoF sessions, and you can host or participate in one or more BoF sessions out there!
We encourage communities to hold their BoF meetup. You are welcome to advertise your open source BoFs on the weekend.
為什麼要參加? / Why attend or host a BoF?
Meet people with shared interest is always fun, and COSCUP brings a lot of OSS community people to Taipei during the conference, make it the best chance to join a nice BoF / meetup!
要怎麼報名呢? / How to join a BoF session?
溫馨提醒:BoF 不預設主題,但必須跟社群、開源及開放文化有關喔!
您也可以在會議開始前先在這份文件看有哪些預定舉辦的 BoF 聚會。雖然參加 BoF 不用報名,但我們建議您可以在這份文件底下的活動簽上自己的大名,表明您的參加意願讓大家知道!
Easy. You can just walk in if you are interested. Don't be shy, they are all lovely people.
You can also check it before the conference day. This document list session currently available and expected attendants.
Even though it's unnecessary to register a BoF session, we encourage you to show your interest beforehand. Just append your name to the expected attendant at the session you interested in.
會場地圖 / Venue Map
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Learn More →2F

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Learn More →如圖,你可以在 Gather 中的參加者列表中搜尋與會者 (
),點擊某一與會者 (3.
) 後,按下 "Follow" (4.
),就可以快速地找到他們!As the figure below, on Gather you can search for participants (
), click on their name (3.
) and select "Follow" (4.
) to find them quickly!As a organizer, you can also include your BoF name in your name to let attendants find you easily.
BoF 列表 / BoF Events List
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Learn More →(範例) Topic - Gather Town 地圖製作分享 / (Example) How to make a Gather Town map
我們打算來分享如何建立這次的 COSCUP Gather Town 地圖。
We are going to discuss and share how to make a gather town map like we use this year.
位置 / Place
[ Party 1 ]
參加者 / Expected Attendants
Topic - 開源運河上的雲原生號同溫層
位置 / Place
[ Party 1 ]
參加者 / Expected Attendants
Topic - UbuntuTW x MozTW x H4 x TOSSUG 聯合 BoF
主題不限,跟 Firefox、Ubuntu、FLOSS、Hacking 有關的都可以一起來聊喔~
位置 / Place
[ Party 1 ]
參加者 / Expected Attendants
Topic - Bringing Open Source Software to Hardware
We're off now. Have a sweet dream.
Let's talk about how Free/Open Source Software influence the hardware.And we are open to other topics :-)位置 / Place
[ Party 1 ]
Island ATopic - 貪食蛇進行中
我們需要召集一些蛇的零件(Gather 用 follow 列隊)然後自動繞圈(?
還需要一些人牆防止 Gather 亂走
如何加入隊伍: 可以在場外案舉手,後 follow 目前
最大的人,之後將自己的暱稱改成[編號] 你的名子
,領隊發現後就會 follow 隊尾製造迴圈(?小提示: 如果隊伍亂掉了就按一下 G
請勿插隊 Q_Q
位置 / Place
[ Party 1 2F 桌子 ]
Topic - MOPCON 要談什MO
堅持濁水溪以南這次也要轉成線上啦,其實是藉社群年會名義來行新舊朋友取暖之實,來聊聊吧。還有,你們知道我們要開始轉成每個月一次meet up嗎?

[ Party 1 ]
參加者 / Expected Attendants
Topic - SITCON 的朋友們!
參加者 / Expected Attendants
Topic - HackMD 自由聊 / Anything about HackMD
歡迎喜愛使用 HackMD 或是 Markdown 的朋友,一起來同樂!
Welcome everyone who love HackMD or Markdown to join us and share or free talk !
位置 / Place
參加者 / Expected Attendants
台語白話字練習區 / POJ liān-si̍p khu
沒有什麼規劃的 ask-me-anything (AMA) ,大家一起來學寫 / 學讀 / 練習使用台語白話字。
AMA for pe̍h-ōe-jī (POJ), the Taiwanese writing system invented 100+ years ago. Let's learn how to read, write and practice POJ.
TL (Tâi-lô) users are also welcome!
位置 / Place
[ Party 1 ]
參加者 / Expected Attendants
反正說不定沒有人Topic - The Complexity of Computing a Nash Equilibrium and Other Inefficient Proofs of Existence
位置 / Place
[ Party 1 ]
參加者 / Expected Attendants
Topic - STUIX 場外聚
想加入 IX 網路大家庭嗎?過來一起聊天!
位置 / Place
A 小島 和 B 小島中間(認着藍色圖標)
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Learn More →- The image file may be corrupted
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Learn More →- The image file may be corrupted
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Learn More →別擔心!你可以在 Gather 上對任何人按右鍵,點選 "Start bubble",建立一個可以無限擴充的小圈圈!(或是對現有的泡泡按右鍵,點選 "Start bubble" 來加入現有的泡泡)
Can't find a suitable private space for your event? No worries! You can right-click anyone on Gather to start a private and unlimited-scale bubble! (or, right-click an existing bubble and select "Start bubble" to join it)
有人 append 笑死
有拉麵ㄟ !
好油喔 ! PEKO
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Learn More →- The image file may be corrupted
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