changed 5 months ago
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Install opengov-cli

cargo install --git

Note: if you already have opengov-cli installed you'll need to update to get the changes from opengov-cli#34

Upgrade Polkadot to v1.3.3

Create ref

Build upgrade calls

opengov-cli build-upgrade --network polkadot --relay-version v1.3.3

This will include all system parachains in the upgrade.

Polkadot Asset Hub Runtime Hash:   0xbc10f74c0e542b9c1d78adeb2d99bf5c20e13e3c3282fe90cd1b37cb51fe588a
Polkadot Collectives Runtime Hash: 0x76bb3aa5a82a46f5f23f327a332fea065101c35d87243d0d9ba8e9b59fbf17af
Polkadot Bridge Hub Runtime Hash:  0x4b8e98de41367fc657e48690a14c96dd22d42ddd134b1db3709b005dff78007a
Polkadot People Runtime Hash:      0xd8027b7151f38d9553497ea735f127451454c0121f19e84800c0ef18828eeac1
Polkadot Coretime Runtime Hash:    0xb8f473a3bf462442b7eb7a30d8ad7cc110d77eba61b1987db39a0afb2f940e31

Generating Relay Chain upgrade call. The runtime hash is logged if you would like to verify it with srtool.

Polkadot Relay Chain Runtime Hash: 0xc000cfe341edabd043558ba647a6a3f2b20fa1f5dc134ed1741d8ae5d7f2792b

Generate referendum calls

I suggest leaving a nice buffer between the enactment and the block where it all goes wrong. This is the block corresponding to the start of the next region at timeslice 287565, where the sale will be rotated.
You can find this timeslice e.g. on subscan
We want the referendum to enact before this by a good amount, as the assignments are sent a timeslice before and the core request takes two sessions to take effect.
So we want the upgrade to run more than 8 hours ahead of this, which means we want the enactment to be scheduled before this and allow us a good time window to apply the upgrade, which can also take a session or two to be given the go ahead. To avoid cutting things too finely, I'd prefer leaving a day or more as a buffer.

We could try two days ahead at around 8am UTC on the 15th: around this block

This still allows us well over 11 days for it to pass, while still enacting at the start of the working day when the engineers are all online. 11 or 12 days is more than manageable with good backing.

❯ opengov-cli submit-referendum --at 22974774 \
                --proposal "./upgrade-polkadot-1.3.3/" \
                --network "polkadot" --track "whitelistedcaller"

Submit the preimage for the Fellowship referendum:

Open a Fellowship referendum to whitelist the call:

Submit the preimage for the public referendum:

Open a public referendum to dispatch the call:

Batch to submit on Polkadot Relay Chain:

Batch to submit on Polkadot Collectives Chain:

Test ref

Same as the testing steps in for the Coretime chain migration. For other chains we can just check that the XCMs are sent and that we can upgrade them without errors.

Upgrade Kusama to v1.3.3

Create ref

Build upgrade

❯ opengov-cli build-upgrade --network kusama --relay-version v1.3.3

Downloading runtimes.

Downloading... kusama_runtime-v1003003.compact.compressed.wasm
Downloading... asset-hub-kusama_runtime-v1003003.compact.compressed.wasm
Downloading... encointer-kusama_runtime-v1003003.compact.compressed.wasm
Downloading... bridge-hub-kusama_runtime-v1003003.compact.compressed.wasm
Downloading... people-kusama_runtime-v1003003.compact.compressed.wasm
Downloading... coretime-kusama_runtime-v1003003.compact.compressed.wasm

Generating parachain authorization calls. The runtime hashes are logged if you would like to verify them with srtool.

Kusama Asset Hub Runtime Hash:   0x1f2a1aab7415d03173263f02f9d63c520c3fa03824a55a9286a526279c9c09b0
Kusama Encointer Runtime Hash:   0x6c62b1230265c93aa7bb91eb9d0ac81f2e0a19f69f616cb43276a65f991b8d5b
Kusama Bridge Hub Runtime Hash:  0x143e52ec346a54ca0c5c847bea5565c6afb990ba635384b2894a1e5157a6492a
Kusama People Runtime Hash:      0x3ae9f30dc0af351219d4e2caad1931184710de2db05d33a14d3c02b1e9fa3804
Kusama Coretime Runtime Hash:    0x32f49fabaf50870a6c8072619445d684091a26e885bb75f3da1d2aa71aed8a6c

Generating Relay Chain upgrade call. The runtime hash is logged if you would like to verify it with srtool.

Kusama Relay Chain Runtime Hash: 0x77a1c4a8c62d312fec50643099b6e50f81d0fe3b04e8312a7b2669a08f76062e

Batching calls.

Success! The call data was written to ./upgrade-kusama-1.3.3/

OK I recognise that hash: 0x1f2a1aab7415d03173263f02f9d63c520c3fa03824a55a9286a526279c9c09b0 is the hash of an empty response when an asset doesn't exist. A quick check in the release assets shows that asset-hub-kusama has a filename that opengov-cli doesn't expect.

Turns out it wasn't bumped when the release was triggered, the version that was bumped is behind a feature gate.

TODO when asset hub bump and release is done.

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