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## **Possible Questions and Updates**
## **UPDATE:**
After some feedback I reduced the amount needed to execute this prop, just keeping strictly the necessary to make the graphic novel and distribute it using the same methods.
I have decreased the budget by 33%, going from 90 to 60 ETH, and swapped it to USDC.
This way I can still execute the prop but focusing on the main development of the graphic novel and ditching the translation and other extra elements. Basically this is the MVP version.
**About Noun 81:** Prop 421 didn't pass and I have received more feedback about getting the Noun at the end of the project. I'm fine receiving the Noun at the end, I can wait and see if the DAO feels the quality and outcome of the prop is good enough to send a Noun as a separate compensation.
**About the Distribution with Titan Comics (publisher behind Noun Comics):**
I'm totally open to that as well, the budget is focused mainly in the production of the Graphic Novel, but I'm not closing any possible way to distribute it. Actually I mentioned that I will also reach out some publishing companies in another regions (in this case, Spain) and try to get a deal with them to distribute the artwork in Europe/LatAm.
**Why not a shorter trial with a lower ask?**
I understand pretty well this question, but to develop an engaging story and develop something truly unique it's necessary to spend time and resources to build the underground layers of the story and create a believable world.
This is trully the smallest version of the story, a true MVP, I'm thinking to make a bigger story but the best route for all of us, is to make a first version before funding a bigger project, that way the quality of both the art and the story can be judged more easily and will be easier to decide if the DAO wants to continue funding this project.
A shorter trial than this will not only distort the main story, but it won't inmerse the readers in the intrincated world of Nouns and only a long form story could show a character/plot development, and tbh, a 64 page story is still short for such feat, that's why this is the first volume.
**Why not working on smaller streams?**
By receiving full funding upfront, I can optimize the production process. This can lead to cost savings because I can negotiate better deals with other artists, script writers, editors, and other contributors. Plus, an upfront funding will ensure the retention of the team involved for a longer period of time assuring them their compensation for their efforts, and it will definitely help to organize and manage the whole process.
**Up to 12 months for a single volume?**
There are a lot procesess to develop a visual narrative. Concept art iterations, character model sheets, color keys, proofreading, editing, artwork refinement, and dozens of other smaller steps require a lot of time even for small teams, the time I'm delimiting will ensure a high quality artistic piece.
My goal for this prop is to deliver a great visual narrative, well thought and related to our culture, there's a lot of work in the backend of any project, and this is not the exception.
**Are you working Full Time on this?**
If I get funded, yes, it will be my full time job (indluding extra hours) so I can deliver the graphic novel on time.
**Why only digital? What about printed version?**
There's a printed version included in the prop but that will be a print on demand through amazon!
The biggest reason why I'm chosing digital first is because the distribution is instantaneous, affordable to maintain and will be free to download anywhere in the world. Also, digital distribution assure the anonimity of the collectors because they don't need to share their address information with us, using Amazon we only have the origin of purchase (country) but not the name or address of the person, not even the state!.
**Can you deliver this?**
I've been working hard these 2 years and most of them have been really close with the Nounizens, delivering the best I can every single time, I'm commited to my work and this community, and anyone who knows me can testify about that (hope so).
**We already have a comic prop, why make another one?**
In fact, we have 2 of them, Prop 11 was the first one.
The reason I'm bugging the DAO is because IMHO, we need more stories related to our culture, an onchain myth, something more deeply engrained in our ecosystem and at the same time more complex, that can tell stories about decentralization, governance, good will and positive values, something Nounish, but not lecturing or making a tutorial for the readers.
**Why Hyper Cosplay and not something like Super Nouns, or Hyper Nouns?**
The title is highly related to the plot and Nouns are actually part of the entire story. It will also differentiate my work from previous and future pieces avoiding using the word Nouns in the title. No worries, Nouns are the inhabitants of this universe and will be perfectly clear what they are and why they are there.
**What's Next?**
These 10 months are the foundation of this narrative. Honestly, I'm focused to make an epic work of art, and promote it as hard and efficient as possible. I'm planning to use these characters to build more storytelling vehicles in the future but most of my attention is directed to this prop. If this prop successfully passes, I'll keep pushing this characters to new adventures!
**Why are you asking for a Noun?**
I have been close to the DAO for 2 years now, and to be honest, I deeply value the role of a Nouner in our community, I also have been delegate for a while but it's not the same of course. Plus, asking for a Noun is the best way to show to the community my commitment aside from the monetary compensation. It's not just an honor to represent the DAO as a Nouner but also a responsibility that I'm totally prepared for.
Btw, Noun 81 has been one of my favorites for a while, it's basically a speech bubble and a slime splat (which I like to think of it as a stain of ink because he's making a comic hehe).

*These pages are from my previous Coloring Book (Prop 34)*
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