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# Brigade Community Meeting
**Meeting time:** Every other Tuesday -- See schedule for time
**Zoom Link:** https://zoom.us/j/6958416637?pwd=RzROK2NtWSttdjBzQ1pmclBTc3NGQT09
**GitHub Repo:** https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade/
**Group slack channel:** #brigade @ kubernetes.slack.com (Get an invite from: https://slack.k8s.io/)
**Youtube Channel:** Please Subscribe! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjeocwsYKby4BFVT8IWlr-A
**Website:** https://brigade.sh
## **July 5, 2022**
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| -------- | -------- |
| **Date** | 2022-07-05 |
| **Time** | 2:00 - 2:45 PM PDT |
| **Recording** | Jorge Arteiro will post to YouTube. Meeting recorded in Portuguese. Summary video in English will be published on youtube as well.|
| **Attending** | Jorge Arteiro, Marcelo Baptista, Humberto Jezus, Lucas Jesus, Vinicius Nava, Denis Silva, Gilson Moraes, Felipe Schulz |
| **Notes** | Jorge Arteiro |
> ⚠️ Everyone, please feel free to add agenda items!
* Edit 16/August/2022 - We are going to wait CNCF decision to Archive Brigade project at Kubecon US 2022 timeframe. https://github.com/cncf/toc/pull/845/commits/411578f7ef74be5c35ac3756575fa4d3d72d9dd6
* Brigade v1 EOL (June 1)
* Github repos Archival updates
* Brigade v2 RUST SDK work in progress archived. Anyone that wants to work on this SDK is welcome. Let us know!
* Brigade v2 ACR-Azure Container Registry gateway archived, as we recommend using Cloud Events gateway instead.
* Brigade C# SDK - Work in progress @luizbon and @jorgearteiro https://github.com/azuretar/brigade-sdk-for-csharp/pull/3
* Lucas Jesus will help on that
* New Portuguese Content:
* Brigade Docs translated to Portuguese https://docs.brigade.sh/pt/
* Marcelo Baptista will work on the translations
* Brigade in 5 minutes (new content) https://youtu.be/21TQLlYeEyA
* Git basics for Brigade contributors (translated version) https://youtu.be/87z81NuzWHo
* DevTrends Brazil - new content in Portuguese - to be added to Brigade's youtube channel playlist
* Jorge Arteiro will publish video on youtube
* What's next
* Using github issues
* Onboarding new contributors and community leaders. Who can help?
* Whole group is ingerested to help. Humberto Jezus will start on that.
* Review Brigade's marketing strategy
* Who is the Brigade's user?
* Review website. Is Brigade a script framework for automation or a Workflow/events platform?
* Review documentation to be focused on the end user.
* Creating new end to end demos
* CloudEvents demo (ACR cloudevents)
* Vinicius Nava is interested on create demos using Cloudevents from Azure services.
* Event driven pipeline demo similar to Lachlan Everson presentation https://youtu.be/Y9OeZ0qXC3o
* Create demos based on real life scenarios.
* Brigade's Dashboard priority https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade-dashboard
* Dashboard is priority
* Gilson Moraes will start working on the front-end side
* New gateways (Teams, Discord, etc)
* Onboard new developers to help on Gateways
## **June 21, 2022**
The regulary scheduled occurrence of the Brigade Community Meeting is canceled due to maintainer unavailability.
## **June 7, 2022**
The regulary scheduled occurrence of the Brigade Community Meeting is canceled due to maintainer unavailability.
## **May 24, 2022 Agenda**
| | |
| -------- | -------- |
| **Date** | 2022-05-24 |
| **Time** | 11:00 - 11:45 AM PDT |
| **Recording** | Kent will post to YouTube |
| **Attending** | Pritish Samal, Kent Rancourt, Sravanth C. |
| **Notes** | Kent Rancourt |
> ⚠️ Everyone, please feel free to add agenda items!
* KubeCon office hours went well
* Spotlight on new content:
* Recent talks by Jorge
* Conference talks playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUfRhEZrmeaS-m30E-btz3oZd4DPg5QtL
* Recently released:
* Noisy Neighbor v1.0.0
* Preparing to release:
* Brigade v2.6.0
* Bitbucket Gateway v2.0.0
* CloudEvents Gateway v1.0.0
* Being considered for archival/deprecation:
* ACR Gateway (not GA yet)
* Reminder about v1 EOL (June 1)
## **May 10, 2022 Agenda**
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| -------- | -------- |
| **Date** | 2022-05-10 |
| **Time** | 2:00 - 2:45 PM PDT |
| **Recording** | [Kent will post to YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXyK9hqLMRo) |
| **Attending** | Kent Rancourt, Jorge Arteiro |
| **Notes** | |
Today we will talk about v2.5.0-rc.2 and, depending on attendees, get an update on the major progress that's been made on the Portguguese translation of our docs.
> ⚠️ Everyone, please feel free to add more agenda items!
## **April 26, 2022 Agenda**
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| -------- | -------- |
| **Date** | 2022-04-26 |
| **Time** | 11:00 - 11:45 AM PDT |
| **Recording** | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oREAgCrP7mI |
| **Attending** | Kent Rancourt, Karen Chu, Hemant Bajaj |
| **Notes** | |
> ⚠️ Everyone, please feel free to add agenda items!
The only agenda item today is a quick recap of development efforts over the past two weeks with a preview of what we hope to accomplish in the coming two weeks, then we'll open the floor to the community for questions, comments, concerns, etc.
## **April 12, 2022 Agenda**
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| -------- | -------- |
| **Date** | 2022-04-12 |
| **Time** | 2:00 - 2:45 PM PDT |
| **Recording** | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPIZnpoygTo |
| **Attending** | Humberto Jezus, Felipe Schulz, Jorge Arteiro, Kent Rancourt, Karen Chu |
| **Notes** | |
> ⚠️ Everyone, please feel free to add agenda items!
* What's happened in the last two weeks:
* A lot of work has gone into improving and documenting Brigade devx (new contributor guide)
* Externally hosted MongoDB now supported (in main; currently unreleased)
* Fallible jobs have been improved
* GSoC'22 applicants have been submitting their proposals
* Hindi translation of getting started docs nearly complete
* What's happening in the next two weeks:
* Working on annual project review for TOC
* Reviewing GSoC'22 proposals
* Finish in-progress blog post about image security
* Brigade v2.4.0 release
* Brigade GitGub Gateway v1.2.0 release
* Focus on GA for the peripherals with least required effort; probably:
* BitBucket Gateway
* Noisy Neighbor
* Stretch goal: Video adaptation of the contributor guide
* Brigade office hours @ KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU 2022
* Date/Time: Wednesday, May 18 15:30 - 16:15 CEST
* Link: https://community.cncf.io/e/mjq57f/
## **March 29, 2022 Agenda**
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| **Date** | 2022-03-01 |
| **Time** | 11:00 - 11:45 AM PDT |
| **Recording** | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-b_LLbN_J8 |
| **Attending** | Kent Rancourt |
| **Notes** | Kent Rancourt |
> ⚠️ Note that this occurrence of the meeting is the one scheduled for the convenience of the US community, which is mostly composed of maintainers, most of whom had conflicts today. A video update was still recorded.
In this meeting, we will cover the following agenda items:
> ⚠️ Everyone, please feel free to add agenda items!
Short agenda today:
* Update on community
* Welcome to new contributors!
* Work is increasingly community-driven
* Community is beginning to take up a larger percentage of small issues
* Google Summer of Code
* Update on "Git Basics for Brigade Contributors" video
* Have received positive feedback from new contributors who were helped by it
* Have received positive feedback from maintainers of other projects who want to make use of the video are help genericize it
* Video is listed as of today
* Update on security posture
* Baby steps toward improved posture
* All images we build are scanned as part of CI
* All images we release are signed and SBOMs are published to the GitHub releases page
* Release candidates of every peripheral released today. Brigade itself pending.
* Update on use case survey
* Karen is unable to attend today, so we may have to defer this item
* Other pending items
* "Brigade in 5 Mins" Ep. 3
* Kent delayed due to security work and illness
* Google Analytics
* Kent delayed due to security work and illness
* Cron event source blog post
* Jorge delayed due to illness
## **March 15, 2022 Agenda**
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| -------- | -------- |
| **Date** | 2022-03-01 |
| **Time** | 2:00 - 2:45 PM PDT |
| **Recording** | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbi3hErEVnE |
| **Attending** | Kent Rancourt, Karen Chu, David Justice, Felipe Schulz, Jorge Arteiro, Ralph Squillace |
| **Notes** | Karen Chu |
In this meeting, we will cover the following agenda items:
> ⚠️ Everyone, please feel free to add agenda items!
* More new contributors
* Welcome!
* Many new contributors seem drawn to working on the dashboard. Help is welcome on _all_ Brigade-related projects.
* Reminder about "good first issues"
* There are a lot of very small, "chore" type issues open right now -- each requires very little foreknowlege of Brigade (if any at all) to get started.
* Other help wanted (bigger than a "good first issue"):
* Need help getting more gateways to GA.
* Most of the work is done. Each gateway just needs someone to take ownership of improving the docs, testing it more extensively, blogging about it, etc.
* Need a new static page for slack.brigade.sh. See [this issue](https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade-www/issues/74).
* Ep 3 of "Brigade in 5 Minutes" (authorization) has still not been recorded.
* High priority for Kent over the next two weeks
* Lots of progress has been made on the Hindi translation of the docs
* Thank you to Attreyee and Shubham!
* Cron event source went GA
* Thank you to Jorge!
* Blog post about this is outstanding, but Jorge has agreed to write it.
* Created "Git Basics for Brigade Contributors" video
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHkQzxzciLA
* Public, but unlisted on YouTube
* Will list it soon unless any critical feedback prompts revisions
* This took some effort to cerate, but hopefully helps onboard new contributors faster
* External pressures are prompting a new focus on software supply chain security
* Work is underway to improve the security posture of all Brigade images
* We'll start scanning images for known vulnerabilities as part of CI
* We'll start generating SBOMs as part of the release process
* Still don't know what to _do_ with them.
* For now, we can at least upload them to GitHub as release artifacts.
* Will complete all of the above on time for v2.4.0 (whenever that is)
* Slowly working on getting our Google Analytics in order
* Across our landing page, docs site, and blog
* Want to develop a clearer picture of how users are engaging with our content
* KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU
* Virtual office hour: Wed May 18 // 03:30 PM - 04:15 PM CET (9:30 AM - 10:15 ET)
* Use case survey proposal
* Open forum
## **March 01, 2022 Agenda**
| | |
| -------- | -------- |
| **Date** | 2022-03-01 |
| **Time** | 11:00 - 11:45 AM PST |
| **Recording** | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psV5Ipnlofg |
| **Attending** | Kent Rancourt, Felipe Schulz, Bridget Kromhout, Karen Chu, Vaughn Dice, Pritish Samal |
| **Notes** | Vaughn Dice |
In this meeting, we will cover the following agenda items:
* Brigade v2.3.1
* Install runs much faster and smoother than previously!
* Background, Brigade's API server would often come up quicker than some dependencies such as the messaging queue and database. K8s takes care of things with restart policies, but this led to flapping and slow startup time.
* Status Updates on:
* "Brigade in 5 Minutes"
* The third episode is slated to cover Authorization
* Cron Event Source
* Release candidate has been cut (~a week ago)
* Should be GA by the end of the week!
* Brigade Dashboard (formerly Kashti TNG)
* Early prototype still
* Now officially a repo in the Brigadecore org
* Any Frontend collaborators out there?
* Documentation
* Have had volunteers for Portuguese and Hindi translations already
* Currently we're creating separate repos for each language with volunteers as designated maintainers
* Docs site can then consume via git submodules
* Question: Are there guidelines that each language's MVP translation should try to meet?
* We'll look at listing high-value docs/items
* Idea: As the English-language docs are changed, we can use Brigade to detect these events to create new issues in language X GitHub repo
* Google Summer of Code
* Thanks for your interest!
* Note: there is a formal application process to pair contributors with Brigade maintainers for GSoC '22
* Other items?
* (Reminder: anyone is welcome to add/edit the agenda for these meetings)
* Question: Nearly all repos in the Brigadecore GH org have updated their "main" branches to be named `main`. However, there are a few left.
* A: These remaining repos are tightly-coupled with Brigade v1 and there may be issues with updating the branch name. Planning on waiting until the v1 maintenence window completes to address this. (TODO: add corresponding docs/notices to these headers)
* Reminder that we have a Good First Issues category here: https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22good+first+issue%22
* More to come! Kent is looking to go through issue queues and organizing.
* Reminder: The meeting times are offset to support different time zones. So, the next meeting on March 15 will be at 1 PM PST.
* Note: if unable to attend, no worries! We're always on Slack and GitHub.
## **February 15, 2022 Agenda**
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| -------- | -------- |
| **Date** | 2022-02-15 |
| **Time** | 1:00 - 1:45 PM PST |
| **Recording** | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ly2WyiFUKMI |
| **Attending** | Jorge Arteiro, Juan Ross, Sergio Calmon, Lucas Jesus, Felipe Schulz, Humberto Jezus, Kent Rancourt |
| **Notes** | Kent Rancourt |
In this meeting, we will cover the following agenda items:
* Brigade v2.3.0
* Released 2/11; Announced 2/14
* Headline feature is ability to automatically grant read-only permissions to new users (opt-in)
* "Brigade in 5 Minutes" Episode 3
* Next episode will cover authz
* Progress on Cron Event Source
* First release (v0.1.0) later today; GA soon
* Progress on v2-compatible Kashti
* Slow, but steady progress on a _prototype_. Will turn this over to more experienced React developers soon. This is also a potential Summer of Code project.
* Google Summer of Code participation
* More info needed on eligibility and how participants are paired with us / how participants select projects. Someone has already volunteered to work with us, but we need to make it official.
There were many community members in attendance for the first time today. We discussed potential areas for contribution, including:
* New gateways written in Go, TypeScript, or JavaScript.
* Portuguese language docs. (Kent needs to talk to Ronan about internationalized docs.)
## **February 01, 2022 Agenda**
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| -------- | -------- |
| **Date** | 2022-02-01 |
| **Time** | 11:00 - 11:45 AM PST |
| **Recording** | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdLpUjrhdtw |
| **Attending** | Kent Rancourt, Karen Chu, Bridget Kromhout, Humberto Jezus, Vaughn Dice, Jorge Arteiro, Radu Matei |
| **Notes** | Vaughn Dice |
In this meeting, we will cover the following agenda items:
* Second episode of Brigade in 5 Minutes is out
* All about Third-party auth options
* Demo'd GitHub auth
* Check it out: https://youtu.be/jCKf7YKiGjg
* Still looking for suggestions/opinions and/or content contributions!
* Need opinions about what 'Brigade in 5 Minutes' topic(s) are the next priority. Some options:
* Authorization
* Working with secrets
* Working with private repos
* Installing gateways (suggest next after Authorization)
* Jorge mentioned he can try producing the GitHub gateway episode
* New GitHub gateway is GA
* Blog post forthcoming
* Need opinions about what peripheral(s) are the next priority. Some options:
* Cron event source
* https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade-cron-event-source
* Should be fit for GA fairly soon
* Azure Container Registry Gateway
* Bitbucket Gateway
* CloudEvents Gateway
* DockerHub Gateway
* Metrics
* Noisy Neighbor
* Slack Gateway (https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade-slack-gateway)
* Teams (reference Slack GW impl)
* Discord (ditto)
* Progress on v2-compatible Kashti
* A demo has been deployed and is publicly accessible, though atm need to be a member of the brigadecore GH org.
* https://kashti-tng.brigade2.io/
* Can look at projects, events, logs for workers, jobs
* As well as the YAML/definitions for each of the above
* Provides a lot more access to more information as compared to Kashti v1
* General discussion about expanding the community and the contributor base
* Shout out to Jorge for new contributor/community attendance!
* Potential swag/reward incentivization (Hey, send Jorge some!!)
* Recall the suggestion around writing a blog post around a 'Call for content'. Content is arguably the more important driver at this stage.
* Wasm + Brigade?! Well, wasm workloads can run via Krustlet in AKS, however, crucial bits such as git clones are not possible yet. So, still waiting on state of the art at time of writing
* Suggestion to move this meeting later by two hours, eg 1 PM PST
* Could also have alternating meeting times to cater to one half of the world one week and the other the next
## **January 18, 2022 Agenda**
| | |
| -------- | -------- |
| **Date** | 2022-01-18 |
| **Time** | 11:00 - 11:45 AM PST |
| **Recording** | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pZDXKcOTsE|
| **Attending** | Kent Rancourt, Radu Matei, Karen Chu, Bridget Kromhout, Ralph Squillace, Vaughn Dice |
| **Notes** | Vaughn Dice |
In this meeting, we will cover the following agenda items:
* Refreshed web site
* Big thank you to Ronan (design) and Vaughn (content)
* Check it out: https://brigade.sh/
* Upcoming v2.3.0 release
* Some function signature changes required an SDK bump (see below)
* Upcoming SDK for Go, v3.0.0
* Ref https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade/pull/1779
* Progress on new GitHub gateway
* https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade-github-gateway
* Progress on cron gateway
* https://github.com/azuretar/brigade-cron-gateway
* Progress on v2-compatible Kashti
* Kent spiked on this over the holidays!
* Where can people go to test/play with it?
* https://github.com/krancour/kashti-tng
* TODO (krancour): look over brigadecore repos to see if there are any outliers that haven't changed their main branch name from `master` to `main`
* Related: When the v1 maintenance window expires, there will most likely be archival of v1-related repos
* Oh hey! How about the new Brigade video series?!
* Posted to same youtube channel that these meeting recordings go to: https://youtube.brigade.sh
* 'Brigade in 5 Minutes' episode one out now! https://youtu.be/VFyvYOjm6zc
* TBD on video release schedule
* Next video planned to be around Third-party Authentication for Brigade
* Yes, we're looking for video content contributions!
* Shall we blog about this? Yes!
* Include call for content
* Next meeting: February 1st! Hope to see you there!
## **January 4, 2022 Agenda**
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| -------- | -------- |
| **Date** | 2022-01-04 |
| **Time** | 11:00 - 11:45 AM PST |
| **Recording** | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awgRJ_Bh8vo |
| **Attending** | Kent, Karen, Ralph, Bridget|
| **Notes** | Bridget|
In this meeting, we will cover the following agenda items:
* Brigade CLI now installable using Homebrew.
* On Mac and some Linux distros
* [Brigade v2.1.0 has been released](https://blog.brigade.sh/2021-12-15-brigade-2.1.0/).
* What's new and why this minor release followed the major release so quickly.
* Brigade v2.2.0 to be released shortly.
* What's new and why this minor release follows the previous minor release so quickly.
* Previous two items raise a discussion about plans/expectations re: release cadence.
* Ad-hoc as needed
* Progress updates on:
* GitHub gateway
* Used extensively internally by the Brigade project itself
* Likely to go GA in the coming weeks
* Cron gateway
* Community contribution - moving to brigadecore github org shortly
* Formally announcing a new web-based UI.
* Help wanted (especially if you know React)!
* Ralph will look for potential React assistance
* Replacement for Kashti (the v1 web-based UI) with a v2 version
* Karen asks if we want docs help
* Kent: yes!
* Meeting time/day may change - stay tuned!
## **December 21, 2021 Agenda**
**There will be no meeting this week since many of the usual attendees will be on PTO all week due to the Christmas holiday.**
See you all January 4!
## **December 7, 2021 Agenda**
| | |
| -------- | -------- |
| **Date** | 2021-12-07 |
| **Time** | 11:00 - 11:45 AM PST |
| **Recording** | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5LZROFvxMY&t=1s |
| **Attending** |Kent Rancourt, Karen Chu, Radu Matei, Bridget Kromhout |
| **Notes** | Bridget Kromhout |
In this meeting, we will get updates on various items:
* Brigade 2 is GA!
* [CNCF webinar](https://community.cncf.io/events/details/cncf-cncf-online-programs-presents-cncf-on-demand-webinar-so-whats-new-in-brigade-2/) - available for another day, and then will be on the Brigade youtube channel
* "Brigade in Five Minutes" series - short content! quick to consume! (will show the homebrew install process)
* GitHub gateway closing in on GA (one by one- GitHub's is the first)
* Brigade CLI being added to homebrew
* Radu mentions winget - package management for Windows - as an option // alternative to chocolatey
* Kent will look into winget
* Progress on the cron gateway
* Jorge Arteiro working on this
* Progress on static website refresh
* One more bugfix on Ronan's plate before shipping website v2, per Radu
* Kent explains that the best place to contribute is the creation of new gateways
* multiple SDK options exist for Go, Javascript/Typescript
* Easy to create gateways now!
* Karen: should we do a blog post for getting started with creating gateways?
Nice new aliases: https://quickstart.brigade.sh/, slack.brigade.sh
What's next for the project? GitHub Gateway, Brigade in Five Minutes, and eventually [2.1](https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade/milestone/15)
## **November 23, 2021 Agenda**
**There will be no meeting this week since many of the usual attendees will be on PTO all week due to the Thanksgiving holiday.**
See you all December 7!
## **November 9, 2021 Agenda**
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| -------- | -------- |
| **Date** | 2021-11-09 |
| **Time** | 11:00 - 11:45 AM PST |
| **Recording** | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZnDLG27Y_0&t=491s |
| **Attending** | Kent Rancourt, Bridget Kromhout, Vaughn Dice, Karen Chu |
| **Notes** | Vaughn Dice |
It's an exciting time for the project. We're so close to v2 going GA!
In this meeting, we'll:
* Go over the [v2 release checklist](https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade/issues/1702).
* Mostly a lot of (important) chores
* Plan on releasing v2.0.0-beta.4 today
* Next, test/release next (final?) 1.x release
* Maintenance window on v1 ~6 months, will publish plan
* All v2 RC blockers are now squashed!
* Update API versions from beta to stable, leading to the rc.1 release
* (Post-rc.1) Figure out branching strategy (final result: v2 code should be in 'main', v1 code (current 'master') should live in a 'v1' branch)
* Docs (v2 documentation becomes standard, dedicated v1 site)
* Note: Brigade docs have migrated to the CNCF Netlify account (plus static site and blug)
* Spotlight our new [YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjeocwsYKby4BFVT8IWlr-A) and share our plans for it.
* Should we switch to using official CNCF Zoom/conferencing account?
* Yes, we'd like to. We've requested. (We hope to keep using Zoom.)
* Discuss the need for additional reviewers/maintainers.
* Even just reviewing chore/simple PRs, across any of the Brigadecore repos
* A great way to ramp up familiarity with the project
* ...and to make strides towards potentially become a maintainer to a CNCF project!
* Perhaps we can reach out to developers at companies that use Brigade (or are have known to use v1, etc.)
* We can reference info on the most recent Annual Review: https://github.com/cncf/toc/blob/main/reviews/2021-Brigade-annual.md
* Keep in mind events like Google Summer of Code
* Guest Blog (and/or fresh blog posts in general?)
* How did recent contributors find about Brigade?
* Some sort of list of OSS projects w/ good-first-issue labels? (We should find out details here)
* Would be cool to have a bot auto-collect/report such issues on a regular cadence (Would use Brigade, naturally :) Making for a good demo, etc.)
These topics are unlikely to exhaust the time allocated, so once they're covered, we'll open the floor to other topics.
## **October 26, 2021 Agenda**
| | |
| -------- | -------- |
| **Date** | 2021-10-26 |
| **Time** | 11:00 - 11:45 AM PDT |
| **Recording** | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdUicfM58d0 |
| **Attending** | Kent Rancourt, Karen Chu, Bridget Kromhout, Vaughn Dice |
| **Notes** | Vaughn Dice |
There is no set agenda for this occurrence of the meeting. Rather we will use the time as "office hours." Any and all community members are welcome with issues, questions, etc. If you're among the community members who have recently, and generously, begun contributing, this is a great opportunity to publicly collaborate.
Food for discussion: What additional gateways or other integrations would you find useful?
- KubeCon Office Hours
- Went well!
- 75 attendees
- Project update:
- Working on the v2.0.0-beta.4 milestone https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade/milestone/12
- Including prioritizing 'rc-blocker' issues
- We're within weeks of an rc
- Starting to see an uptick of community contributions! Super excited about this
- Shout out to snprajwal (GitHub)!
- Question: What's a good entrypoint for first-time contribs?
- Searching 'good-first-issue' issues: https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22good+first+issue%22
- Also see the contributing guide: https://github.com/brigadecore/community/blob/main/contributing.md
- Idea: create a dedicated doc with links above and more? (Filed: https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade/issues/1694)
- Incoming 'rc-blocker': switching from having v2 on the v2 branch and making it main... how does this affect go deps, etc.?
- Bridget: Helm did this (can/should consult)
- And should check w/ teammate Carolyn (of Porter fame!) - pro
- Start considering sunset/final release of v1
- Probably want to sort this out somewhere between v2-rc.1 and v2 GA
- Gateway peripherals
- Won't try to align GA releases of these with Brigade v2 GA
- Karen: Looking at a livestream for Brigade in November?
- Shout out to Karen and Bridget for checking out possibility of a dedicated YouTube channel for Brigade
- Once GA is out, Kent/team hopes to dedicate more time to producing videos, content, etc.
- Next call will be on November 9th! See you there.
## **October 12, 2021**
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| -------- | -------- |
| **Date** | 2021-10-12 |
| **Time** | 11:00 - 11:45 AM PDT |
| **Recording** | |
| **Attending** | |
| **Notes** | |
This regularly scheduled occurrence of the Brigade Community Meeting is (technically) canceled due to conflicting with KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2021.
We will, however, be hosting virtual office hours _in the same time slot_.
Meeting coordinates will differ from the usual ones. We'll update you as soon as we know more.
See you there!
## **September 28, 2021 Agenda**
| | |
| -------- | -------- |
| **Date** | 2021-09-28 |
| **Time** | 11:00 - 11:45 AM PDT |
| **Recording** | |
| **Attending** | Kent Rancourt, Karen Chu, Vaughn Dice, Radu Matei, Ronan Flynn-Curran |
| **Notes** | Vaughn Dice |
This meeting will be a "welcome back" after a long hiatus.
Maintainers will give a brief, live overview and demo of Brigade v2.0.0-beta.3 then open the floor to questions, general discussion, etc.
Note that we're actively seeking additional maintainers, so if you're interested in starting to contribute, let us know, because now's a great time to get yourself on the fast track to maintainership of a CNCF project.
### Notes
- Kent demonstrates logging into the Brigadecore 'dogfood' cluster using `brig login`
- Then, `brig project list` to list all of the projects
- `brig event list` to list all events
- `brig service-account list` to see all service accounts -- most of these on the cluster align with gateways (acr, dockerhub, github, bitbucket, etc.)
- `brig role list -s brigade-acr-gateway` shows the role is scoped specifically to that gateway (source must be "brigade.sh/acr")
- Walkthrough of the example projects (https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade/tree/v2/examples)
- A project definition in Brigade is a combination of metadata (name, etc.) with event subscriptions and worker config (including embedding a Brigade script if desired)
- The forthcoming update to the scripting guide will also walk through many of these. Stay tuned to the v2 docs site: https://v2--brigade-docs.netlify.app/
- Preview of the Slack Gateway: https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade-slack-gateway
- Example of a 'smart' gateway that can monitor a created event's status via an event's "sourceState". So, the gateway can wait for the event handler to finish processing and potentially get a summary to utilize when reporting back to the upstream source.
## **November 5th Agenda**
| | |
| -------- | -------- |
| Recording | |
| Attending | Matt Butcher, Radu Matei, Yusuke Kuoka, Luke Patrick, Vaughn Dice |
| Notes | |
- issues:
- [Brigade not deleting PVC after successful build](https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade/issues/1007)
- please review:
- [support for SSH certificates for GitHub Enterprise](https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade/pull/1008)
- [doc fix for storing `brigade.js` in a ConfigMap](https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade/pull/1012)
- [remove master gate for check suite event](https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade/pull/1010)
- [enable complex secret values](https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade/pull/1005)
- updates:
- `brig term` starts Brigadeterm
- `brig get / list` flag to return JSON - TODO: [consistent output by default](https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade/issues/939)
- build status, job status and logs now update in Kashti - TODO: [fix the build order so they don't rearrange on refresh](https://github.com/brigadecore/kashti/issues/270)
- things to work on:
- [BUCK](https://github.com/brigadecore/buck)
- [VS Code extension](https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade-vscode)
- other updates:
- E2E job?
## **October 22nd Agenda**
| | |
| -------- | -------- |
| Recording | See notes inline |
| Attending | Radu Matei, Ivan Towlson, Yusuke Kuoka, Luke Patrick, Vaughn Dice |
| Notes | vdice |
- [1.2.1 released](https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade/releases/tag/v1.2.1)
- local JS dep fix
- job logs fix
- [milestone for 1.3](https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+sort%3Aupdated-desc+milestone%3A1.3)
- More of a UX/docs/tutorials emphasis
- to review / merge / update
- [return to break outer for loop instead of inner select loop - small fix in a test, 2 LGTMs already](https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade/pull/989)
- [add `brig term` command that starts `brigadeterm` - please review](https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade/pull/991)
- great community tool integrated into `brig`
- [e2e - to update](https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade/pull/955)
- uses Kind (Kubernetes-In-Docker)
- via KindJob class from brigade-utils
- seemingly last hurdle is issue in brigade-utils: https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade-utils/issues/29
- discuss VS Code extension for Brigade
- Hi Ivan! "Master of VS Code Extensions"
- Goal to move to the brigadecore org, make public, iterate
- Last known state: 'brig run/re-run', project create
- TODOs:
- README needs updating (Ivan)
- License -> Apache-2.0 (Radu)
- Hook up CLA bot (vadice)
- Ideas: Import/use models from Kashti?
- Extension currently uses brig cli output
- Add json output to brig?
## **October 8th Agenda**
| | |
| -------- | -------- |
| Recording | https://zoom.us/recording/share/BVQRiHDZ2910B7P5QXP_BoDRTUJOcPgllE3-ZWlA6_uwIumekTziMw |
| Attending | Matt Butcher, Vaughn Dice, Radu Matei |
- 1.2.1 milestone review
- patch release w/ a handful of fixes
- fix for local deps regression; testing looks good (vadice); just could use another pair of eyes
- looks good (vadice + radu)
- no other bugs have crept up
- release intended to occur before next Brigade meeting
- 1.3 milestone review
- next feature release
- main focus: UX improvements around brig project creation, docs
- this is a convenient emphasis for releasing before the upcoming KubeCon (Nov 19-22)
- have some larger features (re-entrant workflows, multi-workflows) that we intend to delay until a later feature release
- coordinate with brigadecore/kashti release
- some big UX improvements already in master (thanks Kent!)
- Angular 8.2.0 refactor (Radu)
- Bring slok/brigadeterm over to brigadecore org - need to update license (Apache-2.0), add DCO bot, etc.
- Next brigade-utils npm release?
- Big feature of KindJob class added (Radu)
- helps move forward effort of kind-based e2e job/check in brigadecore/brigade: https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade/pull/955
- Other upcoming events besides KubeCon?
- CNCF Webinar (Oct 24) Brigade Intro session: Use last Brigade session from previous KubeCon?
- Intro to Brigade slide deck looks good
- Deep Dive was: explaining Brigade arch + building pipeline
## **September 25th Agenda**
| | |
| -------- | -------- |
| Recording | https://zoom.us/recording/share/BVQRiHDZ2910B7P5QXP_BoDRTUJOcPgllE3-ZWlA6_uwIumekTziMw |
| Attending | Matt Butcher, Vaughn Dice, Yusuke Kuoka |
- 1.3 release
- bug fixes
- documentation revamp
- UX improvements
- bug in 1.2 for loading local dependencies ([#985](https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade/issues/985))
- docs chart version mismatch ([983#](https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade/issues/983))
- document adding Linkerd to the Brigade namespace ([#980](https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade/issues/980))
- durable workflow / long running worker ([#369](https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade/issues/369) and [#977](https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade/issues/977))
- VS Code extension
- have initial command infrastructure for adding the Brigade project / build explorer
- need to publish the repository and start adding functionality
- [community issues](https://github.com/brigadecore/community/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+sort%3Aupdated-desc)
## **August 27th Agenda**
| | |
| -------- | -------- |
| Recording | |
| Attending | Luke, Matt, Radu, Vaughn |
- final 1.2 release
- proposal: long-running worker for high frequency events ([#977](https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade/issues/977))
- New time (US Afternoons) for meeting
## **August 13th Agenda**
| | |
| -------- | -------- |
| Recording | https://zoom.us/recording/share/76AzC5vW1KBHRTP8hKnEytC4fmb5CvSYQ3Fl89qUoeqwIumekTziMw |
| Attending | Matt Butcher, Vaughn Dice, Adam Reese, Kent Rancourt, Radu Matei |
| Note Taker | |
- consider changing the time of the meeting to accomodate @mumoshu (GMT+9)
- [1.2 release](https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade/milestone/2)
- end-to-end testing for Brigade (WIP) - https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade/pull/955
- Windows containers support (needs rebase) - https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade/pull/838
- return all log lines - please review - https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade/pull/972
- tutorial for attaching an existing volume to a job
- should we release a beta by the end of the week?
- utils
- kind job - please review - https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade-utils/pull/20
- helper for publishing package to NPM (needed for this library and for `brigadier`) -https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade-utils/issues/22
- helper for adding binaries to GitHub releases - https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade-utils/issues/23
- low hanging fruit - setting the correct time for GitHub checks - https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade-utils/issues/21
- documentation website for this library - https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade-utils/issues/24
- using a `brigade.ts` file to avoid committing `out/`
- reorganize build view in Kashti - https://github.com/brigadecore/kashti/issues/254
## **July 30th Agenda**
| | |
| -------- | -------- |
| Recording | Notes: vadice |
| Attending | Radu Matei, Kent Rancourt, Dimitris-Ilias Gkanatsios, Luke Patrick, Vaughn Dice |
| Note Taker | |
- new Kashti release - https://github.com/brigadecore/kashti/releases/tag/v0.3.0
- update NPM modules to address security vulnerabilities - please review https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade/pull/959 and https://github.com/brigadecore/brigadier/pull/19
- PR in Brigadier needed first; import new release into Brigade
- Brigade patch release soon? (Most vulnerabilities in dev deps, *but* there may be one requiring patch)
- Should Brigadier move from current 0.4.0 -> 1.x.x (to align with Brigade)?
- Decision: Yes, let's bump to 1.0.0 even if further releases won't be tied to Brigade, etc. components
- discussion: checking in the `node_modules` directory - https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade/issues/930
- tl;dr: read #930
- positives:
- eases contributor burden (easy to switch branches and just have all necessary dep code)
- a few issues:
- verifying integrity of PR'd node_modules changes (Kent: we have a check for this)
- node_modules may have OS-specific packages (Kent: containerization solves this *but* still an issue if SKIP_DOCKER=true)
- Decision: Keep as is for now (node_modules checked in)
- update license to Apache 2.0 - https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade/issues/957
- basic GitHub library in `brigade-utils` - please review - https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade-utils/pull/10
- Yay! First step towards re-usable helper libraries. Starting with GitHub Check class/helpers
- Intended to be general purpose (for community at large)
- Requires checking in transpiled TypeScript -> Javascript code
- Do we have a way to enforce updating JS code (if changes to TS)?
- Add compile check to CI?
- Can we try using a TypeScript brigade.ts file to avoid TS->JS woes?
- improved error reporting - https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade/issues/938 and https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade-github-app/issues/73
- discuss e2e on CI - https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade/pull/955
- we have a cluster e2e Make target, and we should add it to the brigade.js file
- #955 adds the changes in brigade.js, but when running KIND in a Kubernetes pod, some images could not be loaded (maybe because the KIND cluster doesn't start properly).
- random failures in setting up the cluster (networking, image loading)
## **July 16th Agenda**
| | |
| -------- | -------- |
| Recording | https://zoom.us/recording/share/OLLIotIaTK9I8NGPQcK5UkAwSaJLZm3U-vXjgKbT48ywIumekTziMw |
| Attending | Matt Butcher, Dimitris Gnakanatsios, Vaughn Dice, Radu Matei |
| Note Taker | |
- end-to-end testing draft PR - https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade/pull/950 (Dimitris)
## **July 2 Agenda**
| | |
| -------- | -------- |
| Recording | https://zoom.us/recording/share/uE7Hhv1o5jDQOoVNe5NmEL-F5DtfQ58kZeLjJuQoQ7WwIumekTziMw |
| Attending | Vaughn Dice, Matt Butcher, Luke Patrick, Radu Matei |
| Note Taker | |
- growing issue queue
- new issues:
- pull request event in GitHub returns 403 - https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade/issues/944
- brig project create -xf <file> doesn't set image pull secret - https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade/issues/942
- brig rerun should have the same flags as brig run - https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade/issues/941
- suppress usage on brig error - https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade/issues/940
- consistent output for brig (JSON, YAML, table) - https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade/issues/939
- improve error reporting in brig - https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade/issues/938
- better docs for Docker in Docker - https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade/issues/934
- send brigade.json with brig run - https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade/issues/928
- Brigade 1.2
- timeline?
- focus on user experience
- ARM and Windows support
- need help on Kashti
- VS Code extension
- features?
- outreach
- blog posts
- KubeCon NA deadline coming up (July 12) - we can help review sessions that include Brigade
- intro and deep dive sessions (confirm with Karen) - who wants to co-present?